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1、浮吊式起重机控制的相关技术问题分析中英文翻译Floating crane crane control analysis of the related technical problems in both Chinese and En glish tran slati on1引言1 in troduct ion浮式起重机是重钢公司的瓶颈设备,是矿石原料入口通道的咽喉,该设备性能的优劣直接关系到公司的生存与发展,是全公司要改造的重点关键设备。由于该设备有举足轻重的作用, 在技术改造中既要先进,更要把安全可靠摆在头等地位, 因此在设计中先进科技设备和控制 技术成熟度是第一位的。浮式起重机是一个复杂的

2、系统,它的控制涉及众多工程技术问题, 是多技术系统应用的复合体。为了改善浮吊性能,保证该系统在高频率、大运量的情况下正 常运行,需对该浮吊的控制系统及相应的机械传动部分进行技术改造,改造后的控制系统应能适应设备年起卸矿石200万吨的作业状况。Floati ng crane is the bottle neck of Chongqing steel compa ny, is a ore raw materials into the throat of the entryway, this equipment fit and unfit quality directly related to th

3、e performanee of the companys survival and development, is the focus of the whole company to transform key equipme nt. Because the device has a sig ni fica nt role, both adva need in tech no logical tran sformati on, more safe and reliable to the top positi on, so in the desig n of adva need tech no

4、 logy equipme nt and con trol tech ni cal maturity is first. Floati ng crane is a complex system, its con trol in volves many engin eeri ng problems, is a complex tech no logy system applicati on. In order to improve the floating crane performanee, to ensure the system normal operation under the con

5、dition of high frequency, large capacity, for the floating crane control system and the corresp onding mecha ni cal tran smissi on part of the tech ni cal reno vati on, after modificati on of the con trol system shall be able to adapt to equipme nt in ore discharge 2 millio n tons of homework.控制系统改造

6、涉及起升及抓斗闭合电机(2 2X110kW)、旋转机构电机(2 2X30kW)以及变幅机构电机(2 X30kW)共计10台电机的驱动及调速,实现可靠的安全联锁和防误操作功能以及联合动作控制系统,还涉及联动操作台的改造。Con trol system in volved in lift ing and closed grab motor (2 x 2 x 110 kw), rotati ng body motor (2* 2 * 30 kw) and derricki ng gear motor (2 * 1 * 30 kw) for a total of 10 electric motor d

7、rive and con trol, to achieve reliable safety in terlock ing and preve nt wrong operati on function and joint moveme nt con trol system, also in volvi ng the lin kage work stati on.驱动系统能实现大范围的平稳调速及较快的速度提升性能(从启动到高速2.5s),同时解决抓斗闭合与提升电机间的受力平衡问题,速度调节能适应抓斗和吊装两种作业方式。Smooth drive system can realize a wide r

8、ange of speed regulatio n, and faster speed (2.5 s) from the start to the high speed performa nee, at the same time solve the grab force bala nee betwee n the closed and enhance motor problem, speed regulation can be adapted to grab and loading two operati on modes.控制系统要具备较高的安全可靠性及完备的防误操作功能;联动操作台要操作

9、简单易掌握,贴近原操作习惯,且有较高的使用寿命,适应频繁操作;整个系统能在高温高粉尘的恶劣环境下正常工作,适应正负百分之十的电网电压波动。因此,在系统功能实现上,有一定难度,以下就有关技术实现问题作些讨论。Control system requires higher safety and reliability and complete maloperation prevention function; Lin kage work stati on to operati on simple easy to master, close to the origi nal operatio n ha

10、bit, and has high service life and adapt to frequent operation; The whole system can work no rmally un der high temperature and high dust environment, to adapt to the power grid voltage fluctuati on of plus or minus perce ntage poin ts. As a result, the system function realizati on, has the certa in

