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1、【 2019 最新】精选八年级英语下学期同步练习辅导1(无答案)牛津版一、用所给词的适当形式填空。1.I_(known) him for many years.2.Tom withhisfamily_(live)inNanjingforthreeyears.3.-Mum,_you_(see)my sandwich?- Yes,I ve just_(eat)it.4.He was very rude.But he _(change) and now he_(be) so polite.5.In Nanjing ,houses in the _(south) part of the cityusu

2、ally cost more than those in the north.6.My grandpa used to_(smoke) a lot.But now he hasgiven up.7.We must take action_(protect)giant pandas.8.It s good_(see) so many old friendsat the party.9.There _(be) once a small cinema near the hospital.10.He got_(marry)in 2011.Now ,he has been a father.11.Ikn

3、ow Danielvery_(good) because I have known himfor nearly 20 years.欢迎下载。12.I_already_(see)thefilm.I_(see)it last week.13.-_he_(finish)his work today?-Not yet.14.-_you_(be)to Hong Kong?-Yes,I_(be)there twice.15.-_you ever_(eat)chocolate sundaes?-No,never.17.- Wheres Li Ming?- He_(go)to the teachers off

4、ice.19.So far(到目前为止 )I_(make) ten friends here.20.-I_(see)the film Chicken Run.-When_you_(see)it?-Last week.21.I am glad_(hear)that you are going on holidaysoon.22.Thestudentsthere_(notfinish)_(do)their homework yet.23.Your father_(be)here for two hours.24._(live)conditionshavechanged a lotovertheye

5、ars.25.They used to _(return) home together.【2019最新】精选江苏省八年级英语下学期同步练习辅导(无答案)牛津版26.I have got used to _(live) here.28.I_(take) the bus to school in the past.29.The little girl can put on shoes on _(she) own.32.The changes have _(bring) them a happy life.33.I_(lose) may pen.I cant find it.二、句型转换1.Sand

6、ys mother has alreadygone toAustralia.(改为否定句) 。Sandys mother_ _to Australia_.2.Mr Dong has known the city since he was very young.(对画线部分提问)_ _ _Mr Dong_the city?3.They have already gone to school.(改为一般疑问句并作否定回答)-_they_to school_?-No,they_.4.I have been to Japan twice.( 对画线部分提问 ) _ _ _have you been t

7、o Japan?5.My father came back two weeks ago,( 改为同义句 My father has_back_two weeks.) 。6.They have known each otherfora long time.( 对画线部分提问)._ _ _they _each other?三、翻译下列句子。3/113/111. 他们不能像以前一样经常打牌了。They can t_ _ _as_as before.2. 自从 1998 年以来我就一直在这所学校教英语。I _ _English at this school_1998.3. 我的父母过去骑自行车上班,但

8、是现在乘公交车了。My parents_ _ _a bike to work,butnow theygo to work by bus.4. 你在南京住了多久了?_ _ _you_in Nanjing?5. 对于政府来说采取行动来改善形势是必要的。It s necessary for the government_ _ _ _ _ _.6. 因为下雨他迟到了。He was late_ _ _.7. 在我家附近曾经有一家医院。There_ _ _ _near my hospital.8. 演唱会将在下月举行。The concert will_ _next month.9. 多年以来,我们经常在网

9、上彼此交流。We often_ _ _ _on the Internet_the years.10. 我的父母在读小学时走路上学。【2019最新】精选江苏省八年级英语下学期同步练习辅导(无答案)牛津版My parents_schoolwhen theywere at_.四、单项选择A.since B.after C.for2.Hisgrandmother lives_,butshe never feels_.A.alone,alone B.lonely,lonely C.alone,lonely D.lonely ,alone3.MrWhitecame toourschoolin2012,an

10、dsincethenhe_us English.A.teaches B.taught C.has taught D.will teachA.want B.will want C.wants D.wanted5.He used to_in a small village,butnow he has been usedto_in a big city.A.live;living B.live;live C.living ;living6.Ice will_water when its warm.A.turn into B.turn up C.turn on D.turn off7.Inthe pa

11、st few years ,there_alothometown.of changes inhisA.was B.has been C.have been D.have8.-Have you returned the book to the library_?-Yes,I have _returned it.A.yet;yet B.already;already C.already ;yet D.yet ;already5/115/119.From timeto time ,theold friendsmeet togetherin thepark.( 选出与画线部分意思相近的选项)A.Alw

12、ays B.Usually C.Often D.Sometimes10.My uncle has taught in this school_he was twentyyears old.A.since B.for C.until D.after五、阅读理解ALook atthestrange?1-5 BDCADcaton theleft.6-10 BCACDFindanythingIn 1961, a man found a strange cat on his farmin Scotland. The cats ears were folded (折着的 ), bent (弯曲) forw

