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1、,Measurement 评断训练的好坏方式,Identifyneeds确认需求,Design theprogramme设计课程,Set objectives设立目标,Select methodsof measurement选定评估方法,Measure thechange in performance评估行为 /表现上的改变,Run theprogramme 执行课程,The Training Cycle 训练循环图,Ineffective Training Practices:Before 没有效果的训练: 训练前,Training forced on people (they need t

2、o want development)强迫性的(必需是发於内心的)Training disconnected from strategic thinking and job reality与策略性思考及工作内容无关One size fits all. Lack of tailoring to needs没有因材施教.需要依据每个人不同的需求设计课程.,Ineffective Training Practices: During 没有效果的训练: 训练中,Were only got them for a short while so lets give them everything we kn

3、ow 填鸭式教学,因为训练的时间通常很短School teaching models (not adult learning models)像学校式的教学 (不是成人式的教学方式)Making people feel good (rather than adding value)只让人感觉很舒服 (而不是增加他们的知识),Ineffective Training Practices:After 没有效果的训练: 训练後,Participants are brought into a classroom, get excited, then return to an environment th

4、at doesnt always match what they have been taught工作的内容与上课的内容无关Lack of senior management support 缺乏资深管理阶层人员的支持No appreciation for critical mass (too few to affect change)不被大多数的人接受 (太少人不能产生影响)Intermittent and one-shot training中断或一次性的训练,Evaluation 评估训练课程的成效,Questions We Are Trying To Answer 我们试著要回答以下问题

5、,1.Has the programme satisfied its stated objectives to a major extent?课程是否有达到原先设想的目标?2.Has the programme satisfied the personal objectives of the participants to a major extent?课程是否有满足参加者的个人目标?3.Is the programme cost & time effective to O&M?课程是否对奥美来说是符合时间成本的?4.Have participants put the learning int

6、o effective action on return to work?学员是否在返回工作岗位之後能够将所学施展出来?,Happy Sheets - The Traditional Approach 快乐表 - 传统的方式,At the end of the programme essentially asks participants to rate the session on a five point scale and leave sheet behind on leaving session在课程结束後,请学员填写一个五点量表,并且请在离开时把填写的问卷留下.Will tell y

7、ou if participants are unhappy (e.g. the tone is wrong). Almost everything else will be clouded,End Of Course Feedback (Moving Beyond Happy-Sheets) 课程结束的回应 (除了快乐表以外),1.Open questionnaire自由发挥的问卷2.Open-question questionnaire开放式申论题问卷3.Scoring questionnaires计分式的问卷a) Likert scale (喜好度量表) b) Semantic diff

8、erential (语意差异表),End Of Course Feedback (Moving Beyond Happy-Sheets) 课程结束的回应 (除了快桨表以外),4.Validation questionnaires符合期望量表5.Action planning行动计划6.Pre-Post questionnaires事前-後问卷,Open Questionnaire,Please make any comments which you feel are important or significant on any aspects of this programme. You m

9、ay wish to add your name,The Open - Question Questionnaire,1.Which parts did you find most useful?2.Which parts did you find least useful?3.What are your directions for improvement?4.Which aspects are you most likely to implement?5.Any other comments?Please add your name if you wish to do so,Scoring

10、 Questionnaire Semantic Differential,Please rate each factor on the scale by marking a cross in the appropriate box654321Learned a lotLearned a littleEnjoyed the sessionDidnt enjoy the sessionTheoreticalPracticalUnderstood everythingUnderstood nothingHelpfulUnhelpful,Scoring Questionnaire Likert Sca

11、le,Please register views on the following statements by ringing the appropriate boxSA=strongly agreeD=disagreeA=agreeSD=strongly disagreeU=uncertainAt least half the money we spend on training andSAAUDSDdevelopment is wasted because learning is not takenback.Too much of our training is BRIAN.SAAUDSD

12、Senior management dont give enough support to T&D.SAAUDSDWe need to put more emphasis on day to day SAAUDSDcoaching on the job.Sending people overseas for training is an inefficient SAAUDSDuse of limited resources,Validation Questionnaire,1.Did you obtain what you hoped for from this programme?Pleas

13、e ring the relevant answerYesMore than expectedLess than expectedNo2.How useful did you find the following?Please ring the relevant score (1 = low to 5 = high)a.Trainer TypesIf you gave a rating 1, 2 or 3 please state why you have given this rating. If you have given a rating or 4 or 5 please state

14、how you intend to use this learning.,12345,Validation Questionnaire,b.Kolb learning cycleIf you gave a rating 1, 2 or 3 please state why you have given this rating. If you have given a rating or 4 or 5 please state how you intend to use this learning.c. Process techniques (Buzz groups etc.)If you ga

