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1、九年级上册 Unit 4 单元复习重点短语1. (be) on a diet 节食2. laugh at 嘲笑;讥笑3. feel ashamed of .对感到惭愧4. drive sb mad 让某人受不了5. make a mess 搞得一塌糊涂*6. be worried about . 担心*7. a group of . 一群*8. make jokes about sb 拿某人开玩笑*9. have a habit of doing sth 有做某事的习惯*10. keep . tidy 保持*11. have a fight with sb 与某人打架 / 争吵*12. fee

2、l sorry about doing sth 对做某事感到遗憾 / 内疚*13. do some research 做调查*14. write to sb 写信给某人*15. lose weight 减肥*16. be full of . 充满*17. used to do sth 过去常常做某事*18. be afraid of . 害怕*19. arrive at . 到达第 12 页*20. make sure 确保1. out of place 格格不入2. none of ones business 与某人无关3. hear from 收到某人的信件(或电子邮件、电话等)*4. b

3、y accident 意外地;偶然地*5. care about 关心;在乎*6. not . at all 一点也不;完全不*7. shout at . 朝*8. be surprised to do . 很吃惊做*9. be polite to .对有礼貌*10. thanks for doing sth 对做某事表示感谢*11. in . situation 在的情况 / 处境*12. worry about . 担心*13. make up one s mind 下定决心*14. pay attention to . 注意*15. stop doing sth 停止做某事U4 语 法

4、梳 理句子成分观察下列例句的各个句子成分。I smile.The braces hurt my teeth.The braces have brought me so much trouble.I feel embarrassed.She is driving me mad.梳理】、英语句子的基本结构可以归纳成五种基本句型:1. S + V (主语+谓语),例如:The sun rises.2. S + V + C (主语+连系动词+主语补足语), 例如:My mother looks young.说明:此句型的动词叫连系动词,不能单独表达一个完整的 意思,必须加上一个表明主语状态或情况的补足

5、语 (又叫“表 语”)构成复合谓语,才能表达完整的意思。3. S + V + O (主语+谓语+宾语),例如:She takes care of three pet dogs.4. S + V + 10 + DO (主语+谓语+间接宾语+直接宾语),例如:We gave them some advice.说明:间接宾语指人,直接宾语指物。5. S + V + 0 + C (主语+谓语+宾语+宾语补足语),例如:I try to keep the room tidy.观察下列例句的各个句子成分。I saw a sick lady two days ago.I am studying at hom

6、e.梳理】、除了五种常见的基本句型,有些句子还会根据需要加上 状语的成分。状语的功能有很多,可以修饰动词、形容词、 副词或全句,表示方式、因果、条件、时间、地点、让步、 方向、程度、目的等。例如:He began to learn English at home (地点) when he was eleven.(时间)三、状语在句子中的位置很灵活,常见情况为:1. 状语通常放在句子的基本结构之后, 强调时放在句首; 如:I saw a sick lady two days ago.Luckily, no one was hurt in the accident.2. 修饰形容词或副词时, 状语

7、通常位于被修饰的词之前; 如:The sportsman was running extremely fast.3. 表示时间、 地点、目的的状语一般位于句子的句首或句末, 强调时放在句首,地点状语一般放在时间状语之前;如:They were talking with each other in the room when the bell rang.4. 一些表示频率(如:often)或程度(如:almost)的副词 作状语通常位于 be 动词、助动词、情态动词之后,行为动 词之前。I will never do that again.Mr Smith is very busy. He al

8、ways works overtime.Unit 4 重要知识点 I m worried about my friend Jolin.我担心我的朋友乔琳。【解析】be / feel worried about .意为“对 感到担心/担忧”, 相当于动词短语 worry about 。例如:He is / feels worried about his English exam because he is weak inEnglish.= He worries about his English exam because he is weak in English.他担心他的英语考试,因为他在英

9、语方面薄弱。 We saw a lady lying in the street.我们看见一位女士正躺在街上。解析】 see sb doing sth 意为“看见某人在做某事” ,表示在某个情景或时间所见的事情正在进行中; 而 see sb do sth 意为“看 见某人做了某事” ,表示看见事情发生的全过程。例如:When I got there, I saw Lily talking to her friend.当我到达那里的时候,我看见莉莉正和她的朋友谈话。Did you see him take my book?你看见他拿了我的书吗?I often see them play bask

