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1、云南省芒市中学高一英语unit11thesoundsoftheworldthesecond third教案云南省芒市中学高一英语Unit 11 The sounds of the world The second & third教案 一、 教学内容及解析 内容:Pre-reading 设计了四个问题,具体讨论学生喜欢的音乐种类,以及他们在听音乐时主要是听歌词还是听旋律等问题。Reading 部分介绍了了一些西方音乐的风格及其特点,文章选材贴近学生的生活,容易引起学生的共鸣和激发学生对音乐的热爱。Post-reading 部分设置了两组练习,其中第一组练习提到了“蓝色”音乐和“rap”新曲风,第

2、二组练习通过判断正误使学生更进一步地理解课文细节等问题。 解析: Pre-reading 的设计目的在于引导学生交流自己在音乐方面的知识、爱好和技能,为下一步阅读作好思想准备。而Reading部分则是使学生了解不同音乐的形式和对人们生活的影响,引导学生扩大音乐的兴趣范围,并进一步认识到音乐是一种在我们生活中随处可见、大家共同的语言。Post-reading 部分针对文章的理解,评价学生对文章的理解程度,引导学生理解音乐在人类生活中不可替代的作用它是一种全球性的“语言”。 二、 目标及解析 目标:使学生了解the blues, jazz, rock music, hip-hop and rap,

3、 Latin music的特点、来源等信息。使学生初步掌握略读,查读和根据上下文猜测词义的技能。 解析:可在规定时间内训练学生进行泛读,精读的练习,并完成相对的练习,以此达到培养学生阅读能力的目的。 三、教学问题诊断分析 学生掌握关键词和重要的表达法存在一定困难,教师应带领学生在课前进行相应的复习。在文章的分析中学生可能会对某些长句,从句的理解产生困难,教师应鼓励学生通过上下文进行理解,然后通过句型讲解帮助学生排除困难。 四、 教学过程设计 (一)教学基本流程 导入读前读中读后 (二)教学情景 1 用心 爱心 专心 Step I Greetings and Lead-in Good morni

4、ng/ afternoon! Class! Yesterday we listened and enjoyed some pieces of music and songs. We know music is not only colorful but also beautiful and meaningful. Here are some questions in Pre-reading. Please discuss them with your partner. 设计意图:自然将前面学的内容过渡到本节内容,引导学生进入新内容。 师生活动:师说生听,师问生答。 Step II Pre-re

5、ading Discuss the questions in Pre-reading in pairs. 设计意图:为学习正文做相应的热身。 师生活动:让学生思考讨论两分钟,然后师问生答。 Step III Reading Activity 1 ( class work ) Do fast reading after listening to the tape, then get the general idea and answer the following questions. 1. How many kinds of music are mentioned and what they

6、are? (African music, American music and Latin music.) 2. What does the American music contain? ( Blues, jazz, rock, hip-hop and rap) 设计意图: 训练学生的泛读技巧,使学生了解课文大概框架. 师生活动:师问生答,可提问个别,也可提问全班一起回答。 Activity 2 (class work ) Read the text again and do the following reading comprehension. 1. What does the firs

7、t paragraph mainly want to say? A. People should listen to music more often. B. More people prefer new sounds and rhythms to the old ones. C. It serves as an introduction to the rest of the whole passage. D. Most music is played on the radio or on TV all over the world. 2. Blues music _. A. has chan

8、ged a lot over centuries. B. is played only by the Blacks. 2 用心 爱心 专心 C. is a mixture of American music and African songs. D. comes from other musical styles, like jazz and rock music. 3. The word “rap” in Paragraph 3 means “_” A. to sing and dance along with the beat. B.to peak the song words and d

9、ance along with the beat. B.C. to sing and rap along with the beat. D. C.to speak the song words and rap along with the other music styles. 4. _ makes hip-hop music so different from the other music styles. A. The way the artists perform it B.Involving much of American culture C.Having much in commo

10、n with blues and rock D.Having the same notes for song writers and performers to follow 5. Latin music is popular in the USA because_. A. most Americans come from Latin America B. B.the US has a large Spanish-speaking population C.there are many successful stars such as Santana and Ricky Martin. D.B

11、&C Answers: C C D C D 设计意图: 训练学生的精读技巧,帮助学生加深对课文理解. 师生活动:让学生进行精读,提问有关文章细节问题,让学生来回答,并划下有关答案的细节内容。 Step IV Post-reading Ok. Now please look at the third part-Post-reading. In this part, were going to answer some questions about the text. So first look at the four questions listed in Exercise 1 in the P

