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1、Unit 2 What time do you go to school?,SectionB,What time is it?Its ,Its 7:15.,a quarter past seven,p.m.,a.m.,Its 7:30.,half past seven,get uptake a showereat breakfastgo to schooleat lunchrungo homedo homeworkeat dinnergo to bed,1.,2.,3.,4.,5.,6.,7.,8.,9.,10.,8.,1.,10.,7.,6.,2.,5.,4.,9.,3.,work-take

2、-get-eat-run-play-,watch-brush-do-go-have-,works,runs,gets,eats,takes,plays,watches,has,does,goes,brushes,A: When does Tom usually _?B: He_.,Look and say,run,usually runs at five oclock,A: _she _ _?B: She_ _.,When does,usually do her,homework,usually does her homework at eight-thirty,A: _he _?B: He

3、_.,When does,usually go to bed,usually goes to bed at ten oclock,When do students usually do these things? Match the activities with the time of day.,1a,3,4,1,2,1b,Pairwork,Check your answers with your partner. Do you agree?,1c,Listen and circle the activities you hear.,1. get up _ 7. clean my room

4、_2. run _ 8. eat dinner _ 3. eat breakfast_ 9. take a walk _4. go to school _ 10. go to bed _ 5. go home _6. do my homework _,5:30,1d,Listen again. Write the times next to the activities you circled in 1c.,6:00,7:00,7:45,4:15,5:30,7:15,9:00,Ask and answer questions about Tom.,1e,Pairwork,Translate a

5、nd write them down.,1. - 汤姆通常什么时候起床? - 他通常六点起床。2. - 人们通常什么时候吃晚餐? - 人们通常在傍晚吃晚餐。,When does Tom usually get up? He usually gets up at six oclock.,When do people usually eat dinner? People usually eat dinner in the evening.,2a,Check ( ) the activities you think are healthy.,_ go to bed early _ eat ice-c

6、ream_eat quickly _ eat vegetables_ play sports _ take a walk,2b,Tony and Mary are brother and sister. They have healthy and unhealthy habits. Who is healthier? Circle the healthy activities.,Section BPeriod 2,runcleanwalktake a walk,v. 跑;奔v. 打扫;弄干净adj. 干净的n.&v. 行走;步行散步;走一走,quickly either eitheror lo

7、t lots of,adv. 很快地adv. 或者;也(用在否定词组后)要么要么;或者或者pron. 大量;许多大量;许多,sometimestastelife,adv. 有时;间或v. 有的味道;品尝n. 味道;滋味n. (pl. lives)生活;生命,2c,Write down the unhealthy habits of each person. Then think of healthy activities for them.,have breakfast quickly,have breakfast slowly,eat ice-cream after dinner,usual

8、ly eat hamburgers,get up late,get up early,Dont usually eat hamburgers,Dont eat ice-cream after dinner,3a,Number these sentences in order to make a story about a daily routine.,eats breakfast,goes to school,3,4,2,5,6,9,7,8,3b,Write about your own daily routine.,_,beginning:,body:,I have a healthy li

9、fe.,My life is very healthy.,I,My day,I have a very healthy life. I always get up at six. I usually exercise from six fifteen to seven. Then I quickly have a shower and eat breakfast. After that, I always brush my teeth and go to school at eight. I have lunch at a quarter to twelve. I get home from

10、school at half past four and do my homework. I have dinner at seven thirty. I go to bed at ten.,Imagine you are a famous movie star. Fill in the timetable with the things you usually do. Then share the information with your partner.,Pairwork,Design a survey to find out what your classmates do on wee

11、kends.,Pairwork,Language points,They usually eat dinner at a quarter to seven in the evening. 他们通常晚上六点四十五分吃晚饭 。 英语钟点时刻的表达方式: 1)采用基数词直接表达时间,例如: six thirty 六点半; eight fifteen 八点十五分 nine fifty-five 九点五十五分,2)采用介词past, to表达时间 一般说来半个小时以内,常常用介词 past, 表示“几点过几分”。如: a quarter past three 三点一刻 half past six 六点半

12、 半小时过后多用介词to, 表示“差几分 到几点”。如: a quarter to nine 九点差一刻或八点四十五分,3)AM和PMAM表示“午前,上午”(午夜12:00后至中午12:00前);PM表示“午后,下午” (中午12:00后至午夜12:00前)。在使用中,常用小写形式,am和pm。在美式英语中,实用形式为a.m.和p.m.,2. In the evening, I either watch TV or play computer games. 晚上我要么看电视要么玩电脑游戏。 eitheror表示“要么要么;不是就是;或或”。这个结构可用来连接两个独立的词、短语、甚至独立的句子。

13、如: You can come either today or tomorrow. 你可以今天或明天来。 Either he could not come or he did not want to. 他要么是不能来要么就是不想来。,3. She knows its not good for her, but it tastes good! 她知道这对她(健康)不利,但它(指冰激凌)却很好吃。1) be good for表示“对有益; 对有好处”;be bad for表示 “对有害;对有坏处”。如: Its good for our health to go to bed early and

14、get up early. 早睡早起对我们的健康有好处。 Dont eat too much ice cream. Its bad for your health.,2)taste表示“吃上去;吃起来;品尝”, 与我们学过的That sounds good.和It looks nice.中的sound和look的用法同 属一类,之后要用形容词。 其他表示感觉的系动词还有smell(闻起 来)和feel(摸上去)。如: This fish smells delicious. 这条鱼闻起来真香。 Its skin feels really smooth. 它的皮摸起来真光滑。,根据汉语提示补全下面

15、的短文。 I usually_(起床) at 6:50. I have milk and bread_ breakfast. After breakfast, I _ (洗澡)and then I _(上学) by bus. I get to school at 7:50. I have five classes in the morning. And then I have lunch at 12:10. In the afternoon I have two classes. I _(回家) at 3:30. I get home at 4:30 p.m. I _(吃晚饭) at abou

16、t 8:30. After dinner, I _(做作业) . I _ (睡觉) at 10:00. My life is busy but not exciting.,get up,take a shower,go to school,go home,have dinner,do homework,go to bed,for,1/24/2022,What time does Yao Ming usually ?He usually at,写作提示:,1: 要根据时间顺序来描述自己日常的习惯。,2: 能够适当的使用频率副词。,3: 能够使用恰当的连词及短语,如:then, after that.,Thank you.,


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