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1、The Spi n Tester for the Automobile Clutch Testwith High Speed Photography SystemAbstract: The development of a new type spin tester for the automobile clutch test is in troduced.A vertical flexible shaft system with rubber damper is applied to the tester.The crushing test of the clutch assembly can

2、 be done frequentlyon the spin tester,and the high speed photographysystem adopting ordinary camera can record the crushing wink.The crushing test of a clutch on this tester is also in troduced.a nd the weak link of the clutch assembly can be found from the photograph of crush ing wink.Key words: sp

3、in tester automobile clutch high speed photographyClutch by gland assembly and platen assembly which, in their rotation stre ngth is the key parts of the quality evaluati on car is an importa nt index, rules and regulationsshould be accelerationin their state of therotat ing speed is higher tha n sp

4、eed ing stre ngth test to determ ine the safety and reliability of the clutch disc. For example, santana clutch disc assembly and drive n plate total che ngdu in ordinary temperature requireme nts in a = rad/s2 accelerati on of 50 acc to 12 000 r/min, and plate n assembly also requires in high tempe

5、rature (250C) at a = rad/s2accelerati on of 50 acc to 10 000 r/min without fracture. These tests require in the specialized test ing machi ne.At present, the domestic is no clutch assembly strength test on the special equipment. This paper introduces the author developed a vertical multi-f unction o

6、f clutch rotat ing stre ngth tester (see chart 1). It has a stro ng drive ability (1), can gen erate eno ugh accelerati on, the maximum weight 50 kg, with the highest speed 18 000 r/min, maximum accelerati on 20 rad PI/s2 the clutch assembly strength test; (2) the strong vibration absorber system, t

7、o absorb the clutch assembly high speed rotating vibrati on en ergy; (3) the reliable and steady automatio n con trol system and absolute safety of lead brick protectionrecessed; (4) to observe theclutch assembly rotation experiment process and the rupture instantaneous state surveilla nee and high-

8、speed photography system. To all sorts of clutch assembly, the machine can strength test, especially for high speed can be frequently do destructivetesting,use convenient, safe andreliable.Figure 1 clutch rotati ng stre ngth tester photos1.The main structure characteristics1.1 With rubber damp ing b

9、eari ng on the flexible shaft typeThis kind of test enginery due to freque nt, high-speed destructivetesting, the host axis should be able to complete the clutch assembly rose quickly to the whole process of destruct ion, so we used on the verticalwith rubber damper flexible shaft of 1, the structur

10、e see FIG. 2). Due to the vertical axis, one soft critical speed is low, order only 1800 to2000 r/min or so, makewhole high-speed area are on supercritical of smooth state. At the sametime in soft shaft with a middle with O type of rubber ring damping bearing shaft system, when the critical speed or

11、 because the clutch assembly brought serious imbala nee fierce, the vibrati on damp ing bearing can absorb vibration energy, attenuation shaft vibration 2, en sure the clutch assembly con ti nue to rise un til the complete destruct ion, en sure speed high-speed damage test. This structure is simple,

12、 easy to adjust, damping range. In order to prevent the clutch assembly damagetime, great instantaneous vibrationenergy cause shaft and the lower thedestruction of the transmission system, in the gentle shaft with a limit bearing, head to prevent soft shaft bending big and the bottom of the drivesha

13、ft damage comp onen ts. Soft axis adopt plug-i n in stallati on, whe n the clutch assembly, the most serious destruct ionis replaced the soft shaft,head bent to the whole mach ine did nt have any effect, operati on loadi ng and uni oad ing is very convenient, and en sure the tester can freque ntly i

14、n the clutch assembly destructive test. The vertical axis, facilitateon the cover from the Windowsof the testing process and observe specimens of installation and removal.Figure 2 rubber damper with flexible shaft1.2 The clutch assembly damagemomentsof high-speed photography systemThe clutch assembl

15、y by many parts assembly and become, the parts quality is directly related to the quality of the assembly. If can through the high-speed strength test find assembly parts the weak links, had better be to be in test chamber to take the parts assembly by deformation and destructi on and yield spread t