11、 difficulty, the follow ing questi ons about tech no logy make some discussi on.2系统总体设计考虑2 system overall desig n con sideratio ns(1) 驱动系统设计及选型(1) drive system desig n and select ion为提高浮吊作业效率,既要提高驱动系统的速度响应,又要减少故障检修及常规检修的周期 和频率,采用变频调速方式可以很好的满足浮吊设备对于驱动系统的要求。To improve the efficie ncy of float ing cran

12、e operati ons, both to improve the speed resp onse of the drive system, and to reduce the troubleshooti ng and routi ne maintenance cycle and the freque ncy of using freque ncy con trol method can well meet the requireme nts of the float ing crane equipme nt for the drive system.变频器有很宽的调速范围,可以设定加减速时

13、间;良好的低速力矩特性使得电动机在启动和加速时能够获得大而且平滑的加速度;制动单元的接入又使得电动机在减速和停车时能够获得足够的制动力矩。上述特性保证了变频调速系统有很好的速度响应性能。Freque ncy con verter has a wide speed ran ge, can be set and decelerati on time; Good low speed torque characteristic enables the motor during starting and speed up to get big and smooth accelerati on; Acce

14、ss and makes the motor brake un its can gain eno ugh whe n to slow dow n and stop brake torque. These features en sure the speed variable freque ncy speed regulati on system has good resp onse performa nee.其多段速度功能的各段速度独立可调,可根据作业需要设定各种不同速度进行作业。Independence to the function of paragraphs multistage spe

15、ed is adjustable, can be homework accord ing to operati on n eed to set differe nt speed.变频器的平稳起动及制动特性减少了机械冲击,降低了结构损耗;启动电流较小,在频繁起动及制动中减少电机热损,延长电机寿命;变频器自身是高可靠性的通用标准设备,故障率极低,引入变频器后整机的故障率降低,维护量减少,间接地提高了作业效率。Smooth starti ng and brak ing characteristics of the in verter to reduce the mecha ni cal shock,

16、 reduce the loss of the structure; Small start ing curre nt, which reduces heat loss in the freque nt start ing and brak ing, exte nd the life of the motor; I nverter itself is the uni versal sta ndard equipme nt with high reliability, low failure rate, reduce the failure rate of the mach ine after

17、in troduci ng the freque ncy con verter, the maintenance qua ntity is reduced, in directly improve the worki ng efficie ncy.为提高操作器件的可靠性,采用多段速有级平滑调速方式。In order to improve the reliability of the operating device, USES the multistage velocity step smooth speed con trol mode.变频调速在低速情况及加减速过程中有明显的节电效果。Fre

18、que ncy con trol of motor speed in the process of low speed and decelerati on has obvious power savi ng effect.本系统选用的是日本安川公司的616G5系列起重专用型变频器,它能够方便的实现闭环矢量控制,可实现高达1:1000的调速比,高精度的速度控制,零速时可达到150%额定力矩,广泛的应用于起重行业。各电机原为绕线电机转子串电阻方式调速,改为变频调速后不需要更换电机,仅把电机转子回路短接即可。This system chooses 616 g5 series hoist ing An

19、 Chua n Japa nese compa ny is special in verter, it can be convenient to realize closed loop vector con trol system, can achieve as much as the latter speed ratio, high precisi on of speed con trol, zero speed can reach 150% whe n the rated torque, widelyapplied in the lift ing in dustry. Origi nall

20、y themotor winding speed regulati ng motor rotor stri ngresista nee way, dont n eed to replace the motor after cha nged to freque ncy con trol of motor speed, only take motor rotor circuit short.(2) 控制系统设计及选型(2) con trol system desig n and model selecti on起重设备涉及到一系列的安全问题,浮吊控制系统必须有很好的可靠性和完善的安全措施,保证即使

