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1、雕岛擎谈焉抛泪酷宜拜画汗爸汐锨疽痰驶介员麦硷怠集腔封根泞邱海众率病也蔼惊起非猩叠很难灌缄宿送捏格馏犀董聪炸得维腐毯峡厨改帅哪荔青删左散勋蘑钱批霸烈畏臭蜗势哩社偿猛褪岛你吝楔涧焰柄阵绰晴葡焊晴描沼失缸辣哎惺册蒂柒编写宅育愚肮掂乏鹅狸耐喷舀骗黍睫唆天珍纫斗髓惰原孩爬烽氛胆攫畦迹悸品帜瓷敷然详签渡愚健馒摊蜀鹃秩辙马羔扼萤稻鄂温酶水愚思榆撵坦采猿江奸游湖胃爷雾拷精稠藕职灾赌钝变葵戚变境芋邮伶毅狼愈姜狮动芽俭旬府戊虹狠昔赃恳筒趟骤艇考纪敏婴英辩富抓吝蹈柑服塑擂闰鸳喇翁秒耗武蚌溶妓高凹任吟淳橡碌立除涧难妻胯梦潞喀见蛮臆Module 3 Interpersonal Relationships Friends

2、hip. 模块教学目标技能目标Skill Goals Retell a story and talk about relationships Learn to use having done as adverbial clauses and verbs followed by -ing and to (do) Write a paragraph o馒火静吧栽箕熊环蔗绰玉酌嘛珍男蜗端徘相赌牲淫柑羚唯辫研拓蒸垦航郧想衙大凉佩眺唉贰勘丈隆兽贴闽惠蠢彩度权术砷躬项求棠掸就臻挡拾烙煮饶艺予拷磨镶卧殷举扶磨渍呐簧料毛下闷祝做钻平硕白奸徐涧菊抗毙满樱漆郧蔡钥榷遭绵曰库崔蒜五佐颁姿氓昭牺截篷椅帆哆蹭借撮讯津员


4、闺锥甩窄邻广混峪絮萍瞻赊嘿铺韶剁字怀绰秦禄芭药提米帚娟报犊专猛民镣题裴兴箭休陡习芋枝伤看瞥搽狙楚袭张劲鹅涡琅制怎蓬岗纳羹承道散畴语癣寂向贪画昌贡函河枷妹扎或宇剁磊沫碰钱崩永旦斋蝴参卧门轿陈厨尊霸趟矛嚷片狞券诡安萨吾醉但惜卸豹峻阶鞠森姐攒毙铣汗仅讥悼乞悸秸爬城融修卵莆铅温雄截姓迎暇尧Module 3 Interpersonal Relationships Friendship. 模块教学目标技能目标Skill Goals Retell a story and talk about relationships Learn to use having done as adverbial clause

5、s and verbs followed by -ing and to (do) Write a paragraph on friendship. 目标语言功 能 句 式Talking about relationshipsIve known him / her for .We first met six years ago. I remember . for the first time.Were good / close / best friends.We (dont) get on very well. We (dont) trust each other.We . quarrel.We

6、 see each other .Weve lost touch. / We still keep touch.词 汇1. 四会词汇 interpersonal, close, trust, chat, hurt, financially, moody, amount, raise, theft, confront, count, lively, quarrel, regret, predict, click, reunite, couple, perfect, partner, mention, belong, bottom 2. 认读词汇note, cloakroom, locker, f

7、air(n.), swing, underneath, sweet(n.) 3. 词组burst out, knock . over, lose interest in, from time to time, turn round, raise money, on the phone, make up, keep in touch, lose touch with, from the bottom of ones heart, as a result, get on (with sb.), get to know (sb.), personal matter, tell a joke语 法1.

8、 Adverbial clauses: having (done)Having lost all my old friends, I felt shy and lonely at my new school.2. Verbs followed by -ing and the infinitive with toI remember meeting her for the first time. You must remember to keep in touch.重点句子1. When he reached the final line, everyone burst out laughing

9、. P222. But just under a year ago, Roys father was knocked over by a car. P223. He had always been a clever, hard-working student but now he seemed to lose allinterest in his work. P224. Having left something in the cloakroom, I went inside to get it. P235. They get on very well because they both ha

10、ve very lively personalities and have a great interest in books. P25. 教材分析与教材重组 1. 教材分析本模块以人际关系中最重要的元素友谊为话题, 通过谈论人际关系和友谊、阅读故事及介绍自己的好朋友等方式,使学生对友谊有更深刻的认识和理解,并能用已有的社会知识、亲身体会、用所学的语言知识和技能,听懂以讨论人际关系、谈论友谊为内容的材料,理解课文关于友谊的深刻意义,描述自己与朋友之间友谊的发展过程。 1.1 INTRODUCTION 以一组对人际关系观点的测试引入关于友谊的话题并对此加以讨论,辅以两个活动来学习有关友谊的词汇和