13、ard, on its head. In fact, this was a new kind of cat.People named it the“Scottish Fold”.There is a nickname(昵称) for the Scottish Fold. It is the“Messenger(信使) of Peace”. Why?Because the Folds are sweet and friendly animals. They can get along well with other cats. And unlike some other cats, they c

14、an even get along well withdogs! In many different places, for example, at a noisy house or in a cat show, you can see them playing with other animals happily.【2019最新】精选江苏省八年级英语下学期同步练习辅导(无答案)牛津版1. The Scottish Fold.A. is born with folded earsB. is born withstraight earsC. always has folded earsD.alw

15、ayshasstraight ears2. What does the Scottish Fold look like?A. It has no ears.B. Its neck and legs are long.C. It doesnt look very lovely.D. Ithas a round head andbig eyes.3. Why do people name the Folds“Messenger of Peace ”?A. Because their ears are folded.B. Because they look very cute.C. Because

16、they can get on well with other animals.D. Because they can stay at a noisy house or in a cat show.4. What does get along well mean in Chinese?A. 友好相处B. 互相打击C. 互相促进D.进展顺利5. According (根据)to the passage, what is the writer s adviceto us when we are in a new environment(环境) ?A. We should have a nickna

17、me.B. We should learn fromthe cats.7/117/11and friendly to others.BA blind boy sat on the steps of a building with a hat by hisfeet. He held up a signwhich said:“Iamblind,please help. ”There were only a few coins in the hat. A man was walking by.He took a few coins from his pocket and dropped them i

18、nto thehat. He then took the sign, turned it around, and wrote somewords. He put the signback so thateveryone who walked by wouldsee the new words. Soon the hat began to fill up. A lot morepeople were giving money to the blind boy. That afternoon theman who had changed the sign came to see how thing

19、s were. Theboy recognized his footsteps(脚步 ) and asked:“Were you theone who changed my sign thismorning? What didyou write? ” Theman said: “I only wrote the truth. I said what you said butin a different way.” What he had written was:“Today is abeautiful day but I cannot see it.”Do you thinkthefirsts

20、ignand thesecond signwere sayingthesame thing?Of courseboth signs toldpeople the boy was blind.But the first sign simply told people to help by putting somemoney in the hat. The second sign told people that they wereable to enjoy the day, but the boy could not enjoy it becausehe was blind.The firsts

21、ignsimplysaid the boy was blind.The【2019最新】精选江苏省八年级英语下学期同步练习辅导(无答案)牛津版second sign remindedpeople theywere luckythatthey were notblind.There are at least two lessons we can learn from this simplestory. The first is:Be thankfulfor what you have. Someoneelsehas less. Help where you can. The second is:B

22、e creative.Thinkdifferently. There is always a better way!6. What did the boy do on the street?A. He sold his old hat.B.Hebegged( 乞讨 ) for money.C. He was busy collecting coins.D.Heshowed hisgood handwriting.7. How did the man help the blind boy?A. He took the boy s sign away. B. He gave the boy a l

23、ot of money.C. He changed the words on the sign. D. He asked other people to help the blind boy.8. What does the underlined word recognized mean?A. 辨认出B. 看到C. 承认D. 注意到9. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage? A. The man did nothing to help the blind boy except changing the words on

24、 the sign.B. Before the man changed the words, the hat had been full.9/119/11C. Without the mans help, the blind boy couldn t get so much money.D. The kind man was very thankful to the blind boy.10. Which is the best title for the passage?A. A kind and clever man. B. A blind boy in the street.C. Let

25、 s help the disabled people.D.Differentwordsmake a difference.六、根据短文内容及首字母提示,填写所缺单词,将答案按序号填入下面表格内。Do you know that animals have love for each other and theirchildren just likeus humans? Let me tell you somemovingstories of great a 1parents.Several years ago a heavy rain h 2a town and made therivergo

26、 up. Whenthe rainstopped,people found thata dog swamto an island in the river t 3a day for two weeks. Why didshe do so? Her fourchildren werethere.The mother swamthereeveryday tof4herbabies.Thist5storyon thenewspaper moved ( 感动 ) many people.Another storyis about chimpanzees(猩猩). A scientistnamedJan

27、e Goodall spent 4 yearsl 6withchimpanzees inAfrica.She found that chimpanzees【2019最新】精选江苏省八年级英语下学期同步练习辅导(无答案)牛津版also cared for those that were hurt or got lost.“It is noto 7 humans who have duties, animals also do,” she said.Twobirdsin Chengdualso showed theirparents l8 . Theirbaby was hurtand f 9onthe streetinthecenter ofthecity.Cars were driving past butthe braveparentsrushed down to theroad and t10thelittlebirdaway with theirclaws ( 爪子 ).123456789101. animal2. hit3.twice4.feed5. true6. living7. only8.love9.fell10.took11/1111/11


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