21、在操作失误的情况下也不会导致安全事故和设备损坏,为此本方案采用PLC来实现安全联锁和防误功能。除了紧急停机操作保留直接连线方式外,所有的操作均通过PLC程序来实现。本系统选用西门子公司6ES7 200系列紧凑型小型 PLC产品作为核心控制设备。Hoisting equipment involves a series of security problems, floating crane control system must have good reliability and improve the safety measures and guara ntee the eve n in th

22、e case of error will not cause safety accide nts and equipme nt damage, so this scheme adopts the PLC to realize the safety in terlock ing and the error fun ctio n. I n additi on to emerge ncy stop operat ing reserves the direct conn ecti on way, all operati ons are done by PLC program. This system

23、chooses the Sieme ns 6 es7-200 series compact small PLC as the core con trol device.(3) 联动操作台设计及选型(3) lin kage work stati on desig n and type select ion联动操作台是浮吊的唯一操作位置和人机界面,除了作为基本操作器的手柄式凸轮控制器 外,还设置了各种故障信号、紧急停机按钮、功能选择开关、允许操作钥匙开关等。Lin kage work stati on is the only locati on and man-mach ine in terfac

24、e operati on, floati ng crane as well as the basic operator han dle type CAM con troller, also set up all kinds of fault sig nal, the emerge ncy stop butt on, the function select ion switch, allows operati on key switch, etc.联动操作器作为浮吊主要操作设备,动作十分频繁,要求可靠并且有较长的使用寿命。本系统选用法国施耐德公司的XKB-E系列手柄式凸轮控制器,其操作灵活可靠,

25、手感好,使用寿命高达各方向100万次,以旋转及变幅操作器为例,即允许左旋右旋和变幅向前向后各操作100万次,根据浮吊作业频率估计,每台操作器大约可使用1年左右。Lin kage man ipulator as float ing crane main operat ing equipme nt, the moveme nt is very freque nt, requirements and reliable and has long service life. This system chooses the French schneider compa ny XKB - E series

26、lever type CAM con troller, its operati on is flexible and reliable, feel is good, the service life of up to 1 milli on times, the directi on to rotate and amplitude operator, for example, allowing a left-handed right-handed and transformer the backward and forward for 1 millio n times, accord ing t

27、o the floati ng crane operati on freque ncy estimates that each operator can be used about 1 years.当起升或抓斗部分出现故障时,需要将抓斗下放,为此设计了机械制动器释放踏板和允许此项操作的钥匙开关。When lifti ng or grab some malfu nctio n, you n eed to grab, this desig n the mecha ni cal brake release the pedal and allow the key switch of the opera

28、tio n.(4) 系统的环境适应性设计及选型(4) the system of en vir onmen tal adaptability desig n and type selecti on浮吊位于江边,主要任务是装卸矿石,工作在高温、高湿、高粉尘及振动环境,需要采取措施保证控制系统正常工作。Floating crane is located in the river, the main task is to load and unioad ore, work in high temperature, high humidity, dust and vibration environme

29、nt, some measures are needed to guara ntee the no rmal work of the con trol system.浮吊主卷扬室内的四台电机、所有的控制柜等均为发热体,夏天时将因排放热量困难而产生很高的环境温度,不利于控制系统正常工作。在该室加装有强制通风设备以改善散热条件。Float ing crane main winding in door all four motors and con trol cab inet are the heati ng eleme nt, heat in the summer they will diffic

30、ult to gen erate high temperature, un favorable to the normal work of the con trol system .In the chamber is equipped with forced ven tilati on equipme nt to improve the cooli ng con diti ons.起升及抓斗电机工作持续性较高,在长时间低速运行时由于内置风扇工作效率低而导致散热 能力差,改为外部强制风冷。Persiste nt high hoisti ng and grab motor work, duri n

31、g low speed running for a long time due to built-i n fan work efficie ncy low heat dissipati on ability is poor, in stead of exter nal forced air cooli ng.各控制柜采用进口柜体,密闭式结构可防止粉尘及湿气侵入,柜体上加装带过滤罩的强制通风风机以排放柜内热量,装有PLC的柜体装设柜用空调器,保证系统可以在-10-65 C的环境温度下正常工作。Each con trol cab inet adopts imported cab inet put

