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1、蚁新资料推荐so / neither / nor引导的倒装句(部分倒装)倒装句概述:英语句子通常有两种语序:一种主语在前,谓语在后,称为自然语序,另一 种谓语在前,主语在后,称为倒装语序,按“主语+谓语”这种顺序排列的句 子是陈述语序。如果排列顺序变为“谓语(或谓语一部分)+主语”,就是 倒装语序。之所以出现倒装,一方面是因为语法结构的需要,另一方面为了 强调,有时两种原因兼有之。倒装句分为部分倒装和全部倒装。1、so/neither/nor引导的倒装句(1)、s。引导的倒装句的条件结构:so+be/助动词/情态动词+主语Eg: 1、She is a worker.So am I .(so 译

2、为“也、同样)=Me,too2、 Li Lei can dance .So can Tom.3、-1 like eating apples.-So do I.(2)、neither/nor引导的倒装句的条件结构:Neither/nor +be/助动词/情态动词+主语Eg: 1、Li Lei can t dance.Neither can Tom.(neither/no 译为“也不、 同样也不”)2、一I don t like eating apples.一Neither do I.3、Li Ming isn t a good student.Nor is Mary.2、注意:1、内容是肯定时,

3、用so,内容是否定时,用neither或nor:2、所选用的be/助动词/情态动词与前句变否定句或变一般疑问句时选用 的词相同(或相关);3、be/助动词/情态动词的人称和数与其后的主语一致;4、后句的be/助动词/情态动词本身没有否定形式,5、后句主语与上句主语不一样。3、be/助动词/情态动词的选择情况:一般现在时,do, does / am, is, are / can,must 等现在进行时,am, is, are一般过去时,did现在完成时,have, has 一般将来时,will, shall, 过去进行时,was, were过去完成时,had过去将来时,would(2)变式练习一

4、、填空题1. He can ride a bike, so I.2. The boy died, and a week later, so his friend.2/ 52 / 54 / 5鼓新资料推苕3. Tom doesnt like bananas. Neither liis wife.4. If you wont go, neither I.5. He is a teacher and so his wife.6. She has been to New York .So I.7. I like singing and so Tom.1.1 dont eat meat and neit

5、her Helen.9. James didnt attend the meeting and neither Jane.10. She hasnt seen that film. NeitherI.四、练习一、填空题1.1 dont like football. Neither I.2. They couldnt afford to stay there. Neither 3. He has been to Beijing . So I.4. Li Wei cant answer the question .Neither:5. Zhang Ping is a top student in

6、our class. So we.6. A fish can swim and so 我把忙7. I get up at seven and so my mother.8. He didnt smoke. Neither she9. They didnt do it and neither I.10. I am dancing .So they.二、单项选择()1. If Joes wife wont go to the party,A. he will either B. neither will heeither he will()2. You forgot your purse. Mar

7、y.A. so didB. so wasC. did soD.neither did()3. I dont know Jim quaiTeled with liis brothei,? A. nor dont I B. neither do I C. I dont neither D. I dont also()4. The fish smells terrible! 一.A. So does the meatB. So the meat doesC. So does the fishD. So the meat is()5. Jim was in the supermarket just n

8、ow.his mother.A. neither is B. neither was C. so isD. sowas五、拓展训练一、单项选择()1. The cat will jump off the wall.the dog.A. So willB Neither willC Neither isD So is()2. Miss Lin does some shopping on Sundays.my mother.A . So doB So doesC Neither doesD So is()3. My little brother has never got up late.they

9、.A . So hasB Neither hasC Neither haveD Neither are()5.He watches TV every morning.I.A. So doB So doesC Neither doD So am()5.We will visit the Great Wall in two days.he.4/ 54 / 56 / 5*15* A So will B neither will C So areD Neither are当堂过手训练1. I am a nurse . So he.2. Tom studies hard. So Mary.3. Tom

10、isnt nervous. Neither Mary.4. I am hungry. So Tom.5.1 dont like ice cream. she.6. She wants some coffee.he.7.1 didn9t meet liim.they.8. I was at the party last night. Alice.1.1 can, swim. she.10. We saw George last night.Jerry.11. She hasnt got a headache. they.12. I am not tired.he.13. I have got a cold .Lisa.14. Miss Lin didnt buy a new house.Jim.15. She cant speak Chinese.he.5/ 55 / 57 / 5


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