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1、8A M5 U2 It describes the changes In Chinese society 教学设计一、学生分析1 .学生在学习本课之前,学生已在本模块Unit 1中已经学习了一些关于老舍茶 馆的背景知识和词汇,有了一定的英语基础知识和听说能力,正逐渐向读、 写过渡,为本课的学习打下了基础。2 .学生能充分利用教材和教师的多媒体教学所提供的学习资源,实现自由参与 和创新,能主动与他人交流,学习经验,及时反思。二教材分析课文先介绍茶馆话剧,再介绍作家老舍,这两部分是铺垫,最后介绍老 舍茶馆这个地方,这才是重要信息,这是因为前两部分可以引起读者兴趣,这 是很典型介绍旅游景点的文章结构

2、。教师可以引导学生通过建立时间轴来表现 人物的生平,借此把握文章脉络。最后的读写活动引导学生通过回答表格中的 问题,梳理出一部戏剧或电影的主要脉络,为后面的写作活动作了语言上的铺 垫,这充分体现了读写教学的特征。三教学目标本课教学的具体目标设定为以下几个方面:1、语言知识与技能目标:(1)能够正确使用下列词汇:,society,common, describe, magic.(2)能够通过观察短文段落标题以及插图的方法把握文章大意,能够以时间轴 的形式记录事件发生的先后顺序(3)正确理解和运用动词不定式(4)能够仿照例文,写一篇介绍自己最喜欢的戏剧或电影的短文2、过程与方法3、情感态度与价值观

3、:培养学生对京剧、话剧等中国传统文化的兴趣和热爱。四、 教 学 策 略本节课型以阅读为主,通过阅读训练,对话剧老舍、作者老舍及老舍茶 馆等中国传统文化有更深的了解。通过个人参与,小组合作层层推进式的教学一、Lead-in【操作过程】Task 1: Show a picture of Lao She, ask studentsMDo you know him?Task 2:Have students work in pairs. Ask and answer the questions about五、 教 学 过 程Laoshe.1. What do you know about Lao She

4、?2. What is Lao Shes most famous play?Task 3: Play a video of Lao She Teahouse, have students play a guessing game: What is it?【设计意图】:用老舍图片及老舍茶馆视频导入,让学生边猜测边讨论边学 习,能够吸引学生的注意力,活跃了课堂气氛。让学生做好课前的准备,进入 新课。二、Pre- reading:【操作过程】Taskl: Learn the new .words and expressions.1. We want to live in a harmonious (

5、和谐的)s.2.1 dont know how to d my feeling after reading the stoiy3. Hany Potter shows us a m world.4. Snow is c in cold countries把本课重点词汇(society,common, describe, magic放在句子中讲授。三、While-reading:五、 教 学 过 程【操作过程】Taskl: Scan the passage and match the heading with the paragraphs.Step One: Read the whole pas

6、sage quickly and match the heading with the paragraph.a) Lao She Teahouse1b) The story of Teahouse2c) Lao She3Step Two: A student gives the answers to the class /given some comment)【设计意图】:整体感知语篇;理解段落大意和文章结构;培养获取信息的 能力,积累阅读技巧。Task2:Intensive reading- Read Paragraph 1 and fill in the blanks.Teahouse i

7、s one of Lao Shes most famous plays. He wrote it in. The playhas acts and shows the in China fromthe nineteenth century to the twentieth century. It tells us the story of and the of his teahouse in Beijing. It describes the in Chinese society over fifty years.【设计意图】:通过朗读文段和填写正确答案,帮助学生理解课文.Task4: Int

8、ensive reading- Read paragraph 2 and complete the timeline with information about Lao She.Step One: Show students as following and have students to read paiagraph 2 and complete the timeline with information about Lao She.His title:His works:1957 1924 r 1918 1913 1899 was born in BeijingStep Two: Ge

9、t a group of 4 students to call back the answers.五教学过程Step Three: Three students check the answers (give some comment)Step Four: Team 2 reads Paragraph 2 all together【设计意图】:通过朗读文段和匹配,帮助学生理解课文,指导学生在文段 中找出原句。Task5: Intensive reading- Read paragraph 3, then answer the questions.Step One: Show student t

10、he questions and have students to .work in groups to answer the questions and tell where they can find the answers.1. What kind of show can customers see in the Lao She Teahouse?2. What can customers do in the Lao She Teahouse?Step Two: Get 4 students to answer each quetsion and check the answers(gi

11、ve some comment).Step Four: Team 3 reads Paragraph 3 all together【设计意图工本活动设计成回答问题的形式,让学生阅读文段后回答问题, 并且说出文章根据,小组活动的形式培养学生合作学习的意识,解决文章中存 在的疑难问题,同时在小组之间进行竞争,激发学生的学习兴趣,也有利于学 生养成自查自纠的习惯。通过朗读句子来检查答案,扫除学生的语音障碍。并 适时地给予肯定。四、Post-reading: Writing【操作过程】 Taskl: Translation the information with the tips.Frozen冰雪奇

12、缘Whyr does it matter?我最喜欢的电影之一(one of.)Where does the story take place?Kingdom of ArendelleWhen does the story take place?18世纪末What is the storys main idea?讲述了 Anna和Kristoff :?找姐姐Elsa,并 破解她的魔咒(spell),把夏天带回王国的 故事Why is it good?它向我们展示了真爱的力量Step One: Show the information card and have students to work

13、in pairs to translate the five sentences into English according to the table and the tips.五教学过程Step Two: Get 5 students to write down their translation on the black board.Step Three: Get 5 groups to check the translation or give better translations.【设计意图】:通过个人翻译、小组讨论、检查语句表达等方式训练学生的 语言表达能力,并且引导学生使用提示

14、短语进行句子翻译,帮助学生更好地理 解和运用本课重点表达。Task 2:Hold a competitionthe best writing! Have students to write apassage using the sentences translated, then have students choose the best writing.Step One: Have students to write a passage using the sentences translated.Step Two: Check the passage in groups.Step Thre

15、e: Have each group recommend the best writing of the group, show the writings, and have other groups check the writing.Step Four: Choose the best writing of the whole class by voting.Step Five: Give a writing sample and some writing advise.【设计意图】:通过短文写作,强化学生的语言模仿能力却语言表达能力, 使学生正确地运用动词不定式。促进小组推选组内文章、小

16、组合作修改文章、 小组投票推选出班内最佳文章的形式,促进合作精神,同时小组间的竞赛能够 活跃课堂气氛,激发学生学习兴趣。五、Summary【操作过程】l.Sum up what we have learned this lesson2. Read the new words again【设计意图】:通过总结本课内容,提高学生的阅读能力,增强学生对中国 传统文化的认识,培养学生的民族自豪感。六、Homework1. Finish the exercise on P37.2. Write an introduction about your favourite movie or play acco

17、rding to the Activity 5.(about 60 words)【设计意图上通过布置课后作业环节,进一步巩固本课时所学重、难点, 同时,通过作业情况反馈可以更好地了解学生对本课时知识点的掌握情况。Module 5 Lao She TeahouseUnit2 It describes the changes in Chinese society.1. .is one of my favourite movies.板 书 设 计2. It takes place in .3. It starts in .4. It tells us the story of .5. It shows us.5


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