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1、Unit Unit 8 8 课 题 Unit 8 Section A (1a2d) 课 型 听说课 知识与能力 New words and expressions 教学目标 过程与方法 listen, answer, speak, discussion 情感态度与价值观 激发学生对国内外文学著作的热爱。 Have you ever read Little Women yet? Steve, have you decided yet which book to write about for English 教学重点 class? Although I have lost everything,

2、 I have not lost my life. How long have they been here? 教学难点 初步理解 already, yet 在现在完成时中的用法。 泛听与精听相结合, 教学策略 创设情境与对话操练相结合 教学方法 对话法、合作法、任务型教学法 目标达成 教学反思 课堂生成 教学效果 1 改进措施 一、基础知识梳理 1、单词 treasurereasure n.珠宝;财富 islandisland n.岛 fullfull ofof 满是的;(有)大量的;(有)丰富的 classicclassic n.经典作品;名著 pagepage n.(书刊或纸张的)页,面

3、,张 hurryhurry v.匆忙;赶快 hurryhurry upup 赶快;急忙(做某事) duedue adj. 预期;预定 2、短语 听说 hear of 出海 go out to sea 一个满是宝藏的岛屿 an island fu ll of treasures 住在英国 live in the United Kingdom 写关于的事 write about 成长,长大 grow up 放下, 把放下 put down 在第 25页 on page 25 至少 at least 书的背面 the back of the book 赶快,匆忙 hurry up 读书报告 the

4、book report 预期,预定 be due 3、句式 Have you read Little Women yet ? 你读过小妇人吗? Ive already read it. 我已经读过了。 Whats it like? 这本书怎么样? Has Tina read Treasure Island yet ? 2 Tina 读过金银岛吗? Yes, she has. / No, she hasnt. 是的,她读过。/ 不,她没读过。 二、重难点分析 学法指导及 1. treasuretreasure c./u. n. 珠宝,财富, 珍宝 个性化设计 3 an island full o

5、f treasures. v.珍藏 She treasured all the letters he wrote. 珍惜 I treasure our friendship. 我珍惜我们的 友谊。 national treasure国宝 art treasures 艺术 珍品 2. islandisland c.n. 岛 Treasure Island an island 3. full offull of 满是的(有)大量的 The case was full of clothes. 箱子里塞满了衣 服。 be full of = be filled with 4. classicclass

6、ic c.n. 经典作品, 名著 As I grow older, I like to reread the classics regularly. 随着年龄渐长,我喜欢经常重读经典著作。 adj. 典型的;传统式样的;著名的;有趣的 classic music 古典音乐 It is a classic style of Gothic buildings. 这是哥特式建筑的典型样式。 5. pagepage c.n. (书刊或纸张的)页,面,张 on page 25 6. hurryhurry v. 匆忙,赶快 He hurried home (to school). 他匆忙回家(去上学) h

7、urry to do sth, They were hurrying to catch their train. hurry sb. up 催促某人/某事 Hurry him up. 催他快点。 hurry uphurry up 赶快,急忙做某事 4 Hurry up and get dressed. 赶快穿好衣服。 n. be in a hurry to do He was in a hurry to leave. 他急于要离开。 hurriedly adv. 7. duedue adj. 预期,预定 The results are due at the end of the month. 预计月底会有 结果。 Our manager is due to fly to Italy next month. be due to do 预定/预计要做某事 due to 由于 He arri ved late due to the storm.他因为暴风雨而来迟了。 5


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