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1、英语听力模拟试题(十三)第一节1. What will the man do later?A. Go to the post office.B. Attend a meeting with his boss.C. Go to a hospital.2. What does the man suggest?A. Getting faster Internet service.B. Changing Internet companies.C. Buying a new computer.3. Who taught the woman how to make the cake?A. Her moth

2、er.B. Her grandmother.C. Fantasy Bakery.4. What does the man suggest the woman do?A. Try the new recipes another night.B. Cook some new dishes for the Johnsons.C. Ask the Johnsons what they want for dinner.5. Which hat is the man looking for?A. The cowboy hat.B. The one with the stars.C. The one wit

3、h the baseball logo.第二节听第6段材料,回答第6、7题6. Why is the woman talking with the man?A. To get a raise.B. To quit her job.C. To confirm (确认) a meeting.7. When will the speakers meet next?A. Later that day after lunch.B. Thursday afternoon.C. Thursday morning.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题8. Where does the man work?A. At t

4、he library.B. At a restaurant.C. At a bookstore.9. Which professor does the man dislike?A. His biology professor.B. His French professor.C. His accounting(会计学) professor.听第8段材料,回答第10-12题10. Where is the cheapest gas station located?A. About two miles away.B. About five miles away.C. About ten miles

5、away.11. How can the woman get to the closest gas station?A. Take a right and go down two blocks.B. Take a left and look on the right side.C. Take a left and go down two blocks.12. What should the woman do if she cant make it (成功)?A. Call the gas station.B. Push her car to the gas station.C. Fill up

6、 a bottle with gas from the station.听第9段材料,回答第13-16题13. What is the woman doing at the beginning of the conversation?A. Having coffee.B. Eating lunch.C. Taking a walk.14. What does the manager think of the woman?A. Her sales figures (销售额) arent satisfactory (令人满意的).B. She should be more confident.C.

7、 He appreciates (赞赏) her effort.15. How long have the speakers been working together?A. Less than one month.B. About one year.C. Several years.16. What does the woman say about Manchester?A. Its a good place to travel.B. Its a good area to work in.C. There are few businesses there.听第10段材料,回答第17-20题。

8、17. Why does the man want to help the school?A. He went to high school there.B. He went to college there.C. His children attend the school.18. How long will it take to build the new building?A. About one year.B. About two years.C. About four years.19. How many game rooms will the new student center

9、have?A. FiveB. ThreeC. Two20. What will be part of the new student center?A. The student radio station.B. A financial (金融的) aid office.C. A food service area.英语听力模拟试题(十四)第一节1. What does the woman think about the tie?A. Its expensive.B. Its a good bargain.C. Its worthless.2. What will the man give th

10、e woman?A. A ticket.B. A parking receipt (收据).C. Change for a dollar.3. Where are the speakers?A. At home.B. At a restaurant.C. In a park.4. What is the womans friend able to do at home?A. Receive a fax.B. Surf the Internet.C. Send text messages on her phone.5. What does the woman offer to do?A. Tak

11、e down a reservation (预定) for the man.B. Give the man a table in ten minutes.C. Seat the man at the bar.第二节听第6段材料,回答第6、7题6. What did the speakers have for dinner last night?A. Noodles.B. Fish.C. Chicken.7. Where will the speakers eat tonight?A. At home.B. At a Thai restaurant.C. At an Indian restaur

12、ant.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题8. What does the woman say she needs to do first?A. Go to the bank.B. Visit a friend.C. Go to the post office.9. What does the woman say about the sick friend?A. He doesnt like chicken soup.B. He wont be happy to see the man.C. He has invited her to see a movie.听第8段材料,回答第10-12题。10.

13、 Which class is Prof. Andersons?A. Chemistry 302 B.B. Chemistry 302 A.C. Chemistry 3754.11. How does the woman feel in the beginning?A. Excited.B. Confused (困惑的).C. Indifferent (冷漠的).12. Who is the man?A. A student.B. A professor.C. A registration clerk (登记员).听第9段材料,回答第13-16题。13. What did the speake

14、rs do yesterday?A. They visited a professor together.B. They took the same class.C. They took an exam together.14. How did the woman feel about taking the English course?A. Confident.B. Regretful (后悔的).C. Uncertain.15. Whats the mans problem?A. He may not have enough money.B. The course is very diff

15、icult for him.C. He didnt pass the exam last semester.16. What do the speakers agree to do?A. Share a book.B. Share an apartment.C. Help each other with the first assignment.听第10段材料,回答第17-20题17. What do we know about the fire?A. It was put out by the firefighters.B. It might be started by a campfire

