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1、全国职称英语考试理工类 AB 级课堂笔记 :补全短文第 1 讲 2答案及解析来源:考试大1 文章标题分析: Dung 施肥 to death 来源:考试大 借助文章开头的句子进一步了解文章标题 / 中心:1 Fields across Europe are contaminated with dangerouslevels of the antibiotics 2 。抗生素 given to farm animals. 补充:来源:考试大Contaminate vt 弄脏;污染来源:考试大e.g. The river was contaminated with waste. 这河水被垃圾 污染

2、了。Synonyms: infect, pollute 2备选项分析,注意备选项中的篇章词汇和核心词汇。来源: 考试大A They do not easily degrade 降级 or dissolve 分解 in water. 从句意得知: They 指代的是某种物质来源:考试大B And manure 肥料contains especially high levels of bugs 细菌 that are resistant to antibiotics, he says. And 的出现暗示前句中应该出现 he 的观点句C Animal antibiotics is still an

3、 area to which insufficient attention has been paid. 观点句 D But recent research has found a direct link between the increased use of these farmyard drugs 暗示前文中应该指明什么样的 farmyard drugs and the appearance of antibiotic-resistant bugs B 中包含该短 语结构 that infect people.E His findings are particularly shockin

4、g because Switzerland is one of the few countries to have banned antibiotics as growth promoters in animals feed.如果有 E, 前文中应该出现有关 他 的研究和介绍F They could also also 的出现暗示前文中应该出现讲述They 怎么做的其他的句子 be leaching 滤去 into tap water 自来水 pumped from rocks beneath fertilized fields.3直接解题:注意空格所在段落的段首句大意/ 用词;空格前后中大意

5、 / 用词。A They do not easily degrade 降级 or dissolve 分解 in water. 从句意得知: They 指代的是某种物质来源:考试大B And manure 肥料contains especially high levels of bugs that are resistant to antibiotics, he says. And 的出现暗示前句中应该出现 he 的观点句C Animal antibiotics is still an area to which insufficient attention has been paid. 观点句

6、 D But recent research has found a direct link between the increased use of thesefarmyard drugs 暗示前文中应该指明什么样的 farmyard drugs and the appearance of antibiotic-resistant bugs B 中包含该短语结构 that infect people.E His findings are particularly shocking because Switzerland is one of the few countries to have

7、banned antibiotics as growth promoters in animals feed.如果有 E, 前文中应该出现有关 他 的研究和介绍F They could also also 的出现暗示前文中应该出现讲述They怎么做的其他的句子be leaching滤去into tap water自来水 pumped from rocks beneath fertilized fields.1 . The warning借助前文内容了解 The warning 的含义:Thedrugs, which are in manure 2sprayed onto fields as f

8、ertilizers,could be getting into our food and water, 3. helping to create anew generation of antibiotic-resistant superbugs超级4.病菌 . comes from a researcher in Switzerland who looked at levels of the 5 . drugs in farm slurry 泥浆 . _1来. 源:考试大E.思路:借助空格前句的特征词 Switzerland,初步判断E可 能是答案: E 中有代词与空格前句中的 a rese

9、archer 照应。考点:考察代词的指代内容和前后句句意特点 -常常围绕一个中心进行开展。来源:考试大e.g.来源:考试大1. the paper cut into pieces;来源:考试大2. the sunshine coming from the sun;3. He stands there, listening to the music.来源:考试大A They do not easily degrade 降级 or dissolve 分解 in water. 从句意得知: They 指代的是某种物质B And manure 肥料contains especially high le

10、vels of bugs that are resistant to antibiotics, he says. And 的出现暗示前句中应该出现 he 的观点句C Animal antibiotics is still an area to which insufficient attention has been paid. 观点句 D But recent research has found a direct link between the increased use of these farmyard drugs 暗示前文中应该指明什么样的 farmyard drugs and t

11、he appearanee of antibiotic-resistant bugsB 中包含该短语结构 that infect people.F They could also also 的出现暗示前文中应该出现讲述 They 怎么做的其他的句子 be leaching 滤去 into tap water 自来水 pumped from rocks beneath fertilized fields.1Some 20,000 tons of antibiotics are used in the European Union and the US each 2。 year. More tha

12、n half 指代antibiotics are given to farm-animals to prevent 3。disease andpromote growth. _2_. 来源:考试大D :思路:空格前面句子中重复出现的词 antibiotics ,暗示空格 处应该出现也涉及到 antibiotics 的内容,这样 B,C, D 都可能是答 案。再从句子之间的逻辑衔接上看 D 适宜:用观点性的转折自然结尾, 而且 D 中的 these farmyard drugs 在空格前句中有照应的内容 half 指代 antibiotics are given to farm-animals

13、。来源:考试大 考点:考察指示代词的照应和特殊语意句子转折句 。【Word是学生和职场人士最常用的一款办公软件之一,99.99% 的人知道它,但其实,这个软件背后,还有一大批隐藏技能你不知道。掌握他们,你将开启新世界的大门。Tab+Enter,在编过号以后,会自动编号段落Ctrl + D 调出字体栏,配合 Tab+Enter 全键盘操作吧Ctrl + L 左对齐, Ctrl + R 右对齐, Ctrl + E 居中Ctrl + F 查找,Ctrl + H 替换。然后关于替换,里面又大有学问!有时候Word文档中有许多多余的空行需要删除,这个时候我们可以完全可以用查找替换来轻松解决。翻开 编辑菜单中的 替换对话框,把光标定位在 查找内容输入框中,单击 高级按钮,选择 特 殊字符中的 段落标记两次,在输入框中会显示“ PAP,然后在 替换为输入框中用上面的方法插入一个段落标记个“AP,再按下全部替换按钮。这样多余的空行就会被删除。Ctrl + Z 是撤销,那复原呢?就是 Ctrl + Y ,撤销上一步撤销!比方我输入abc,按一下F4,就会自动再输入一遍 abc


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