江西省寻乌二中2010—2011学年八年级英语上学期月考(一) 人教新目标版.doc

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1、寻乌二中20102011学年上学期八年级英语月考(一)试题(满分120分,答案填在答卷上,只交答卷)1、 听力部分(20分)2、 单项选择(20分)16_do you surf the Internet? Once a week.AHow long BHow old CHow often DHow many times17I like drinking coffee _ sugar in it.A. ofB.withC.to D、at18His mother wants him _ good food.Aeat Bto eat Ceating Deats19He tries _ English

2、. And he practices _ English every day.Ato learn, to speak Blearning, speakingCto learn, speaking Dlearning, to speak20Can you help me _ up the waste things?Acleaning Bwith clean Cof cleaning Dto clean21-I think that man is Dr Li. -You_right.I saw him yesterday.A.maybe B.may be C.may are22-Mary,you

3、look so tired. -Yes,I did my homework_12oclock last night.A. when B. until C. to D、for 23You should drink _. Ahot tea of honey Bhot honey tea Chot teas with honey Dhot tea with honey24I think this book is interesting. A. a kind of B. kind of C. kind to D、kind from 25 How are you? Im not _.Afeel well

4、 Bfeel goodCfeeling well Dfeeling good26 When _ he _ to our school? About half an hour ago.Adoes, come Bdid, comeCdid, came Ddoes, came27Why are they _ and angry?Astress Bstress out Cstressing out Dstressed out28The doctor says I have _ yang.Atoo many Bmany too Ctoo much Dmuch too29Its easy to _. As

5、tay health Bstay healthy C ,keep health Dhave healthy30Is your fathers lifestyle the same your mothers. A. like B. as C.to D、from 31. _ it is rainy today, _ he still works outside.AAlthough, but B./, although CAlthough, / D、/ , / 32._ homework, most students do it every day. AWith BFor C.As for DAt3

6、3. -Do you often brush(刷) your_? -Yes, I do. A. tooths B. toothes C. teeth D. teeths 34. _ vegetables _good for you.A. Eat, are B. Eating, are C. Eating, is D. Eat, is35. -My mother is ill. -_ A. Dont worry. B. No hurry. C. Im sorry to hear that. D. OK. 3、 完形填空(25分)(A)Mr Johnson was having trouble w

7、ith his _41_ , _42_ he went to see a _43_. The doctor _44_ his stomach carefully but couldnt find any problem. Then he said, “Well, Mr Johnson, take it easy. There is _45_ serious(严重). Stop smoking and then you will be all right very _46_.”“But doctor,” answered Mr Johnson, “I_47_. I dont like smoki

8、ng at all.” “ Oh, I see,” said the doctor,” then stop drinking wine(酒) _48_.”“ But I dont drink wine,” answered Mr Johnson.“ Dont drink _49_ tea or coffee then,” the doctor said to him.“ I _50_ drink water,” answered Mr Johnson, “I dont like tea or coffee.”The doctor _51_ for a while and then said,”

9、 Well, what _52_ you like to eat then?”“Potatoes! I like potatoes very _53_.” Mr Johnson answered at once.“All right, Then stop _54_ potatoes.” Said the doctor as he got up to say goodbye _55_ Mr Johnson.( )36. A. stomach B. head C. tooth D. eyes( )37. A. so B. but C. or D. For( )38. A. dentist B.nu

10、rse C. doctor D. teacher( )39. A. looked for B. looked at C. looked over D. looked after( )40. A. anything B. something C. nothing D. everything( )41. A. early B. soon C. late D. much( )42. A. often smoked B. never smoked C. always smoked D. usually smoked( )43. A. from now on B. From then on C. unt

11、il now D. until today( )44. A. any B. many C. some D. a few( )45. A. never B. only C. dont D. hardly( )46. A. thinks B. thought C. is thinking D. Think( )47. A. does B. do C. did D. Doing( )48. A. well B. good C. much D. many( )49. A. cutting B. buying C. washing D. eating( )50. A. at B. for C. to D

12、. from(B)Listen to Late Health Get For Be Eat Go out Exercise Sometimes Everyone gets tired 51 .When you are tired,you should follow the following advice.First,you should go to bed early 52 a few nights .You shouldnt 53 at night or study 54 .Having a good rest55 good for your health. Second ,you sho

13、uld 56 every day.Third,you should eat fruit and other 57 food,and its important 58 a balanced diet .Dont 59 stressed out,or it makes you sick. You should 60 some music. You shouldnt study when you are tired .If you take the advice above,youll be healthy.4、 阅读理解(40分)(A)An old man visited a new doctor

14、. He was very young. I dont feel well, doctor. He said, Please find out whats wrong with me.Take off your clothes and lie on the bed. the young doctor said, Ill examine(检查) you. The old man took off his clothes and lay down on the bed, and the young doctor examined him. However ,he couldnt find anyt

