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1、Chapter 15 Foundations of Organization StructureMULTIPLE CHOICEWhat is Organizational Structure?1. defines how job tasks are formally divided, grouped, and coordinated.a. Organizational structureb. Organizational behaviorc. Formalizationd. Span of control(a; Easy; p. 425)2. Organizational structure

2、is made up of six key elements. Which of the following is not one of these elements?a. centralizationb. departmentalizationc. coordinationd. formalization(c; Moderate; Exh. 15-1; p. 426)3. Work specialization is the same as:a. span of control.b. division of labor.c. unity of command.d. job grouping.

3、(b; Easy; p. 426)4. The degree to which tasks are subdivided into separate jobs is termed:a. departmentalization.b. formalization.c. work specialization.d. span of control.(c; Moderate; p. 426)5. In the late 1940s, most manufacturing jobs in industrialized countries were being done with high:a. depa

4、rtmentalization.b. formalization.c. work specialization.d. span of control.(c; Moderate; p. 426)6. For much of the first half of the 20 th century, managers viewed as an unending source ofincreased productivity.a. departmentalizationb. formalizationc. work specializationd. span of control(c; Moderat

5、e; p. 426)7.Which one of the following components of organizational structure specifically defines where decisions are made?a. complexityb. formalizationc. centralizationd. technology(c; Moderate; Exh 15-1; p. 426)8. The basis by which jobs are grouped together is termed:a. departmentalization.b. fo

6、rmalization.c. work specialization.d. centralization. (a; Easy; Exh. 15-1; p. 426)9. Grouping jobs on the basis of function, product, geography, process, or customer is a form of: a. departmentalization.b. work specialization.c. span of control.d. chain of command.(a; Moderate; p. 427)10. One of the

7、 most popular ways to group activities is by:a. product.b. function.c. geography.d. process.(b; Challenging; p. 427)11. Proctor & Gamble departmentalizes by Tide, Pampers, Charmin, and Pringles. This is an example of departmentalization by: a. function.b. process.c. customer.d. product.(d; Easy; p.

8、428)12. A manufacturing manager who organizes the plant by separating engineering, accounting, manufacturing, personnel, and purchasing into departments is practicing departmentalization.a. target customerb. productc. functionald. geographic (c; Moderate; p. 428)13. departmentalization achieves econ

9、omies of scale by placing people with common skills andorientations into common units.a. Functionalb. Processc. Productd. Geographic(a; Moderate; p. 428)14. At an Alcoa aluminum tubing plant in upstate New York, production is organized into five departments: casting; press; tubing; finishing; and in

10、specting; packing; and shipping. This is an example of departmentalization.a. Functionalb. Processc. Productd. Geographic (b; Moderate; p. 428)15. The unbroken line of authority that extends from the top of the organization to the lowest echelon and clarifies who reports to whom is termed: a. chain

11、of command.b. authority.c. power.d. unity of command. (a; Moderate; p. 429)16. The right inherent in a managerial position to give orders and expect orders to be obeyed is termed: a. chain of command.b. authority.c. power.d. unity of command. (b; Moderate; p. 429)17. The principle helps preserve the

12、 concept of an unbroken line of authority.a. span of control b. powerc. unity of commandd. decentralization (c; Moderate; p. 429)18. The principle states that a person should have one and only one superior to whom he or sheis directly responsible.a. span of controlb. chain of commandc. unity of comm

13、andd. power(c; Easy; p. 429)19. The refers to the number of subordinates a manager can efficiently and effectively direct.a. span of controlb. unity of commandc. chain of commandd. organizational chart(a; Easy; p. 418)20. Which of the following is a drawback of a narrow span of control?a. It reduces

14、 effectiveness.b. It is more efficient.c. It encourages overly tight supervision and discourages employee autonomy. d. It empowers employees.(c; Challenging; p. 430)21. Which of the following is not a drawback of a narrow span of control? a. They are expensive.b. They make vertical communication in

15、the organization more complex.c. They encourage employee autonomy.d. They encourage overly tight supervision.(c; Challenging; p. 430)22. The trend in recent years has been toward: a. narrower spans of control. b. wider spans of control. c. a span of control of five.d. an ideal span of control of eig

