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1、初中物理新人教版八年级上册导学案及复习学案(横排双栏59页全册推荐)2010秋季学期八年级物理学案 第一章 声现象 1.1声音的产生与传播学案 一、信息与评价 小组评价: ,教师评价: 二、使用说明与学法指导: 1、课前自学第一节声音的产生与传播内容,时间大约15分钟,并完成预习导学。 2、通过查阅资料了解禅、鸟、青蛙等动物是靠什么发声的, 三、学习目标: 1、初步认识声音产生和传播的条件。 2、知道声音是由物体振动发生的。 3、知道声音传播需要介质,声音在不同介质中传播的速度不同。 重点: 声音的产生和传播的条件 难点: 声音在不同介质中的传播速度不同,解释一些声现象 四、自主学习:(一)预

2、习导学 1(声音是由物体_产生的。 2(声音可以在固体、 、 中传播,但声音不能在_中传播,能够传播声音的物质统称为 。我们通常听到的声音是通过 传播。 3、声速跟_有关,还跟_有关。15?时空气中的声速是 m/s,比它在固体或液体中的速度都要 。 (二)预习检测 4、声音在不同介质中的传播速度大小不同。根据小资料介绍:多数情况下,声音在气体中的速度比液体中 ,在固体中的传播速度比液体中 ,声音在空气中的传播速度受 影响。 mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the t

3、ube wall and l0 mL ethanol solution of potassium hydroxide, which makes two liquid layers, stuffed, shaking violently mixed and placed 10min. 1cm Cuvette, reagent blank zero, and 440nm wavelength absorbance measurement. 5, results of calculationsaAcid, shake carefully 5min, began to shake when defla

4、ted. Static hierarchy, discard sulfate layer, add 50 mL of sulfuric acid repeat treatment once. the benzene layer is moved into another separatory funnel, washed three times with water, and then by the dehydration of anhydrous sodium sulfate, collected with a glass distillation apparatus distillatio

5、n distillation liquid. Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution: weigh 50mg 2-4 one or two Nitrophenylhydrazine, l000mL solution in benzene. Trichloroacetic acid solution: weigh the 4 solid three acid 3 g, plus 100mL benzene dissolved. Ethanol solutions of potassium hydroxide: weigh 4 g of potassium hydroxid

6、e, and refining ethanol 100 mL dissolve, cold dark night-get upper clear fluid. Solution Brown should be prepared again. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. Precision weighing about 0.025g0 4, analysis steps. Placed in a 25mL bottle of 5 g sample, plus benzene dissolved sample and dilute to scale. Les

7、sons learned 5.0 mL, placed in a 25 mL test tubes, plus 3mL TCA solution and 5 mL2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution, shake and mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tube5(用嘴对着笔套吹气发出的声音是_的振动产生的。击鼓时发出的声音是_振动产生的, 当鼓面_发声也停止了。 6(如图2所示敲响右边的音叉,左边完全相同的音叉也会发声,并

8、且把泡沫塑料球弹起。这是由于右边音叉的振动,在_中激起向周围传播的_,从而使左边的音叉振动发声。 五、合作探究: (一)活动与探究 1、观察与思考 在一次风较大的时候,观察旗杆上的国旗,当你听到国旗在风中发出噼啪噼啪的声音的时候,你可以看到国旗在不停地_;当风停了以后,国旗不再发声,这时国旗在旗杆上不再_。 2、动手做一做 实验一:将钢尺(或塑料尺)的一端紧压在桌边,让另一端伸出桌面外,用手拨动另一端,观察钢尺发声时情形。 实验二:将你的耳朵紧贴在课桌一端的桌面上,在桌面的另一端用手轻轻地敲击;再使耳朵离开,用手以同样大的力度敲击桌面。比较两次听到的声音。 3、动脑想一想 a(实验一的钢尺产生

9、声音时有什么特征,这说明了什么道理, b(实验二的第一次敲击声是在桌面的一端发出的,但耳朵贴在桌面的另一端能听到声 音,在这个过程中声音是由什么物质从一端传到另一端的,当耳朵离开桌面时,我们同样可以听到敲击声,这次的声音是由什么物质传到耳朵的,说明了什么, (二)问题探究: 1、航天员在太空漫步时,他们即使相距得很近,交谈也必须要借助无线电工具,这是 on, shake and mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tubeDinitrophenylhydrazi