16、o the whole process of, that will be very significant.Although currentlynot at a close range in advanee, donot know whe n the clutch assembly of the damage happe ned produced high speed the whole processof destruct ion, but they can take to destroy themome nt alone photos.Foreign is widely accepted

17、in the specimen outside trigger coil rotor set, as the rotor fly crack, debris flying out of line, met trigger trigger circuit triggered by high speed camera shutter open, took a damage the image of the rotor mome nt. Obviously this desig n requireme nts must have taken the camera very high speed. F

18、or example the clutch assembly destruction speed than 10 000 r/min, the linear velocity in the 200 m/s above, if want to take clear debris flying out of the in sta ntan eousmoveme nt con diti on whe n, captured fragme nts of the dista nee from the 2 mmmoving images. So, the camera at least should ha

19、ve t = 2 mm/ (200 m/s) =1 x 10-5 s shooting speed, for ordinary camera it is clearly the deficits.In order to solve this problem, we developed a commoncameras with the high-speed photography in the tech no logy, with the clutch high-speed stre ngth test mach ine, took the clutch assembly destruct io

20、n of photographs. The momentThe high-speed photography work principleof thesystem is shown in figure 3. The specific practices for ordinary camera, will cover the Windows in testing machine in the darkness of the test chamber outside, open shutter, in advanee for shooting state. At the same time, ad

21、d the rear cover outside the window between the two steel ball must high pressure of the capacitor voltage. When the clutch assembly, high speed rotati ng parts fly crack damage, cut off the assembly line, the periphery of the trigger that set up light source line work trigger pin, triggeri ng a tri

22、ggerpulse, so that the air betwee n two steel ball,a steel ball capacitor in ionization produced strong, between discharge pulse light source, then the camera narrow photographic plate, get the clutch assembly destructi onof photographs. The mome ntThe tech no logy ofthe method is simple, save expe

23、nsive high-speed cameras, the shoot ing accuracy is high.Figure 3 high-speed photography system work prin ciple diagram2.Experime ntal studyWein the testing machine to clutch cover plate assembly and madea large destructive testing.Nowto the santana gland assembly damage test as anexample. First, ta

24、ke the santana clutch cover assembly state of rest; Then, the gla nd assembly, and to destroy the damage process using high-speed photography system to shoot, have the follow ing results: santana clutch cover assembly in speed for 11 560 r/min, gland spring of fly out, cut off the trigger coil, took

25、 a high-speed photography photos (see chart 4), photos are the right off about 20 position on a springof the flying out of the shadows. After parking the tray found not damage, but find spring of crack, the obvious skeleton spring of centrifugal force along the role in the first bending fly out brok

26、en.(2) this gla nd assembly continue to rise in speed for speed test, 14010 r/minhappened when the tray destruction,like on high-speedphotography photos (see chart 5). Photos of the momentby damage, the whole clutch cover visible assembly gland produces serious warping deformation, radial on tur n o

27、ver the close (see photo) and cut off the trigger coil.As gland warping, clutch the tray imbalances fly crack damage. But did not see the gla nd cast iron rings (cover parts cant photographed) fly out of the shadow of the fracture.(3) from gland assembly destroyed the crack of photos skeleton (seefi

28、gure 6) can see, gland serious warping deformation in spring of installation,the gaps, but pulled gland and without breaking into severalpieces, although gland lower part of the cast iron ring has fractured into seve n pieces, but found no gla nd in side surface, cast iron rings pieces the trace of

29、the impact.The result shows the santana car clutch cover the failure process of the in sta ntan eous assembly for local parts, (spri ng of) fly out-gla nd serious warp ing deformati on, in local weak secti on and pulled in the bottom of the gland cast iron rings and the whole gland assembly fracture

30、 failure.This tester has been put into use of factory three years, because the function is all ready, performanee stability, price cheap, and solve the clutch a lot of detect ion, the developme nt, and the research questi on, is expected to replace the imported, applicati on.Figure 4 gland assembly

