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1、第 2222 课时 Book Book 8 8 下 Unit Unit 6 6 Teaching aims: *用所学知识谈谈为世界特奥会做志愿工作的重要性。 *学会使用 “It isadj.(for )to do”和 “It isadj.(of)to do “这两个句型。 *根据所给提示组织好材料写一篇 “Giving a helping hand”的文章。 Teaching procedures 一、Warming up 二、Review the important points 一)、Words 1blindadj.“意为 瞎的,失明的”,短语有:the blindblind peopl

2、e 盲人; blindnessn.意为“失明”,blindness由形容词 blind ness 构成。ness 后缀,常附在 形容词之后构成名词,如:kindness;happiness;darkness;carefulness。 2expectv.“意为 期待,指望”;短语有:expect to do sth.期待做某事;expect sb.to do sth.期待某人做某事。 如:I didnt expect to meet you here. He expected his father to go with him. 3achievev.“意为 完成,实现”,短语有:achieve

3、success取得成功;achieve a balance between work and play 在工作和学习之间取得平衡。achievement“名词, 成就,成绩”。 4introductionn.意为“介绍,引言”;introduce v意为“介绍”,短语有:give an introduction 作一个介绍。 二)、Phrases 1train to be a volunteer 2.do something for the Olympic Games 3.some more food to eat 4.write to the local government 5.provi

4、de special places for homeless people 6.such as 7.the Special Olympic World Games 8.receive training 9.give children and adults with intellectual disabilities a chance 10.make the event a great/big success 11.feel more confident 12.volunteers from different backgrounds 13.hear of/about 14.achieve/re

5、alize dreams 15.work as a volunteer 16.cross the road 17.win the competition 18.be born with 19.do work onetoone e true 21.have some trouble doing sth. 22.show their skills to the world 23.take care of a lost pet 24.drop litter everywhere 25.a primary student 26.talk on the phone 27.work in a mounta

6、in area 1 28.Southwest China 29.in our daily life 30.save pocket money 31.at community center 32.Teenagers afterschool activities 33.as blue as before 34.give a helping hand 35.be similar to 36.win a gold medal 37.feel like part of one big family 38.work closely with these special athletes 中文译注: 1训练

7、成为一个志愿者 2.为奥运会做些事 3.更多一些吃的食物 4.写信给当地政府 5.给无家 可归的人提供专门的地方 6.例如 7.残奥会 8.接受培训 9.给智障的孩子和成年人一次机会 10. 使这项赛事取得巨大的成功 11.感到更自信 12.有不同背景的志愿者 13.听说 14.实现梦想 15. 作为一个志愿者工作 16.穿过马路 17.赢得比赛 18.生来具有 19.干一对一的工作 20.实现, 成真 21.做某事有困难 22.向世界展示他们的才能 23.照顾一只走失的宠物 24.到处乱丢垃圾 25.一个小学生 26.在电话里交谈 27.在山区工作 28.中国西南地区 29.在我们的日常生活

8、中 30.节约零花钱 31.在社区中心 32.青少年课外活动 33.和以前一样蓝 34.伸出援助之手 35. 与相似 36.赢得一枚金牌 37.感觉像一个大家庭的一部分 38.和这些特殊的运动员密切合 作 三)、Sentences 1Over 40000 people gave_up their spare time for the 2007 Special Olympics World Games. *over“意为 超过”,相当于 more than,其反义短语是 less than“,表示 少于”。 *give up“意为 放弃”,其后可接名词、代词、或动名词。 如:There are

9、over fifty thousand people in this town. After you get married,will you give_up_your_job ? 2To Li Hai,the most important thing is not to win a gold or a silver,but to take part. notbut“”意为 不是而是,but 表示转折。 如:The meal is not for one,but for all to enjoy. 3Do you have_any_trouble_talking to people with

10、intellectual disabilities? have trouble(in)doing sth.意为“做某事有困难”,短语中 in可以省略;其同义短语是 have trouble with sth. 如:The boy has some trouble(in)learning English. The boy has some trouble with English. “做某事有困难”类似的短语:*have problems(in)doing sth.have problems with sth. have difficulty(in)doing sth.;have fun doi

11、ng sth. 4She teaches_them_Chinese,and Maths. *teach sb.sth.“意为 教某人某物”,也可转换为 teach sth.to sb.sth.是直接宾语,sb.是间 接宾语。 如:Mr White taught us English last year. Mr White taught Maths to us last year. *teach sb.to do sth.“教某人做某事 ”。 如:Could you teach me to swim? *teach sb.how to do sth.“”教某人怎样做某事。 如:Could you

12、 teach me how to dance? *teach oneself “”自学 相当于 learnby oneself 如:My brother taught himself German last term. My brother learnt German by himself last term. 2 5In_this_way,they can help the local people improve their lives. in this way“”意为 这样,用这种方法。 如:Can you work out the Maths problem in this way?

13、常用短语有:in some ways 在某种程度上 the way to到的路上 all the way 一路上, 一直 by the way 顺便说一下,顺便问一下 in the way 挡道,妨碍 lose ones way 迷路 on the/ones way home 在回家的路上 四)、Grammar “It is adj(for/of) to do” 句型 句型 含义 举例 说明 It is adj. 做某事是的。 It is interesting to 该句型中的形容词表示 to do go fishing.钓鱼真有 不定式所具备的特征或 something. 趣。 客观情况。

14、如:cheap, convenient,dangerous, difficult, easy, exciting, expensive, important,interesting, necessary,wonderful。 It is adj. 对某人来说做某事 It is necessary for me 基本同 “It is adj. for somebody 是的。 to help him.对我来说 to do something”句型, to do 帮助他是必须的。 for 引出逻辑主语。 something. It is adj. 某 人 做 某 事 真 是 / It is clever of him to 该句型中的形容词描述 of somebody 太了。 solve the problem.他 的是人的特征、品质等。 to do 真聪明,解决了这个难 如 : brave, careless, something. 题。 clever, foolish, generous,good,helpful, honest, kind, nice, polite,silly,stupid, wrong。 3


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