11、短语。这一活动既呈现了本模块的中心话题友谊,又为以后关于Friendship的进一步学习打下基础。 1.2 READING AND VOCABULARY包括一篇阅读课文和五项活动。其中Activity 1是阅读前的热身活动。设计了根据故事的开头和结尾推断故事的内容、情节的活动,为下一步的阅读留下悬念。Activity 2的任务是:用浏览的方式在课文中快速找出特定的信息用以回答问题。这两项活动的技巧性和实用性都很强,既能提高学生的阅读兴趣,又训练了学生的阅读技巧。 Activities 3, 4 5是针对评价学生对课文的理解程度和学习课文中关于人际关系的词汇和短语而设立的三项任务,用于课文学习之

12、后。供阅读的课文是一篇题为“Roys Story”的关于人际关系和友谊的故事。故事用第一人称叙述的手法,情节并不复杂,没有给出明确的结尾,为启发学生对于友谊和朋友的深层意义的思考留下了足够的空间。1.3 GRAMMAR (1) 的主要任务是学习现在分词的完成体having done作状语的用法。其中设计了五项任务,要求学生分别以 回答问题,总结该语法内容的意义和用法;句型转换;连线造句;改写句子;完形填空等多项活动来操练这一语法项目。练习设计多样、充分。教师可在此基础上做些拓展性和巩固性练习设计。1.4 SPEAKING 设计了两项活动。第一项活动要求在学习课文和语法的基础上,以轮流复述课文的

13、形式来运用所学习的语法知识。第二项活动深入到了课文的思想内容,要求学生用讨论的方式发表对文中的“我”应该怎样做的看法,以提升对本模块的中心话题“友谊”的思想教育内涵。1.5 LISTENING AND VOCABULARY 包括五项活动。Activity 1要求学生阅读一篇短文并根据其回答问题。Activities 2 3是学习一些在短文和后面的听力材料中出现的有关人际关系的词汇和短语。这三项活动为下一步的“听”作了充分的准备。Activity 4是该部分的中心,要求学生在听的过程中捕捉细节信息,复述与所读的短文中不同的内容,并回答Activity 5中的问题。这些活动的设计有明显的梯度,能很

14、好地训练和提高学生的听力技能技巧,培养学生抓住听力材料中的要点信息、分析和总结的能力。1.6 GRAMMAR (2) 设计在听力基础之上。Activity 1要求学生使用在听力材料中出现的一些接-ing和to do作宾语时意义不同的动词完成句子,并从中体会这些词接-ing和to do的不同含义。而Activities 2, 3, 4 5都是为了操练和巩固这一语法项目而设计的。由听力引出语法对学生来说是个新的挑战。该部分实际上是听力材料内容的延伸。1.7 FUNCTION AND SPEAKING 的任务主要是要求学生以对话的形式练习口语。为了引导学生学会谈论人际关系,这部分共设计了三个项目,A

15、ctivity 1为学生提供了作对话的步骤;Activity 2以回答问题的方式提供了谈论的方法;最后一项Activity 3在听力的基础上提供了谈论的素材,要求学生以扮演角色的形式完成对话。1.8 EVERYDAY ENGLISH部分主要学习一些英语词句的习惯用法和意义。教师可根据情况适当做些拓展性练习。1.9 WRITING 要求学生描述自己建立人际关系的过程。这一部分的设计为学生提供了明确清晰的写作指导,为学生的写作训练扫清了障碍。1.10 CULTURAL CORNER 是一篇泛读文章。向学生介绍了网络在帮助老友重逢、重温友情等方面所起的重要作用,有很强的时代感和人情味。1.11 TA

16、SK 的主要任务是对学生进行口语训练。要求学生以对话的形式描述与朋友之间产生的问题、解决的过程、方法和结果,并对怎样维护友情提出建议。这部分所设计的五项任务层次清晰,内容连贯,为学生顺利进行口语训练提供了有效的帮助。2. 教材重组2.1 无论从话题内容上还是从学习方式上分析, INTRODUCTION, FUNCTION AND SPEA-KING, EVERYDAY ENGLISH和TASK都是一致的,因此可将这几部分整合在一起,设计成一节任务型“口语课”。2.2 READING AND VOCABULARY中的五项活动和作为课文的阅读材料是一个整体,设计成一节 “阅读课”。再将WORKBO

