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1、高中英语必修3教案高中英语必修3教案 Unit 1 Festivals around the world The First Period (Warming up & Pre-reading) Step One: Lead-in Free Talk: Did you have a good time in your winter holidays? When did you feel most happy and excited? Why? ( At the Spring Festival. Because its the most important festival in our coun

2、try.) Step Two: Warming up 1. Let the Ss think about the other Chinese festivals. ( Lantern Festival, Pure Brightness Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, New Years Day, Chung Yeung Festival.) 2. Discussion One 1)Let the Ss look at the information about Chinese festivals and discuss

3、another four Chinese festivals according to the example in warming up: When does the festival come? What do people celebrate? What do people do? Festivals Date festivals Date New Year January1st Teachers Day September 10th International March 8 National Day October 1st Womens Day Arbor Day March 12t

4、h The Spring Festival Lunar New Year International labor May 1st Dragon Boat Festival the fifth day of the fifth lunar month Day International June 1st Mid-Autumn Festival the 15th day of the 8th lunar month Childrens Day Army Day August 1st Lantern Festival the 15th day of the 1st lunar month Chine

5、se Youth Day May 4th Pure Brightness Day April the fifth 2) Let the Ss fill in the form in the warming up and ask some to share their opinions with the whole class. 3 Discussion Two Talk about some foreign festivals. ( Christmas, April Fools Day, Easter Day, Halloween, Valentines Day, Thanksgiving D

6、ay, Obon.) Step three: Pre-reading Let students think about the questions: 1) What is your favourate holiday of the year? Why? 2)What festivals or celebrations do you enjoy in your city or town? Do you like spending festivals with your family or with friends? What part of a festival do you like best

7、- the music, the things to see, the visits or the food? Step Four: Language Points 1.mean to do 打算做某事 mean doing 意味着. I never meant him to work for us. Passing the entrance examination means being admitted into college. 2. celebrate vt. (1) do sth to show that a day or an event is important 庆祝;祝贺 ce

8、lebrate Christmas / ones birthday / a wedding anniversary / a victory (2)praise and honor 赞扬;称颂 The names of many heroes are celebrated by the poets. 词语辨析:celebrate, congratulate celebrate后常接日期、事情或场合。而congratulate后常接人,多为 congratulate sb. on/upon sth.表示为某事而祝贺某人。如:congratulate you on your marriage. 有时

9、还表示私自庆幸的意思。如:I congratulated myself on my escape from being punished. 3.take place vi. 英语中表示“发生”的词或短语均为不及物,不用于被动语态。主语为所发生的事。 词语辨析:take place, happen, occur, come about take place “发生,举行”,常用来指按计划发生的事,带有“非偶然”的意思。 happen ,普通用词,含义很广。常指具体客观事物或情况的发生,含有“偶然”的意味。当以具体事物、事件作主语时,happen 和 occur 可以换用;但当happen用作“碰

10、巧”之意时,不能用occur代替,但可以与come about 互换。 occu,出现”,较正式用词,可指事情偶然地、意外地发生或思想突然浮在心头。occur to 有“想起”的意思。 come about “发生”, 常指偶然发生的事情。且很多时候与how 连用。与happen 用法较接近。 In 1919, the May 4th Movement took place in China. 1919年,中国爆发了五四运动。 It happened to rain that day. 那天恰好下雨。 The traffic accident occurred on Wednesday. Ho

11、w does it come about that you were caught by the police? 你怎么会被警察抓去的, Step Five: Assignment Collect as much information about festivals as possible. Preview the words and expressions of the text. The Second & the Third Period Step one: Revision Review the names of the festivals and talk about them. S

12、tep Two: Reading 1.Read the passage quickly and then try to answer the following questions. 1) Whats the main idea of the text? This reading briefly introduces the earliest kinds of festivals with the reasons for them, then four different kinds of festivals that occur in most parts of the world. 2)