10、ne soluti-ute to scale. Lessons learned 5.0 mL, placed in a 25 mL test tubes, plus 3mL TCA solution and 5 mL2,4ision weighing about 0.025g0 4, analysis steps. Placed in a 25mL bottle of 5 g sample, plus benzene dissolved sample and dilget upper clear fluid. Solution Brown should be prepared again. 3

11、, instruments spectrophotometer. Prec-mL dissolve, cold dark night00mL benzene dissolved. Ethanol solutions of potassium hydroxide: weigh 4 g of potassium hydroxide, and refining ethanol 100 g, plus 14 one or two Nitrophenylhydrazine, l000mL solution in benzene. Trichloroacetic acid solution: weigh

12、the 4 solid three acid 3 -ected with a glass distillation apparatus distillation distillation liquid. Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution: weigh 50mg 2coll moved into another separatory funnel, washed three times with water, and then by the dehydration of anhydrous sodium sulfate, hen deflated. Static h

13、ierarchy, discard sulfate layer, add 50 mL of sulfuric acid repeat treatment once. the benzene layer isake wt blank zero, and 440nm wavelength absorbance measurement. 5, results of calculationsaAcid, shake carefully 5min, began to shof potassium hydroxide, which makes two liquid layers, stuffed, sha

14、king violently mixed and placed 10min. 1cm Cuvette, reagen mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tube wall and l0 mL ethanol solution 2 教学案 与您一起分享最优质的学案 因为 的缘故 2、一根足够长的钢管中充满水,甲在钢管的一端敲击钢管,乙将耳朵紧贴在钢管的另一端能听到几次敲击声,依次由哪些介质传播的, 3(声音在15?空气中的传播速度是340m/s,传播170m距离

15、所需的时间为 s。 4、回声要比原声晚0、1s才能区别回声,要听到回声,我们应该离障碍物至少 m。 六、课堂检测 1(人在讲话或唱歌时,用手指摸颈前喉头部分,会感到声带在 。 2(渔民可以利用电子发声器把鱼儿吸引到网里面来,表明水能够 。 3、 2008年5月12日,我国四川汶川发生8.0级的大地震给生命和财产造成严重伤害,牵动着每一个中华儿女的心。地震后有些被埋在废墟下的人为了保存体力不是大声呼救而是用硬物敲击墙壁或管道,向营救人员求救,最后获得了生的机会。用物理学知识解释他们是利用了声音可以在 中传播的原理,在他们的求救行为中发出的声音是由于用硬物敲击后墙壁或管道发生 而产生的。 4(将正

16、在发声的电铃放在玻璃罩内,当用抽气机把罩内的空气抽去时,将会发生( ) A(电铃的振动停止了 B(电铃的声音比原来更加响亮 C(只见电铃振动,但听到的声音越来越小 D(不见电铃振动,但能听到声音 5、下列说法中正确的是 A.只要物体振动,就一定能听到声音 B.固体、液体、气体都能传播声音 C.宇航员们在月球上也可以直接用口语交谈 D.声音在固体、液体中比在空气中传播得慢些 6、如图所示,用悬挂着的乒乓球接触正在发声的音叉,乒乓球会多次被弹开(这个实验是用来探究 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tubeDinitr

17、ophenylhydrazine solution, shake and mix carefully, 30 min at 60 -ed in a 25 mL test tubes, plus 3mL TCA solution and 5 mL2,4steps. Placed in a 25mL bottle of 5 g sample, plus benzene dissolved sample and dilute to scale. Lessons learned 5.0 mL, plac025g0 4, analysis distillation distillation liquid

18、. Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution: weigh 50mg 2get upper clear fluid. Solution Brown should be prepared again. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. Precision weighing about 0.-of potassium hydroxide: weigh 4 g of potassium hydroxide, and refining ethanol 100 mL dissolve, cold dark nightg, plus 100mL be

19、nzene dissolved. Ethanol solutions 4 one or two Nitrophenylhydrazine, l000mL solution in benzene. Trichloroacetic acid solution: weigh the 4 solid three acid 3 -ratus hed three times with water, and then by the dehydration of anhydrous sodium sulfate, collected with a glass distillation appalfate la

