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1、2014秋新外研版八年级英语上册全册教案一点通教学网 免费配全套同步教学视频课件 按住Ctrl键单击鼠标打开配套的视频动画和单词音频朗读mp3播放 module 1教案 课题 课型 Listening and Module 1 Unit 1 Try not to translate speaking every word. 教学目To get to know the key vocabulary. 标 To understand the dialogue 3. To be able to talk about the problems in learning English. 教学重Lead

2、-in the vocabulary, especially theKey points: translate, correct, grammar, 点 pronunciation, spelling, try to do, Why dont you? How about? 教学难practicing the students? listening and speaking ability, the vocabulary as well as the 点 sentence structure 教具 课时 2 Video, Tape recorder 教师活动 学生活动 教学个人修改 1. As

3、k the students to Individual work: 1( 过程 introduce themselves 1. Introduce themselves 情 first, by using : My name 景 2. Tell them the is. 导 importance of learning I?m from. 入 English and how to 2. Listen to the teacher. learn English. 一点通教学网 免费配全套同步教学视频课件 一点通教学网 免费配全套同步教学视频课件 1. Individual work: 1.

4、 Key words: translate, correct, grammar, Read the new words pronunciation, spelling, loudly and make some try to do sentences by using the key words.新-课 -标 -第-一-网 2( Key structure: Why don?t you? 2. Match the words with 知 You should do. the headings. Then 识 How about.? check in pairs. 新 2. Ask them

5、to finish 3. Listen to the tape, then 授 activity 1. check with the teacher. 3. Play the tape of activity 2 and check the whole class. I. Ask students to work in I. Pair work: Make pairs to practice the sentences to practice the sentence structure. sentence structure. II. II. 1. Listen and read(Part3

6、) 1. Listen to the dialogue 2. Try to act out part 3. and read it loudly. 3( 3. Ask them to do activity 2. Act out the dialogue in 情 4. Write notes about groups 景 learning English. 3.Writing 操 4. Ask them to talk about 4.Talk about the 练 part 4 and give some questions in activity 4 and advice on how

7、 to learn show ideas. English. 一点通教学网 免费配全套同步教学视频课件 一点通教学网 免费配全套同步教学视频课件 Practise students? Whole-class work: pronunciation and Read the sentences speaking.X-k-b- 1.-c-o-m together with the tape recorder. Then read the 4( pronunciation and work in 情 pairs to finish activity 7. 景 Pair work: 回 Read

8、the words to let the 归 partner check if the words are pronounced in a correct way. Unit 1 Try not to translate every word. Key points: Key structure: translate, How about? correct, Why dont you? 板书grammar, 设计 pronunciation, spelling, try to do, ww w.x k b1.co m 1. Copy the key words for 10 times. 作业

9、2. Do exercise 1-4 of your workbook. 布置 3. Try to act out part3. 课后评价 一点通教学网 免费配全套同步教学视频课件 一点通教学网 免费配全套同步教学视频课件 Unit 2教案 课题 课型 Reading and Unit 2 Please help me. writing 教学目标 To get information from reading material about improving your English. To get to know how to write a letter. 教学重点 Reading a

10、bility: read for details. Vocabulary: punctuation, advice, mistake, message, language, conversation Key points: enjoy oneself, ask for, be good at, decide to do, It takes sometime to do sth. 教学难点 To get to know how to write a letter. 教具 课时 2 tape recorder 教师活动 学生活动 个人修改 Review what they have learned

11、 教 1. from last lesson. 1. Act out the 学 情 1. Ask Ss to act out the dialogue dialogue. 流 景 in Lesson1. 2. Give some advice. 程 导 2. Ask Ss to show opinion on 入 how to learn English. 一点通教学网 免费配全套同步教学视频课件 一点通教学网 免费配全套同步教学视频课件 Vocabulary and sentence structure 2( 1.Words guessing 1. Read and learn the

