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1、 Senior English for Schools Students Book One by Chongqing University Press Unit.3 Getting Ready & Reading (period one) A violin and the lawTimeOct.29,2013 Period 2 on TuesdayBackground informationConductor: JinCuipingStudents: Class 14, Senior OneLesson duration: 40 minTeaching material: the 1st pe

2、riod of Unit.3 byRequired Courses published by CQ University PressType of the lessonExtensive readingTeaching objectivesBy the end of the lesson, students should be able to:1. learn and create new words and useful phrases 2. predict the reading material through picture or key words3. adopt different

3、 reading tragedies based on different aims4. analyze the change of the character by table-filling. Teaching contents1. talk about the topic and the theme sentence2. present words and expressions related to the text3. guide students accomplish task-based reading activities4. discussion and performanc

4、e according to the text Teaching aidstapes; blackboard; chalk; PPT; white paperTeaching difficulties1. get students to be familiar with the story.2. enable student to get information needed fast3. comment on the heroes in the story4. act out the plots of the story among several groups.Teaching metho

5、ds1. PPP & ESA PPP refers to “Presentation, Practice and Production” teaching method. ESA means “Engage, Study, and Activate” teaching method2. task-based teaching( individual, pair, group)minutesLearning methods1. inquiry-based learning2. cooperative learningTeaching preparationstextbook; paper; PP

6、T; a toy gun; a torn hatTeaching ProceduresStep 1 Lead- in (2 min)1. Before class, enjoy the song take me home with the students. Ask the students to find out what type of music it is.2. Learn about the theme sentence:Music is power.3. Enjoy a picture of playing the violin to lead in topic today.(设计

7、意图:在轻松愉快的氛围中,导入本节课的话题。对于music作适当拓展,不同层次的学生将有不同收获。小提琴图片的出现引入教学主题。) Step 2 Reading (30-35min)I、Pre reading (5 min)1. Look at the picture on page 33, ask the students to predict the story. 2. Read the title of the text and predict the 5 statements on page 34.3. Go through the words and expressions rela

8、ted to the text.( 设计意图:培养学生通过图片推断课文内容的能力。通过图片和标题预测课文内容、创编故事,有助于提高学生的阅读兴趣。)II、While- reading (15 min)1. Activity 1 Skimming (4 +1 min)1) Whether the following statements are true or false?(1) The old man was poor and he stole the violin.(2) The policeman came to arrest the old man.(3) Both the old ma

9、n and the policeman played the violin well. (4) The policeman forced the old man to tell him where the killer was.(5) The old man and the violin helped the policeman to arrest the killer.Answers : FFTFT2) Put the following sentences in the right order.1. David and Cals father talked about violin tun

10、es.2. Cals father pointed a gun at David.3. David caught sight of a violin.4. David came to arrest Cal.5. Cal gave himself up.6. David played the violin, one tune after another.7. Cals father decided to have a talk with his son. Answers: 42361753) Margin notes / Guess the meaning of the words from c

11、ontextI like the way. . I guess you are a decent guy.decent here means _.A. likely B. respectable C. alike (设计意图:培养学生快速阅读(skimming),掌握文章逻辑顺序及猜测词义,的能力。)2. Activity 2 Scanning to find out the details.Scan the text and complete the table below. (3 min)Para.Development of the storyDavidThe old man1Begin

12、ningcame to get Cal Richards. saw an old man _ David closely1-3Conflictcaught sight of a _.asked who played the violin._ the room to take the violin from the wall. pointed a gun at David.didnt answer.still aimed at David.3-7ClimaxPlayed the violin, one tune after another.stood up and _.stood there,

13、_.pointed his gun towards the floor.tapped one foot on the floor._ the gun in a corner.sat, deep _8Endingcame up to _with _ whose appearance _ Answers: watched; violin; crossed; decided to leave; attracted; placed; in thought; the police station; a young fellow; told of; many days in hiding(设计意图:培养学

14、生快速阅读(scanning),获取细节信息的能力)3、Activity 3 Detailed reading.Read the text in different roles and do questions to answer (5 + 3 min)Read the text carefully and choose the best answer to each of the following questions.Why did David come to the cabin?A. To play the piano.B. To arrest a killer called Cal R

