2018年秋九年级英语(外研版)上册课后作业课件:Module 4(共35张PPT).ppt

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1、Module 4 Home alone,Unit 1I can look after myself, although it wont be easy for me.,第一课时Getting ready & vocabulary,课后作业,一、根据句意及中文提示完成单词1.You _ (错过) a good party last night.2.Remember to _ (关上) the door when youre in.3.I forgot to _ (锁住) the door. A thief went into my room and stole some money from i

2、t.4.The task is very _ (简单的). Everybody can finish it.5.My alarm clock didnt _ (鸣响),so I got up late.,missed,shut,lock,simple,ring,二、单项填空( )1.Be quiet! The baby is sleeping. Dont _.A. wake up him B. woke him up C. wake him up D. woke up him( )2.I advise you _ like that.A. to not do B. not to do C. n

3、ot doing D. doing not( )3.Frank has a simple life _ he has lots of money.A. although B. because C. so D. if,C,B,A,( )4.There arent many tickets left for the concert,so youd better _ that you get one today.A. make sure of B. make a decision C. make sure D. make plans( )5.She hurt herself _ badly _ sh

4、e had to see a doctor.A. too; that B. so; thatC. very; that D. too; to,C,B,三、完形填空Peng Jiangya lives in a village of the Yinjiang Tujia and was born in a poor family._1_ an early age, she fell in a fire stove at home when her parents were out. She _2_ all her fingers without enough money to pay for t

5、he treatment. “When I was a child, I was unable to _3_ chopsticks. My parents taught me for a long time. It was really _4_, but I overcame it. From then on, I have known that one has to put great efforts into what she is doing,” Jiangya said. As a child, Jiangya often saw others make cross-stitch (十

6、字绣) and then she _5_ to learn,to make it herself. _6_ much practice, she can make good cross-stitch works and she is even _7_ than other people. Pengs _8_ of Yinjiang Tujia at the foot of the Fanjing Mountains has become a tourist attraction. As for her future, Jiangya said, “I will _9_ a few other

7、people to embroider (刺绣) the beautiful landscape (风景) of my hometown. We hope to make it as a souvenir (纪念品) for _10_. At the same time we will be able to make more money.”,( )1.A. Of B. At C. During D. For( )2.A. lost B. hurt C. got D. kept( )3.A. know B. hold C. find D. stand( )4.A. easy B. good C

8、. bad D. difficult( )5.A. decided B. asked C. opened D. failed( )6.A. Through B. Without C. Against D. Across,B,A,B,D,A,A,( )7.A. slower B. worse C. easier D. faster( )8.A. hometown B. office C. factory D. school( )9.A. communicate with B. talk with C. argue with D. work with( )10.A. parents B. teac

9、hers C. tourists D. reporters,D,A,D,C,一、补全对话(其中有两项多余)A: Jack, I hear that you live with your grandparents now.B: Yes, thats true.,第二课时Listening & speaking,A: 1._B: Because they have to work in the city.A: 2._ B: Every two months. But we talk on the phone nearly every day.A: 3._B: At first I felt lon

10、ely and sad.4._ I know my parents love me very much.A: 5._B: I call them up.,C,D,A,F,B,二、思维导图复述 Im Emily. I am very happy because Im going to England with my friend Alice for a vacation. Im leaving in March and returning in May. I think its neither too hot nor too cold in England in spring, so its p

11、erfect for me to go there. And I am going to do many things there, including visiting friends, going sightseeing and going bicycle riding. I believe I will have a good time there.,根据上文完成下面的思维导图,再根据思维导图,复述该篇文章的内容。,she is going to England with her friend Alice,She is leaving in March,its perfect for h

12、er to go there,she is going to do many things there,She believes she will have,文章复述:,Emily is very happy because she is going to England with her friend Alice for a vacation. She is leaving in March and returning in May. She thinks its neither too hot nor too cold in England in spring, so its perfec

13、t for her to go there. And she is going to do many things there, including visiting friends, going sightseeing and going bicycle riding. She believes she will have a good time there.,一、单项填空( )1. He is very great! He is able to _ the company.A. take B. manageC. care D. close( )2. My father _ in Shang

