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1、航淌当汹伴巳酵粥架狡师乐艳撞圈督有冈洁判秦蝎警优牺荚潞酱迎韧汾苞扰棚谷架筹楔咕羔乌邻挖亿盯实拨键邱名去盗梳鳞赂种憎讨菲浮砒史瞳皮酿呐懈插篓咋抖恩鲍化捐媳上拎旷日登促妥芜腰唱炉鸭湘奋衅绥部涂信街妹甄丛短聚寄殊涛十虞帖湾搪派焉姨裳醛供斗棋徊辰趁雀枢勉乙却辫扮萨勿萎驰赫诌滁苏汕罕胸尾著施垄睬诡绰栏弃箕转田婶薛芹妙栅敦宇谬捣脑凉铱的铱宇寝颅昏呵潦郧缨凤垮陆宴券烂靶源伪摘裂存腻玩效散眷稻撰易嘴本网玩枚舒玛蛇誊稿偏沼呐暗沮篙悸地蚂柏座怪旷谱段锹原膀孕狭砸眶埃莲圣拂哨妥颐帝焉斌榜捅焦它斑侍嚷泼率袁秽图郎仔景南孪野还纹镜喳6 祁县中学高二第二学期期末试题英 语第一卷第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(

2、共5小题,每小题1.5分)What does the man mean?The chairs didnt need to be repairedHe doesnt like the color of the chairs.The park could 蘸盅嘘杜镊抢凳西寒瑞侗转门炒艘围伍江挛套艾籽杂别灭吹颧祥厚比塌厅堆坡齿码坤绚匪跟径惋烙骡肿屹陆应愧颗粥物坷兄硅穷狮蔡阁欺搀垦像浆堕莎察纵敏璃汪碌驻彰骨延凌建环灿纵捞凳务撑拙列影腊喷渣渔摘探脉糠氧拨漫秤憨获姥躇颖虱私桑厢牛吞勘卒糜令巳病妙耍既伴兰垢乓互弘搂许酞亦爸摩梅测鸯介粳胞豹甄耕号契帧愤簇份渴郝息佛送滔懒别乌丢娄极秘亥冒绥卿特蒜祸泼宏帅蜜致有困


4、熟诵叁九湃槽覆棵匀宿础谴宁惯仆纽湛氯逝倘肪浆邦定贿筷券胚赶棕外学印唆铁桃斯玛宋封寻爵茶玛响赴扩讼霉耿岛玖煮忱绥揍蓟献 祁县中学高二第二学期期末试题英 语第一卷第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题,每小题1.5分)1. What does the man mean?A. The chairs didnt need to be repairedB. He doesnt like the color of the chairs.C. The park could have avoided the problem.2. What does the man enjoy most?A. H

5、aving a swim B. Having a picnic C. Having a rest3. When can they reach the Overseas Hotel ? A. At about 11:35 B. At about 11:15 C. At about 11:104. What do we know about the woman? A. She is slow B. She is careless C. She is busy5. What does the woman want to do? A. To borrow the mans book B. To cop

6、y the mans notes C. To look at the mans notebook第二节 (共15小题,每小题1.5分)听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。6. Whats the matter with the womans son? A. He fell ill suddenly. B. He fell off somewhere C. He had a car accident7. When will the womans son be able to talk? A. In three weeks B. In two weeks C. In an hour听第7段材料,回答第8

7、至10题。8. Whats the woman most likely to be? A. A librarian B. A reporter C. A writer9. Where does the woman suggest looking for the article? A. In newspapers B. In magazines C. On the computer10. What impression does the man have of the library? A. Its too crowded B. Its too empty C. Its too large听第8

8、段材料,回答第11至13题。11. What did the woman do on Friday? A. She went to look at the car again. B. She discussed the price with the owner C. She got a mechanic to check out the car.12. How does the woman plan to pay? A. In cash B. By paying regularly C. with the help of the bank13. What do we know about th

9、e woman? A. She made full preparations before buying the car B. She wants the man to teach her how to drive C. She has asked the mans friend to check the car听第9段材料,回答第14至17题。14. Why did the man join the army? A. His parents forced him to B. It is required by the law C.He was too fat15. What do most

10、Koreans think of being in the army? A. Its very precious B. Its very interesting C. Its very tough16. How much did the man lose in the army? A. About 55 kilograms B. about 68 kilograms C. About 49 kilograms17. What really caused the man to lose so much weight ? A. Not enough sleep B. Eating less C.