16、ht.(b; Moderate; p. 430)23. If you have a narrow span of control, you have a organization.a. multi-level b. short c. tall d. matrix(c; Moderate; p. 430)24. are consistent with recent efforts by companies to reduce costs, cut overhead, speed up decision making, increase flexibility, get closer to cus

17、tomers, and empower employees.a. Wider spans of controlb. Narrower spans of controlc. Flatter organizations d. Formalization(a; Moderate; p. 430)25. The best definition for centralization is:a. decision discretion is pushed down to lower level employees.b. decision making is concentrated at a single

18、 point in the organization.c. decision making depends on the situation.d. decision making is done in each department and then sent to the president for the final decision. (b; Moderate; p. 431)26. The component of structure which considers where decision-making authority lies is: a. delegation. b. f

19、ormalization. c. complexity. d. centralization.(d; Moderate; p. 431)27. In an organization that has high centralization:a. the corporate headquarters is located centrally to branch offices.b. all top level officials are located within the same geographic area.c. top managers make all the decisions a

20、nd lower level managers merely carry out top management s directions.d. action can be taken more quickly to solve problems. (c; Moderate; p. 431)28. The more that lower-level personnel provide input or are actually given the discretion to make decisions, the more there is.a. centralization b. decent

21、ralization c. work specialization d. departmentalization(b; Moderate; p. 431)29. If a job is highly formalized, it would not include which of the following?a. clearly defined procedures on work processesb. explicit job descriptionc. high employee job discretiond. a large number of organizational rul

22、es (c; Moderate; p. 431)30. Explicit job descriptions, lots of rules, and clearly defined procedures concerning work processes are consistent with: a. high formalization.b. technological innovation.c. high centralization.d. an organic model. (a; Challenging; pp. 431-432)31. Employee discretion is in

23、versely related to:a. complexity.b. standardization.c. centralization.d. technology. (b; Challenging; p. 432)Common Organizational Designs32. Which of the following is noi_a common organizational design? a. simple structure b. bureaucracy c. centralized structure d. matrix structure(c; Easy; p. 433)

24、33. The is characterized by a low degree of departmentalization, wide spans of control, authority centralized in a single person, and little formalization.a. bureaucracyb. matrix organizationc. simple structured. team structure(c; Moderate; p. 433)34. Which one of the following is consistent with a

25、simple structure?a. high centralizationb. high horizontal differentiationc. high formalizationd. high departmentalization(a; Moderate; p. 433)35. The is a flat organization.a. simple structureb. bureaucracyc. centralized structured. matrix structure(a; Moderate; p. 433)36. Simple structures are char

26、acterized by:a. shared authority.b. a narrow span of control.c. lots of formalization.d. a low degree of departmentalization.(d; Moderate; p. 433)37. The is most widely practiced in small businesses in which the manager and owner are one andthe same.a. simple structureb. bureaucracyc. centralized st

27、ructured. matrix structure(a; Moderate; p. 433)38. The bureaucracy is characterized by all of the following except: a. highly routine operating tasks.b. formalized rules and regulations.c. tasks that are grouped into functional departments.d. decentralized decision making.(d; Moderate; p. 434)39. Th

28、e key underlying all bureaucracies is:a. flexibility.b. standardization.c. dual lines of authority.d. wide span of control.(b; Moderate; p. 434)40. The is characterized by highly routine operating tasks achieved through specialization.a. simple structure b. bureaucracy c. centralized structure d. ma

29、trix structure(b; Moderate; p. 434)41. The strength of the simple structure lies in its: a. formalization.b. simplicity.c. centralization.d. information processing.(b; Easy; p. 433)42. Which of the following is not a weakness of the simple structure?a. It is risky.b. information overloadc. accountab

30、ility is cleard. slower decision making(c; Moderate; p. 433)43. Specialization creates subunit conflicts in the: a. simple structure.b. bureaucracy.c. centralized structure.d. matrix structure.(b; Moderate; p. 434)44. The structure that creates dual lines of authority and combines functional and pro

31、duct departmentalization is the: a. simple structure.b. bureaucracy.c. matrix structure.d. virtual organization.(c; Moderate; p. 435)45. The matrix structure combines which two forms of departmentalization? a. simple and functional b. functional and product c. product and organic d. organic and mech

32、anistic(b; Challenging; p. 435)46. The violates the unity of command concept.a. simple and functional b. functional and product c. product and organicd. organic and mechanistic(c; Challenging; p. 435)47. Which one of the following problems is most likely to occur in a matrix structure?a. decreased r