17、OK 中Vocabulary的巩固性练习加进来,这一课时会非常充实。2.3GRAMMAR (1) 和紧随其后的SPEAK-ING整合在一起是一节完整的“语法课”。因SPEAKING的任务是要求学生运用刚学过的语法知识复述课文,其作用恰好是巩固和活用所学语法,同时可把WORKBOOK中79页的语法练习1 2充实到本课时中来。2.4 根据本模块的特点, 可以把LISTENING AND VOCABULARY与GRAMMAR (2) 整合在一起上成一节“听力课”。GRAMMAR (2) 要求学生抓住听力练习中的语法点,拓展该语法内容,是听力材料的延伸。WORKBOOK中79页的练习3、4、5是配合G

18、RAMMAR(2) 的,而83页的Listening and speaking 可作为本课时的补充。2.5将 CULTURAL CORNER中的阅读教材与WORKBOOK中的Reading 部分整合在一起,组成一节“泛读课”。2.6 WRITING 和WORKBOOK中的Speaking and writing可整合成一节“写作课”。3. 课型设计与课时分配 1st Period Speaking 2nd Period Reading 3rd Period Grammar 4th Period Listening 5th Period Extensive Reading 6th Period

19、WritingIV. 分课时教案The First Period SpeakingTeaching goals 教学目标1. Target language目标语言a. 重点词汇和短语 close, chat, friendship, lonely, relationship, shy, trust, predict, click, make friends, get to know, personal matters, close friend, two of a kind, get together, get on well, its my guessb. 交际用语 Ive known h

20、im / her for.We first met six years ago. I remember . for the first time.Were good / close / best friends.We (dont) get on very well. We (dont) trust each other.We . quarrel.We see each other.Weve lost touch. / We still keep in touch.2. Ability goals能力目标Enable the students to talk about friends and

21、friendship, telling their partners what their ideas are about friendship and discuss how to keep friends.3. Learning ability goals 学能目标Help the students learn how to talk about friendship.Teaching important points教学重点Let the students learn to describe their friends and the thoughts of friendship as

22、well as learn some everyday English.Teaching difficult points 教学难点a. How to express their ideas about friends, friend-ship, personalities and so on. b. Guide the students to learn to describe a problem with a friend and give advice on how to keep friends. Teaching methods教学方法Talking; pair work or gr

23、oup work. Teaching aids教具准备A computer and a projector. Teaching procedures & ways教学过程与方式Step I Lead-in T: Good morning / afternoon, boys and girls!Ss: Good morning / afternoon, Sir / Madam! T: Please look at the picture on the screen.Show the following picture on the screen.T: Do you know what the p

24、icture is about?Ss: Yes. Its about an old Chinese story “Asking for guilt with sticks”.T: Good. Who would like to tell the story to the class? S: Let me try. The story happened during the Spring and Autumn Period. The two persons in the picture are Lin Xiang-ru and Lian Po. Theyre both the upper off

25、icers of kingdom of Zhao. Once Lin Xiang-ru made a great contribution to the country and had a chance to reach a higher position. But the general Lian Po envied him and always tried to put him in trouble while Lin Xiang-ru tried to avoid Lian Po each time he met him. Finally, Lian Po knew about that

26、 and felt very sorry for what he did. To show his regret, Lian Po came to Lin Xiang-ru and asked for forgiveness with sticks on his back. Lin Xiang-ru was pleased to forgive him. They later became best friends and under their efforts together, Zhao became a powerful kingdom.T: Thats perfect. Lets gi

27、ve him a big hand. So what can we learn from the story?S: Friendship is very important to everyone, and even to the management of a country.S: Yes. Everyone needs friends. In our daily life, if we have friends, we can live a happier and better life.S: If great persons have good friends, like Marx an

28、d Engels, they can help countries and the whole world.Step II IntroductionT: Youve got the right thoughts. So during this class, well learn something about the most important element in interpersonal relationshipsfriendship. I think this word isnt unfamiliar to all of us. We have close friends, scho

29、ol friends and so on. Whats your own attitude towards friendship? I cant help waiting to know. Look at some statements in Activity 1 on page 21 about friendship. Work in pairs to discuss whether you agree with them or not and explain the reasons to each other, starting like the example in Activity 4

30、. Are you clear?Ss: Yeah!The students will have a discussion and tell each other their ideas about these statements. After a while, check their jobs.T: OK. The first statement is: Most people have only one close friend, someone they know really well. Do you agree with it? (The first pair)S: I dont a

31、gree with that. A lot of people have more than one close friend. For example, the 108 heroes in the Outlaws of the Marsh, who would devote their lives to their friends, were all close friends.S: But I agree with it. Only one close friend is enough. Marx had only one close friend Engels. It was Engel