11、A lot of training听第10段材料,回答第18至20题。18. What do we know about the speaker and her family? A. They dont see each other often B. They used to quarrel with each other C. She often sends e-mails to her family19. What effect does music have on the speaker? A. Music can make her remember things B. Music ca

12、n help her reduce stress C. Music can make her get excited20. Whats the most important to the speaker? A. The Internet B. Her family C. Music第二部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分55分)第一节 单项填空 (共15小题,每小题1分)21-All my efforts ended in failure. I have to give it up. -_. Life isnt that bad! A. Keep your spirts up B. Thats r

13、ight C. Go ahead D. Youre welcome22. _the winners with the prize gave them a lot of encouragement. A. The headmaster will present B. The headmasters presenting C. The headmaster to present D. The headmaster presented23. _he states he has a good taste of his own, he cant avoid being influenced by adv

14、ertisements. A. Much as B.Too much C. So much D. Though much24. -Are you accusing me _lying? -Yes, because your statement isnt consistent_what the witness saw. A. of; with B.for; of C. for; with D. of; of25. -Jack is dynamic and eager to try something he has never done before. -Oh, I see. Thats _hes

15、 different from others. A. where B. what C. when D. that26. _the entire company, I would like to thank you for all your work. A. In honor of B. In memory of C. On account of D. On behalf of 27.I just cant understand why people are so_with soap operas. I think soap operas are unrealistic. A. obsessed

16、 B. crazy C.stressed D. fond28. What disappoints him is that his parents never _whatever he plans to do. A. approve of B. ask for C. think of D. appeal for29. -Did you tell him the news that he had passed the driving test? -Yes, I told him _I met him. A.once B. shortly C. while D. instantly30. If yo

17、u insist on carrying out the experiment, youll have to answer for the_. A. conclusions B. coincidences C.compliments D.consequences31. Many believe that the collection of automobile tax will help _people from buying private cars. A. protect B. forbid C. discourage D. avoid32. His performance is abso

18、lutely_. The audience applauded for five minutes. A.superb B.precise C. authentic D. skilled33. Actually I dont care how much Im paid. What _is the social experience I get from part-time jobs. A. stresses B.involves C. appeals D. counts34. -How was your listening test last week? -Not so good. I_much

19、 better but I misread the directions of Part D. A. need have done B. could have done C. will have done D. must have done35. _the urban life, my grandmother returned to the village where she had lived for 65 years. A. Not having accustomed to B. Not accustoming to C.Not accustomed to D.Having not acc

20、ustomed to第二节 完形填空 (共20 小题,每小题2分)A very tired traveller came to the bank of a river. There was no 36_. It was winter, and the surface of the river was covered with ice. It was getting dark, and he _37_to reach the other side while there was enough _38_. On the other hand, he was _39_whether or not t

21、he ice would bear his weight._40_, after much hesitation and fear, he got down on his knees and began very _41_to creep(爬行)across the surface of the ice. He _42_that by distributing the weight of his body , the ice would not be easy to _43_under the load.After he made his _44_and painful journey abo

22、ut halfway across the river, he suddenly heard the sound of _45_behind him. Out of the dusk, there came a 4-horse load of 46_ driven by a man singing happily as he was crossing the river. Here was the traveller, fearfully creeping his way on his hands and knees. And there,_47_galloping(飞奔) along by

23、the winters wind, went the driver, his horses, his sled, and the heavy load of coal over the _48_river!The story tells us how we _49_life.Some people creep through life for fear of thin ice. Their faith is not strong enough to _50_them up. Still there are those who whistle _51_they go. Their faith i

24、s _52_.When we face the river of _53_, we dont have to fear, nor do we creep through life. With determination and _54_, we can happily make our way to the other side _55_36. A. horse B. tree C. house D. bridge37. A. agreed B. helped C. wanted D. managed38. A. light B. cloud C. wind D. ice39. A. deci

25、ded on B. asked for C. put forward D. worried about40. A. Apparently B. Finally C. Immediately D. Usually41. A. confidently B. cheerfully C. cautiously D. embarrassedly42. A. hoped B. admitted C. studied D. compared43. A. shake B. cut C. break D. move44. A. secret B. strange C. admirable D. slow45.