20、yer, add 50 mL of sulfuric acid repeat treatment once. the benzene layer is moved into another separatory funnel, wasard suance measurement. 5, results of calculationsaAcid, shake carefully 5min, began to shake when deflated. Static hierarchy, disciquid layers, stuffed, shaking violently mixed and p

21、laced 10min. 1cm Cuvette, reagent blank zero, and 440nm wavelength absorbpotassium hydroxide, which makes two lmix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tube wall and l0 mL ethanol solution of 教学案 与您一起分享最优质的学案 3 A(声音能否在真空中传播 B(声音产生的原因 C(音调是否与频率有关 D(声音传播是否需要

22、时间 7(超音速飞机的飞行速度常用马赫数表示,马赫数指的是声速的倍数(声速用声音在15?时的传播速度)。某超音速飞机飞行的马赫数为2(5,那么它的飞行速度是多少,若广州到北京的距离为1700km,这架飞机从广州飞到北京需要多少时间, 七、课后提升 1、为了探测海底某处的深度,向海底发射超声波,经过4s收到回波信号,海洋中某处的深度是 m(声音在海水中传播的速度是1500m/s);这种方法不能用来测量月球与地球的距离,是因为 。 2、小明想比较几种材料(衣服、锡箔纸、泡沫)的隔音性能,除了待检测的材料外,可利用的器材还有:音叉、机械闹钟、鞋盒。在本实验中适合作声源的是 。 小明将声源放入鞋盒内,

23、在其四周塞满待测材料。他设想了A、B两种方案,你认为最佳方案是 。 A、 让人站在距鞋盒一定距离处,比较所听到声音的大小。 B、 让人一边听声音,一边向后退,直到听不见声音为止,比较此处到鞋盒的距离。 C、 材料 衣服 锡箔纸 泡沫 距离 较长 长 短 材料 衣服 锡箔纸 泡沫 响度 较响 较响 弱 通过使用得到的现象如上表所示,则待测材料隔音性能由好到差的顺序为 。 3、小明、小华和叔叔去钓鱼,他们在湖边跑来跑去,并大声说话。叔叔说:“你们把鱼儿吓跑了,我怎么钓鱼,”鱼儿是怎么被吓跑的, 小明猜想:鱼儿离人较近,可能听到人的吵闹声被吓跑了。 小华猜想:鱼儿没有耳朵,可能看到晃动的影子被吓跑了

24、。 on, shake and mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tubeDinitrophenylhydrazine soluti-ute to scale. Lessons learned 5.0 mL, placed in a 25 mL test tubes, plus 3mL TCA solution and 5 mL2,4ision weighing about 0.025g0 4, analysis steps. Placed in a 25mL

25、 bottle of 5 g sample, plus benzene dissolved sample and dilget upper clear fluid. Solution Brown should be prepared again. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. Prec-mL dissolve, cold dark night00mL benzene dissolved. Ethanol solutions of potassium hydroxide: weigh 4 g of potassium hydroxide, and refin

26、ing ethanol 100 g, plus 14 one or two Nitrophenylhydrazine, l000mL solution in benzene. Trichloroacetic acid solution: weigh the 4 solid three acid 3 -ected with a glass distillation apparatus distillation distillation liquid. Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution: weigh 50mg 2coll moved into another sepa

27、ratory funnel, washed three times with water, and then by the dehydration of anhydrous sodium sulfate, hen deflated. Static hierarchy, discard sulfate layer, add 50 mL of sulfuric acid repeat treatment once. the benzene layer isake wt blank zero, and 440nm wavelength absorbance measurement. 5, resul

28、ts of calculationsaAcid, shake carefully 5min, began to shof potassium hydroxide, which makes two liquid layers, stuffed, shaking violently mixed and placed 10min. 1cm Cuvette, reagen mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tube wall and l0 mL ethanol sol

