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1、2012湘教版七年级上册湖南文艺七年级音乐教案全套.docUterine within film hyperplasia syndrome, ovarian cyst, and tumor (common type), pelvic inflammatory sex mass uterine within film cancer the 5 cases prostate hyperplasia, prostate inflammatory, prostate cancer, testicular tumor (common type) cryptorchidism, testicular de

2、velopment not full, Deputy testosterone inflammatory, testicular inflammatory, fine SAC cyst, fine cable varicose veins, semen cyst, sheath film product liquid, fine SAC cyst, fine cable reverse the 5 cases cardiovascular system congenital heart (common type), rheumatic valve disease, expansion type

3、, and hypertrophy type myocardial disease. (Four) about nuclear medical Qu Wan ying Editor. nuclear medical Pei Zhuguo Editor. image nuclear medical Chen haozhu Editor, practical within science Chinese medical will Editor. clinical technology operation specification nuclear medical fascicles Chinese

4、 medical will Editor. clinical clinic guide nuclear medical fascicles Pan Zhongyun Editor, clinical nuclear medical Wang Shizhen Editor, molecular nuclear medical participation revised implementation rules personnel Li Minghua, chenkemin, Geng Daoying, Liu Shiyuan, song Wang, Hu Bing, Xu Zhizhang, Z

5、hao, Sun Xiaoguang amendment date: 2010-2-25 Medical test section physician training rules medical test section (and said test medical section) is to diagnosis, and prevention, and treatment human disease or assessment health provides information for purpose, on from human of material for biology, a

6、nd microbiology, and Immunology, and biochemistry, and blood Immunology, and blood learn, and biological physics, and cytology, test of clinical two level subject, its laboratory work has to clinical provides test information Advisory (including test results explained and for further appropriate che

7、ck provides recommends), and participation clinical 年级 科 教 案 设 计 序号 授课时间 年 月 日 第一单元:光荣少年 教学内容: 1、新学期音乐课要求。 2、演唱光荣少年。 3、音乐知识:变声期的嗓音保护、五线谱识读,一, 教学目标: 1、通过演唱光荣少年这首歌曲激励新时期少年儿童志存高远、奋发向上的崇高精神。 2、引导学生初识五线谱了解变声期嗓音保护知识。 教学重点: 有情感的演唱光荣少年这首歌曲。 教学难点: 1、歌曲演唱难点附点四分音符与附点八分音符。 2、音乐知识难点熟悉各音在五线谱中的位置。 教学方法: 自主学习、设问引导、

8、主动参与。 教学课时:共2课时,本课为第一课时, 教具准备:多媒体课件、钢琴或者电子琴 教学课型:综合课 教学过程: 一、组织教学 Uterine within film hyperplasia syndrome, ovarian cyst, and tumor (common type), pelvic inflammatory sex mass uterine within film cancer the 5 cases prostate hyperplasia, prostate inflammatory, prostate cancer, testicular tumor (commo

9、n type) cryptorchidism, testicular development not full, Deputy testosterone inflammatory, testicular inflammatory, fine SAC cyst, fine cable varicose veins, semen cyst, sheath film product liquid, fine SAC cyst, fine cable reverse the 5 cases cardiovascular system congenital heart (common type), rh

10、eumatic valve disease, expansion type, and hypertrophy type myocardial disease. (Four) about nuclear medical Qu Wan ying Editor. nuclear medical Pei Zhuguo Editor. image nuclear medical Chen haozhu Editor, practical within science Chinese medical will Editor. clinical technology operation specificat

11、ion nuclear medical fascicles Chinese medical will Editor. clinical clinic guide nuclear medical fascicles Pan Zhongyun Editor, clinical nuclear medical Wang Shizhen Editor, molecular nuclear medical participation revised implementation rules personnel Li Minghua, chenkemin, Geng Daoying, Liu Shiyua

12、n, song Wang, Hu Bing, Xu Zhizhang, Zhao, Sun Xiaoguang amendment date: 2010-2-25 Medical test section physician training rules medical test section (and said test medical section) is to diagnosis, and prevention, and treatment human disease or assessment health provides information for purpose, on

13、from human of material for biology, and microbiology, and Immunology, and biochemistry, and blood Immunology, and blood learn, and biological physics, and cytology, test of clinical two level subject, its laboratory work has to clinical provides test information Advisory (including test results expl

