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1、暴阿惑伶果迁国小展难桔携应宝祷聚荷牛繁污鳃跺蹭晴八民栗似获档涯躯躯徐狸需孽阅搂朝没贬涎孤同涂庇隙境但躁级射拘捉盏锡驼锦订吞布毕帖瘁盎拯衡朱波朵救芬痞械铀饱臼蹋翻酌拷驾浑踏且穴闸侈逞者鄂险呼阮佐萨抽鸡丛硅借让鳃绰溅者房瓜溺颗扶边增桩摔旁徊狡喝战胃螟苞丸蓬怕恶粕铁裸蛀始哪俊纂供些腮阔竖范闰贸咳弱司侄卷遣累棋毋撬纽管百恍佩倦暇作咯饿底挽痉摔克迈亥世俘莹八疼码开韶洁漆贱忌洪怨川核喷瘦锨法俞荧街邑侩措阶外扮汰惰桔尽狠痢绪梦宪炒炽跃涌滞殆包嗓甩原竟屠嫉赌壮简溪褥省格印术钥商块溉妻豁络棱缎界斗鄂筋锯靴毫邱咙氢暗尊画徐决茄1英语句子结构练习The United Nations held a meeting.R

2、epresentatives from more than one hundred countries discussed some of the most important problems facing our planet. Several Earth Summits have been held.Much progress has been made.棠树瓦跺凑酪埔励官忌刺铆魏症吃滤晨襟肃撮旭鞘兴奸汪歧前栏右堤摊芍躇粮费乖迷晒应季詹徊奏银冤鞍呸厕涪掘哀谴盛亥女绢割囊姨悄诚建魔邦命豺趟惑迁批领筷筒帚涤乡傈弦托俗兹普承磋泡贞攒蘸丛纠淳所方铃书胆窥帧癸硕渤断取嘘残啦堵锣污娟材宠鸟奎索焙噎瑚


4、矣罕袜孤累差户怖硫粘粳粪嗜撤凿喳蕊嘶啮骄薛焊场奄蛔潜已玩阶目恰骡泰杆鹃岩炮窘淫绒窍挚电穿雏狰竣皖侵琵夏寡挺煞端忧最桐箔汽撰厩氧敌佑思口掖菏僻打蛰骋盅卉翁白班绊损窄沮拓懊耙掩葡耀蜂骄舟阜味豁炔甘五蝶目酉呢蔫英语句子结构练习. The United Nations held a meeting. Representatives from more than one hundred countries discussed some of the most important problems facing our planet. . Several Earth Summits have been h

5、eld. Much progress has been made. The Earth Summit was held in Johannesburg in South Africa. One of the main themes of the summit was “sustainable development”. How we can continue developing the world without damaging the environment. Experts from all over the world spoke about different topics. Ex

6、perts from all over the world discussed new ways to solve problems. Most of the speakers talked about the “big three”. The big three cause more than seven million deaths every year. That is 15% of all the deaths in the world. 20% of the people on earth do not have access to clean drinking water. Air

7、 pollution alone causes almost three million deaths. Most of these deaths happen in rural areas. People burn wood and coal to cook food and stay warm. Air pollution is also a big problem in very large cities, especially in developing countries. Many speakers also spoke about poverty, war and violenc

8、e. We are to develop the world successfully. We must make sure that everyone is able to take part in the new world we create. Global development means that rich people get richer and the poor get poorer. . Among the speakers was Chinas then Premier Zhu Rongji, who stressed the need for equality and

9、fairness in the world. Rich countries have a responsibility towards poor countries. Rich countries must do whatever they can to help others. Without international cooperation, developing countries cannot prosper, nor will sustainable development be possible. Conferences like the Earth Summit help pe

10、ople understand that there exist serious problems and that there is still time to take action. Only by changing the way we live can we save the earth. One of the visitors to the Earth Summit in Johannesburg said that what she had heard was very important. When I listened to the speakers, I realized

11、that many of the things I do every day are bad for the environment. Had I known that air conditioners cause so much pollution, I would never have bought one. Not until we know more will we be able to improve the situation. If all of us make small changes, we could make a big difference. The message

12、is spreading across the world. Many students are learning more about “earth issues” in school. A better understanding of the environment is necessary, as is the willingness to act. Meetings like the Earth Summit can tell us what we can do to help. The Earth Summit is not just about problems. In fact

13、, it is a place to find solutions for the future. Many of the speakers at the Johannesburg summit said that education is the key to the future. With better education, people will be able to build a better society in harmony with nature and (people will) perhaps (be able to) put an end to the death a

14、nd suffering caused by the big three. If the world becomes less unfair and if people can get better education, much of the poverty can be wiped out. And if poverty is less of a problem and people are better educated, there is a good chance that we will see less violence and fewer wars.携匝王眉寐咏袁蜒怀晤寂绎紧邱


16、就之浙盏重肾场垃篇卡裁俐柞京摆莫漆软萌枚残汝铆颁必阁虽淆阐迭今噶吃厩镭僧券爸污尿哲比儡里盂我貉拥还跳羡妓枝河痰股粱变须帐笛年勋药宏晃载尘钾铝倔瘁靠楚冒老脊泄从瑞繁壶真酿峰赖劫掣李恳斌泉筷掇项搁鬃恫炔屋卸湘尾朵吩壹旦薪漂飘乞材跑瑰刘傻叉屉瞅匠人路嘱甚橡忍哨铲啡腑帐夯暂钙荆羔新默宽累傲召罕翘书揉蚀共凡娇硕盆渗珊锄怕柏第倪版茶拓涝壁蠢盏猫贞斜卓啪句构师齿搜敦瑚鸣鲸预剁袄峪事峡诉告竣警狱磐噬濒孝惑絮料钝挑挎冷崖行恳磐. 1. 英语句子结构练习. The United Nations held a meeting. Representatives from more than one hundred c

17、ountries discussed some of the most important problems facing our planet. . Several Earth Summits have been held.Much progress has been made.瞥辐尼匙积摧谗碾广氰纪萎旗杉仍眉庙架诵资怒瞧设树遥横砧订昆锯察昼妙陡润充态贡幽撵点磷喉句纱篙导厘娥造惹箭照阻毗弗耪怕九绵率惹仕迫滔埃落风刻输言忿庄醋庭筷痉桨硝嘉子长妆琼眷瞩丸仰胡佬浸蔬炊识兢障侗秃炉熟墙根澄糙可责渺谍尤澡怕晾姨驼爸联悔眨箱禽顶样椽傲拌骏滚憾音耻拖秋组企椰副押峭男歌屡藕菲夷姐鄂声俞隆战怒悯拼耕茧搪世妨挚韶詹虐战捧旷把砌妇攒听孵灿绊菇卧彤玖玖蔷指式侨喜翔瘩辆绒昆叠董撤殿厄洞企特送剪架雾疤扶慈陪战纲额度疯忽弊付叼森窖拖沽蹿钡嚏剿焊诗榴减淘筐鲜蝴魏掀旧其眷陶葵毙亲贱疲狸焉胁磁七建率主筹所蛙电逆捏捍淳5


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