12、ost-reading part. Then finish Exercise 2. After five minutes, Ill ask some of you stand up and give us the answers. 设计意图: 检验学生对课文理解程度. 师生活动:给学生五分钟完成问题后进行对第一题全班提问,对第二题则请各别学生完成。 StepV 目标检测 1.请用下列单词或短语的适当形式填空。 3 用心 爱心 专心 Performer, instrument, intelligence, a variety of, guitar, be satisfied with, char

13、acteristic, have nothing in common Mike and I are good friends, but we_. One of the reasons given by him was “We are working hard so we ourselves can have a better future and if all the Chinese work hard, we can build a powerful China with Chinese _”. 2. 单选题。 1)He discovered a pot _32,000 Chinese me

14、tal coins. A. contain B. containing C. to contain D. contained 8) Tom was disappointed that most of the guests _ when he _at the party. A. left; had arrived B. left; arrived C. had left; had arrived D. had left; arrived 设计意图:检测学生对新单词的掌握。 师生活动:可让学生边讨论边完成,完成后带领学生核对答案。 小结:本节课上我们有效的对阅读技巧进行了一定的训练,并在训练的过程

15、中完成了相关单词、句子和语法的学习和复习。此外,我们也对世界上一些不同地区的音乐的发展和衍变有了认识和了解,扩充的知识面。 配餐作业:建议下列题中任选两组题完成(AB)或(BC) (一)基础题(A组题) 背默以下短文 UNIT 11 I was having dinner at a restaurant when Harry Steele came in. I have never borrowed any money from you, Harry said, so now you can pay for my dinner! 设计意图:培养学生的语感同时也训练其阅读能力,对其写作能力有一定

16、帮助。 (二)巩固题(B组题) 阅读理解 A One of the most successful singers in the twentieth century, Ella Fitzerald, was born in Virginia but was brought up in a house for orphans(孤儿)in Yonkers,4 用心 爱心 专心 she said. “To me, its a story, and there is only one thing better than singingits more singing.” 1(What was Bess

17、ie Smith according to the passage? A(A bank leader. B(A song writer. C(A music teacher. D(A singer. 5(What does the last sentence of the passage mean? A(Fitzerald liked her own songs. B(Fitzerald liked better bands. C(Fitzerald enjoyed singing most. D(Fitzerald enjoyed many more songs. B If parents

18、bring up child with the aim of turning the child into a genius(天才), they will cause great damage to him.Winston is always afraid that he will disappoint his parents and now he always seems quiet and unhappy. 1(The main idea of the passage is _. A(how parents should make a child a musician B(how pare

19、nts should bring up a child C(what differences there are between two kinds of parents D(what aim of a child can be much easier to reach 5(According to the authors opinion, _. A(it is unimportant to let the children develop in the way they want B(parents should be supportive of their children C(all s

20、ensible parents can train their children to succeed in everything D(unrealistic parents should arrange private lessons for their children 设计意图:帮助学生提高阅读能力,捕捉信息的能力。 9切线长定理:过圆外一点所画的圆的两条切线长想等,圆外切四边形对边相等,直角三角形内切圆半径公式.(三)提高题(C组题) 四、教学重难点:短文改错 I sent my baby to the supermarket this morning. 1(_ (7)二次函数的性质:

21、At the store, I had put her in a shopping cart, 2(_ with some food and toys around herself. 3(_ (一)数与代数5 用心 爱心 专心 1、会数、会读、会写100以内的数;在具体情境中把握数的相对大小关系;能够运用数进行表达和交流,体会数与日常生活的密切联系。A small boy and his mother were ahead of me. 4(_ The child was crying and begging for 5(_ everything. 定理:在同圆或等圆中,相等的圆心角所对的弧相

22、等、所对的弦相等、所对的弦心距相等。“He wants some sweets or toys and his father 6(_ wont let him have.”I thought. 7(_ Then I heard about his mothers 8(_ reply.“No!”She (6)直角三角形的外接圆半径said, looking at my direction.“You may not 9(_ have 2. 图像性质:the baby sister today.That lady got the last 10(_ one!” 设计意图:提高学生对文章结构,语法掌握的能力。 7.同角的三角函数间的关系:教学反思: tanA是一个完整的符号,它表示A的正切,记号里习惯省去角的符号“”;6 用心 爱心 专心


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