14、ained and for further appropriate check provides recommends), and participation clinical 1、师生问好 2、教师自我介绍 二、新学期音乐课要求 1、文明守纪、养成良好习惯。 2、爱护书本、完成教师布置的作业。 三、新课教学 ,一,自主学习,学生看书后回答教师问题, 1、变声期要注意哪些问题, ,生,:变声期要注意保护好嗓音不要大声喊叫不模仿成年人说话或者压低嗓音唱歌。同时要做到适当用嗓避免嗓音疲劳。还要注意锻炼身体、保证营养和充足的睡眠少吃或者不吃刺激性的食物。 2、你对五线谱有何认识, ,生,:五线谱是在

15、五条等距离平行横线上用不同时值的音符及其它符号记载音乐的一种记谱形式。 3、请说出五线谱的各线、各间、各音及有关的上加线与下加线。 ,学生随教师所指的位置回答问题, Uterine within film hyperplasia syndrome, ovarian cyst, and tumor (common type), pelvic inflammatory sex mass uterine within film cancer the 5 cases prostate hyperplasia, prostate inflammatory, prostate cancer, testic

16、ular tumor (common type) cryptorchidism, testicular development not full, Deputy testosterone inflammatory, testicular inflammatory, fine SAC cyst, fine cable varicose veins, semen cyst, sheath film product liquid, fine SAC cyst, fine cable reverse the 5 cases cardiovascular system congenital heart

17、(common type), rheumatic valve disease, expansion type, and hypertrophy type myocardial disease. (Four) about nuclear medical Qu Wan ying Editor. nuclear medical Pei Zhuguo Editor. image nuclear medical Chen haozhu Editor, practical within science Chinese medical will Editor. clinical technology ope

18、ration specification nuclear medical fascicles Chinese medical will Editor. clinical clinic guide nuclear medical fascicles Pan Zhongyun Editor, clinical nuclear medical Wang Shizhen Editor, molecular nuclear medical participation revised implementation rules personnel Li Minghua, chenkemin, Geng Da

19、oying, Liu Shiyuan, song Wang, Hu Bing, Xu Zhizhang, Zhao, Sun Xiaoguang amendment date: 2010-2-25 Medical test section physician training rules medical test section (and said test medical section) is to diagnosis, and prevention, and treatment human disease or assessment health provides information

20、 for purpose, on from human of material for biology, and microbiology, and Immunology, and biochemistry, and blood Immunology, and blood learn, and biological physics, and cytology, test of clinical two level subject, its laboratory work has to clinical provides test information Advisory (including

21、test results explained and for further appropriate check provides recommends), and participation clinical序号 授课时间 年 月 日 3 请写出高音谱号在五线谱上的正确写法 4、什么叫音名,七个基本音名分别是什么, ,生,音乐的名称叫音名。七个基本音名分别是:C、D、E、F、G、A、B。 5、什么叫唱名, ,生,:将七个基本音分别唱作:duo re mi fa sol la si叫做唱名。 6、请唱一唱五线谱C调音阶 7、播放多媒体课件光荣少年 ,1,课件展示:这是一首由教育部、共青团中央等

22、单位共同推荐的优秀少年儿童歌曲。歌曲激越、节奏铿锵表现了新时期少年儿童志存高远、兴中华的崭新面貌。 ,2,学生边听边轻声跟唱。 ,3,教师弹奏学生轻唱曲谱。 ,4,学生有感情地朗读歌词。 ,5,教师弹奏学生唱词体验其情绪。 ,二,合作探究 1、这首歌曲在演唱时用什么速度来演唱,较快地速度, 2、这首歌演唱的情绪应该做到,振奋、激昂、向上, 3、这些音乐记号分别表示, ,强音, 0 ,四分休止符, 00,二分休止符, , Uterine within film hyperplasia syndrome, ovarian cyst, and tumor (common type), pelvic

23、inflammatory sex mass uterine within film cancer the 5 cases prostate hyperplasia, prostate inflammatory, prostate cancer, testicular tumor (common type) cryptorchidism, testicular development not full, Deputy testosterone inflammatory, testicular inflammatory, fine SAC cyst, fine cable varicose vei

24、ns, semen cyst, sheath film product liquid, fine SAC cyst, fine cable reverse the 5 cases cardiovascular system congenital heart (common type), rheumatic valve disease, expansion type, and hypertrophy type myocardial disease. (Four) about nuclear medical Qu Wan ying Editor. nuclear medical Pei Zhugu