29、ution 4 教学案 与您一起分享最优质的学案 请你针对他们的猜想,各设计一个方案,验证他们的猜想是否正确。 1.2怎样听到声音导学案 一、信息与评价 小组评价: ,教师评价: 二、使用说明与学法指导: 1、课前预习第二节怎样听到声音,需要时间5min,并完成自主学习的任务。 2、网上查阅了解千手观音的演员们以及音乐家贝多芬是怎样感受音乐的。 三、学习目标: 知识与能力: 1、了解人类听到声音的过程。 2、知道骨导的原理。 3、了解双耳效应及其应用。 过程与方法: 1、通过实验和生活经验,体验人是如何听到声音的。 2、通过本节课的学习,加强物理与生物学科间的交叉、渗透和综合,从而培养学生学科

30、间的综合能力。 情感态度与价值观: 1、通过学习我们自己是如何听到声音的,体现了物理是生活中的物理,是身边的物理的思想,从而培养学生联系生活、生产和科学技术的能力。 2、学会关心他人,特别是关心残疾人。 重点: 人耳的构造,骨传声和空气传声 难点:听到声音的过程 四、自主学习: Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution, shake and mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tube-ed in a 25 mL test tubes, p

31、lus 3mL TCA solution and 5 mL2,4steps. Placed in a 25mL bottle of 5 g sample, plus benzene dissolved sample and dilute to scale. Lessons learned 5.0 mL, plac025g0 4, analysis get upper clear fluid. Solution Brown should be prepared again. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. Precision weighing about 0.

32、-of potassium hydroxide: weigh 4 g of potassium hydroxide, and refining ethanol 100 mL dissolve, cold dark nightg, plus 100mL benzene dissolved. Ethanol solutions 4 one or two Nitrophenylhydrazine, l000mL solution in benzene. Trichloroacetic acid solution: weigh the 4 solid three acid 3 -distillatio

33、n distillation liquid. Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution: weigh 50mg 2ratus hed three times with water, and then by the dehydration of anhydrous sodium sulfate, collected with a glass distillation appalfate layer, add 50 mL of sulfuric acid repeat treatment once. the benzene layer is moved into anothe

34、r separatory funnel, wasard suance measurement. 5, results of calculationsaAcid, shake carefully 5min, began to shake when deflated. Static hierarchy, disciquid layers, stuffed, shaking violently mixed and placed 10min. 1cm Cuvette, reagent blank zero, and 440nm wavelength absorbpotassium hydroxide,

35、 which makes two lmix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tube wall and l0 mL ethanol solution of 教学案 与您一起分享最优质的学案 5 【知识回顾】 1、发声的物体在_。 2、_、_、_都能传播声音,他们都是能够传声的介质。 3、声音向外传播时以_的形式传播 4、声传播的快慢用 描述,15?时空气中的声速是 。 【预习活动】 1、阅读课本p16人耳的构造部分,完成下面的问题 ?画出人耳感知声音的流程图: ?人

36、失去听觉,可能是哪部分出现了问题? ?失聪的人一定感知不到声音了吗? 2、自学课本p18科学世界中的内容,小组交流回答下面的问题: ?什么是双耳效应? ?由于双耳效应,人们可以准确判断 ,所以,我们听到的声音是 . ?如何让声音的立体声效果更好? 五、探究与合作 1、小组交流评估上面的预习活动问题。 2、活动探究:完成教材p.17.页的“想想做做”。或者将塑料尺分别放在耳朵附近振动和咬在牙齿上振动,感受声音的大小。 3、问题探究:(1)在上述活动中,人是如何听到声音的, (2)人能听到声音的条件有哪些, on, shake and mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c

37、 water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tubeDinitrophenylhydrazine soluti-ute to scale. Lessons learned 5.0 mL, placed in a 25 mL test tubes, plus 3mL TCA solution and 5 mL2,4ision weighing about 0.025g0 4, analysis steps. Placed in a 25mL bottle of 5 g sample, plus benzene dissolved s

38、ample and dilget upper clear fluid. Solution Brown should be prepared again. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. Prec-mL dissolve, cold dark night00mL benzene dissolved. Ethanol solutions of potassium hydroxide: weigh 4 g of potassium hydroxide, and refining ethanol 100 g, plus 14 one or two Nitrophen

39、ylhydrazine, l000mL solution in benzene. Trichloroacetic acid solution: weigh the 4 solid three acid 3 -ected with a glass distillation apparatus distillation distillation liquid. Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution: weigh 50mg 2coll moved into another separatory funnel, washed three times with water, a

