三年级下册英语素材口语测试 人教.docx

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1、.20192019学年度第二学期三年级英语口语期末测查 评分标准 30分一、 朗读部分15分一朗读单词、短语、句子。10分1、准确读出一个单词/短语/句子得1分;2、发音不够准确,根本辩识得0.5分;3、发音错误不得分。工程评分细那么分值备注A完整性能顺利地朗读整段语篇3能读出大部分语篇2能读出少部分语篇1完好性得1或0分的,流畅性和准确性不得分。只能读出零散单词0B流畅性语言流畅,语速适当,停顿恰当1此项基于A项朗读正确的内容朗读不正确的内容未计分,那么不再考虑流畅性和准确性语言不流畅,语速不适当,停顿不恰当0C准确性发音准确,无丢词或加词;发音错误、丢词、加词等累计1-3次1二朗读课文。5

2、分二、 口语交流部分15分一常规问答每题1分,共5分1、每正确答复一个问题,得1分; 2、问题答复不正确,或者所答非所问,不得分。二看图说话最少说出五个完好的句子。共5分工程分值描 述A表达内容3分表述4-5句以上2分表述2-3个句子1分表述1句B语音语调1分 语音、语调正确未到达2句,此项不得分0分语音不可辩识,得0分C句式构造1分句式丰富、完好、两个句式以上0分只用一个句式三请答复以下问题。每题1分,共5分 1、每正确答复一个问题,得1分;此大题共5个问题,共计5分; 2、问题答复不正确,或者所答非所问,不得分。注:形成性评价为10分。形成性评价可以参照学生日常的发言情况、理论活动表现及理

3、论作业完成情况等。20192019学年度第二学期三年级英语口语期末测查卷A卷朗读部分15分一、请朗读下面的单词、短语和句子。10分 1. nice 2. river 3. tomorrow 4. have breakfast 5. all right 6. work hard 7. This river is very wide. 8. Will we pick pears? 9. Are there many children in your class? 10. They were in London with my grandparents.二、请朗读下面的课文。5分 Dad&Mum:

4、Its Parents Day today. We are going to speak to your teacher. Daming: Great! Dad&Mum: Is Daming naughty in class? Ms Smart: No, he isnt. He works hard. He isnt lazy. Dad&Mum: Thats good. Ms Smart: And hes a clever boy, too. His work is good. Dad&Mum: Im very happy with that. Thank you, Ms Smart.口语交流

5、部分15分一、常规问答 。5分1. Whats your name?2. Which school are you studying in? 3. What will you be in the future?4. What will you do this weekend? 5. Who is your best friend? Please tell me about your friend in English?二、看图说话。5分三、根据图片答复以下问题。5分1. How many children are there in the picture? 2. What are they t

6、alking about? 3. Who are they in the photo? 4. What were they like then?5. What were you like then?20192019学年度第二学期三年级英语口语期末测查卷B卷朗读部分15分一、请朗读下面的单词、短语和句子。10分1. shy 2. Monday 3. question 4. Parents Day 5. good at 6. lots of 7. This weekend, were going to a fruit farm. 8. Will you take your ball tomorro

7、w? 9. Here are his arms. 10.Were you on the second floor? 二、请朗读下面的课文。5分 Dad: On Saturday, were going to have a picnic. Sam&Amy: Yes! Thats a good idea. Sam: Will you take your kite to the picnic tomorrow?Amy: No, I wont. Sam: Oh. Will you take your ball tomorrow?老师范读的是阅读教学中不可缺少的部分,我常采用范读,让幼儿学习、模拟。如领

8、读,我读一句,让幼儿读一句,边读边记;第二通读,我大声读,我大声读,幼儿小声读,边学边仿;第三赏读,我借用录好配朗读磁带,一边放录音,一边幼儿反复倾听,在反复倾听中体验、品味。Amy: No, I wont. 家庭是幼儿语言活动的重要环境,为了与家长配合做好幼儿阅读训练工作,孩子一入园就召开家长会,给家长提出早期抓好幼儿阅读的要求。我把幼儿在园里的阅读活动及阅读情况及时传递给家长,要求孩子回家向家长朗读儿歌,表演故事。我和家长共同配合,一道训练,幼儿的阅读才能进步很快。Sam: Why not?Amy: Tomorrow is Friday. Were going to go on Satur

9、day!Dad&Mum : Ha ha口语交流部分15分一、常规问答 。5分1. Whats your name?死记硬背是一种传统的教学方式,在我国有悠久的历史。但随着素质教育的开展,死记硬背被作为一种僵化的、阻碍学生才能开展的教学方式,渐渐为人们所摒弃;而另一方面,老师们又为进步学生的语文素养煞费苦心。其实,只要应用得当,“死记硬背与进步学生素质并不矛盾。相反,它恰是进步学生语文程度的重要前提和根底。2. Where are you from? 3. How many people are there in your family? Who are they?4. What will yo

10、u do this weekend? 5. Whats your favourite place in Beijing? Please tell me about it. 二、看图说话。5分三、根据图片答复以下问题。5分1. Where are they in the picture? 2. What are they doing? 3. What will they do? 4. What fruit will they pick? 5. When you go to the farm, what fruit will you pick? 20192019学年度第二学期三年级英语口语期末测查

11、卷C卷朗读部分15分一、请朗读下面的单词、短语和句子。10分1. always 2. clock 3. tea 4. next week 5. Mothers Day 6. quite good7. This little girl cant do her Maths. 8. Ill visit my grandpa in the countryside.9. How many apples are there in the box? 10. Is Daming naughty in class?二、请朗读下面的课文。5分 Amy: Look at this book. Its about L

12、ondon. Im from London.Lingling: This river is very wide.Amy: And its very long. Its the River Thames.Lingling: Its very tall. What is it? Amy: This is Big Ben. Its a very old clockLingling: And look at this big wheel. Its very high.Amy: Its the London Eye.Lingling: Eye? Like my eyes? Its like a big

13、round eye! Aah! 口语交流部分15分一、常规问答 。5分1. Whats your name? 2. Where are you from?3. How many boys/girls are there in your class?4. What are you going to do this summer holiday? 5. Who is your favourite teacher? Please describe him/her. 二、看图说话。5分三、根据图片答复以下问题。5分1. Where are they in the picture?2. What are they doing?3. What is on the computer?4. What do they feel? 5. What will you draw on this computer? *;第 4 页


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