12、 知 new words loudly. 识 2. Ask them to work in pairs. 2. Work in pairs. Talk 新 Q: What questions do you have about the questions 授 about?新课|标第| 一|网 then show their Understanding English answers to all the Speaking English students. Learning English. 一点通教学网 免费配全套同步教学视频课件 一点通教学网 免费配全套同步教学视频课件 1. Ask

13、the students to read the 3( 1. Pre-task activity: title, then guess what will the text 情 Pair work talk about. Read the title of the 教 景 After that, ask students to read and passage. Then discuss 操 find out information. in pairs to guess what 练 Then ask students to finish part3 the text will talk ab

14、out. 学 and 4.ww w.x k b1.co m After discussion, some students should be asked to tell the whole 流 class about their guessing. 程 While-task activity 1: Individual work Read the text and underline the words. While-task activity 2: Pair work Work in pairs to 2. Ask the Ss to work in pairs to complete p

15、art3, 4 finish part 6. Post-task activity: Group work Present their answers. 2. Check the answers in pairs. Text explanation Discuss the sentences in 4( the text, and try to get 情 familiar with the words 景 and phrases. 回 归 一点通教学网 免费配全套同步教学视频课件 一点通教学网 免费配全套同步教学视频课件 Unit 2 Theyre going to the opera.

16、 Key points: put on, at this moment, leave work, at home, get dressed, look at, 板see you soon 书设Additional new words: supper, who 计 Difficult sentence: Some are going to the opera or watching a ballet. 作2. Finish off the WB Ex. 业布3. Write a list of things you?re good in English. 置 课后评价 Unit 3教案 课题 课

17、型 Revision and Unit 3 Language in use application 教学目标 To encourage students to write an English study plan for themselves this year. To say what they?re good at, what they aren?t good at and what they should do. 教学重点 Focus: Why dont we ? How about? You should do . It is + adj. + to do . 教学难点 Focus:

18、 Why dont we ? How about? You should do . It is + adj. + to do . 教具 课时 2 tape recorder 一点通教学网 免费配全套同步教学视频课件 一点通教学网 免费配全套同步教学视频课件 教师活动 学生活动 个人修改 1. Ask the Ss to retell the text in 1. Try to retell the text. 1( Unit 2. 2. Discuss in groups and 情 2. Ask the Ss “How to learn show the answers in 景 Eng

19、lish?” and let them to discuss front of the class. 导 in groups and present their 入 answers. 教 Read and learn the useful sentences Read loudly and try to 2( in Language in use. understand the meaning 知 学 You should of every sentence, and 识 Why don?t you.? then use them to make 新 It?s + adj. + to do s

20、th. some sentences. 授 流 1. Listening practice. 1. Listen to the tape and 3( Play the tape and finish off part 1 do part 1 and 2, then 情 and 2. check answers in 景 程 pairs. 操 2. Show six pictures. Ask them to 2. Look at the picture 练 talk about them and say if Jack is and say what Jack a good student.

21、 usually does. 3. Ask the Ss to give advice to Jack. 3. Tell him how to be a good student. 4. Ask them to work in pairs and 4. Work in pairs. Read read the problem and give and give advice. advice. 5. Do part 6 and check 5. Ask them to finish part 6-9 . the answers in pairs. 一点通教学网 免费配全套同步教学视频课件 一点

22、通教学网 免费配全套同步教学视频课件 Ask students to present their Make an English study 4( thinking and their English study plan plan for themselves for 情 and finish off part 10-12. this year, then read it in 景 front of the class. 回 归 Unit 3 Language in use Language in use. 板书You should 设计 Why dont you.? Its + adj.