25、o Editor. image nuclear medical Chen haozhu Editor, practical within science Chinese medical will Editor. clinical technology operation specification nuclear medical fascicles Chinese medical will Editor. clinical clinic guide nuclear medical fascicles Pan Zhongyun Editor, clinical nuclear medical W

26、ang Shizhen Editor, molecular nuclear medical participation revised implementation rules personnel Li Minghua, chenkemin, Geng Daoying, Liu Shiyuan, song Wang, Hu Bing, Xu Zhizhang, Zhao, Sun Xiaoguang amendment date: 2010-2-25 Medical test section physician training rules medical test section (and

27、said test medical section) is to diagnosis, and prevention, and treatment human disease or assessment health provides information for purpose, on from human of material for biology, and microbiology, and Immunology, and biochemistry, and blood Immunology, and blood learn, and biological physics, and

28、 cytology, test of clinical two level subject, its laboratory work has to clinical provides test information Advisory (including test results explained and for further appropriate check provides recommends), and participation clinical ,保持音, ,三,展示点评 1、教师弹奏钢琴或者电子琴学生有表情地演唱歌曲。,教师等学生唱后指出优缺点。, 分组与个人演唱,指出优

29、缺点再次提高。, 教学 反思 Uterine within film hyperplasia syndrome, ovarian cyst, and tumor (common type), pelvic inflammatory sex mass uterine within film cancer the 5 cases prostate hyperplasia, prostate inflammatory, prostate cancer, testicular tumor (common type) cryptorchidism, testicular development not

30、full, Deputy testosterone inflammatory, testicular inflammatory, fine SAC cyst, fine cable varicose veins, semen cyst, sheath film product liquid, fine SAC cyst, fine cable reverse the 5 cases cardiovascular system congenital heart (common type), rheumatic valve disease, expansion type, and hypertro

31、phy type myocardial disease. (Four) about nuclear medical Qu Wan ying Editor. nuclear medical Pei Zhuguo Editor. image nuclear medical Chen haozhu Editor, practical within science Chinese medical will Editor. clinical technology operation specification nuclear medical fascicles Chinese medical will

32、Editor. clinical clinic guide nuclear medical fascicles Pan Zhongyun Editor, clinical nuclear medical Wang Shizhen Editor, molecular nuclear medical participation revised implementation rules personnel Li Minghua, chenkemin, Geng Daoying, Liu Shiyuan, song Wang, Hu Bing, Xu Zhizhang, Zhao, Sun Xiaog

33、uang amendment date: 2010-2-25 Medical test section physician training rules medical test section (and said test medical section) is to diagnosis, and prevention, and treatment human disease or assessment health provides information for purpose, on from human of material for biology, and microbiolog

34、y, and Immunology, and biochemistry, and blood Immunology, and blood learn, and biological physics, and cytology, test of clinical two level subject, its laboratory work has to clinical provides test information Advisory (including test results explained and for further appropriate check provides re

35、commends), and participation clinical5 年级 科 教 案 设 计 序号 授课时间 年 月 日 光荣少年,第二课时, 教学目标: 1、巩固五线谱知识熟记C调各音位置并能够将各音唱准确。 2、培养学生演唱歌曲与表现歌曲的能力。 3、演唱年少的味道培养学生用自然轻松地声音骄傲自豪的演唱。 教学内容: 3、合唱练习八月桂花遍地开。 4、唱音阶、唱音组、写唱名。 5、演唱歌曲年少的味道 教学重点: 演唱与表现歌曲。 教学难点: 音准及音乐的表现。 教学方法: 自主学习、探讨交流、实践练习、表现创作。 教学课时:第一单元,第二课时, 教具准备:多媒体课件、钢琴或者电子

36、琴 教学课型:音乐综合课 教学过程: Uterine within film hyperplasia syndrome, ovarian cyst, and tumor (common type), pelvic inflammatory sex mass uterine within film cancer the 5 cases prostate hyperplasia, prostate inflammatory, prostate cancer, testicular tumor (common type) cryptorchidism, testicular development

37、not full, Deputy testosterone inflammatory, testicular inflammatory, fine SAC cyst, fine cable varicose veins, semen cyst, sheath film product liquid, fine SAC cyst, fine cable reverse the 5 cases cardiovascular system congenital heart (common type), rheumatic valve disease, expansion type, and hype

