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1、Unit 3 The Million Pound Bank-Note(自主测控卷)测控导航类别内容单词补丁permit v.许可,n.通行证;spot vt.发现,n.斑点;passage n.通道,船 费;unpaid adj.未付款的;appearanee n.夕卜貌;patienee n.耐 性;patient adj.有耐心的,n.病人;willingness n.乐意;pretend vt.假 装;manner n.方式;simply adv.仅仅;in deed adv.真正地;humour n.幽默;Ion eli ness n.孤独character n.人物,性格重点短语a

2、large amount of 大量的;make a bet 打赌;go ahead可以;by accident偶然;stare at凝视;as a matter of fact实际上;account for 导致;to be honest说实话;in rags衣衫褴褛;get into trouble陷入 困境;take a cha nee碰运气)主要句型1. What did you thi nk of it?2. You about to hear the most in credible tale.3. I wonder if youd mind us asking a few que

3、stions.4. I found myself carried out to sea by a strong wind.5. And it was the ship that brought you to En gla nd.6. .eve n if you do dress in a rather unu sual way.语法名词性从句(I)宾语从句和表语从句的用法写作Dialogue writ ingHow to write a play共同基础平台(90分钟,100分)第I卷(三部分,共80分)第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分35分)第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,共1

4、5分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出适合空白处的最佳选项。11. You are say ing that every one should be equal, and this is Idisagree.A. whyB. whereC. whatD. how12. The road is covered with snow. I1 cant un dersta ndthey in sist ongoing by motorbike.A. whyB. whetherC. whe nD. how13. Why! I have nothing to con fess(坦白). you want

5、me to say?A. What is it thatB. What it is thatC. How is it thatD. How it is that14. Perseveranee毅力)is a kind of qualityand thats it takes to doanything well.A. whatB. thatC. whichD. why15. I think its going to be a big problem.Yes, it could be.I wonder we can do about it.A. ifB. howC. whatD. that16.

6、 How are the team play ing?Theyre playing well, but one of them hurt.A. gotB. getsC. areD. were17. What do you think of the buildi ng built to the shape of n ature?A. Yes, I like its sh apeB. What I like is the colourC. Its really like a bird netD. I really think it is won derful18. The little chick

7、 the earthworm, deciding whether to swallow it or let it go.19. Was it Toms carelessnes your keys were lost?A. because; which B. for; what C. because of; thatD. since; why20. The southern part of the country hot and moist all summer.A. con ti nues B. goesC. staysD. lasts21. He saved the drow ning bo

8、y that win ter, and was a hero for hiscourageous deeds.A. hono uredB. hono ured asC. hono ured with D. hono ured for22. An awful accide nt, however, occur the other day.A. doB. didC. has toD. had to23. You find this map of great in helping you to get around London.A. priceB. costC. valueD. usef uln

9、ess24. I him to give up smok ing, but he did nt liste n.A. preferredB. hopedC. advisedD. suggested25. Good morning.?rd like to have a pair of glasses.A. What can I do for youB. What do you like to haveC. What do you want to buyD. Do you like me to do it for you第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,共20分)阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中选出能填 入空白处的最佳选项。Everybody knows Charlie Chaplin, a world-famous funny actor. People 一26 have laughed at Charlie Chapli ns films 27 tears run dow n their faces. From his very first 28 they know what will happen. The little man is always with


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