23、 + to do sth. 1. Write the new words ten times. 作业2. Write an English study plan. 布置 课后评价 Module2教案 课题 课型 Listening and Module 2 Experiences speaking Unit1 Have you ever entered a competition 教学目标 To enable the students to get detail information in listening To enable them to talk about their experi

24、ences with “have ever done” 教学重点 1. To master the new words about “planes”. 2. To get both main idea and details of the listening material 一点通教学网 免费配全套同步教学视频课件 一点通教学网 免费配全套同步教学视频课件 教学难点 To practise affirmative and negative forms of “have ever done”. 教具 课时 2 Video, Tape recorder 1. Warm up & Lead-i

25、n 教学过程 个人修改 教师活动 1). Ask: How was your vacation? Where did you go? What did you do? 2). Ask: Did you go travelling by plane? If the Ss answer Yes, ask them: What/Who did you see at the airport or on the plane? Collect the words on the Bb. Make sure all the new words to learn in this unit are written

26、. If the Ss answer No, ask: Have you ever taken a plane? Write the sentence on the Bb. Help the Ss guess the meaning of the sentence. 学生活动 1). Ss give the answers. The following may be presented: I went to Hongkong. I traveled in Sichuan. I went to my hometown to visit my grandparents, etc. 2). Ss m

27、ay answer: Yes, I did./No, I didnt. 3). Ss try to answer: Yes, I have./No, I havent. 2. Vocabulary Practice 教师活动 1) Lead students to read the words about “planes” on the Bb. 2) With books closed, ask ss to say out the new words 3) Act1. 4) Act2. 5) Ask ss to do Ex5 in Wb and check answers. 学生活动 1) S

28、tudents read the words. 2) Students remember the words quickly and close their books and recollect them. 3) Students do Act1. and check answers. 4) Act2. Students discuss it in pairs and give answers. 5) Do Ex5 in Wb and check answers. 3. Listening and reading 教师活动 1) Show some questions about the c

29、onversation on ppt. Ask ss to listen and answer them. Then check the answers. 2) Play the tape again and ask Ss to do Part 4 while listening. 3) Take notes on the Bb and explain any difficulty. 学生活动 1) Students listen and answer questions. 一点通教学网 免费配全套同步教学视频课件 一点通教学网 免费配全套同步教学视频课件 2) Do part 4 whi

30、le listening. 3) Ss raise problems to the teacher and take notes in note-books. 4.Grammar focusing 教师活动 1) Enable the Ss to read in characters. Underline the sentences with “have done” and circle the past participle. 2) Act 5. Make sure Ss do it correctly. 3) Show more pictures and ask Ss to practic

31、e the structure “have done”. 4) Show the irregular verbs (P199) and tell the rules of the PP. 5) Conclude the difference between did and have done according to What Ss say. 学生活动 1) Ss underline the sentences with “have done” and circle the past participle while reading. 2) Act.5practice reading in p

32、airs. 3) Practice “have done” according to the pics given. 4) Try to tell the difference between did and have done 5. Vocabulary Practice 教师活动 1) Lead reading and make sure they know the meaning of each word. 2)Ask Ss to discuss the questions in groups. Make a report. 学生活动 1) Read after teacher. 2)

33、Discuss the questions in groups. Report the result of your group. 课后评价 教案 课题 课型 Reading and Module 2Unit 2 Wei Ming has been all over writing China by plane. To get information from the reading material. 教学目标 教学重点 To enable the students to understand the reading material 教学难点 To enable them to write

34、 sentences with “have done” 一点通教学网 免费配全套同步教学视频课件 一点通教学网 免费配全套同步教学视频课件 教具 课时 2 tape recorder 3. Revision 教学过程 个人修改 教师活动 1) Report the survey. 2) Check WB Ex1-2. 3) Show some pictures and ask the ss to ask and answer in pairs.学生活动 1) Ss practice WB Ex1-2. 2) Ask and answer in pairs 2. Reading 教师活动 1

35、) Ask ss to do Part 3 after reading once. 2) Ask ss to explain the words in Act5 in English. And then talk about the questions. 3) Ask ss to read paragraph after paragraph fluently. Then do Act 4. Check answers. 学生活动 1) Students read and then do Part 3. 2) Try to explain the words in Act5 in English