31、spring of fly out of the moment photosFigure 5 gla nd assembly mome nts of photos. DamageFigure 6 gla nd assembly after damage rema ins of the photoRefere nee1 WuDaWe n. O type rubber ring experime ntal study of the dyn amie characteristics of the masters degree thesis: Masters degree thesis. Han gz

32、hou, zhejia ng uni versity, 19982 QianLiXin. Ultra-high speed rotor test developme nt speed ing someissues of the study: Ph.D. Thesis. Hangzhou, zhejiang university,1998带高速摄影系统的汽车离合器旋转破坏强度试验机摘要:提供了一种带高速摄影系统的汽车离合器旋转破坏强度试验机,该机可以频繁地做离合器总成的破坏性试验,并可拍摄到离合器总成破坏瞬间的独幅照 片,以利找出总成零件的薄弱环节。关键词:旋转破坏性试验 试验机汽车离合器高速摄

33、影汽车离合器由压盖总成和从动盘总成组成,它们的旋转强度是评价汽车关键零件质量的重要指标,规范规定它们都应在加速度状态下进行高于工作转速的超 速强度试验,以确定离合器盘的安全性和可靠性。例如,桑塔纳轿车的离合器压 盘总成与从动盘总成都要求在常温下以a=50 rad/s 2的加速度升速至12 000r/min,而从动盘总成还要求在高温(250 C)下以a=50 rad/s 2的加速度升速至10 000 r/min而不发生破裂。这些试验都要求在专门的试验机上进行。目前,国内尚缺少进行汽车离合器总成强度试验的专用设备。 本文介绍笔者 研制的一种立式多功能的汽车离合器旋转强度试验机 (见图1) O它具有

34、较强的 驱动能力,可产生足够大的加速度,进行最大重量50 kg、最高转速18 000 r/min、 最大加速度20 n rad/s 2的离合器总成强度试验;强大的减振系统,以吸收离 合器总成高速旋转时的振动能量;可靠而平稳的自控系统和绝对安全的铅砖防 护腔体;可供观察离合器总成旋转试验过程和破裂瞬时状态的监视与高速摄影 系统。对各种汽车离合器总成,该机可进行高速强度试验,尤其可频繁地做破坏 性试验,使用方便、安全可靠。图1汽车离合器旋转强度试验机照片1. 主要结构特色 1.1带橡胶阻尼支承的上托式柔性轴系这类试验机由于要频繁地进行高速破坏性试验, 主机轴系应能顺利完成离合 器总成升速至破坏的全

35、过程,因此我们采用立式上托的带橡胶阻尼器的柔性轴系 :1:,其结构见图2。由于采用立式柔轴,其一阶临界转速很低,只有18002000 r/min左右,使整个高速区域均处在超临界的平稳状态。同时在柔轴中间设有一 个用“O型橡胶圈组成的阻尼支承,当轴系通过临界转速或者由于离合器总成 发生严重失衡带来激烈振动时,该阻尼支承能吸收振动能量,衰减轴系振动:2:, 确保离合器总成继续升速直至破坏,保证完成高速破坏试验。此结构简单、容易 调整、减振范围大。为了防止离合器总成破坏时刻,巨大的瞬时振动能量造成下 部轴系和传动系统的破坏,在柔轴头部设有一限位支座,防止柔轴弯曲变形过大 而破坏轴系下部的传动部件。柔

36、轴采用插入式安装,当离合器总成破坏严重时, 最多是更换头部弯曲的柔轴,对整个机器没有任何影响,操作装卸十分方便,从 而保证了该试验机可以频繁地进行离合器总成的破坏性试验。采用立式上托轴 系,便于从顶盖视窗观察试验过程以及试件的安装与拆卸。图2带橡胶阻尼器的柔性轴系1.2 离合器总成破坏瞬间的高速摄影系统离合器总成由许多零件组装而成,各零件质量的好坏直接关系到总成的质量。若能通过高速强度试验找出总成零件的薄弱环节,最好是在试验腔内拍摄到总成各零件由变形一屈服一散架一破坏的全过程,那将是十分有意义的。虽然目 前无法在近距离内,在事先不知道离合器总成何时发生破坏的情况下拍摄高速破 坏的全过程,然而却

