人教新目标九年级Unit 4Section A (1a2d)导学案(无答案).docx

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1、.Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark.Section A 1a-2d 导学案 第一课时【学习目的】知识目的1. 单词和短语:humorous, silent, helpful, score2. 句型:1 I used to be short.2 A: Did you use to wear glasses? B: Yes, I did. /No, I didnt.A: He used to have curly hair, didnt he? B: Yes, he did./No, he didnt.【学习过程】一、课前预习预习1a-2d,翻译以下单词

2、或短语后小组内互查。高/矮/胖/瘦_2 中等个头/身材_长着直发/卷发/金黄色头发_ 外向的/内向的/沉默的/活泼的_ 幽默的/严肃的/友好的/英勇的_戴眼镜 _弹钢琴_used to be really quiet _used to play the piano_ used to see him reading in the library_get good grades/scores in music/on his exams _ from time to time _二、课上活动一听力训练1a1b1. 听前。1看图片,并将描绘人物外貌和性格的单词填入1a表格中。2完成?自主学习指导课程?

3、P50习题3理解1b中的听力任务。2. 听中。听录音,完成1b中的练习。3. 听后。1听录音,答复以下问题。 What did Mario use to look like? _ Whats he like now? _ Did Amy use to have short hair? _ Did she use to be tall? _What did Tina use to look like?_2跟读,模拟对话。二说的训练1c1. 结对活动。两人一组,练习1c的对话。2. 交换练习。两人一组,结合1b听力内容及1a图片提示做交换练习。A: Did Tina use to have red

4、 hair?B: Yes, she did. But now she has blond hair.A: Did she use to have curly hair?B: Yes, she did. But now she has straight hair.三听力训练2a2b1. 讨论2a 中的图片,结合所给单词特点预测对话发生的地点和对话内容。1Where are the people in the picture? _2what are they probably talking about? _2. 读2a中的单词,理解完成听力任务的要求打勾。然后听录音完成2a。3. 读2b中的句子

5、,理解完成听力任务的方式填空。然后听录音完成2b。4. 听录音,答复以下问题。1Paula used to be quiet and always silent in class, didnt she?_2Did she used to be outgoing? _3How did she used to be when she asked the teacher questions _4What subject did she use to be good in? _5What instrument did she use to play? And now? _6Did she use to

6、 be interested in sports? And now? _四说的训练2c1. 结对活动。两人一组,练习2c的对话。2. 语言运用。两人一组,用2b中的信息编写对话。 A: Paula used to_B: I know. She used to_,/but now she_3. 展示。两人一组表演对话。五处理2d。 1. 快速阅读对话,答复?自主学习指导课程?P38习题中的问题。2.播放录音,跟读,模拟对话中的语音、语调,然后自由朗读。3. 结合?自主学习指导课程?P38习题中的问题,完成P38习题IV。4. 语言知识: used to的用法 used to,表示“过去常常做某事

7、,暗指如今不再做了。后跟动词原形,Eg: He play soccer after school.他以前放学后常常踢足球。一般疑问句:Did sb. use to.?Eg: He used to play the piano.改为一般疑问句 _ play the piano?否认句:其否认形式为didnt use to或usednt to,口语中常用usednt to。Eg: He used to be outgoing;改为否认句Hebe outgoing.反意疑问句:含有used to的句子,其反问部分用didnt或usednt。eg. He used to smoke,?添加附加疑问句

8、see sb doing sth表示“_eg. I saw the boys playing basketball on the playground when I left.see sb do sth 表示“_ eg.They saw a boy walk across the street slowly. such a great idea=so_, 意为_ silent形容词,意为_。它的副词形式为_, silence,名词,意为_,其短语为 in silence,意为沉默地,默默地。eg. He walked home in silence/silently. humor,名词,意为_

9、,其形容词_,意为_5. 对话表演。四、达标检测一按要求完成句子:1. Lucy used to have straight hair.改为一般疑问句并做出肯、否答复_ 2. She used to work very late. 改为否认句3. Your uncle used to work in a factory, ? 完成反意疑问句4. Tom used to play the piano after class. 对划线部分提问 _5. He liked listening to music before, but now he doesnt like it.合并为一句He _ _ _ listening to music.6.他过去常戴眼镜吗? _2019枣庄二用所给词的适当形式填空1.Its _to talk about your problem with your parents.有帮助的2019济宁2.Please keep _ silence when you are in the library.3.I saw some boy students_ basketball when I passed the playground.play *;第 3 页


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