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1、有关个人资产状表格作者:日期:有关个人资产状况的表格1. PERSONAL NET WORTH STATEMENT(个人净资产声明)A complete and curre nt stateme nt of your total pers onal net worth is required. All assets and liabilities must be ide ntified. However, do not in elude pers onal items such as jewelry, furniture, etc., as the own ership of such ite

2、ms is difficult to verify.请提供最新与详尽的关于您所拥有的净资产状况的个人声明。所有的资产及负债均需要经过审核鉴定。基于以下个人物品评估鉴别的难度,您无须提供例如珠宝、家具等物品的情况。All assets listed must be your own pers onal hold ings and must be docume nted. The sources of any funds or assets in your possessi on for less tha n one year must be ide ntified.所有列出的财产必须是您个人所有

3、并且须有相关文件证明。您的任何少于12个月的投资基金或财产必须经过审核鉴定。You may be asked to present financial documents to support the information provided in this statement.您可能被要求提供有关的财务证明以说明在个人净资产声明中所列的信息属实。ASSETS (财产)2. BANK DEPOSITS(银行存款)BANK DEPOSITS 银行存款Current and Savings Acco unts (活期存款)(Specify currency)(请注明货币单位)Date ope ne

4、d (开户日期)Day 日 Month 月 Year 年Acco unt Number存款账号Curre nt Bala nce现有余额总计(加元)TOTAL CDN$Fixed deposits (定期存款)(Specify curre ncy)(请注明货币单位)Date of in itial deposit(起息日)Day 日 Month 月 Year 年Maturity Date(到期日)Day 日 Month 月 Year年Curre nt Bala nce现有余额3. PROPERTY (Use a separate page if necessary(房产)Complete ad

5、dress房产详细地址Year Purchased购买日期Mortgaged ( V是否有按揭Yes是No 否)Purchase Price购买价格Estimated curre nt market value(Specify curre ncy)评估价格(请注明货币单位)总计(加元)TOTALCDN$4. PUBLICLY TRADED STOCKS AND OTHER PASSIVE INVESTMENTS (Use a separate page if necessary)股票或其他投资(可另附页填写)Descripti on种类Qua ntity数量Estimated curre nt

6、 market value 评估价格(Specify Curre ncy)(请注明货币金额)总计(加元)TOTAL CDN$5. CANADIAN INVESTMENT FUND (INVESTOR APPLICANTS ONLY)加拿大投资基金(仅供商业投资申请者填写)Name of Fund资金名称Date purchased 日期Day 日 Month 月 Year 年Amo unt curre ntly in vested已投资金额总计(加元)TOTAL CDN$6. BUSINESS (Use a separate page if necessary)商业资产(可另附页填写)Name

7、企业名称% owned拥有股份%Curre nt book value现行市场价格(net assets)(净资产)Estimated curre nt market value评估价格(Specify curre ncy)(请注明货币单位)总计(加元)TOTAL CDN$7. PENSION, PROVIDENT FUND AND OTHER ASSETS (Use a separate page if necessary)养老金,准备基金及其他资产(可另附页填写)Descripti on种类Amount金额(Specify curre ncy)(请注明货币单位)总计(加元)TOTALCDN

8、$LIABILITIES 负债8. MORTGAGES (Use a separate page if necessary)房产按揭或抵押(可另附页填写)Complete Address详细地址Curre nt Bala nee现有余额Estimated curre nt market value评估价格(Specify curren cy)(请注明货币金额)总计(加元)TOTAL CDN$9. PERSONAL DEBTS (such as SHAREHOLDER/DIRECTORS LOAN, CHILD SUPPORT, ALIMONY) (Use a separate page if

9、necessary)个人负债 (例如股东/董事贷款,子女赡养费等)(可另附页填写)Nature of Obligati on债务名称Amount债务金额(Specify curre ncy)(请注明货币单位)总计(加元)TOTALCDN$10. NET WORTH 个人净资产Total Assets (2,3,4,5) + (6,7)资产总计 (2,3,4,5) + (6,7)CDN$ 加元Less 减Less 减Total Liabilities (8,9) 负债共计 (8,9)CDN$力卩元Which is distributed as follows:以上资产分配如下:a) Funds

10、in my possession on my arrival in Manitoba 前往 Manitoba 省所携带货币金额b) Funds to transfer to Manitoba at a later dated 随后转去 Manitoba 省的货币金额c) Funds already in Manitoba 已存放在 Manitoba 省的货币金额小计(请在B部分第7栏中填写此项金额)d) SUB-TOTAL (Report this amou nt in Part B, 7)e) Fu nds remai ning abroad.在国外的其它基金金额总计(加元)TOTAL CDN$=NET WORTH=净资产CDN$力卩元


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