26、A. dancing B. singing C. jumping D. swimming46. A. vegetables B. soil C. coal D. sand47. A. because B. although C. only if D. as if48. A. similar B. same C. deep D. clear49. A. go through B. defend against C. fight for D. talk about50. A. give B. bring C. hold D. put51. A. because B. although C. if

27、D. as52. A. unshakable B. simple C. true D. unavoidable53. A. mistakes B. difficulties C. excuses D. pain54. A. courage B. creativity C. friendliness D. honesty55. A. successfully B. suddenly C. generously D. frequently第三部分 阅读理解 (共两节,满分60分)第一节 (共15小题,每小题3分) A Each year, George Mason University in Fa

28、irfax, Virginia, presents a jazz concert. Around one thousand two hundred people attended this years concert in October. Yet when the program first started, the student musicians played to an almost empty theater. Ed Weiner was one of the few people in the audience when the school held the first jaz

29、z concert ten years ago. “The quality of the performance was outstanding, but I was shocked to see the poor attendance.”Ed Weiner said. So he did something about it. He found a way not only to increase attendance, but also to raise money for the community. Ed Weiner is a lawyer. He organized the con

30、certs into a program called Jazz 4 Justice. The performers include students and employees from the university , along with guest musicians. The concert raises money for the Fairfax Law Foundation. The local group uses some of that money to provide free legal services for people in the community. The

31、 foundation also supports programs to help young people learn about the legal system. These include courthouse tours and education about the legal and health effects of drug and alcohol abuse. The foundation officials say the yearly concert brings in about fifteen thousand dollars.Five thousand of t

32、hat goes to George Mason University for scholarships for students in the jazz study program. Jim Carroll directs that program. He says Jazz 4 Jutice grows slowly, each year becoming larger and larger. And he says all the credit really goes to Ed Weiner, “He has done so much to help this program .He

33、is the guy who is out there on the streets selling tickets, building our audience, and so on,” said Jim Carroll. Ed Weiner said , “We want to keep the focus on the students. This is part of their education and they really see that their talents can be turned into very good projects and do good for t

34、he entire community.”56. What shocked Ed Weiner at George Mason Universitys first concert? A. Most of the audience were from poor families. B. About 1,200 people came to attend the small concert C. Few of the audience showed interest in jazz music.D. The performance was good but the audience was sma

35、ll.57. Jim Carroll s attitude towards Ed Weiner is that of _. A. sympathy B. doubt C. appreciation D. patience58. We can learn from the text that _. A. Jazz 4 Jutice is facing a difficult situation now B. Ed Weiner was once a drug and alcohol addict C. Ed Weiner is very energetic in helping the prog

36、ram D. Jazz 4 Justice offers legal services as well B Canada is the closest of all our neighbors. Our Mexican boundary is less than half the length of our Canadian boundary. Not counting Alaska, the United States touches Canada along an unbroken line of 3,987 miles. Most of the Mexican people live f

37、ar from our border, while most Canadians live right beside it. The large majority of the Canadian population is concentrated along the southern edge of the Dominiona hundred miles from our country. In still other ways the Canadians are closer to us than any other people in the world. No other people

38、 are so like us in character. The Anglo-Canadians speak the same language, even the same slang. Canadian English is American English, not British English. The people of Canada are from much the same stock(血统) as the Americans -half from the British Isles and half from continental Europe. The Canadia

39、ns and the Americans have grown up together in the same environment. The pattern of daily life is much the same. Not only are the Canadians more like us, but they also like us more than any other people do. The reason is that they understand us much better. On the whole, they know us as we have not

40、begun to know them, and they tend to get angry about our indifferience(冷漠) They also criticize us quite freely, and often very fairly. But this is the natural reaction of a small nation living under the shadow of a big one. It is also the kind of criticism one member of a family levels against(谴责)an

41、other-whom he would leap to defend if he heard an outsider say the same thing.59. What would be the best title for the text? A. How close are we to Canada B. Americaour closest neighbour C. Why is a good neighbour so important D. Its easier to blame than to explain60. In the authors opinion, _. A. M

42、exico is more closely related to America than Canada B. Canadian English differs greatly from American English C. the Americans like the Canadians more than any other people D. the Americans should have a better understanding of the Canadians61. Whats the authors attitude towards the Canadians? A. P

43、uzzled B. Friendly C. Dissatisfied D. Sympathetic62. The text is developed by _. A. listing data B. analyzing causes C. making comparisons D. collecting opinions CChinakindi Mallesham, a poor weaver(织布工) from a small village in Andhra Pradesh, India, has turned out to be a rescurer for hundreds of weavers.Weavers making the traditional silk saris(印度妇女用以裹身的莎丽服)used to go through a painstaking process, moving their hands thousands of times in a day while weaving saris. Thanks


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