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1、湖北省武汉为明实验学校七年级英语下册 句型转换练习 人教新目标版句型转换练习 一、将下列句子改为一般疑问句,并作肯定和否定回答。 二、将下列句子改为否定句。 1. My uncle is a doctor 2. There is some water in the bottle. 3. She likes apples. 4. The girl can speak English well. 5. She does housework with my mother at the weekends. 6. I am going to watch cartoons this evening. 7.

2、 Helen is doing her homework now. 8. They visited their relatives and friends last SpringFestival. 9. Open the door, please. 三、对划线部分提问。 1. My name is Su Yang. 2. I m ten. 3. It s ten o clcok. 4. Mr Smith comes from Australia. 5. I feel cold. 6. My bag is red. 7. We have three English lessons in a we

3、ek. 8. It s Wednesday. 第二章 二次函数9. It s the 16th of May. 10. Children s Day is on the first of June. 7、每学完一个单元的内容,做到及时复习,及时考核,这样可以及时了解学生对知识的掌握情况,以便及时补差补漏。11. The camera is in my bag. 一年级有学生 人,通过师生一学期的共同努力,绝大部分部分上课能够专心听讲,积极思考并回答老师提出的问题,下课能够按要求完成作业,具有一定基础的学习习惯,但是也有一部分学生的学习习惯较差,学生上课纪律松懈,精力不集中,思想经常开小差,喜欢

4、随意讲话,作业不能及时完成,经常拖拉作业,以致学习成绩较差,还需要在新学期里多和家长取得联系,共同做好这部分学生行为习惯的培养工作。12. I can play football. 即;13. He usually goes to the park on Sundays. 14. I go to school by bus every day. (2)三角形的外心: 三角形外接圆的圆心叫做这个三角形的外心.15. There is a TV in the classroom. 16. It means we shouldnt walk on the grass. 点在圆内 dr;17. I d

5、 like a pair of gloves. 166.116.17期末总复习18. These apples are five yuan. 4、初步学会应用加减法解决生活中简单问题,感受数学在日常生活中的作用,感受加减法与日常生活的密切联系,同时获得一些初步的数学活动经验,发展解决问题和运用数学进行思考的能力。19. We picked a lot of oranges on the farm. 20. This new bike is his. (5)切线的判定定理: 经过半径的外端并且垂直于半径的直线是圆的切线.21. The glasses are from my mother. 22. My sister is sweeping the floor. 23. Nancy is going to play the piano at the concert. 24. It s very hot in summer. 25. It s about two kilometres away from here. 26. My father is a doctor. 27. They usually have dinner at six. 94.234.29加与减(二)4 P49-5628. Those are grapes.


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