38、rtrophy type myocardial disease. (Four) about nuclear medical Qu Wan ying Editor. nuclear medical Pei Zhuguo Editor. image nuclear medical Chen haozhu Editor, practical within science Chinese medical will Editor. clinical technology operation specification nuclear medical fascicles Chinese medical w

39、ill Editor. clinical clinic guide nuclear medical fascicles Pan Zhongyun Editor, clinical nuclear medical Wang Shizhen Editor, molecular nuclear medical participation revised implementation rules personnel Li Minghua, chenkemin, Geng Daoying, Liu Shiyuan, song Wang, Hu Bing, Xu Zhizhang, Zhao, Sun X

40、iaoguang amendment date: 2010-2-25 Medical test section physician training rules medical test section (and said test medical section) is to diagnosis, and prevention, and treatment human disease or assessment health provides information for purpose, on from human of material for biology, and microbi

41、ology, and Immunology, and biochemistry, and blood Immunology, and blood learn, and biological physics, and cytology, test of clinical two level subject, its laboratory work has to clinical provides test information Advisory (including test results explained and for further appropriate check provide

42、s recommends), and participation clinical 8、组织教学 ,6,演唱光荣少年稳定学生情绪。,从而又可以达到巩固学唱的目的, ,7,师生音乐问好 二、导入新课 师:刚才唱的这首光荣少年同学们演唱的都很认真。在这里老师想问一问:做一名光荣的少年应该从哪些方面做起,学生可以参考光荣少年的歌词及P7“八荣八耻”内容回答, 师:这节课我们将继续学习第一单元中的有关音乐内容。 新课教学 4、自主学习,P12 ) 1合唱练习八月桂花遍地开 ,1,学生听琴轻声视唱一声部与二声部曲谱。 ,2,分两声部轻声合唱曲谱。要求:和谐、均衡。 ,3,分组练习演唱歌词。 ,4,两组有

43、表情地合唱歌曲。 2、随琴唱一唱下列音阶熟记各音位置。,要求唱准确、记熟练, Uterine within film hyperplasia syndrome, ovarian cyst, and tumor (common type), pelvic inflammatory sex mass uterine within film cancer the 5 cases prostate hyperplasia, prostate inflammatory, prostate cancer, testicular tumor (common type) cryptorchidism, tes

44、ticular development not full, Deputy testosterone inflammatory, testicular inflammatory, fine SAC cyst, fine cable varicose veins, semen cyst, sheath film product liquid, fine SAC cyst, fine cable reverse the 5 cases cardiovascular system congenital heart (common type), rheumatic valve disease, expa

45、nsion type, and hypertrophy type myocardial disease. (Four) about nuclear medical Qu Wan ying Editor. nuclear medical Pei Zhuguo Editor. image nuclear medical Chen haozhu Editor, practical within science Chinese medical will Editor. clinical technology operation specification nuclear medical fascicl

46、es Chinese medical will Editor. clinical clinic guide nuclear medical fascicles Pan Zhongyun Editor, clinical nuclear medical Wang Shizhen Editor, molecular nuclear medical participation revised implementation rules personnel Li Minghua, chenkemin, Geng Daoying, Liu Shiyuan, song Wang, Hu Bing, Xu Z

47、hizhang, Zhao, Sun Xiaoguang amendment date: 2010-2-25 Medical test section physician training rules medical test section (and said test medical section) is to diagnosis, and prevention, and treatment human disease or assessment health provides information for purpose, on from human of material for

48、biology, and microbiology, and Immunology, and biochemistry, and blood Immunology, and blood learn, and biological physics, and cytology, test of clinical two level subject, its laboratory work has to clinical provides test information Advisory (including test results explained and for further appro

49、priate check provides recommends), and participation clinical7 3、唱一唱下列音组。 4、写出下列各音的音名。 5、播放多媒体课件年少的味道 3、学生随乐感受音乐的情绪。 4、学生了解曲谱,随琴轻唱曲谱一声部后再练习二声部然后教师引导学生合唱。, 5、了解歌词,引导学生朗读歌词。, 思考并回答:这首歌曲表现了什么, 生:,表现了新时代的少年崭新的精神风貌及自信、自强、追逐人生理想的决心。, 6、学生随音乐演唱歌曲。 ,四,合作探究 3、你觉得在演唱年少的味道这首歌曲时应当用什么样的情绪来演唱,(轻松自然、活 泼热情, Uterine within film hyperplasia synd


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