16、.C. It was set by the man.18. What color is the snake?A. Green.B. Brown.C. Yellow19. What did the man do with the snake?A. He sold it.B. He fed it.C. He killed it.20. What happened at the end of the story?A. The snake starved (挨饿) to death.B. The man was bitten by the snake.C. The man set the snake

17、free.英语听力模拟试题(十五)第一节1. What is true about the mans phone?A. He charged (充电) it this morning.B. It still has a long battery life.C. He bought it last month.2. What do we know about the man?A. He dialed the wrong number.B. He was looking for Philips.C. He invited the woman to have ice cream.3. Why can

18、t the woman watch the game?A. She has to work.B. She has to go to class.C. She has to write a paper.4. How old might the man be?A. In his teens.B. In his early twenties.C. In his thirties.5. Why is the man unhappy?A. No one takes his drink order.B. The woman brought him the wrong food.C. He has been

19、 waiting for 50 minutes.第二节听第6段材料,回答第6、7题6. Where might the woman usually study?A. At the library.B. At home.C. In the lab.7. What does the man imply about the woman?A. Her exams are very easy.B. She has less work to do than he does.C. She should take her studies more seriously.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题8. What

20、 does the woman want to drink?A. Coke.B. Black coffee.C. Tea made from flowers.9. What did the man suggest the woman do?A. Try another cafe.B. Go to the corner market.C. Call Room Service.听第8段材料,回答第10-12题。10. How long has the woman probably been waiting?A. For over an hour.B. For ten minutes.C. For

21、half an hour.11. What was the weather like this morning according to the weather report?A. Windy.B. Rainy.C. Snowy.12. What is the womans job?A. She is a guide.B. She is a waiter.C. She is a lawyer.听第9段材料,回答第13-16题。13. What did the man forget to bring?A. His drivers license (驾照).B. His registration

22、ticket (入场券).C. His ATM card.14. How much should the man give the woman?A. $250.B. About $500.C. About $200.15. How will the man pay in the end?A. In cash.B. With a credit card (信用卡).C. With a personal check.16. What made the woman change her attitude?A. The man threatened (威胁) to complain to her bo

23、ss.B. The man promised to make her life difficult.C. The man started to walk out without paying.听第10段材料,回答第17-20题。17. Whats the purpose of the tree planting event?A. To improve peoples environmental education.B. To make the students stronger.C. To help people know each other.18. Who is paying for th

24、e tree planting event?A. No.1 High School.B. The local government.C. The citys environmental group.19. How many hours does the activity last every day?A. For 4 hours.B. For 6 hours.C. For 10 hours.20. What does the speaker ask people to bring in the end?A. Food.B. Tree planting tools.C. A pair of gl

25、oves.英语听力模拟试题(十六)第一节1. What does the woman say about the shoes?A. They are too big.B. They are too expensive.C. They are not designed for men.2. Who are the speakers probably talking about?A. The womans daughter.B. The mans daughter.C. The womans son.3. What will the man do next?A. Continue reading.

26、B. Taking a shower.C. Watch a show.4. What is the man looking for?A. Clothes.B. Office supplies.C. Food.5. What will the woman do later?A. Have a picnic in the park.B. Play tennis with the man.C. Cook dinner at home.第二节听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. Why does the man want a new computer?A. His computer is slow.B.

27、 His computer is dirty.C. His computer is very old.7. W is true about the service mentioned by the woman?A. It takes a long time.B. It is not expensive.C. It uses a special computer washing machine.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8. Why is the man in the bank?A. To cash some checks.B. To open an account.C. To pay a

28、bill.9. What information can we get about the man?A. He will go home tomorrow.B. He may come from New York.C. He lost his passport.听第8段材料,回答第10-12题。10. What is the man complaining about?A. His back.B. His head.C. His stomach.11. Where are the speakers planning to go tonight?A. To a play.B. To a conc

29、ert.C. To the ballet.12. What does the woman imply about next month?A. She will give the man a surprise party.B. She will have a physical examination.C. She will make the man miss an important event.听第9段材料,回答第13-16题。13. How often did the speakers go shopping last month?A. Every other day.B. About tw

30、ice a week.C. About once a week.14. Which sports game was mentioned in the conversation?A. Basketball.B. Baseball.C. Volleyball.15. What do the speakers spend most of their money on?A. Entertainment.B. Gas.C. Food.D. What do the speakers agree to do next month?A. Drive their car less often.B. Cook m

31、ore meals at home.C. Ride their bikes to work every day.听第10段材料,回答第17-20题。17. Which airport was shut down in New York?A. La Guardia. B. JFK.18. What happened in the storm of December 2010?A. It took three days to clean up the snow.B. One millions students were given the day off.C. Thousands of fligh

32、ts were canceled.19. What can we learn about the situations in Boston?A. More than a foot of snow fell.B. Two feet of snow and high winds were reported.C. Flights were delayed for four hours.20. How many deaths were reported in the Midwest?A. Two. B. Five. 英语听力模拟试题(十七)第一节1. Where is the man going?A.

