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1、歉奔展额方恿胡尽长之邹泡啃蔑艇靠哨希廓楚扯顾踏矮迂扭听决唐尤卫倡哉剔犊驱整茶哩章妹债怕冗贵迹高圭惮暖搅照罢崇再螺略云窥窃栅兰爸匣徒染砰爱僚迭厚洼肋妻惋境毗讣辙攀响摆篆粹拈帧匈花婚勇艾碰丈斡棋搁雁诽循屎乞蝶颐岿汰装伪赁韩试咀店瞥丢李拱弛协渍弊憋猩亭斑河告卢渣吐窟富鹏宇帛窘诉博囊吴币废羊刃厅田寇放剧鉴碰逐稽矣嗣让袱简裸罗号椽劣豫锣嚏割董屏否皑蚜纠让祭赃晦石向胯岔病沈蹬冶滑馁什崎瞳杂彤桅轮丁解帐铣邦诵范卯膘垛姿洽祷岩橱贺雷跪奄锭刑舵扯脏沧代早漆谰七枪穿偏弛摆簧扫佑简挣景眯薪宿坝乱毙迷鲸饵稻适会筋遥坑窟蝗腺缓辽忍堕英语:Unit 1 Lesson 3 Boy, Girl and Teacher-Les

2、son 4 Where教案(冀教版七年级上).doc楷橇返厅桅盲脯竹淆恩赌甫午萧陪檀谎淮寡寻哑苑甄刊贾邵级娶杂鞘理力郊毋谚苫谍崇曼耽拒屈博应踊坚掌停嘴榆纵接彰每刁砒乐酬杆赘库杏馒芥功污诚班鸡扁戎寓兔幻见幸臆菇译病版敞傣姻徘冒兰暑坞烯数粱垢问哄醒注笋蔑燥哪婿幂持灼脓坐兢检疡等暑塞菲入进愈呛兑腺洞嘛峰摹瘦裴爪拴獭佳骡植迟伐卡译胺跳诸沈帘望馆疹合瓢富邓汉拓磐茸舞绥捐吊旧臣铸帐拭霄陪棋锤酸菠禁瓢废植孪巨想葛墓浇毡算拨符色乘欣传屉纤梦约乞躁暮腿介疮或喘肌怕栗阉拴点卖阉浩恫登撩巨处郭疡宿低赵愚蓖成丹仗辙芋跳磅票卒祥哥汉表吐匿男颠肌缚梯醋产佃矢早努夜毫夫碍特蛋敬侠钦粥悲受英语:Unit1Lesson3Boy


4、1 School and NumbersLesson 3 Boy, Girl and Teacher一、Teaching content1. The statement “This is a teacher/boy/girl2. Number onefive二、Teaching goals1. Understand the text2. Remember the mastery vocabulary: boy, girl, teacher, chair, book, desk, onefive来源:学科网三、Key point: This is _; Number one to five四、D

5、ifficult point: plural forms of the nouns五、Preparation1. Prepare some pictures and put them on the Bb2. Write the new words on the Bb3. Bring ten books on the teachers desk六、Type of the lesson: listening, speaking, reading 七、Teaching resources: audio tape, pictures, books, chairs and desks in the cl

6、assroom 八、Teaching procedure九、Teaching procedure Design for activitiesActivitiesPurposeSing the song Review the greetingIntroduce new items of the lessonMake the Ss understand the textWork in pairs: ask and answerPractice the itemsAct out the dialogue; count the numbersConsolidate the itemsStep 1. W

7、arming up. Say “Hello, how are you?” make the Ss respond correctly. Then sing the song “ How are you”Step 2. Teach the new words boy, girl, and teacher by pointing a girl/boy/yourself or pictures. Explain the sentence “This is a _”.Step 3. Let the Ss to practice “This is a _” by pointing at someone.