10、etball at school.我经常看见他们在学校打篮球。拓展】类似的用法还有:现/ 感觉到某人在做某事”hear/ find / feel sb doing sth “听到 / 发;hear / find / feel sb do sth “听到 / 发现/ 感觉到某人做了某事”。例如:I often hear him sing in the classroom when school is over.放学时,我经常听到他在教室里唱歌。He found something moving.他发现有些东西在移动。Though I wanted to help her, my friends

11、told me not to.虽然我想帮她,但我的朋友叫我不要帮。解析】 ? though 意为“虽然;尽管” ,作连词,引导让步状语从句,不能与 but 一起连用。例如:Though the task was difficult, they managed to complete it in time.尽管任务艰巨,但他们还是设法及时完成。The article is very important though it is short.那篇文章虽短,但很重要。though 作副词时,意为“可是;不过” ,常放在句末。例如:I have a bit of cold. It s notthoin

12、ugghm.uch,我有点感冒,不过并不严重。拓展】 同义词 although 可置于句首或句中, 但不置于句末, 也 不能与 but 连用。例如:Though he is a child, he knows a lot.= Although he is a child, he knows a lot.尽管他是个小孩,但他懂得很多。? tell sb not to do sth 意为“告诉某人不要做某事” ;如果事情是 前面所指,“ do sth ”可以省略。例如:The teachers tell us not to sleep in class.老师叫我们不要在课堂上睡觉。I planne

13、d to go out that night, but my mother told me not to.那天晚上我打算出去,但我妈妈叫我别出去。 It was awful of them to laugh at her .他们嘲笑她是很坏的解析】 ? It+be+adj.+of / for sb+to do sth 表示“某人做某事的”。形容词表示人的品质、性格(如 kind, (im)polite ,patient 等)时后面用介词 of ;形容词表示做某事的性质(如difficult, necessary等)时后面则用介词 for。例如:It s very kind of you to

14、show me thweay.你给我指路真是太好了。It s difficult for her to lerna French.对她来说,学法语是困难的。? laugh at 意为“嘲笑;讥笑” ,同义词组:make fun of。例如:Don t laugh at the poor.= Dont make fun of the poor.不要嘲笑穷人。I have to share a room with my seven?year?old sister .我不得不与七岁的妹妹共用一个房间解析】 ? share sth with sb 意为“与某人分享某物” 。例如:He shares a

15、 computer with his elder brother.他与哥哥共用一台电脑。? seven?year?old 意为七岁的” ,是一个复合形容词,在句中做定语修饰名词 sister,其结构为“数词 ?单数名词( ?形容词)”。例如:These are five?kilo bags.这些是 5 公斤装的袋子。He will have a three?day holiday.他将有一个三天的假期。Grammar More practiceAsking for and giving advice征询和给出建议【解析】ask (sb) for .意为“(向某人)要/请求”。例如He aske

16、d (the waiter) for some coffee.他(向服务员)要了一些咖啡。 Thanks for reading my email. I hope to hear from you soon.感谢你读我的电子邮件。我希望很快收到你的来信。解析】 ? thanks for doing sth 意为“谢谢 (某人 )做某事”。例如Thanks for lending me your bike.谢谢你借你的自行车给我。? hear from sb 意为“收到某人的信件 (或电子邮件、 电话等)”;hear of / about 意为“听说;听到” 。例如:I often heard

17、from him in the past.我过去经常收到他的来信。Have you heard of / about the story?你听说过这个故事吗? You should try to get her to see a doctor.你应该尽力让她去看医生。解析】 get sb to do sth 意为“使 /让某人做某事” ,相当于 make / let sb do sth 。例如:All teachers try to get their students to study hard.= All teachers try to make / let their students

18、study hard.所有老师都尽力让学生努力学习。You shouldn t listen to your friends.你不应该听你朋友的。【解析】listen to (sb)意为“听(某人说)”通常强调听的过程;而 hear 通常强调听的结果。例如:I listen to music every day.我每天都听音乐。I listened, but I heard nothing.我听了,但什么也没听到。 Try spending some time with her every day .尝试每天花一些时间跟她在一起解析】 try doing sth 意为“尝试做某事” ;try to do sth 意为“尽 力/ 努力做某事”。例如He tried moving the big stone, but he failed.他尝试搬动那块大石头,但失败了。I will try to learn English well.我会尽力学好英语。


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