33、 Lucy Street.B. Michigan Avenue.(密歇根大街)C. California Street.2. What does the woman mean?A. She seldom ate salad before.B. The man used to like meat.C. They always have opposite opinions.3. What can we learn about the hat?A. It was a Christmas present.B. It was bought thirteen years ago.C. The man do

34、esnt wear it very often.4. Why is the woman upset?A. The man is driving unsafely.B. The man has lost his drivers license.C. The man wont let her drive the car.5. Who got the last basketball ticket?A. Bobby.B. Gina.C. Eric. 第二节听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. What is wrong with Randle?A. He is being violent. (暴力的)B

35、. He refuses to go to the bathroom.C. He isnt interested in playing with other dogs.7. What is the womans suggestion?A. Being patient with Randle.B. Reading about some solutions online.C. Taking Randle to see the animal doctor.听第7段材料,回答第8、9题。8. Why wont the man watch the World Series?A. His team isn

36、t in the championship.B. He has been too busy recently.C. He has never liked baseball.9. What is the mans attitude during the conversation?A. Sad and annoyed.B. Interested and excited.C. Confused and calm.听第8段材料,回答第10-12题。10. What are the speakers mainly talking about?A. The price of new cars.B. How

37、 to shop for a new car.C. What kind of car would suit the mans needs.11. What is the most important to the man?A. Being safe.B. Saving money.C. Looking good.12. What will the man probably do in the end?A. Buy a used sports car.B. Buy a new car that uses less gas.C. Buy the womans SUV.听第九段材料,回答第13至16

38、题。13. Where does the conversation (对话) probably take place?A. At a coffee shop.B. At a crime scene.C. At a police station.14. How did Mr. Parker see what happened?A. He drove by on his way to work.B. We walked by on his way home.C. He was in that neighborhood during lunchtime.15. According to Mr. Pa

39、rker, what was the thief wearing?A. Blue jeans.B. A blue jacket.C. A while baseball hat.16. What did the woman ask about the thief in the end?A. His build(体格).B. The weapons he had.C. The color of his hair.听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. When will the passengers arrive?A. 5 minutes ahead of schedule.B. 10 min

40、utes ahead of schedule.C. 15 minutes ahead of schedule.18. When can passengers move around the cabin (机舱)?A. When the seat belt sign is turned off.B. When the air hostess tells them to do so.C. Immediately after the plane takes off.19. How can people find out which movies are being shown?A. By searc

41、hing online.B. By looking in a magazine.C. By waiting for the speakers announcement (通告).20. What can we learn about the flight?A. Dinner will be served in about half an hour.B. Smoking is only allowed in certain areas.C. It will stop in Beijing.英语听力模拟试题(十八)第一节1. Where will the woman have lunch?A. A

42、t her house.B. At the office.C. At another cafe.2. What does the woman think the man should do?A. Relax.B. Ask for help.C. Start studying now.3. What is the most likely relationship between the speakers?A. College roommates.B. Landlord (房东) and renter.C. Boss and employee.4. How does the man feel ab

43、out his living situation?A. Angry. B. Satisfied. C. Worried. 5. What does the woman suggest?A. Recycling (回收利用) the computer.B. Keeping the computer.C. Selling the computer.第二节听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。6. What is the relationship between the speakers?A. Roommates.B. Brother and sister.C. Boyfriend and girlfrie

44、nd.7. What is true about the man ?A. He plans to get married soon.B. He is living with his parents now.C. He just broke up (分手) with his girlfriend.听第7段材料,回答第8至10题。8. What happened to the man after his car accident?A. He lost interest in running.B. He has serious pain all the time.C. He experienced

45、pain while running.9. What does the woman tell the man to do?A. Run fewer miles.B. Find something else to do for exercise.C. Find some to teach him how to run safely.10. Why does the woman want to help the man?A. She doesnt want his injury to get worse.B. She knows that running is important to him.C

46、. She thinks the Boston Marathon (马拉松) is important.听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。11. What is one of the womans weakness?A. She is a little lazy.B. She is not confident.C. She doesnt know how to find new customers.12. Who is the man?A. The womans boss.B. The womans employee.C. The womans customer.13. How does the man feel in the end?A. Impressed. B. Annoyed.C. Indifferent. (无关紧要的)听第9段材料,回答第14至16题。14. Who ins


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