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1、大学英语四级听力真题及答案Conversation One19.A. He finds it hard to afford the rent all by himself.B. He feels lonely living all by himself.C. He needs to find somebody to make theapartment more comfortable.D. He wants to get help with his courses from hisroommate.20.A. The carpet in the living room is soiled in

2、 several places.B. The carpet in the living room is worn out in several places.C. The toilet is clogged and the sink has a few leaks.D. The windows in the bathroom can keep out rain and snow.21.A. He used some cardboard to keep it shut.B. He applied some super glue to keep the hinges on tightly.C. H

3、e pushed a box against the door to keep it shut.D. He pushed a chair against the door to keep it shut.22.A. Find a job for the man.B. Split the rent.C. Help Dave fix up the house.D. Look for another place.Conversation OneM: Hi, Shelley. Come on in.W: Uh, yeah, I stopped by to see if you were stilllo

4、oking for a roommate to share your house.M: Yep. I sure am. 1191Ever since I cut back on myworking hours to go to school, I* ve been reallystrapped for cash. Hey, let me show you around theplace. Uh, heres the living room.W: Oh. 20It looks like you could use a new carpet. . and those stains?M: Well,

5、 r ve had a few problems with some former roommates. I know it needs to be cleaned,but I just dont have the money to do it right now.W: Oh. And what about the kitchen?M: Right this way. Look. Its completely furnished with all the latest appliances, except. 21Well, the refrigerator door is broken. .

6、a little bit. and it won t shut all the way. Itneedsfixing, but dont worry. 21Ive pushed a box against it to keep it shut.W: Hmm. Great. Well, how about the bathroom? No, no. Don* t tell me. The toilet is cloggedor the sink has a few leaks.M: No, those work fine. Well, theres another slight problem.

7、 The windows. I* ve put up a pieceof cardboard to keep out the rain and snow, and if it gets a little cold, you can always turn upthe heat.W: Hey, 22 I think Ive seen enough. I cant believe youve survived under these conditions.M: So what do you think? You really cant beat a place like this for $450

8、 a month. So it has itsproblems, but we can fix those.W: Uh, no, thank you. I think Ive seen enough.Questions 19 to 22 are based on the conversation you have just heard.19. Why does the man need to share his apartment with a roommate?A解析:对话开始,女士就提出了对话主题:看男士是否还需要人合租。男士急切 地说:“要啊!自从为了上学减少了工作时间以来,我的钱就很紧

9、张了。”故A正确。从 选项来看,本题问男士的情形。答题关键是男士说的strapped for cash,它与A中的 afford the rent构成紧密的相关性。其他选项就没有这种相关的内容。口语中,cash即money bestrapped即“身无分文的”。20. Which of the following statements is true about the mans house?A解析:女士看到房间里的地毯时说:“看来你该换新地毯了那些污渍是怎么 回事?”可见A正确。soiled意为“污染的,脏的”。21. What has the man done to temporarily fix the refrigerator door?C解析:男士说冰箱门坏了,关不紧。“我用两个箱子顶着它使它合得拢。” C正确。 由选项知,本题问他是如何“使它关紧”的。关键词包括cardboard, super glue超级胶 水,box, chairo根据这些关键词,“听到什么选什么”。22. What will Shelley probably do after shes seen the place?D解析:对话结尾处,女士对该房子已亳无合租兴趣:“我想我己经看够了。真难 以相信,你在这样的条件下还能生活!”因此D正确。本题必须根据女士的语气推断。感谢您的阅读,祝您生活愉快。


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