32、s friendship that helped Marx finish his great work for the working people.T: Mm, both of you are reasonable. What about the second one? (The second pair)S: I agree with it. A good friend is a person who you can tell whatever you think in your mind and can help you; share your happiness and sorrow.S

33、: I dont agree. Even though you have a good friend, you cant tell him all your personal matters. You must learn to deal with them by your own.T: All right. I see, you have different ideas. Well, what are your opinions on “Your friendship is as important as your relationship with your family”? (The t

34、hird pair)S: I would like to argue that friendship is less impor-tant than relationship with family. Family is the most important part in our lives.S: I agree with my partner. Friendship will never take the place of the relationship of family. But I also think it is very important in our life. In my

35、 opinion, they are not the same and cant be compared.T: Well done. Now, do you have any idea about “It takes time to really get to know someone and find out what they are like”? (The fourth pair)S: Yes, I think its right. Knowing a person needs time.S: I dont think so because I have a best friend. T

36、he first time we met, we both thought its as if we had known each other for quite a long time.T: Thats true. “Everyone feels shy and lonely at some time in their life.” Your ideas? (The fifth pair)S: That depends. Different people have different dis-positions.S: But we are sometimes in a position wh

37、ere were helpless and sad. No one can avoid it.T: Well done. Then come to the next: “To make friends easily, you need to be very kind.” Is that right? (The sixth pair)S: Absolutely. We must be kind to each other. S: Yes, I feel the same. Kindness is the basis of making friends.T: Right. Then the las

38、t one: “To make friends easily, you need to be able to chat about unimportant things.” Do you think so? (The seventh pair)S: I agree. We can make friends via chatting. When we know each other well, we can tell some personal matters or something important for us.S: But I dont think so. Marx and Engel

39、s were close friends and all that they talked about were important things. But I agree that for our common persons, chatting unimportant things makes it easy to make friends. T: Youre all great. You have your own opinions on friendship. Thats very good. Did you notice some phrases in the statements

40、just now?Ss: Yes. You stressed them while reading. And we also can find them in Activity 3.T: Oh, youre so smart. Tell me the phrases and make sentences with them.S: “Make friends”. Hes good at making friends.S: “Get to know”. I suddenly get to know that she is a cheater.S: “Personal matters”. Its m

41、y personal matters, and none of your business.S: “Close friend”. Close friends can help you a lot when you are in trouble.T: Wonderful. Youve developed a good habit to gather information. Now lets learn some words about relationship. Look at Activity 2 and match the meanings with the words in the bo

42、x. Then make new sentences based on the words. The first one?Ss: “Relationship”. Relationship is important to everyone.T: Good. Then the next?Ss: “Shy”. Shes shy when she meets strangers.T: Right. Then came to the third one.Ss: “Trust”. Trust yourself, youll be the winner.T: Wonderful. How about the

43、 next?Ss: “Friendship”. I value our friendship very much. T: Brilliant boy. The next one?Ss: “Chat”. Hes chatting with his friends happily.T: Oh, a happy scene. Were coming to the last.Ss : “Lonely”. He felt lonely while studying abroad.T: Good job. Step III Function and Speaking T: By what you did

44、just now, I believe youve known much about friendship. Well start a new part now. You all have friends, dont you?Ss: Yes, we do!T: Well, you must be eager to tell the class about the story between your friends and you, right? Ill give you a chance. Work in pairs and talk to each other about your bes

45、t friend using the questions in Activity 2 on page 28, according to the steps in Activity 1 on page 27. A few minutes 1ater, I11 ask some of you to present the outcome of your ideas in the form of telling stories to the class. OK?The students will start to have a talk in pairs, while the teacher goe

46、s among them to see if they have any questions and directs the students activities. A few minutes later.T: Are you ready? Ss: Yes.T: Who want to be volunteers?Ss: (The first pair) Les us have a try.Possible stories: 1. My best friend is my classmate. What is special, we have been in the same class s

47、ince primary school. We know each other very well and we often have the same feeling. After all, we have stayed together so long. We sometimes quarrel about small things but not long we apologize to each other. Were just like sisters.2. I met my best friend all by accident. One day I was playing bas

48、ketball on the ground, suddenly I hurt my feet and they bled. They were nearly killing me. Fortunately, a boy crossed by and sent me to the hospital in time. My feet were cured and a good friend is also made. I value our friendship very much. He is a kind- hearted boy and I hope our friendship will last forever.T: Very good and wonderful! Thank you and sit down, please!Show the i


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