15、ichards.C. To talk about violin tunes.D. To have a dinner with the old man.When David came to Cals cabin, he found the following EXCEPT _.A. Cal crossing the room and running awayB. Cals father aiming at him with a gunC. a violin hanging on the wall D. Cals fathers eyes full of hatred. Before Cal ga

16、ve himself up to the police, _.A. he was fond of playing the piano B. he had a talk with David C. he stole quite a lot of guns D. he hid himself for long. It can be inferred from the text that _.A. music can correct any mistakes in the world.B. people can better understand each other by musicC. musi

17、c can stop people from doing bad things.D. Music is the medicine for a broken heart. David felt sweat on his forehead when he crossed the room because_A. he knew the old man was aiming the gun at him and would fire at him at any time.B. he didnt see any sign of Cal.C. he didnt play the piano better

18、than the old man.D. he was very tired after climbing the mountain.Answers: BADBA (设计意图:培养学生获取文章细节内容的能力。问题的设计有易有难,可以针对不同层次的学生进行提问,可以再次强调阅读技能,比如第4题。)、Post- reading ( 10 min)1. Who do you like best? David, Cal, or the old man?n Cal -a killer young fellow went to the police stationhonest and brave enoug

19、h to admit (承认) his mistakes.n David - police mann The old man - Cals father(设计意图:对故事人物作简单评述,渗透“敢于认错”、“机警行事”、“坦诚相待”等道德教育, 也承接了1,2单元的人物,事件评价训练。comment on a person- favorite teachers )2. Activity 4 Listen to the tape and retell the story. (3+3 min) David came to a cabin to get Cal. Through a _window,

20、he saw an old man with a _ watching him closely. When he entered the cabin, he found the old man was pointing a gun at him, and he didnt see any _ of Cal. He caught_ of a _hanging on the wall. David took it down calmly and began to play. The old man stood there and had a look of _. Then he _time wit

21、h the gun pointing towards the floor. After the final _ of the tune, he placed the gun in a corner. He asked David to stay for dinner. They talked about violin _. When David was leaving, the old man said he would have a _with Cal. The next day he came to the police station with Cal.Answers: broken;

22、beard; sign; sight; violin; wonder; beat; notes; tunes; talk(设计意图:培养学生听和复述课文的能力,再次熟悉本单元词汇。)3. Activity 5 questions to answer (3 min)Discuss the following questions in groups, then select a speaker to report your ideas of your group to the class. Was David a welcome visitor? Find a sentence from the

23、text to support your answer. No, he wasnt. . but he took the violin from the wall as if he were a welcome visitor. ( a subjunctive mood ). Did the old man enjoy the tunes while David was playing one tune after another? How did you know? Yes. When David was playing the violin, the old man even beat t

24、ime, tapping one foot at the dirt floor. What do you think of the old mans final decision? Did he make the right decision? Why or why not? I think it is sensible for the old man to make a correct decision. Because it is the best way to help his sonStep3. Role-play. (6 min)What happened in the story?

25、 What would happen at the police station next? Work in groups to create a role-play according to the plots of the story. (设计意图:分组讨论,让全班学生都参与进来。在小组的分配上,要注意不同水平的学生的搭配。而且各小组成员要有明确地分工,务必使每位同学都有任务,最后2个小组就行创作展示。)Step 4 conclusion and homework (2 min ) 1. Remember the new words we learnt today.2. Review th

26、e text after class, underlining the phrases and sentences difficult to understand.3. Surf the Internet and enjoy an English song or movie you like.(设计意图:既注重了课文内容的延续,又为下一堂课做好准备,上网欣赏音乐电影提高学生对英语的学习兴趣,为下一单元写影评作铺垫。)板书设计A violin and the lawWords you know now morality you learnt from the story _Role-playWh

27、o / what / How / Expressions / GesturesWhat advice would you give to Cal. if you were the policeman or the policemans helper?评价与反思(assessment and reflection)教师反思1. Have all the teaching aims been reached? _1 Have all the students learnt something in the lesson? _ 2 What can be improved? _学生反思1. What impressed me most in the class? _2. What havent I understood yet? _ 3. In what aspect do I need improvement? _学生课堂活动评价Class:14Name:Score:ItemsUnderstandable5 4 3 2 1Logical5 4 3 2 1Creative5 4 3 2 1Active5 4 3 2 1Cooperative5 4 3 2 1Others5 4 3 2 1第 6 页 共 6 页


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