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1、6A Unitl The king ' s new clothes点1、一般过去时:基本概念:一般过去时表示过去某个时间里发生的动作或状态;过去习惯性、经常性的动作、行为。时间定位:一般过去时的句子中,常含有 过去的时间状语,如:just now®才 yesterday 昨天 yesterday afternoon 昨天下午 last night 昨晚 last Thursady上个星期四 last week上个星期last month 上个月last term上个学期 theday before yesterday 前天 an hour ago 一小时前 a week ag

2、o 一个星期前 many years ago 多年前;很久以前long long ago很久很久以前five days ago五天前before 曾经、以前inthe past 在过去 in+过去的年份,如:in 2013=在2013年。相对于目前的2015年,是过去的时间,因此动词要使 用过去式。句子表现出是过去:When I was 5 years old 当我5岁的时候一般过去时也常和always usually often sometimes等表示频率的时间状语连用,表示过去经常或反复发生的动作。构成:一个时态,两条主线:Be型He was a child ten years ago.

3、(表示过去的状态)实义动词 He always went to work by bus last year.去年他总是乘公共汽车上班。(表示过去的动作)When I was a boy, I often went to play in the park.当我是小孩子时,常去那个公园玩。使用规则:过去时肯定句中动词使用过去式;否定句和问句借用did ,动词用原型。基本结构:-肯定句主语+谓语动词was, were + 句子其他成分主语+谓语动词的过去式十句子其他成分;否定句主语 +谓语动词的否定 was not (wasn ' t) were not(weren ' t)主语+d

4、id not( didn ' t) +谓语动词(原型)+句子其他成分;一般疑问句一WaslE者Were提前即可。一 Did提前,动词用原型。2、动词的变化:Be动词的变化:be-was ( am, is的过去式)were ( are的过去式)实义动词的变化:1 .直接力口 ed: workworked looklooked2 .以不发音e结尾的单词,直接加 d: likeliked livelived hopehopeduseused3 .以辅音字母+y结尾的,变y 为 i 力口ed:studystudied carrycarried worryworriedflyflied tryt

5、ried元音字母啊+y结尾的,直接加ed: playplayed4 .以一个辅音字母结尾的,双写最后的辅音字母+ed: stopstopped planplanned计戈U重读闭音节体现形式为辅-元-辅结构,例如nod,n为辅音,o为元音,d为辅音。6 .不规则变化的动词过去式:欢迎共阅slepthave-had are-were get-got say-said feel-felt do/does-did is-was go-went drink-drank eat-ate bring-brought think-thought buy-bought catch- caught teach

6、- taught sit-sat wear-wore cut-cut sweep-swept sleepsee-saw becomebecame1 readread发音规则:在清辅音后面读/t/ passed /pa:st/ looked walked laughed在浊辅音和元音后面/d/ moved /mu:vd/ showed在 t d 后面读 /id/ needed / ' ni:did/ shouted pointed 14单元不规则的动词: Unit1 T he king ' s new clothes am/is-was are -were can-could s

7、ay-saidUnit2 What a day!See-saw go-went become became bring-brought fly-flew take-took lose-lost find-found get-gotcome-came have-had do-didUnit3 Holiday fun catch-caught eat-ate wear-wore Unit4 Then and now write -wrote read-read make-made buy-bought 11 I I I3、Unitl The king ' s new clothes甬的内容

8、:彳艮久以前long long ago喜欢新衣® like new clothes为你做新衣® make new clothes for you 非常开心 be very happy新衣®展示给国王看 show the new clothes to the king= show the king the new clothes 试穿这些有魔力的新装 try on these magic clothes 愚蠢的聪明的人foolishclever people 穿着新装步行穿过城市 walk through the city in new colthes 许多人 a

9、lot of people lots of people 在街上 in the street 看着 look at 嘲笑 laugh at 多么漂亮的衣服啊 what beautiful clothes !想为国王做新衣® want to make new clothes for the king很适合某人fit sb.well四点半在公园 at half past four in the park 一位美国西部牛仔 an American cowboy 穿着牛仔 wear jeans做游戏 play games讲故事 tell stories 每一个学生 each student

10、来自我的好友 Mike from my friend Mike 延伸词组 not happy =unhappythrough是介词,”贯通、直穿、透过、穿过”的意思,即是从一头(边)贯穿到另一头(边; “在 之中,透过”的意思,主要表示从物体内部穿过。如穿过森林、隧洞等。along 沿着1across表面穿过through内部穿过look for 寻找(强调过程)欢迎共阅find 找到(强调结果)look after .well把.照看好point at ,侧重指的对象,意为“指着”。point to ,强调方向,指向shout at sb.(因生气)对某人大喊 shout to sb.(为了使对方听到)对某人大喊laugh to sb.对某人大笑(善意地); laugh at sb. 嘲笑某人tell sb. to do sth ,告诉某人做某事tell sb. not to do sth告诉某人不要做某事类似的词还有 want , would like, ask - wear指穿的状态1 put on指穿的动作(它的反义词组是take off 脱下)s show around带 .参观t show sb. sth show sth to sb.把某物展示给某人看


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