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1、辽宁省凌海市石山初级中学2013-2014学年八年级英语上册 unit 5 do you want to watch a game show寒假作业无答案新版人教新目标版(可编辑)八年级英语上册 Unit 5 Do you want to watch a game show寒假作业 1访谈节目_2肥皂剧_ 3运动节目_4才艺展示_ 5不介意_6无法忍受_ 7你觉得怎么样?(2种) _ _ 8希望做某事_9计划做某事_ 10期待做某事_11在课上_ 12全世界(2种)_ 13讨论关于(2种)_ 14我最喜欢的电视节目_ 15一天(过去时)_ 16总有一天(2种)_ 17看新闻_18动作片_ 19

2、恐怖电影_20 出版_ 21中国文化的象征_ 22米老鼠的幕后之人_ 23尽力做某事_24准备做某事_ 25在他的早期的电影中_ 26尽某人做大的努力去做某事(2种)_ _ 27因而著称_28作为而著称_ 29在20世纪30年代_30在一九三零年_ 31装扮_32代替某人_ 33在部队战斗_34她对她全家的爱_ 35重要原因之一_ 一、用所给单词的适当形式填空。(10分) 1.I cant standlisten to the noisy music. 2.Therebe some exciting news in todays newspaper. 3.Would you mind open

3、 the window? 4.Did you watch sport show on TV yesterday? 5.Where do you plan go this Sunday? 6.Do you want watch the news? 7.Sally thinks soap operas are educational than sitcoms. 8.I hope watch the action movie one day. 9.Yao Ming is a success player in NBA. 10.I think Xi Yangyang is as famous as M

4、ickey Mouse. 二、句型转换(10分) 1.I hope to find out whats happening around the world.同义句I hope to find out whatsaround the world. 2.They may not be very excited.同义句they very excited. 3.Do you want to watch the news?同义句 youto watch the news? 4.He never wants to watch a game show,完成反意问句 5.John wants to watc

5、h talk shows because theyre enjoyable.对划线部分提问John to watch talk show? 6.Over 80 years ago,he first appeared in the cartoon Steamboat While.同义句80 years ago,he first appeared in the cartoon Steamboat While. 7.What do you think of talk show?同义句 do you talk show? 8.The other cartoons are not as famous a

6、s Mickey?同义句Mickey is the other cartoons Mickey is of all the cartoons. 三、选择填空(25分) 1.I dont mindyou with your English. A.help B.to help C.helping D.helps 2. Mulan is exciting movie. It comes from old Chinese story. A.an,an B.a,an C.an,a D.a,a 3. That?magazine ?every?Monday. Aes outBes up Ces over D

7、es true 4.we shouldLei Feng A.learn from B.learn with C.learn to D.learn after 5.Lets here,let himthere A.sit,stand B.to sit, to standC.to sit,standD.sit,to stand 6.She often plans something to help others A.to do B.does C.do D.doing 7.?What happened you yesterday?I happenedmeet my old friend,Lucy A

8、.to,to B.with, to C.to,with D.with,with 8.They are trying what is going on around the world A.look for B.to look for C.to find outD.find out 9. Kong Fansen is educational movie,most people feltA.an, exciting B.an,excited C.a,excitingD.a excited 10November 18,1978,Mickey became famous A.In /0.Of 11 ,

9、he made 87 cartoons with Mickey A.In 1930s B.In the 1930s C.In the 1930 D.On the 1930s 12.Walt Disney made 87 cartoons ,he became A.successful,successful B.successfully,successfullyC.successful, successfullyD.successfully,successful 13.I saw twoan apple when I came by A.mice,eating B.mouses,eating C

10、.mice,ate D.mouses,ate 14. ?What do you the movie?It is very educational A.think ofB.like C.like of D.think 15.He always tries to face any and met some things A.danger,dangerous B.danger,danger C.dangerous,dangerous D.dangerous, danger 16.We should eat many fruitsapples and oranges A.for example B.s

11、uch as C.so as D.such like 17.There isnt in todays newspaper A.something new B.new something C.anything new D.new anything 18.Mr Wang didnt come,so Mrs WangA.took him place B.took his place C.took of himD,became him 19.At the party,Lucylike a Mickey Mouse to make usA.dressed up, laugh B.dressed up,t

12、o laughC.dressed on,laughD.dressed on,to laugh 20. The actorsin the movie A.was good B.did a good jobC.did good D.played good 四、完形填空(10分) Yesterday Princess Eva夏娃公主was happy. She went to a carnival(狂欢节). The weather was sunny, and the food was 1 There were clowns小丑 and a wand魔杖. She had a good time,

13、2 there was a bad magician at the party. Princess公主 Eva saw the magician and she laughed. The magician didnt 3. He touched her mouth with a wand. He said, “From now on, you cant talk. You cant laugh.”And Princess Eva 4make a sound. Princess Eva could feel, and hear, and see, and smell, and taste. Bu

14、t she couldnt5 She couldnt laugh. A doctor came and looked at her fingers, her6 , her eyes, her nose, and her tongue(舌头). She wasnt sick. But something was7 Even a clown couldnt make her laugh! But then one day, a nice man came to town. He had a band(乐队)of8 His dog, his cat, and his horse sang for t

15、he princess. They made loud noises. They sounded9 ! The Princess started to10 “Look! I can laugh! I can talk!” she cried. It was a happy day. 1./.ribleC.delicious D.awful 2.A.Because /. D.though 3./.ut /.gh 4.A.cant B.mustntC.couldnt D.neednt 5./.ten C.smile D.laugh 6.A.leg /.k D.ears 7./.wrong D.ni

16、ce 8././.mals 其中点在圆上的数量特征是重点,它可用来证明若干个点共圆,方法就是证明这几个点与一个定点、的距离相等。9././.py 10.A.cry B.walk C.laugh D.run 五、阅读理解(10分) 一年级下册数学教学工作计划Helens eyes are not very good, so she wears glasses. But she 三、教学内容及教材分析:doesnt wear glasses when she is with her friend, Jim. When Jim comes to her house to take her out,

17、she will take her glasses off, and when she gets back, she puts on the glasses. One day her mother asks her, “Helen, why dont you wear glasses when you are with Jim? He takes you to many lovely places in his car, but you cant see anything.” Helen says, “I look more lovely to Jim when Im not wearing

18、my glasses and he looks better to me, too.” 1、Jim comes to take Helen A. to school B. to work C. to see lovely places D. to his home 7、课堂上多设计一些力所能及的问题,让他们回答,并逐步提高要求。2、Helen doesnt wear glassesA. when Jim is with her B. when she is at homeC. when she is at school D. in the evening (2)经过三点作圆要分两种情况:3、J

19、im and Helen go out A. by bus B. by car C. by bikes D. by plane 最值:若a0,则当x=时,;若a0,则当x=时,4、Which sentence is right A. Helen doesnt like Jim B. Helen wants to look more lovely C. Jim doesnt like glasses D. Helens mother knows 初中阶段,我们只学习直角三角形中,A是锐角的正切;Helen very much. 应用题5、Jim looks better to Helen A. when he sees everything clearly(清楚地).B. when she sees everything clearly C. when he doesnt see things clearly D. when she doesnt see things clearly. (4)面积公式:(hc为C边上的高);VIII、书面表达(10分) 扇形的面积S扇形=LR2请以“My Best Game Show”为题写一篇短文。字数80词左右。


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