37、可以拍摄到破坏瞬间的独幅照片。国外普遍采用的是在试件转子外设置触发线圈,当转子飞裂时,碎片飞出碰到触发线,由触发电路触发高速照相机打开快门,拍下转子破坏瞬间的形象。显然这种设计要求照相机必须有很高的拍摄速度。例如离合器总成的破坏转速多大 于10 000 r/min ,其线速度在200 m/s以上,若要拍摄清楚碎片飞出时的瞬时 运动状况,捕捉到碎片移动2 mm距离的图像。那么,照相机起码应具有 t=2 mm/(200m/s)=1 x 10-5 s的拍摄速度,对于普通照相机这显然是望尘莫及的。为了解决这个难题,我们开发了一种用普通照相机拍摄的高速摄影技术,用在汽车离合器高速强度试验机上,拍到了离合

38、器总成破坏瞬间的独幅照片。此 高速摄影系统的工作原理见图3。具体做法为,将普通照相机置于试验机顶盖视 窗外,在黑暗的试验腔外,预先打开快门,处于待拍摄状态。同时,加足顶盖侧 视窗外反光镜两钢球间的高压电容器的电压。当离合器总成高速旋转,零件飞裂破坏时,切断总成外围设置的触发线,使光源触发线路工作,触发针发出触发脉 冲,使两钢球间的空气电离,引发电容器在钢球间放电,产生强的窄脉冲光源, 于是照相机底片感光,获得离合器总成破坏瞬间的独幅照片。此技术方法简便, 省去昂贵的高速照相机,拍摄精度也高。2. 试验研究我们在此试验机上对离合器盖及盘总成作了大量破坏性试验。今以桑塔纳 轿车压盖总成的破坏试验为

39、例说明。 首先,拍下桑塔纳轿车离合器压盖总成静止 时的状态;然后,对压盖总成进行破坏,并对破坏过程用高速摄影系统进行拍摄, 获得以下结果:(1)桑塔纳离合器压盖总成在转速为11 560 r/min时,压盖弹簧片飞出,切 断触发线圈,拍下高速摄影照片(见图4),照片正右偏上约20位置有一弹簧片 飞出的阴影。停车后发现整盘尚未破坏,但找到弹簧片裂骸,明显可见弹簧片在 离心力作用下沿根部先弯断飞出。(2)以此压盖总成继续升速试验,在转速为 14 010 r/min 时发生整盘破坏,拍得高速摄影照片(见图5)。由破坏瞬间的照片可见,整个离合器压盖总成的压 盖发生严重翘曲,径向变形上翻拉平(见照片上部)

40、并切断触发线圈。随着压盖翘 曲后,离合器整盘失衡飞裂破坏。但未看出压盖下部铸铁圆环(遮住部位无法拍摄到)断裂飞出的影子。(3)从压盖总成破坏后的裂骸照片(见图6)可看出,压盖严重翘曲变形,在 安装弹簧片的缺口处拉断,但压盖并没有破断成几块,虽然压盖下部的铸铁圆环 已断裂成7块,但没有发现压盖内侧面上有铸铁圆环碎块撞击的痕迹。由上结果可见桑塔纳轿车离合器压盖总成瞬时的破坏过程为,局部零件 (弹 簧片)飞出压盖严重翘曲变形,在局部薄弱截面处拉断 压盖下部的铸铁圆环 断裂一整个压盖总成破坏。本试验机已投入工厂使用达3年之久,由于功能齐全、性能稳定、价格低廉, 且解决了汽车离合器大量的检测、开发与研究问题,有望替代进口,推广应用。图4压盖总成弹簧片飞出瞬间的照片图5压盖总成破坏瞬间的照片图6压盖总成破坏后残骸的照片参考文献1吴大文.“O型橡胶圈动态特性的实验研究:硕士学位论文.杭州:浙江大学,19982钱立新.超高速转子超速试验台研制中若干问题的研究:博士学位论文杭州:浙江大学,1998欢迎您的下载,资料仅供参考!致力为企业和个人提供合同协议, 策划案计划书,学习资料等等打造全网一站式需求


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