33、esponse to environmental changeb. decreased employee motivationc. loss of economies of scaled. employees receiving conflicting directives(d; Moderate; p. 436)48. The strength of the matrix structure is its:a. ability to facilitate coordination.b. economies of scale.c. adherence to chain of command.d

34、. predictability.(a; Moderate; p. 436)49. The major disadvantage of the matrix structure is:a. the confusion it creates.b. its propensity to foster power struggles.c. the stress it places on individuals.d. all of the above(d; Challenging; p. 436)New Design Options50. The primary characteristics of t

35、he structure are that it breaks down departmental barriersand decentralizes decision making to the level of the work team.a. virtual organizationb. teamc. boundarylessd. feminine organization(b; Moderate; p. 436)51. In larger organizations, the team structure complements what is typically a:a. virtu

36、al organization.b. bureaucracy.c. simple structure.d. boundaryless organization.(b; Challenging; p. 437)52. A small, core organization that outsources major business functions is the organization.a. team b. virtual c. boundaryless d. matrix(b; Moderate; p. 437)53. The is also called the network or m

37、odular organization.a. virtual organizationb. team structurec. pyramidd. boundaryless organization (a; Moderate; p. 437)54. The prototype of the virtual structure is today s:a. automobile manufacturers.b. movie-making organizations.c. fast-food restaurants.d. software companies.(b; Challenging; p. 4

38、37)55. The major advantage of the virtual organization is its: a. control.b. predictability.c. flexibility.d. empowerment. (c; Moderate; p. 438)56. The organization stands in sharp contrast to the typical bureaucracy that has many verticallevels of management and where control is sought through owne

39、rship.a. virtualb. teamc. limitlessd. matrix (a; Challenging; p. 438)57. The boundaryless organization relies heavily on: a. information technology.b. vertical boundaries.c. horizontal boundaries.d. external barriers.(a; Moderate; p. 438)58. An organization that seeks to eliminate the chain of comma

40、nd, have limitless spans of control, and replace departments with empowered teams is the:a. virtual organization.b. boundaryless organization.c. matrix organization.d. team structure. (b; Moderate; p. 438)59. The one common technological thread that makes the boundaryless organization possible is: a

41、. reengineering.b. MBA s.c. networked computers.d. mainframes.(c; Moderate; p. 439)Why Do Structures Differ?60. The is a structure characterized by extensive departmentalization, high formalization, a limited information network, and centralization.a. mechanistic modelb. organic modelc. technology m

42、odeld. boundaryless organization(a; Moderate; p. 440)61. Which of the following is not a characteristic of a mechanistic structure?a. extensive departmentalizationb. high formalizationc. limited information networkd. flexibility(d; Easy; p. 440)62. If there is low formalization, a comprehensive info

43、rmation network, and high participation in decision making, one would expect a(n): a. bureaucracy.b. mechanistic structure.c. organic structure.d. stable structure.(c; Challenging; p. 440)63. All of the following are characteristics of the organic model except:a. cross-functional teams.b. rigid depa

44、rtmentalization.c. cross hierarchical teams.d. free flow of information.(b; Moderate; p. 440)64. Which of the following is not a deter minant of an organization s structure?a. strategyb. organization sizec. industryd. technology(c; Moderate; pp. 440-444)65. Changes in corporate strategy precede and

45、lead to:a. changes in the environment.b. better communication.c. increased productivity.d. changes in an organization s structure.(d; Challenging; p. 440)66. A strategy that emphasizes the introduction of major new products and services is a(n) strategy.a. innovationb. cost-minimizationc. imitationd

46、. organic(a; Moderate; p. 441)67. The innovation strategy is characterized by:a. avoiding unnecessary costs.b. a mixture of loose with tight properties.c. low specialization and low formalization.d. tight controls over current activity. (c; Challenging; p. 441)68. refers to how an organization trans

47、fers its inputs into outputs.a. Imitationb. Technologyc. Operationsd. Innovation (b; Moderate; p. 441)69. Which of the following is not part of the organization s environment?a. public pressure groupsb. customersc. technologyd. competitors (c; Easy; p. 443)70. The of an environment refers to the degree to which it can support growth.a. capacityb. volatilityc. complexityd. nurturance (a; Moderate; p. 443) 71. refers to the degree of instabilit


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