【最新】八年级英语下册 Unit 3 Animals are our Friends Lesson 17 Save the Tigers参考课件 .ppt

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1、Unit 3,Lesson 17,Animals Are Our Friends,Save the Tigers,centuryfursymbolcouragebravechain,n. 世纪n. (兽类的)毛n. 标志,象征n. 勇气,胆量adj. 勇敢的,无畏的n. 链子;链条,Words and,Expressions,balancereasondisappearkillcutdecrease,n. 平衡,平稳n. 原因,动机,理由v. 消失,失踪v. 杀死v. 砍,切,剪,割v. 使变小;减少,Words and,Expressions,To know the urgency of p

2、rotecting tigersTo use the following words and expressions correctly: century, courage, brave, reason, kill, cut, at the beginning of, drop to, food chain, in balance, in danger, cut down, as well,Think about it!,1. Where can you usually see a tiger?2. Do you think tigers need our help? Why or why n

3、ot?3. What can we do to protect wild animals?,in a cage?,or in the wild?,Lets see the video of a report.,There are currently six types of tigers: the Bengal tiger, the Siberian tiger, the Sumatran tiger, the Malayan tiger, the Indochinese tiger and the South China tiger.,the Bengal tiger(孟加拉虎),the S

4、iberian tiger(东北虎),the Sumatran tiger(苏门答腊虎),the Malayan tiger (马来亚虎),the Indochinese tiger(印度支那虎),the South China tiger(华南虎),Read the lesson and answer the questions.,Task 1,1. How many tigers were there at the beginning of the 20th century?2. How many tigers are there in the wild today?3. Where do

5、 tigers live?4. What do tigers look like?5. What do tigers symbolize?6. How are tigers described in many stories?7. What does “at the top of the food chain” mean?8. What is the reason tigers are important to the environment?9. Why do people hunt and kill tigers?10. Aside from their being hunted and

6、killed, what is another reason tigers are disappearing?,Reference answer.,1. How many tigers were there at the beginning of the 20th century? Around 100 000.2. How many tigers are there in the wild today? The number has dropped to a few thousand.3. Where do tigers live? They live in the forests of A

7、sia.,4. What do tigers look like?They usually have orange fur and dark stripes.5. What do tigers symbolize?They are symbols of strength and courage.6. How are tigers described in many stories?They are brave.,7. What does “at the top of the food chain” mean?Tigers are the king of all the wild animals

8、.8. What is the reason tigers are important to the environment?Because tigers help keep the number of other wild animals in balance.9. Why do people hunt and kill tigers?They are for money.,10. Aside from their being hunted and killed, what is another reason tigers are disappearing?People have cut d

9、own a lot of trees as well. As forests disappear, tigers lose their homes.,翻译下列的短语。,1.在之初2.下降到;跌至3.食物链4.保持平衡5.处于危险状态6.把砍到,减少7.还,也,at the beginning ofdrop tofood chainin balancein dangercut downas well,Task 2,Read the lesson and match each paragraph with its main idea.,B,C,A,At the beginning of the 2

10、0th century, _ tigers in the wild was around 100000. But today that number _ a few thousand. Tigers are important _ the environment. They help keep the number of other wild animals _. But in recent years, tigers have been in danger of _. Some people _ tigers _ money. We must do something about it.,F

11、ill in the blanks and try to retell the text.,Task 3,the number of,has dropped to,in balance,disappearing,hunt and kill,to,for,1. At the beginning of the 20th century, the number of tigers in the wild was around 100 000. 在二十世纪初期,野生老虎的数量大约是十万只。 the number of意为“的数量”,跟复数名词连用作主语时,中心词是number,谓语动词要用单数。,La

12、nguage points,a number of表示“许多”,相当于many,修饰可数名词复数。作主语时,谓语动词用复数。number前可用large,small等修饰,表示程度。例如: The number of students in our class is 50. The number of pages in this book is 60. A number of students are planting trees on the hill.,2. But today that number has dropped to a few thousand. 但是现在,数量已经下降到几

13、千只。a few thousand表示“几千”。当hundred, thousand前面是基数词one, two, threea few, many时,其后不加s。当hundred和thousand后面加s时,需要跟of修饰可数名词复数。例如:There are three thousand students in our school.Thousands of students are on the square.,3. For this reason, tigers are important to the environment. 因为这个原因,老虎对环境很重要。be important

14、 to sb./sth. 对来说是重要的。 be important for sb./sth. 对于来说做是重要的。例如:Time is important to me.It is important for you to get there early.,4. In recent years, tigers have been in danger of disappearing. 在近几年,老虎处于濒临灭绝的危险中。in danger (of)意为“处于()危险之中”。例如Youre in danger of catching a cold.The sick man is in danger

15、 of death.The passengers are in danger! Lets go and help!,5. As forests disappear, tigers lose their homes.随着森林的消失,老虎失去了它们的家园。as在句中作连词,引导状语从句,意为“随着,当的时候”。As the sun rose, the fog disappeared.As she left the room, she remembered that book.,Fill in the blanks.,1. _ students is about twenty. (的数量)2. It

16、s _ your health. (对是重要的)3. The river is polluted and _ going dry.(处于危险中),The number of,important to,in danger of,4. _ time went by, she became more and more beautiful. (随着) 5. _ the party, he gave me a gift. (在之初)6. The temperature has _ below zero. (下降到)7. It is at the bottom of the _.(食物链)8. You know, computers bring troubles _. (也),As,At the beginning of,dropped to,foodchain,as well,Review Lesson 17. 2. Write a short passage about how to protect animals.,Homework,


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