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1、二年级英语教学设计1.Learn and talk some phrase“eating sleeping drawing flying a kite”and so on .2. Teach the students a new song.FocusHow to use the phrase of actions.AidsCards Tape-recorder computer stage-propertyTeachers ActivityStudentsActivityRe-preparationTeaching process一.Warming up(1) Lets sing songs.

2、(2) Ask somequestions about Childrens Day.二. Leading-in(1) Teacher do some activities.(2) Show a picture about picnic. Tell studens “today is sunny.Tingting is having a picnic with her family. Lets look at what are they doing?”三.Listening and reading activities.(一)(1) Play the tape.(2) Ask“what are

3、they doing? “(3) Tell the students to listen and translate the text.(4) Play the tapeagain. Askstudents to listen and repeat.(二)Do activity2 ask and answer in pairs.(三)Teach the students a new song.(四)Play the game about activity 4.Further development .(1) Show somepictures about Chilrens Day. Tell

4、the students that you are going to describe different pictures and they have to listen and point to the correct ones.(2) Do exercise book五.Homework.Let students show a pictures about familys party. And describe.(1) Sing songs, together.(2) Answer the questions.And they can do theActions.e.g. playing

5、, singing.Follow the teacher todo.Look and listen carefully.Listen two times follow the tape.Amswer :“Theyre .”Read and translate every sentencesfollow the teacher.Listen and repeat one by one.Two students in pairs.Student A ask.Student B answer.Sing and do the action.Say the words and mime the animals.Then talk about “whatare they doing?”Describe different pictureslisten and point to the correct ones.Do exercise bookFeed book【二年级英语教学设计】4


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