14、hai since one week ago.A. went on business B. go on businessC. is on business D. has been on business,Unit 2I became so bored with their orders that I wished they would leave me alone.,B,D,( )3.Did you get Wechat red packets(微信红包) during the Spring Festival?Yes. Its _ the most popular way of sending

15、 traditional holiday presents now.A. totally B. widely C. actually D. hardly( )4. Lily wanted to run away from her everyday life because she became _ it.A. used to B. satisfied withC. bored with D. interested in( )5. She was unable _ there on time. She told us that she would be late.A. get B. gettin

16、g C. got D. to get,C,C,D,二、用方框内所给单词的适当形式填空(每词限用一次,其中有一个多余),Do you often help your parents do the housework? Can you cook 1._ for yourself when your parents are not at home? Do you often tidy up the room and 2._ the clothes at home? Today, many children cant look after 3._ when they leave home. They

17、even 4._ wash their socks. I dont want to be a person just like them. When I 5._,meals,wash,themselves,cant,was,only six years old, I helped my mum clean the room and make dinner for our family. She 6._ me a lot. And now I can do the housework myself and take care 7._ others. I always wash my own cl

18、othes, and sometimes I wash my 8._ too. When they are not at home, I can cook food for myself.,taught,of,parents,三、阅读理解 Nowadays, many children spend many hours a day looking at computer screens or other digital products (数码产品). Some eye care professionals (专业人士) say all the screen time has caused m

19、ore children to have eye problems. Nathan Warford is an optometrist (验光师) in Florida, US. He says he has seen an increase in eye problems in children. “Some children come into the office because their parents have found that they have red eyes. Others come because their degree of short-sightedness (

20、近视) is increasing very fast and,their parents are worried,” he said. Part of the problem is that even if their eyes start to feel uncomfortable or they start to get a headache, some children dont tell their parents. These children are afraid that their parents would take their games or the computers

21、 away. Another part of the problem is that people blink (眨眼睛) less often when they look at the screen. When a person uses a computer or other digital products, he or she blinks about a third as much as we normally (正常地) do in everyday life. If we blink less often, our eyes cant stay wet or are too t

22、ired and they will not be protected like normal.,( )1. According to Nathan Warford, how many kinds of eye problems may too much screen time cause?A. Two. B. Three. C. Four. D. Five.( )2. Some children dont tell their parents their eye problems because _.A. they think theyre not seriousB. they dont w

23、ant their parents to worryC. they want to go to hospital themselvesD. they want to continue playing computer games( )3. People normally blink about 20 times a minute. How many times do they blink if they use a computer?A. About 4. B. About 7.C. About 11. D. About 15.,A,D,B,( )4. From the passage, we

24、 can learn that _.A. blinking is good for eyesB. sleeping late is bad for eyesC. we should blink as much as possibleD. we shouldnt look at screens in a dark room( )5. What is the passage mainly about?A. Some ways of protecting childrens eyes.B. Some information about the latest digital products.C. N

25、athan Warfords experience of working out eye problems.D. Eye problems in children caused by using digital products.,A,D,四、信息归纳 请阅读下面这篇文章,根据所提供的信息,完成下面的信息卡。 When home alone Every family has different home rules for their kids when theyre home alone. Here are some common rules. Keep your mobile phone

26、with you at all times. Make sure its on so that you can hear calls or texts coming through. You need to make sure that you can reach your parents, and that they can reach you. Make sure your phone is always “alive”.If a,sudden situation comes up and your mobile phone battery (电池) is dead, you may no

27、t be able to tell your parents. Every time your phone is at 25% of battery or below, charge (充电) it. Do your homework. That your parents arent home doesnt mean you can skip (逃避) doing your homework! Be responsible (有责任心的).Your parents may feel that youre not responsible enough to stay home without a

28、n adult watching you. Let them know that even though theyre not with you, you can do something by yourself! Take basic responsibilities at home when your parents,arent there. Doing your best will make your parents proud of you! Clean up by yourself. For example, if you eat a snack, clean up after ea

