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1、商务英语翻译第九讲,第九讲 主语的翻译,商务英语翻译第九讲,在翻译实践中,为了使译文忠实而合乎语言习惯地传达原文的意思,有时必须把原文中的否定说法变成译文的肯定说法,或把原文中的肯定说法变成译文中的否定说法。总之,“反译”是指译文以与原文相反的表达方式传递原文的意思。,复,习,商务英语翻译第九讲,具体说来,正说和反说就是指在英语句子中是否使用了no, not或者带有de-, dis-, im-, in-, un-, -less等含有否定意义的前后缀的词语;在汉语译文中是否使用了诸如“无、非、不、没、未、否、被、休、莫、勿、毋”等表示否定意义的标记以及是否使用了由这些字组成的词语,如“决不、毫无

2、、否则、并非、没有、未尝”等等。,复,习,商务英语翻译第九讲,Teaching Objectives for the Unit:1.The Difference Between English and Chinese in Terms of Subject2. How to Translate the Subject of the Sentence in English - Chinese Translation3. Exercises,商务英语翻译第九讲,1. The end justifies the means. 2. Every day sees our motherland flou

3、rishing.,商务英语翻译第九讲,1. The end justifies the means. 目的为方法辩护。2. Every day sees our motherland flourishing.每天看到我们的祖国欣欣向荣。,商务英语翻译第九讲,1. The end justifies the means. If the end (purpose) is justifiable, it will matter little whatever means you use.只要目的正确,用哪种方法是无关紧要的。,商务英语翻译第九讲,2. Every day sees our mothe

4、rland flourishing.Our motherland is flourishing with each passing day.我们的祖国日益繁荣昌盛。,商务英语翻译第九讲,1. The end justifies the means. 2. Every day sees our motherland flourishing. 共同点: 无生命主语(inanimate subject)。,商务英语翻译第九讲,英语-无生命主语汉语-有生命主语差别原因-不同文化习俗,不同思维方式,商务英语翻译第九讲,英语中一个动词常常是既可用作有生命动词、又可用作无生命动词。汉语中有生命动词表示人和人

5、类社会组织才有的行为或动作, 如:看、哭、送、说、写、讲、拿等;无生命动词表示无生命事物的一些无意识运动、作用或变化,如:吸引、相排斥、变等。,商务英语翻译第九讲,汉语:有生命主语-有生命动词无生命主语-无生命动词,商务英语翻译第九讲,在英美人的思维中,往往更注意客观事物和现象对人的作用和影响,反映在语言表达上就是多用无生命名词作主语。,商务英语翻译第九讲,汉语:有生命主语-有生命动词无生命主语-无生命动词英语:无生命主语-有生命动词 -无生命动词,商务英语翻译第九讲,George told me that he would come this afternoon.乔治对我说他今天下午来。 M

6、y conscience told me that I deserved no extrordinary politeness.凭良心讲, 你待我礼貌有加, 我却受之有愧。,商务英语翻译第九讲,无生命主语句(Non-life subject sentences)英语无生命主语句的类型 从充当句子主语的词语来看,大致可分为以下几类: 1. 以时间地点等名词作主语的句子,常用see, find, witness等动词作谓语。例:1949 saw the founding of the Peoples Republic of China.1949年中华人民共和国成立了。Rome witnessed

7、many great historic events.在罗马城发生了许多伟大历史事件。,商务英语翻译第九讲,2. 表示生理、心理状态的名词和表示某种遭遇的名词主语的句子。His illness prevented him from attending the conference.他因病未能参加会议。Astonishment, apprehension, and even horror oppressed her.她感到心情抑郁,甚至惊恐不安。,商务英语翻译第九讲,3. 具有行为和动作意义的名词作主语的句子。The very sight of it makes me feel nervous.

8、一见到它,我就感到紧张。 That night sleep eluded him.那天夜里他没睡好。,商务英语翻译第九讲,4. 用it作形式主语,其逻辑主语是 后面的短语或从句的英语句子。It was very wise of you to bring an umbrella.你带了雨伞是明智的。It is hardly likely that Tom may have forgotten to post the parcel.汤姆几乎不太可能忘记寄这个包裹。,商务英语翻译第九讲,5. 表示其他事物名词作主语的句子。The matter asks immediate attention.这件事