15、hing wrong with the old man. He listened to his heart. He looked into his throat. He examined every part of him. At last he said, Im sorry, but I cant find anything wrong with you .Youre as healthy as I am.Thats very strange. the old man said, Because I feel really bad.Come back tomorrow and see me

16、again if you dont feel better. the doctor said .All right , doctor. the old man said . Slowly, he stood up and put on his clothes. Then he walked out of the hospital. A few seconds later, the doctors nurse ran in. Doctor! Doctor! She cried, That man you said was healthy has just died outside the doo

17、r.( )61.The doctor was very_.A. famous B. clever C. young D. healthy( )62. The old man was very _.A. ill B. strong C. healthy D. good( )63. The doctor _.A. took the old man to the hospital B. thought the old man was healthyC. found something wrong with him D. gave the old an some medicine( )64.The d

18、octor told the old man _.A. not to come again B. to come again if he did not feel betterC. to turn his body round D. to stay in the hospital for a few days( )65. Which of the following is TRUE?A. The doctor was loved by people B. something was wrong with the old mans throatC. The old man was not hea

19、lthy D. The doctor cried when he saw the man dead(B)Mary had some trouble in her head, so she went to see the doctor. He was a new doctor, and did not know her. So he first asked her some questions. One of the questions was, “What is your age?”“Well.” Mary answered, “I dont quite remember, doctor, b

20、ut I will try to think.” She thought for a while and then said, “Yes, I remember now, doctor. When I married, I was twenty-two years old, and my husband was thirty then. Now he is sixty, I know, and that is twice thirty. And so I am twice twenty-two. That is forty-four, isnt it?”( ) 66. Mary went to

21、 see the doctor because _.A. she had a headache B. she had a feverC. she had caught a cold D. she couldnt think well( ) 67. At first the doctor _.A. asked her some questions B. B.examined her carefullyC. gave her some medicine D. asked her to have a rest( ) 68. Mary got married when_.A. she was twen

22、ty years old B. she was thirty years oldC. she was twenty-two years old D. she was forty-four years old( ) 69. Mary _.A. answered the doctors questioned at onceB. answered the question after thinking for a whileC. just kept silent D. refused to tell her age( ) 70. Mary should be _.A. forty-fourB. fo

23、rty-five C. fifty D. fifty-two (C)Mike is a factory worker. He is often very tired after a days work. His wife, Jenny, has no job, so she stays at home to cook the meals. Every day he can have his dinner when he gets home from his factory. One day, Mike came home very late because he was very busy i

24、n the factory. He was very hungry when he got home. He was not happy when he found his dinner was not ready. He was very angry with his wife. He shouted at her, Im going out to eat in a restaurant. Wait for five minutes, said his wife. Why? Do you think that dinner will be ready in five minutes? ask

25、ed Mike. Of course not, she answered. But I can be ready to go with you in five minutes. ( ) 71. Mike works in_. A. a factory B. an office C. a school D. a hospital ( ) 72. Jenny stays at home because _. A. she likes cooking B. she loves her husband very much C. she doesnt have a job D. she doesnt w

26、ant to work ( ) 73. One day, Mike came home very late because_. A. he wanted to have dinner in a restaurant B. he had a lot of work to do C. he was angry with his wife D. his wife didnt cook dinner ( ) 74. Mike was_when he found his dinner was not ready. A. happy B. glad C. hungry D. not happy ( ) 7

27、5. Which sentence is correct? A. Jenny could have dinner ready in five minutes. B. Jenny wanted to go to the restaurant with her husband. C. Jenny didnt like the dinner at home. D. Jenny didnt love her husband.(D)学校 姓名 班级_ 考号_线订装寻乌二中第一次月考英语答题卷大题一二三四五总分得分一、听力部分(110题每空1分,1115题每空2分,共20分)1234567891011、

28、12、 13、 14、 15、 二、单项选择(每空1分,共20分)1617181920212223242526272829303132333435三、完形填空(每空1分,共25分)36373839404142434445464748495051. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 4、 阅读理解(每空2分,共40分)6162636465666768697071727374757677787980五、书面表达.(15分)玛丽是一名优秀的学生,她拥有健康的生活方式。她喜欢吃蔬菜和水果。她每天都锻炼身体,一周上两次网,一个月看一次电影。今天她头痛,她去了看医生,医生叫她回家卧床休息。我们希望她早日康复。请根据以上内容,写一篇7080词左右的短文。 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 五、书面表达.(15分)玛丽是一名优秀的学生,她拥有健康的生活方式。她喜欢吃蔬菜和水果。她每天都锻炼身体,一周上两次网,一个月看一次电影。今天她头痛,她去了看医生,医生叫她回家卧床休息。我们希望她早日康复。请根据以上内容,写一篇80词左右的短文。


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