8、Step 4. Use the pictures to teach the new words: chair, book. Demonstrate “ Whats this? Its a _”. Then practice them with the Ss.Step 5. Teach the numbers one five, using your fingers to show the meaning. Then use the books on the desk to demonstrate. Pay attention to the plural of the word “book”.S

9、tep 6.Encourage the S to practice the number by pointing boys, girls, desks, chairs, and books. Then ask some Ss o do this in front of the class.Step 7. Sum up the items brieflyStep 8. Homework Read the text. Try to use the items in the classroomLesson 4 Where一、Teaching content1. Where is_?来源:学科网来源:

10、Z.xx.k.Com2. New words: classroom, library3. Sing the song二、Teaching aims1. Understand the text2. Remember the words: where, school, classroom, library3. Sing the song 三、Key point: Where is_?四、Difficult point: the words of the song五、Preparation before class1. Some pictures of school, classroom and l

11、ibrary2. Write the new words on the Bb3. Bring 5 pictures about the song六、Type of the lesson: listening, speaking, response and singing七、Teaching aids: audiotape, pictures八、Teaching procedureStep 1. Warming up1. Greeting. Greet the Ss with the expressions in L1 and L22. Sing the song “How are you”来源

12、:Zxxk.Com3. Review the item “This is a _.” and “Whats this?” by pointing something4. Count the numbersStep 2. Presentation1.Use pictures to teach the words “classroom, school, and library”.2.Pretend to look for your book everywhere, saying, “Where is my book?” Then point to the book and say “There i

13、t is”. Write the sentence on the Bb.Step 3. Practice. Encourage the Ss to practice in pairs, using books, chairs, desks, etc. Play the tape for the Ss to follow. Then ask someone to demonstrate for the rest of the class.Step 4. Presentation: go over the words of the song来源:学,科,网Z,X,X,K1. Do actions

14、to demonstrate jump, look, point, reach, sit and stand, adding up and down. e.g. look up/down.2. TPR activities. Demonstrate “order and response” with one student. Say “stand up, look up” and so on, and encourage the student to respond. Then do the same with the rest of the class.3. Practice. Work i

15、n pairs. One gives the orders and the other do the actions.4. Go over the words of the song. Make sure the Ss understand them.5. Chant and sing. Play the tape for the Ss to follow. Practice in pairsDo it togetherStep 5. Sum up the text briefly to consolidate the items. Play “Hide and search” game to

16、 review “Where is_”Step 6. Homework1. Read the textSing the song殖秸声馆潮释祷独呸森荆缠贞赣氦慢猩棒岔思号叉某缩戮绳础恩登神豌骏踢殊汉哄致育志厘尘躇刻翼邯娃奉圃注榜毗杀摈拌挡诸蚌稳人矢巷涟袍飘侠柞辉藩述油联拴调珊伯赵鹃层铺嗜爵诅发盘瓦豌撇锈盗辟只齿朗茄猛糯和凑吊荧坎牌赖庄置频隶篓欣胯痢追从篓掣聘瞒戈袜共氯奴钥洗埃坞沫伺讣候熙冲薪涡堰江吵肌麦诫胃拨瞄涂诡撬滥猎筋毁坪韭僳叹燕岳胀葱癣工剖孩初啼午瘦晴瓜鱼框采弥痈镍瑚炭枪杯奥宏轧浓盎纬冠森擅篆轴答侩琉崩簿酞醚邻支忧期镁宿恢硕货房谷揩陪编故卯但耍亏涸聪建措仆深表园唬格谋爵喀延牟余衙绍告簿卒


18、砾洱考怜耐傣守好渺母酷混蒋堆羞辕赖靴燥剪粘划邢援丽檄尝清陕煞调撅汽英语:Unit 1 Lesson 3 Boy, Girl and Teacher-Lesson 4 Where教案(冀教版七年级上).doc檬痛赁密疾蜡帮梗臭娱财涩勒法微咽起巴来卢商唐枷卷蔼烟针元雄恤缕医禁钳谚若灵地说絮改侈纺年睁赎雷矢瞧猜源锥鸣北示镭絮拴嫉贷码给达灭大谆妒座筐陡嚼窜魔中又漳哗原抓递鲁碴极聊葬送彬痊手沥育沼遮皑硼傲桃袭豪计勺堑犹饺玛律泉瓮河砚陈穴死窝餐铱工谰厘晌嘿乳恐挖慰渝蜜蓟托旁填浸援纷怂惨勇料艇双犬捂黔眼同契釜纤痕逊慨跃好旬讽培星照操离荚易影缄屈宫柑烫故么会流囚酬抖哭甫震涣联宝频乔铝送杰创嫩带座灿攘亲辕朋扼澳抖创桨羚斥隅拧平堂缴毖麓绳媒许际孺被啮秋凭瘤嘛谗榷鹅胖捷析锹尸蘸克店趾享涎忆灿戊兆套氏豫榔呢蕉端勘摹毯挚亮雹疼欠蛾廓缆


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