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1、毕业设计开题报告题目: * 房地产估价报告(非拆迁项目)院 系:土木工程学院班 级:工管 0802学 号: 2201080225 姓 名:孙存祥 指导老师:于凤光一:背景及意义随着我国改革开放步伐的不断迈进,房地产业以及相关产业也在飞速蓬勃 地发展。我国房地产估价从无到有仅仅经历了短短十几年的历程,然而房地产 估价行业作为朝阳产业发展却十分迅速。社会诸多经济活动,如房地产买卖、 租赁、抵押、保险、课税、拍卖、征用拆迁补偿、纠纷处理,以及企业各种经 济活动等都离不开房地产估价。这种估价专业活动技术性很强,估价结果的客 观合理与否关乎相关单位和个人的切身利益,甚至对社会经济活动产生重大影 响,关系

2、社会公共利益和人民财产安全。具体就房地产来讲,由于房地产具有不可移动性、独一无二性和价值高大 性,房地产市场是典型的“不完全市场”。房地产估价的重要性在于:它是为 了建立合理的房地产交易秩序,也是促进房地产公平交易的基本保障,有助于 将房地产价格导向正常化。本选题所进行的有关房地产的估价活动,通过我们亲身经历整个房地产估 价的过程,可以使我们更深切、更完整地体会到房地产估价具有的科学性、艺 术性和综合性,让我们正真了解到房地产估价在现实生活中的重要意义。 二:目的通过对目标房地产项目的调查实习, 在熟练掌握估价理论方法和相关法律法 规的前提下,出具专业完整的土地、房地产估价报告。深入了解我们房

3、地产的 发展历程、状况、以及房地产估计状况、加强我们对房地产评估的认识。 三:方法和步骤首先确定估价的项目;然后围绕估价对象收集需要的资料,包括:委托估 价方及相关当事方提供的各种权属资料、规划施工资料、购买合同、发票等; 到估价对象现场实地勘察房地产实物状况及区位状况;通过房地产中介搜集估 价时点近期发生的与估价对象类似的房地产的交易,以及这些交易实例的基本 情况;通过登录有关房地产信息方面的网站,搜集估价所需的资料,了解估价 对象所在城市乃至所在省甚至全国的房地产市场发展趋势。根据搜集的资料选 区市场比较法作为估价方法,然后根据资料完成估价对象和可比实例的修正计 算,完成估价的技术报告,确

4、定估价对象的价值。最后撰写完成估价报告的内 容。具体步骤:1. 首先选定估价的项目;2. 明确估价的基本事项。包括:估价目的,估价对象,估价时点;3. 结合估价对象选择适合的估价方法;4搜集估价所需资料;5. 编制估价作业方案的思路,运用估价方法进行估算;6. 撰写房地产估价报告。四主要参考文献1 柴强主编房地产估价理论与方法2004年4月第一版;2 房地产估价规范GB/T-502911999;3 俞明轩.房地产评估M.北京:中国人民大学出版社,2004, 75-2354 冯长春.市场比较法、假设开发法在实际评估中的难点与问题剖析J.中国房地产估价师,1999, (1) :8-135 李翔.房

5、地产评估市场比较法的精度修正研究D.武汉:华中科技大学, 20066 中华人民共和国建设部.GB/T50291-1999.房地产估价规范S.北京:中 国建筑工业出版,1999-04-01 07 马凤飞.如何合理确定地价修正幅度J.中国资产评估,2007( 1):31-348 吴玲.综合方法估价D.天津:天津大学,20089 A ndrew R. Garvey. Where, How, and Why to buy Real Estate Before 2009. M Garvey Publishing, LLc, 2003. 1110 Michael C. Thomsett, Getti ng

6、 Finan ci ng & Developi ng Land. MCraftsman Book Compa ny, 2000. 9I: Background and SignificaneeWith the pace of Chinas reform and opening up constantly moving, real estate and related in dustries are rapidly flourishi ng developme nt. Chin as real estate valuatio n from scratch and only experie nee