13、How many parts can the text divide into? (5 parts) 2. Let the Ss look at the pictures and the heading of each section, then ask questions to help them understand what the text might be about. ancient Festivals: Why would people celebrate at these three times of the year? Why do you think music and f

14、ire or light are used in festivals? Festivals of the Dead: What kind of things are done to honor the dead ? Why do you think about the Mexican practice of making cakes with skulls and bones? What do you know about Halloween ?What pictures have you seen? Festivals to Honor People and Events What fest

15、ivals or celebrations can you think of that honor famous people or important events? Who do you think should have a festival to honor them? Why? Harvest Festivals Do you know of any harvest celebrations in China? Spring Festivals Why are spring festivals popular? Talk about all the cultural practice

16、s you know of any spring festivals, 以下可做选用:Read and finish the chart. Festivals and celebrations Ancient Festival Why the end of the cold winter, planting in spring and harvest in autumn How Light fire and make music Festivals of the Why to honor the dead or satisfy and please the ancestors Obon the

17、 Day of dead the Dead Halloween How light lamps, play music, eat food in the shapes of skulls and cakes with bones, go to their neighbors to ask for sweets, dress up Festivals to honor Why for their great contributions to the society or the country people How Dragon boat racing, eat zongzi Harvest F

18、estivals Why Food is gathered for the winter,.A season of agricultural work is over How Decorate churches and town halls,get together to have big meals admire the moon, give and eat mooncakes Spring Festivals Why to celebrate the end of winter and the coming of spring How Eat delicious food, give ch

19、ildren lucky money, have exciting carnivals Step Three: Listen to the text and understand it. Step Four: language points 1.starve (v.) starvation (n.) 1) to cause a person or an animal to suffer severely or die from hunger挨饿,饿死 eg. Millions of people starved to death during the war. 战争中数以百万计的人挨饿至死.

20、2) to feel very hungry 感觉很饿. (仅用于进行时态) eg. When will the dinner be ready? Im starving. 晚饭什么时候做好?我快饿死了. * Starve for sth; starve sb of sth: (cause sb to )suffer or long for sth greatly needed or wanted (使某人) 得不到某事物而受苦或渴望获得某事物; 缺乏.通常用被动语态. eg. The homeless children were starving for love. 这些无家可归的孩子渴望得

21、到爱. 2( days/years/ of plenty 富裕(尤指食物和钱) 的日子, 年月,生活等. You have a life of plenty, what would you be worried about? 你丰衣足食,还有什么担忧? *Plenty of water 许多 饰不可数名词 3. satisfy (vt.) 满足, 使满意 不用于进行时态 *satisfy sb/sth 使满意(满足) be satisfied with sb/sth 对感到满意 be satisfied to do sth 对做感到满意 eg. The girl satisfied her m

22、other by cleaning up the kitchen. 女孩清洗厨房使得母亲很满意. My English teacher was satisfied with my English study. 4.do harm 损害,危害, 伤害 do more harm than good. 弊大于利 do good 做好事,有好处 do harm to sb (idom )=harm sb Come to harm :be injured physically, mentally ormorally 身体上,精神上或道义受到损害.常用于否定式. Any kind of pollution

23、 will do you harm. 任何污染都会给你带来危害. Smoking does great harm to ones health. 吸烟对健康危害极大. 5. in memory of / to the memory of sb: serving to remind people of sb/ to the memory of sb, esp as a tribute作为对某人的纪念;纪念某人: eg. He wrote a long moving poem n memory of his good friend.为纪念他挚友,他写下了一首感人的长诗。 6. lead to 注意

24、:to 是介词。后接动词的,ing形式。 1) 领往,通往 All Roads lead to Rome. 条条大路通罗马. You see the path on your right? It leads to the village. 2) 导致, 招致 Careless driving led to this accident. *Lead sb to+n. 带领./通往/到 Lead sb to do sth 使.做 7. dress up : to wear ones best clothes 穿上盛装 *dress (sb) (in sth/as sb/sth): put on f