36、. And then talk about the questions in pairs. 3) Ss read it loudly and fluently. Do Act4. Check answers. 3. Focus in 教师活动 1) Ask ss to present their difficulties 2) Discuss the language items in class. Take notes on Bb. Make sure they have no difficulties in reading. 学生活动 1) Find anything they have

37、difficulty in understanding. 2) Get to know how to use them. Take notes in notebooks. 4. Writing 教师活动 1) Act 6.&7 The teacher may show more pictures to help the Ss open their minds. 2) Check the answers to WB Ex4. 学生活动 1) Write sentences as required. 2) Check the answers to WB Ex4 with teacher. Pay

38、more attention to irregular verbs. 课后评价 一点通教学网 免费配全套同步教学视频课件 一点通教学网 免费配全套同步教学视频课件 教案 课题 课型 Revision and Module 2 Unit 3 Language in use application 教学目标 To summarize and consolidate “have done” and the new vocabulary 教学重点 To enable the students to master the new vocabulary and “have done” 教学难点 To

39、enable them to put the grammar and language items in use. 教具 课时 2 tape recorder 1.Grammar focus 教学过程 个人修改 教师活动 1) Ask ss to do EX3 in WB. Ask ss to pay attention to the tenses 2) Show a map of China to the Ss. Ask them to make conversation with the pattern given. Help ss to conclude. 学生活动 1) Ss do E

40、X3 in WB. 2) Try to tell the differences between past tense and past perfect after making conversation. 2. Writing and speaking 教师活动 1) Ask the ss to give the past participle of each verb in the box. 2) Go through the pictures and the phrases in the box with ss. 3) Ask them to complete the postcard

41、and enable them to check in groups. 4) Act2.&8 5) Act3. pair work. 6) Ask ss to talk about their photos in pairs. 学生活动 1) Give the PP of each verb in the box. 2) Make sure they know the meaning of the pictures and the phrases in the box. 3) Complete the postcard and share them in groups. Select the

42、best ones to report to the class. 4) Act2&8. Do in pairs. 5) Ask and answer about the questionnaire. 6) Tell a story about their photos. 3. VocabularyX-k-b-1.-c-o-m 教师活动 1) Act5&9. make sure ss remember them well. 2) Check WB Ex6&7 学生活动 一点通教学网 免费配全套同步教学视频课件 一点通教学网 免费配全套同步教学视频课件 1) Ss do Act5&9 and

43、 check with each other. 2) Check WB Ex6&7, and raise questions. 4. Listening 教师活动 1) Part6&7. Go through the table and the questions before reading. Play the tape twice. After the first time, ss do Act6 for general idea. Play ndthe 2 time for them to do Act7 for details. 2) Check answers. Play the t

44、ape again if they make mistakes. 学生活动 1) Ss go through the table and the questions with teacher before reading. 2) Listen with purpose and do Act6&7.ww w .x k b1. co m 3) Check answers and raise questions. 5. Around the world 教师活动 1) Ask Ss who has been to Disneyland? When and where? What did you do

45、 there? 2)Show more pictures about Disneyland all over the world and give an introduction. 学生活动 1) Answer questions and talk about their experiences in Disneyland. 2)Listen to the introduction and they may ask questions about it. 6. Module task 教师活动 1) Monitoring their task. 2) Have them work in gro

46、ups of 3-4. 学生活动 1) Cooperate in groups and share one?s opinion with each other. 2) Make a questionnaire together as required. 3) Report their questionnaire. 板书设计ww w.x k b1.co m The Structure of the Present Perfect Tense 1. 肯定句:主语+have/has +done 2. 否定句:主语+have/has +not+done 3. 一般疑问句:have/has +主语+done, 肯定回答:Yes, I/we/they have. Yes, he/she/it ha


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