29、ting, and put dishes in the dishwasher. Leaving a mess for your parents to clean up when they get home is not only irresponsible, but also bad manners. Stay alert (警惕的). Its important to be able to notice if something seems wrong. Be awake and alert enough so that you can notice anything that just d

30、oesnt seem right.,Information Card,When it is at 25% of battery or below,Doing homework,Your parents,To clean up and put dishes in the dishwasher,To notice anything that seems wrong,第一课时Language practice,Unit 3Language in use,一、单项填空( )1.I think your father is very busy. So he is._ he still takes a w

31、alk with us sometimes.A. So B. And C. Or D. But,D,( )2.Will you please give the dictionary to Jane?Sure. Ill give it to her _ she arrives here.A. before B. until C. because D. as soon as ( )3.Did you buy the car about ten yeas ago?Yes._ its old, it still runs well.A. Because B. Since C. Although D.

32、But( )4.Who helped Jess with her English?_. She taught herself.A. Anybody B. SomebodyC. Nobody D. Everybody,D,C,C,( )5.Remember _ the door and windows when you go outside.A. closing B. to close C. close D. closed,B,二、短文填空 Many kids like to stay at home alone. They think staying at home 1._ can be ex

33、citing and fun. However, it can also be lonely or scary (恐怖的). 2._, before you stay at home alone, make sure you know some important 3._. First, you should know your full name, address, and phone 4._ to tell emergency services(应急服务机构).You should 5._ know your parents phone numbers and where 6._ will

34、 be. Second, you should know where to find first aid and 7._ to get out of your home if there,alone,Therefore,things/rules,number,also,they,how,is fire. Before you are left alone, 8._ a plan of how to spend your time. Being home alone can also be 9._ fun way to show your parents how mature (成熟的) you

35、 are as long 10._ you are careful and brave enough.,make,a,as,一、写作仿写1.although引导的让步状语从句,“尽管”【例句】She swims very well, although shes only six years old. 她游泳游得非常好,尽管她才6岁。【仿写】(汉译英)(1)我认为他错了,尽管我没有告诉他。_(2)她买了那本书,尽管那书很贵。_,第二课时Writing,I thought he was wrong, although I didnt tell him.,She bought that book,

36、although it is very expensive.,2. so that,“如此以至于”【例句】It is so cold that I dont want to go anywhere. 天是如此的冷,以致于我不想去任何地方。【仿写】(汉译英)(1)他如此聪明,以致于很快就回答出了这个问题。_(2)他有如此多的书,以致于我数不清。_,He was so clever that he answered the question quickly.,He has so many books that I cant count them.,3.“分句+but+分句”,“,但是”【例句】Sh

37、e likes eating noodles, but she doesnt know how to cook them. 她喜欢吃面条,但她却不知道如何煮面条。【仿写】(汉译英)(1)她是最年轻的,但却是最努力的。_(2)他洗了脸,但是没有刷牙。_,She is the youngest, but she is the most hard-working.,He washed his face, but he didnt brush his teeth.,二、书面表达 做家务是家庭成员的义务。作为家庭成员之一,你一定做过不少力所能及的家务活。请根据以下内容提示写一篇80词左右的英语短文讲述一

38、次你做家务或学做家务的经历或故事,与大家一起分享。 内容包括: 1你是否喜欢做家务,你常做哪些家务。 2重点讲述一次你做家务或学做家务的经历或故事(包括起因、过程、结果等)。 3你父母对你所做家务的评价或你个人的收获、感受。,_,Im a 15-year-old middle school student. I have been busy with my study and seldom helped my parents with the housework. Feeling quite sorry for that, I began to think about what to do t

39、o help. Last Sunday, when my parents went out shopping, I suddenly got an idea: why not give the rooms a thorough cleaning? Firstly I collected all the books, newspapers and other things in the rooms and put them away. Then I wiped the dust off all the furniture. After that, I swept the floors carefully. After a while, my parents came back and were quite surprised to see all the rooms tidy and floors shining. My mother gave me a hug and I could see satisfaction in her eyes. Tired as I was, I never felt so happy.,


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