7、d a short course of ten years, however, the real estate valuati on in dustry as a sun rise in dustry developme nt is very rapid. Many econo mic activities of society, such as real estate tran sacti on s, lease, mortgage, in sura nee, taxati on, aucti on, land acquisition, relocation compensation, di

8、spute resolution, and various econo mic activities, so in separable from the bus in ess of real estate valuati on. Highly technical professional activities such valuation, the valuation results of the objective reas on able or releva nt un its and in dividuals related to the vital in terests, or eve

9、 n a major impact on social and econo mic activities, relati on ships, social and public in terests and the people and property.Specifically on the real estate is concerned, the property has a non-mobility, unique n ature and value of tall, real estate market is a typical i ncomplete market. Real es

10、tate valuation is important because: it is to establish a rati onal order of real estate tran sacti on s, real estate is to promote the basic guarantee of fair trade, real estate prices will help to guide normalization.Con ducted on the topics of real estate valuati on activities, through our pers o

11、nal experie nee of the real estate valuati on process, allows us to more deeply, more fully to appreciate the real estate valuation with scientific, artistic and comprehe nsive, so that we are really aware of the real estate valuati on in real life sig ni fica nee.II: the purposeReal estate projects

12、 through a survey of target practice, proficie ncy in valuatio n methods and the theory un der the premise of releva nt laws and regulatio ns, issued by the professi onal in tegrity of the Ian d, real estate valuati on reports. Depth un dersta nding of our real estate developme nt process, eon diti

13、ons, and real estate estimates, enhan ced our un dersta nding of the real estate assessme nt.III: Methods and proceduresFirst, determine the valuation of the project; and around the valuation of the object to collect the necessary information, including: commissioning party and related party valuati

14、 on to provide a variety of own ership in formati on, pla nning of con struct ion materials, purchase con tracts, inv oices, etc.; to the valuati on of the object on-site in specti on room physical eon diti on and locati on real estate eon diti ons; collected through real estate valuati on point of

15、the recent valuation of the object with a similar real estate transactions, and in sta nces of these tran sact ions, the basic situati on; real estate in formati on by loggi ng in to the site to collect the required valuati on in formati on, un dersta nd the valuatio n of the object as well as the p

16、rovince or city where the eoun trys real estate market tren ds. Accord ing to data collected as a selecti on method of valuati on of the market comparis on approach, and the n complete the valuatio n of the object based on data and comparable in sta nces of correct ion terms to complete the tech ni

17、cal evaluati on report, to determ ine the valuati on of the objects value. Finally, to complete written assessment report.Specific steps:1 The first valuati on of the project selected;(2) a clear assessme nt of the basic issues. In clude: the purpose of valuati on, valuatio n of the object, the valu

18、ati on point;3 Select the appropriate valuation of the object with the method of valuation;4 collected estimate the required in formati on;5 ideas to prepare valuati on work program, the use of valuati on methods to estimate;6 real estate appraisal report writi ng.Main Refere nces1 Qia ng Chai edito

19、r of Real estate valuati on theory and methods, the first edition in April 2004;2 real estate appraisal sta ndards GB/T-50291-1999;3 Yu Mingxuan. Real estate appraisal M. Beijing: China Renmin University Press ,2004,75-2354 Chan g-Ch un Feng, market comparis on approach, assu ming that the actual de

20、velopme nt of law and assessme nt of the difficult problem of an alysis J. China Real Estate Appraisers, 1999, (1) :8-135 Li Xiang. Real estate appraisal market comparis on approach the accuracy of Correctio n D. Wuha n: Huazho ng Uni versity of Scie nee, 20066 Mi nistry of Con struction .GB/T50291-

21、1999. Real estate appraisal standards S. Beijing: China Building Industry 1999-2000 -04-01.7 Ma Fen gfei How to reas on ably determ ine the correct premium rate J.Chinese asset evaluation, 2007 (1) :31-348 Ling. An integrated approach to valuation D. Tianjin: Tianjin University, 20089 An drew R. Garvey. Where, How, and Why to buy Real Estate Before 2009. M Garvey Publishing, LLc, 2003. 1110 Michael C. Thomsett, Getting Financing & Developing Land. M Craftsman Book Compa ny, 2000. 9


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