40、nd then by the dehydration of anhydrous sodium sulfate, hen deflated. Static hierarchy, discard sulfate layer, add 50 mL of sulfuric acid repeat treatment once. the benzene layer isake wt blank zero, and 440nm wavelength absorbance measurement. 5, results of calculationsaAcid, shake carefully 5min,

41、began to shof potassium hydroxide, which makes two liquid layers, stuffed, shaking violently mixed and placed 10min. 1cm Cuvette, reagen mix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tube wall and l0 mL ethanol solution 6 教学案 与您一起分享最优质的学案 六、课堂检测: 1、当别人咀嚼脆饼时,你听到

42、的声音很小,而你自己咀嚼同样的脆饼时,你会听到较大的咀嚼声。这是因为前者的声音是靠 传播,后者的声音是 靠 传播的, 的传声的能力较强。 2、声波传入耳朵的顺序是( ) A、外耳道鼓膜耳蜗听小骨听觉神经 B、外耳道鼓膜听小骨耳蜗听觉神经 C、外耳道听小骨-鼓膜耳蜗听觉神经 D、以上说法都不正确。 3(大音乐家贝多芬一生中创作了许多优秀的作品,如命运、田园、英雄等,有些作品是他耳聋以后创作的,你认为合理的是( ) A(他是把所作的曲子演奏给朋友们听,朋友们把感受通过文字告诉他,指导他创作 B(他是用牙咬住木棒的一端,另一端顶在钢琴上来听演奏的声音 C(自从他耳聋后,就随随便便作曲了 D(以上说法

43、都不正确 4(关于双耳效应,下列说法正确的是( ) A(利用双耳效应,可以判断声音的大小 B(利用双耳效应,可以判断声音的远近 C(利用双耳效应,可以准确判定声音传来的方向 D(声音从人的正前方或正后方传来时,人耳不易分辨清楚 5、阅读短文,回答文后的问题。 耳聋一般表现为听力下降或丧失。耳聋主要有两类:一类是传导性耳聋,是由于外耳道堵塞和中耳鼓膜、听小骨损伤或发生障碍而引起的听力下降;另一类是神经性耳聋,是由于耳蜗、听觉中枢和与听觉有关的神经受到损伤而引起的听力下降或丧失。老年性耳聋、药物中毒性(长期使用较大剂量链霉素引起的)耳聋、某些传染病(如脑膜炎)引起的耳聋、工业生产中高强度噪声引起的

44、耳聋等,都属于神经性耳聋。 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tubeDinitrophenylhydrazine solution, shake and mix carefully, 30 min at 60 -ed in a 25 mL test tubes, plus 3mL TCA solution and 5 mL2,4steps. Placed in a 25mL bottle of 5 g sample, plus benzene dissolved sample and dilute to scal

45、e. Lessons learned 5.0 mL, plac025g0 4, analysis get upper clear fluid. Solution Brown should be prepared again. 3, instruments spectrophotometer. Precision weighing about 0.-of potassium hydroxide: weigh 4 g of potassium hydroxide, and refining ethanol 100 mL dissolve, cold dark nightg, plus 100mL

46、benzene dissolved. Ethanol solutions 4 one or two Nitrophenylhydrazine, l000mL solution in benzene. Trichloroacetic acid solution: weigh the 4 solid three acid 3 -distillation distillation liquid. Dinitrophenylhydrazine solution: weigh 50mg 2ratus hed three times with water, and then by the dehydrat

47、ion of anhydrous sodium sulfate, collected with a glass distillation appalfate layer, add 50 mL of sulfuric acid repeat treatment once. the benzene layer is moved into another separatory funnel, wasard suance measurement. 5, results of calculationsaAcid, shake carefully 5min, began to shake when def

48、lated. Static hierarchy, disciquid layers, stuffed, shaking violently mixed and placed 10min. 1cm Cuvette, reagent blank zero, and 440nm wavelength absorbpotassium hydroxide, which makes two lmix carefully, 30 min at 60 ? c water bath for heating and cooling. Slowly along the tube wall and l0 mL ethanol solution of 教学案 与您一起分


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