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1、Unit Unit 3 3 课 题 Unit 3 Section A (1a2d) 课 型 听说课 知识与能力 New words and expressions 过 程 与 方 法 Practice making polite requests and asking for 教学目标 permission 情感态度与价值观 Help with the chores and helping others means helping ourselves Could you please clean your room? do the dishes / take out the rubbish/f

2、old your clothes / sweep the 教学重点 floor make your bed/ clean the living room 表达不同家务活的说法 教学难点 学会如何请求允许 泛听与精听相结合, 教学策略 创设情境与对话操练相结合 教学方法 对话法、合作法、任务型教学法 目标达成 课堂生成 教学反思 教学效果 1 改进措施 一、基础知识梳理 1、单词 rubbishrubbish n. 垃圾;废弃物 foldfold v. 折叠;对折 sweepsweep v. 扫;打扫 floorfloor n. 地板 messmess n 杂乱;不整洁 2、短语 洗餐具 do

3、the dishes 倒垃圾 take out the rubbish 叠衣服 fold your clothes 扫地 sweep the floor 整理你的床铺 make your bed 打扫起居室 clean the living room 外出吃饭 go out for dinner 在外面待到很晚 stay out late 免费搭便车 get a ride 3、句式 你能打扫你的房间吗? Could you please clean your room? 你能到倒垃圾吗? Could you please take out the rubbish? 我将要打扫起居室。 Im g

4、oing to clean the living room. 我可以用你的电脑吗? 2 Could I use your computer? 如果她看到这么乱会不高兴的。 She wont be happy if she sees this mess. 二、重难点分析 学法指导及 1. rubbishrubbish n. 垃圾;废弃物 个性化设计 3 (U)a pile of rubbish collect the rubbish throw the rubbi sh take out the rubbish take it /them out take sth out of take sth

5、 from 2. take out the rubbish 到垃圾 -Could you please take out the rubbish ? -Yes, sure./No problem. 3. foldfold vt. 折叠;对折 fold the paper 对折报纸 fold the clothes 叠衣服 4. sweep sweep vi/vt 扫;打扫 swept swept sweep with the broom sweep the floor sweep the street The students are sweeping the floor of the cla

6、ssroom. His mother swept the room just now. 5. floorfloor n.地板 on the floor (美)the first /second/thirdfloor (英)the ground/first/secondfloor 6. messmess n.杂乱;不整洁 a mess of the dirty dishes 堆积如山的脏盘子 in a mess 杂乱 混乱 make a me ss of 弄乱 弄脏 This room is in a mess. 这个房间杂乱不堪。 There is a lot of mess to clear

7、 up.有许多脏东西要清理。 The heavy rain made a great mess of the garden. 这场大雨把花园弄得一团糟。 4 Important sentences:Important sentences: 1.Could you please clean your room? 2.Could you please sweep the floor? 3.Can you do the dishes? 4.Im going to clean the living room. 5.No problem. 6.Could I use your computer? 7.Sorry. Im going to work on it now. 8.Could you please help out with a few things? 9.Could I at least finish watching this show? 10.Mom will be back from shopping any minute now. 5


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