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1、高一英语必修1Unit5 Nelson Mandela a modern hero 新课标 人教版教学步骤 (Teaching procedures) Period 1:Reading I Teaching goals 1. To talk about peoples qualities and inspire the students to discover the value of the great mans work. 2. To read on capable peoples life stories and know more information about Nelson Ma

2、ndela. 3. Enable the students to express their ideas logically. Procedures Step 1. Warming up (Before class, get the Ss to enjoy a beautiful song Hero for 3-5 minutes. After enjoying, ask the Ss some questions in a moving atmosphere.) T: Well, for a beautiful song, do you know what it is about? S :H

3、ero Q: Who is your hero/heroine?/ Who do you admire in your heart? Ss: Q: Why? S: Q: Do you think he is a great man? S: Q: Does he do anything for others? / What contributions does he make to society? S: (Show 4 pictures in talking part one by one) Q: How about this person? Do you admire him? Is he

4、another hero in your heart? What do you know about him? (Give background knowledge) Conclusion: Let Ss say: so a great man is a man_. (Show a picture of. Nelson Mandela) Q: What do you know about him? Is he a great man? Why? (Get into Brainstorming) T: It seems you know Nelson Mandela a little. Do y

5、ou want to know more about him? Lets read the following story and see what Elias thinks of Nelson Mandela. Step 2.Fast Reading Q: What does he think of Nelson Mandela? Why? What happened between Elias and Nelson Mandela? Ss: In his opinion, Nelson Mandela is . /He thinks Nelson Mandela is . Step 3 C

6、areful reading T: Here is your first impression about NM according to the Elias story. If you look through the story carefully, you ll find more. Ok, why not read these two passages and finish the following chart by answering these questions? Q1: When and where was Elias born? What was he? ( 1940, b

7、orn, black worker ) Q2: Was he educated? When? How long? ( 1946( six), educated, two years ) Q3: Why did he leave school so early? ( not continue the fee ) Q4: So what was the result? Could he get a job? What job? Was he happy then? Why? ( get, worried about, out of work, no passbook ) Q5.Who helped

8、 him? What did Nelson Mandela do at that time? ( Nelson Mandela, opened, advise ) Q6. Why was the day Nelson Mandela told him what to do and helped him the happiest day of his life? ( get ) Q7. What did Nelson Mandela organize? Why did he organize it? / What was the situation at that time? ( ANC, no

9、 vote, not choose ) Q8: Where did they live? ( poorest ) Q9: What did Nelson Mandela say? ( accept, fight ) Q10: How to attack the law? ( broke, peacefully ) Q11: But did they answer violence with violence? Why? ( answer with violence, not allowed ) Q12: Did Elias like violence? Did he join the ANC

10、Youth League? Why? ( realize his dream, make equal ) Q13: So how did they do? (blow up ) Q14: What would be the result if they were caught? ( be put in prison ) Q15: Later, he was put in prison. What is the prison? Why were they so afraid of hearing of its name? ( Robben island, not escaped ) Q16: I

11、t was the hardest time of his life, right? But at this moment who appeared? Did he help him? How? ( began, taught ) Q17: Did Elias study hard? How? ( undermake candles.) Q18: As a result, he became a good student. Did he want to study further? Was he allowed to do that? What idea did Nelson Mandela

12、think of? ( allowed not stopped) Q19: Could Elias get the degree? Why did he feel good about himself? not cleverer ) (Q20: Was Elias always staying in the prison? How long did he stay? Can he get a job? What job? Why? ( four, educated ) Q21: Could he do this job long? Why? So he lost the job. How lo

13、ng was he out of work? When did he find a job again? How? (found out, twenty years, came to power, helped again ) Q22: Was Elias happy to accept this job? Did he give up this job? Why? ( bad, came back to , encourage, said,) Q23: What did he think of this job now,? Why? ( am proud to) Q24: Whats the

14、 purpose of writing this story? How does the writer tell? How many parts was the whole story divided? / How many times did Nelson Mandela offer help to Elias? Ss: The purpose of writing this story is to . The writer tellsby. Step4 Retelling T: We have known what happened between Elias and Nelson Man

15、dela. Suppose you were Nelson Mandela/ Elias wife, would you like to tell us something impressive? Retelling (Choose one of them to retell ) 1. Suppose you were Nelson Mandela, retell the story. 2. Suppose you were Elias wife, retell the story. Step5. Role play (an interview ) T: All of you did a go

16、od job. Next, after Nelson Mandela and Elias wife, it is Elias turn to tell us some stories. One of you act as Elias, who is the tour guide on Robben Island. And the other three, you are tourists and you can ask questions that you want to know. Maybe these tips will help you! How did you get to know

17、 Nelson Mandela? What did he do to help you keep your job in a gold mine? Can you explain to me some of Nelson Mandelas political ideas or beliefs? What was Nelson Mandelas way of fighting? Why did he change to violence? What was life like on Robben Island? We know you couldnt read or write, for you

18、 left school early, but now you can. Where did you learn to read and write? Why did you become a tour guide? What do you think of your present job? (Let students come to the front to show their interview. Students can start the interview like this: Tourist: How did you get to know Nelson Mandela? Wh

19、at did he do to help you keep your job in a gold mine?) 六、教学措施:Step6. Homework 1. Try to find out some useful expressions and phrases. 2. Work in four to find more information about Nelson Mandela. 附板书设计:(Blackboard Design) 3、学习并掌握100以内加减法(包括不进位、不退位与进位、退位)计算方法,并能正确计算;能根据具体问题,估计运算的结果;初步学会应用加减法解决生活中简单

20、问题,感受加减法与日常生活的密切联系。The relationship between Elias and Nelson 平方关系:商数关系:Mandela (2)中心角、边心距:中心角是正多边形相邻两对角线所夹的角,边心距是正多边形的边到圆心的距离.Elias Mandela (2)两锐角的关系:AB=90;black worker opened 3、学习并掌握100以内加减法(包括不进位、不退位与进位、退位)计算方法,并能正确计算;能根据具体问题,估计运算的结果;初步学会应用加减法解决生活中简单问题,感受加减法与日常生活的密切联系。educated, two years advise ou

21、t of work happiest get no vote organize 8.解直角三角形:在直角三角形中,除直角外,一共有五个元素,即三条边和二个锐角。由直角三角形中除直角外的已知元素,求出所有未知元素的过程,叫做解直角三角形(须知一条边)。not choose accept/fight poorest join broke peaceful blow up help (4)直线与圆的位置关系的数量特征:put in prison began hardest taught 9切线长定理:过圆外一点所画的圆的两条切线长想等,圆外切四边形对边相等,直角三角形内切圆半径公式.not allowed allowedto 30 o45 o60 oget a degree degree not stopped feel good


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