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1、重庆市大足区弥陀中学七年级英语上册 Unit 4 Wheres my schoolbag教案4 (新版)人教新目标版Unit 4 Wheres my schoolbag 课前准备 教师: 多媒体课件;单词卡片; 学生:学习用品 Period Four Sub Topic Things I have in my room Language focus My is/are in , on , under, next to , behind thing, room, desk, TV, floor Recycled language The book is on the table. dr 直线L和

2、O相离.The pens are in the pencil box. (2)如圆中有直径的条件,可作出直径上的圆周角.(直径添线成直角)I have a/an Structure My is/are in , on , under, next to , behind Comparing Tasks Problem solving & sharing Step One New words learning Present the new words by making conversations with students. Show some pictures and words on th

3、e screen to help. 设计意图:利用图片和已学过的句型导入新课;利用直观形体语言、动作、语境教等单词,激若a0,则当x时,y随x的增大而减小。发学生思维,帮助学生理解和记忆生词。 圆心;垂直于弦;平分弦;平分弦所对的优弧;平分弦所对的劣弧。Step Two Fill the blanks , Ask the Ss to write out things they have in their rooms. , Ask the Ss to write out where the things are in their rooms. (Section B, 3a&3b) 扇形的面积S扇

4、形=LR2Step Three Creative work 3. 圆的对称性:, Draw a picture about the things in the Sss rooms individually. 面对新的社会要求,教师与学生应首先走了社会的前边,因此我们应该以新课标要求为指挥棒,采用所有可行的措施,尽量体现以人为本,培养学生创新,开放的思维方式。另一方面注意处理好内容与思想的衔接,内容要在学生上学期的水平之上发展并为以后学习打下基础,思想上注意新思维与我国传统的教学思想结合, Ask and answer questions in pairs. 设计意图:话题继续延伸,进一步鼓励学

5、生发挥自己的想象力和主观能动性,并与实际相结合,同时又使学生在练习对话方面得到训练。 Step Four Self-check 94.234.29加与减(二)4 P49-56Homework: 2.点与圆的位置关系及其数量特征:, Draw and write. Draw your ideal room, then write a short passage to describe to your classmates. 设计意图:结合课本知识与实际生活,学以致用,训练学生写作技巧。 , Finish off the exercises in the exercise book. , Revise the language items in this unit. 初中阶段,我们只学习直角三角形中,A是锐角的正切;1


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