25、ancy dress,etc. 化装打扮 Children love dressing up. We dressed up for the wedding. 8.play a trick /tricks(on sb) 捉弄某人,开某人玩笑 stIts acceptable to play tricks on your friends on April. 4月 11日那天,同朋友们开玩笑是可以接受的. He likes to play a trick on others. 9.look forward to sth/doing sth 期待某事/做某事 expect (usually with

26、pleasure)(通常以愉快的心情) Were looking forward to seeing you again. 我们盼望再见到你。 注意:与lead to一样,这里的to 也是介词。 I look forward to hearing from you as early as possible. Boys and girls are looking forward to Childrens Day. 10.award (n.) 奖品,裁定.助学金 (vt.) 授予,判定 award sth (to sb): make an official decision to give sth

27、 to sb as a prize, as payment or as a punishment 颁发,授予 The judges awarded both finalists equal points. 裁判员判定决赛双方分数相同. 11. admire (v.)羡慕 admirer 赞赏者,追求者 1) admire sb/sth (for sth): regard sb/sth with respect, pleasure,satisfaction,etc. 赞赏,羡慕某人(某事物) They admire our garden. I admire him for his success

28、. 我佩服他事业有成. 2) express admiration of (sb/sth) 表示赞美,夸奖某人(某事) Arent you going to admire my new house? 12. as though as if 好像;仿佛似的。(引导从句时从句谓语动词常用虚拟语气) He talks as though he knew all about it. 他说话的口气好像他全部都知道了。 He looks as though he had seen a ghost. 他看起来好像看见了鬼一样的。 Step Five: Read the text and fill in th

29、e passage. There are all kinds of festivals and celebrations around the world, which are held for for different reasons. The ancient festivals were mainly held at three times a year-the end of the cold winter, planting in spring and harvest in autumn. Some festivals are held to honor the dead or sat

30、isfy and please the ancestors in case they might do harm, while other festivals are held to honor famous people or to the gods, such as Dragon Boat Festival Columbus Day. Harvest and Thanksgiving festivals are happy events because their food is gathered for the winter and because a season of agricul

31、tural work is over, to which Mid autumn festival belongs. And the most energetic and important festivals are the ones that look forward to the end of winter and to the coming of spring, such as the lunar New Year, at which people have a very good time. Step Six: Work in pairs to do Ex.2 and 3 on pag

32、e3 Step Seven: Assignment Do Exercise 1Comprehending Exercise1 Page42 Try to retell the text. Preview using language. Ex1-5 on page 4 The Fourth Period (Discovering Useful Structure) Teaching Procedures: Step One: Revision Read the vocabulary of Unit 1 again Retell the text. Check the answers to the

33、 homework. Step Two: Discovering useful structures Read & find out the usage of modal verbs Teaching: Modal verbs Page 91-94 Grammar. Step Three: Practice 1.Find out sentences with modal verbs from the reading passage and try to explain their meaning.教参P10 2. Do Ex2 & Ex3 Page 6 Explanation to the e

34、xercises. Step Four: Assignment Exercises P43 I(单句改错 1. Mr. Smith looks pale. He can be ill. 2. You must be joking. That mustnt be true. 3. Come to take the photos tomorrow morning. It may be ready by then. 4. The fire spread so fast that only one-third of the people could escape the fire. The Fifth

35、 Period ( Reading &Speaking ) Teaching Procedures: Step One: Revision Check the answers to the homework Step Two: Reading This passage introduces a cross cultural view of lovers festival-QiQiao Jie and Valentines Da 1. Listen to the passage while reading Answer the following questions: on page8 Step

36、 Three: Language Points 1) turn up 出现,到场 优化设计P12 He finally turned up, but he was several hours later. 2) keep ones word 遵守诺言 (反义:break ones word ) Nobody will respect you any more if you dont keep your word this time. 如果你这次不信守诺言,没有人会再相信你。 注意:word 表示“诺言,消息”时,总是用单数形式。 比较:a man of few words 言语不多的人 a m

