人教新目标英语九年级Unit12Section B (2a ~ 2e )导学案(无答案).docx

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1、.Unit 12 Life is full of the unexpected.第四课时 Section B2a 2e【学习目的】I. 知识目的重点单词词组:1. discovery n. 2. cancel v. 3. believable adj. 4. disappear v. 5. take place 6. play all kinds of tricks and jokes on each other 7. sell out 8. lose weight 9. by the end of that day 9. end up 10. get married 11. have a h

2、appy ending 12. fear spread across the whole country【学习过程】一、课前预习 预习2a-2e老师寄语:预习感知,有备无患。I. 写出下面单词的意思。1. 穿衣服 2. sell out 3. 到末为止 4. 开玩笑 5.发生 6.取消 7.最终是 二、课上活动阅读理解1. 2a 情景导入讨论问题1 Do you believe all news from the radio?_2 What will happen if the radio tells lies? _2. 速读 要求学生快速默读短文,熟知大意,并找出各段的主题大意完成2b的任务

3、。 3. 细读1让学生再细读短文,答复2c的问题。2用2d所给句子中的所给词的适当形式填空。 3 让学生分别向全班同学讲述自己最可笑的事,处理2e 然后全班投票选 出:a. 最可笑的笑话, b. 最令人为难的笑话。c. 最有创意的笑话。4. 朗读。播放录音,跟读,模拟语音语调,然后跟读。5. 精读。1仔细阅读短文,找出疑点,小组讨论。2语言知识:announce v.汉语意思: 课本原句: 造句: set off 汉语意思: 课本原句: 造句: flee v. 逃;逃走 flee to somewhere译为: ;flee somewhere 逃出某地;eg .They fled to Ame

4、rica.译为: . sell out汉语意思: 课本原句: 造句: . marry v.“嫁,娶,与结婚。 marry sb汉语意思: marry sb to sb 汉语意思: 课本原句: so that , sothat so that 译为: ,引导目的状语从句; so/such .that.译为: 引导结果状语从句,造句: 6.复述。完成?自主学习指导课程?P151页III.结合问题的答案尝试复述课文。四、达标检测. 单项选择。 1. I happened _ him in the park yesterday. A. meetB. meetingC. metD. to meet 2.

5、 Have you ever invited a friend _ your school? A. forB. withC. toD. at 3. What did you do _ April Fools Day? A. onB. atC. inD. with 4. The advertisement says there will be a great celebration this Sunday. Forget it, its a _. A. foolB. hoaxC. pleasureD. risk 5. Johnny announced that he would never _

6、before finding a satisfying job. A. marryB. married C. get marriedD. get marryII. 根据汉语提示,完成下面的句子。1. 由于坏的天气,会议昨晚被取消了。Because of the bad weather ,the meeting _ _last night.2. 在愚人节这天,人们互相捉弄。On April Fools Day ,people _ _on each other. 3. 我下个月底会回来。 I will be back _ _ _ _ last month. 4. 这家商店的衬衫都卖光了。 The shop _ _ all their shirts. 5. 我穿好衣服就去吃早餐。 I _ _ and had breakfast. *;第 2 页


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