15、ve a rating 1, 2 or 3 please state why you have given this rating. If you have given a rating or 4 or 5 please state how you intend to use this learning.,12345,12345,Validation Questionnaire,d.End of course feedbackIf you gave a rating 1, 2 or 3 please state why you have given this rating. If you ha

16、ve given a rating or 4 or 5 please state how you intend to use this learning.3.What specific directions for improvement would you suggest to enhance the effectiveness of the programme?,12345,Validation Questionnaire,4.What was/were the most significant event(s) for you on the programme. And why?5.Wh

17、at have you learned from the programme which you intend to put into practise on your return to work?,Action Planning,What I intend to do to implement the learning from this programme,How I intend to do it,With what resources/help,By when,Transfer,The Retention Curve Is The Enemy Of Learning 记忆曲线是学习的

18、敌人,LEARN ING,100,75,50,25,0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,%,Weeks,by 3 months most is gone unless practiced除非练习,否则三个月後都消失了,25-50% slips away in 4 weeks在四周内 25-40% 立即下滑,学习,周 数,CONTRACTS合约,Manager经理人,Participant学员,Trainer讲师,Trainer - Manager Contracting 讲师与经理人之间的合约,What parts of the performance of you

19、r country /unit do you want to improve?你国家/单位中的哪些表急需改进?What do you want to change?你想要改变什麽?How are we going to measure the change?你要如何衡量改变?What sort of training do we need?我们需要何种训练?What sort of after sales service/follow up do we need to embed the change?哪一种 售後服务 是创造改变必备的?,Trainer - Participant Contr

20、acting 讲师与学员间的合约,What would you like to take away from here at the end of the programme?课程结束後你想学到什麽?What would you like to be able to do that you cant do now, or do better than you do now?有什麽是你想做而做不到, 做不好的?(During, at end) What do you need from your boss in order to use what you have learned?(在训练中及後

21、)为了运用所学,你期望老板支授什麽?,Manager - Participant Contracting(Often Not Done) 经理人与学员的合约 (通常没有做),Discuss why the training is taking place讨论为什麽有这个训练Discuss what are participants needs 讨论学员需求 company needs 讨论公司需求 Discuss what support the participant will need from boss on return to practice skills讨论学员返回工作後, 需要什

22、麽协助才能运用这些技能Agree what will happen as a result of the training双方同意训练後的结果feedback 反馈 transmission 传承 recognition & reward,What Trainers Can Do To Improve The Transfer Of Learning,From Training & Development Activities Back Into The Job In The Agency,Before,Align programme with agencys core strategies

23、and prioritiesInvolve participants and their managersSystematically design the programmePlan participation opportunitiesDevelop participant readinessDesign a peer-coaching component for the programme and its follow-up activities,During,Develop application - orientated objectivesManage the unlearning

24、 process (competencies model)Answer the hat in it for me? questionProvide realistic work-related tasksProvide visualisation experiencesGive individualised feedbackProvide job performance aids,After,Convince trainees that they can and will transfer the training (Pygmalion effect)Provide follow up sup

25、portConduct evaluation surveys and provide feedbackDevelop and administer recognition systemsProvide refresher sessions,What Managers Can Do to Help Improve the Transfer of Learning to the Job,Before,Involve trainees in needs analysis and programme planningBrief trainees on importance of the trainin

26、g, what it will cover and how it will apply to their jobsProvide time to complete pre-course assignmentsOffer rewards & promotional preference to those who demonstrate new behavioursSelect trainees carefullyPrevious trainees to brief new traineesSend co-workers to training togetherPlan to participat

27、e yourself as faculty,During,Prevent interruptionsTransfer work assignments to othersCommunicate Management support for the programmeMonitor timekeeping Recognise completion (certificates etc.)Join in transfer/action planningPlan assessment of transfer of new skills to the job,After,Plan trainees re

28、-entryGive positive re-inforcementSupport learning transferProvide a reality checkProvide a opportunities to practice new skillsReduce job pressures initially on returnSchedule participant briefings for co-workersSet mutual expectations for improvementArrange refresher sessionsGive promotional prefe

29、rence,Watch Performing? As A Trainer,Being a member of the audience is a passive roleAudience participation is stage managed by the performerPerformers sometimes do not like being up-stagedPerformers want applause from audience and use it to measure their successPeople remember a well constructed pe

30、rformance but may not leave with learningExchanging the adrenaline of performance for the excitement and challenge of seeing problems being confronted and resolved over time.,People choose to learn; they cannot be made to learnAll activities are different opportunities for learningPeople learn in different waysPeople who have learned how to learn are the best equipped to deal with continuous change,Training,Learning,


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