9、需要立即予以注意。Well, Colonel Fitzwilliam, what do I play next? My fingers wait your order.噢,菲兹威廉上校,接着弹个什么曲子?我在听您吩咐呢。Her heart did whisper that he had done it for her. 她的心里的确嘀咕:为了我,他才这么做的。,商务英语翻译第九讲,翻译方法:1. 改变原句中的主语,即找出合适的动作执行者作为汉语句子的主语,把无生命主语转换为有生命的主语,重组句子。例:Anger choked his words.他气得话也说不出来。,商务英语翻译第九讲,Her

10、 name escaped me. 我当时想不起她的名字。The courage escaped from me at the moment and words also failed me.我当时没有勇气,也不知该说些什么。,商务英语翻译第九讲,Alarm began to take entire possession of him.他开始变得惊恐万分。Something inside me seemed to stop momentarily.我顿时呆住了。,商务英语翻译第九讲,2. 把无生命主语转化为汉语的状语。 Investigation led us to the foregoing

11、 conclusion.经过调查,我们得出了上述结论。Three hours set him down in a little town near the state line.三小时后,他来到这个州边境附近的一个小镇。,商务英语翻译第九讲,March was to take Elizabeth to Hunsford.三月,伊丽莎白将前往汉斯福德。The forty years, 1840-80, brought almost ten million migrants to America. 从1840至1880年这四十年中,近一千万移民移居美国。,商务英语翻译第九讲,3. 把无生命主语句转

12、化为汉语的无主语句。 Paskistan defies easy classification.很难把巴基斯坦简单地列入哪个类型中。The heat makes me sweat like a pig.热得我满头大汗。The noise made everybody upset.闹得大家不得安宁。,商务英语翻译第九讲,状语变主语: There sits a flower bed in the middle of the garden. 园子中央有一座花坛。,商务英语翻译第九讲,添加“人人、人们”等主语: There is a growing concern over the populatio

13、n growth. 人们对人口的迅速增长越来越关注。 There was cheer in every face and a spring in every step. 人人喜笑颜开,步履轻快。,商务英语翻译第九讲,4. 把无生命主语句译成兼语式。 英语里有些无生命主语与某些动词(如:make, cause, throw, send, call, put等) 连用,具有“使,令”的意义,遇到这种句子时,可译成汉语兼语式。例如:His deeds moved me to tears.他的事迹使我感动得流下眼泪。,商务英语翻译第九讲,Modesty helps one go forward, wh

14、ereas conceit makes one lag behind. 谦虚使人进步,骄傲使人落后。The conference threw doubt upon the new policy. 会议使人们对新政策产生怀疑。,商务英语翻译第九讲,5. 把无生命主语转换成具体事物的主语,或是保留原主语,并同时引申英语谓语动词的词义,加以适当变通,必要时须切分句子,将主语分译成分句或者单句或是调整整个句子的语序。,商务英语翻译第九讲,My arms and legs go to sleep.我的手脚不管用了。The door refuses to close. 门关不上。 Informed gue

15、sswork suggests that it could rise to over one hundred million tons next year.熟悉情况的人猜测说, 产量在下一年可能超过一亿吨。,商务英语翻译第九讲,6. 把无生命主语句转化成汉语复句。The bitter weather had driven everyone indoors.(由于)天气寒冷刺骨,大家都已躲进了室内。This medicine will make you feel better.吃了药,你会舒服些。 Losing his fortune drove him mad.他由于失去自己的财产而发疯。,商

16、务英语翻译第九讲,A second term would give the president more power than was safe for republican institution.如果总统竟然连任,就会使总统权利太大而足以威胁共和制度的安全。,商务英语翻译第九讲,1. The publishers rejection of his manuscript depressed him.由于出版商拒绝接受他的手稿,他的情绪一落千丈。 2. The loss of her daughter made Mrs. Bennet very dull for several days.女儿

17、走了以后,班纳特太太郁闷了好几天。,商务英语翻译第九讲,3. His saying that he was sorry altered the case.他表示歉意后,情况就改变了。 4. The arrest of the flood-waters saved many homes.将洪水拦住后,许多家庭得救了。,商务英语翻译第九讲,7. 采用拟人化的句式,但不能滥用。Illness deprives him of life. 疾病夺走了他的生命。But the house are cold, closed, unfriendly然而那些房子冷漠无情,门窗紧闭,一点也不友好。,商务英语翻译第九讲,The front garden was a gravel square; four evergreen shrubs stood at each corner, where they struggled to survived the dust and fumes from a busy main road.前庭园是个铺着沙石的广场;四个角落上四丛冬青灌木在从繁忙的大街上吹来的烟尘中挣扎着活下去。,


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