37、an of ones word 说话算数的人 3)hold ones breath 屏息,屏气 He held his breath, not daring to make any sound. 4) apologise/apologize vi.道歉 优化设计P13 *apologise for sth/doing sth apologise to sb for sth/doing sth 5) drownin 淹没;浸泡在里。 He drowned his sorrow in drink every day after her wifes death. 自妻子死后,他每天借酒浇愁。 6)

38、It was obvious that. It为形式主语,真正的主语是that引导的主语从句。在正式文体中that不能省略。如以从句为主语的句子是疑问句,那就只能用it作形式主语。 Is it probable that they will come tomorrow? ,省略介词of. 2) remind sb of sth 使某人想起 提醒某人 ,后跟that宾语从句时remind sb to do 提醒某人做 This reminded me of the days when I was in the countryside.这使我想起在乡下的日子. Thanks for your gi

39、ft it will always remind me of you.谢谢你给我的礼物-它将使我常想他. She reminded me that I hadnt watered the flowers.她提醒我,我还没浇花呢. He reminded me not to forget my promise.他提醒我不要忘了我的偌言. Step Four Think about the ending of the story. Step Five Talking, Page 46, workbook Step Six Assignment Preview Reading Task (Page

40、44) and do Ex. 2-3, Page 45. Ex2-3 on Page42 The Sixth Perio(writidng) Step 1. Check the homework Step 2.Writing 1. Let the Ss find Quebec and Trinidad on the map. 2. Discussion: suppose youre going to travel to the Carnival in Quebec, what idears should you have? 1) How can I get there? 2) Whats th

41、e weather there like? So I can decide what kind of clothes to take. 3) Whats the language spoken there? So I can talk with people there. 4) Where will I stay after I arrive there? 5) Will I travel along? Step 3. Make a planning list for a trip to the Carnival in Quebec according to the questions abo

42、ve and try to use the expressions. You may begin like this: If I could go to the.见教参46页 Step 4. Homework Finish the writing task or try to write a festival you like best. Do some exercises. ?要点精练 I. 用括号中所给词或短语翻译下列句子。 1. 在中国北方,人们穿上古时候的衣服,走上街头游行,以庆祝新年。(dress up; parade) 2. 4月1号要当心,因为在这一天你的朋友可能会开你的玩笑。(

43、play a trick on) 3. 庆祝“龙舟节”会让我们想起伟大的诗人屈原。(remindof) 4. 孩子们盼望父亲的到来已经很久了,所以今天一大早,就望向前面的大马路。(look forward to) Unit 2 Healthy eating Teaching Aims of this unit 1. Talk about healthy eating 2. Making suggestions or giving advice on diet 3. Distinguish the meanings of Modal verbs 4. Make a balanced menu 5

44、. Vocabulary: 6. fiber,digestion,bean,slim,curiosity,lie,debt,glare,limit,benefit,item,protective get rid of, throw away, get away with, tell lies, earn ones living in debt ,set out run ones business ,carry on 7. Speaking: Practice talking about your ideas; practice giving suggestions and advice, pr

45、actice seeing the doctor. 8. The use o f ought to The first period Warming up and speaking Step ? Warming up Review the words of foods by showing their pictures. First, ask students to list the foods they like best. Then tick off 3 of them they eat most often. Second, show the three groups of foods

46、and see which group their foods belong to. Third, ask the students to tell us in what ways their foods help them grow. Step ? Pre-reading Get the students to discuss the questions with their partners in this part. Then ask them to report their work. This part will help the students understand the te

47、xt. T: Please look at the slide show and discuss the questions with your partners. Then Ill ask you to report your work. Are you clear? Which food contains more Examples of foods Answer Sugar Chocolate or grapes Chocolate Cakes or bananas Cakes Fat Cream or rice Cream Chocolate or chicken Chocolate Fiber Peas or nuts Nuts Pork or cabbage Cabbage protein Potato crisps or ham Ham Eggs or cream eggs Step III speaking In pairs make up a dialogue about food you like or dislike using the expressions below and as many food, fruit or vegetables as possible and state your rea


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