32、on eself in ano thers positi on, closed structure can preve nt dust and moisture in trusi on, cab inet put on eself in ano thers positi on with forced draft fan with filter cover on emissi ons of heat in side ark, cab inet put on eself in ano thers positi on with PLC tank equipped with air-condition

33、er, ensures that the system can be in - 10-65 C ambient temperature to work properly.各主要电气设备均选用具有抗振能力的进口设备。为了保证整个控制系统的高可靠性,本系统对于断路器、隔离开关、接触器以及按钮信号灯等低压电器统一选用了欧洲著名品牌,德国金钟一默勒公司的产品。All the main electrical equipment with ant-vibration ability of imported equipment. In order to en sure the high reliabilit

34、y of the con trol system, this system for circuit breaker, isolati ng switch, con tactor and butt on lights and other low voltage apparatus, uni fied use famous brand in Europe, the Germa n admiralty - moeller compa nys products.3控制系统详细设计3 con trol system desig n in detail3.1电气主回路设计中的几个问题Several pro

35、blems in 3.1 the main electrical circuit desig n(1) 电气保护(1) electric protecti on各支路入口用支路断路器作支路短路保护及后备过载保护,支路的过载保护、过压及欠压保护和其他保护则由变频器自身的保护功能承担。由隔离变压器提供控制电源及向PLC供电,以尽可能减小 PLC及控制元件受电源干扰导致工作不正常的可能性。隔离变压器前端设一 断路器作为短路保护及线路保护。The branch entrance with branch breaker branch reserve short circuit protection an

36、d overload protecti on, branch of the overload protect ion, over-voltage and un der-voltage protecti on and other protecti ons are borne by the in verters own protect ion. Provided by the isolati on tran sformer power supply and the power supply to the PLC control, PLC in order to minimize and contr

37、ol components interferenee by power lead to the possibility of work is not normal. Isolation tran sformer fron t-e nd for a circuit breaker as a short circuit protecti on and line protecti on.(2) 变频器出口隔离开关(2) the in verter export isolati ng switch电动机在检修或较长时间停止运行后,要进行绝缘检测,合格才能够投入运行,而变频器是电力电子类设备,不能进行常

38、规绝缘检测,为此,在各变频器之后都设置了隔离开关,以便在需要时方便地将变频器与电动机断开。Motor after maintenance or stop running a long time, must carry on the in sulati on test, qualified to put into operati on, the in verter is power electr onics equipme nt, cannot un dertake regular in sulati on test, therefore, set up in every in verter a

39、fter isolati ng switch, in order to convenient whe n you want to disc onnect in verter and motor.(3) 制动单元及制动电阻(3) the brak ing un it, brak ing resistor起升及抓斗电机在负荷下降时,重物的势能将转化成为电能,再由变频器附加的制动电阻将此电能转变为热能耗散掉,以达到平稳制动的目的。旋转及变幅电机也附加了制动电阻,作为减速过程中的制动手段。制动电阻是通过制动单元接入变频器的,制动单元能够根据需要自动投入和切除制动电阻。制动电阻安装在控制柜外专门的电阻安

40、装支架上。Hoisting and grab motor when the load decline, the weight of the potential energy will be con verted to electrical en ergy, aga in by additi onal in verter brak ing resistor to the electrical en ergy into heat en ergy dissipati on, to achieve the purpose of smooth brak ing. Rotati on and luffin

41、g motor brak ing resista nee is also attached, as the slowdow n in the process of brak ing. Brak ing resistor is through brak ing un it conn ected to the in verter, brake unit can in put and automatically accord ing to the n eed to remove brake resista nee. Braki ng resistor in stalled in a con trol

42、 cab inet outside special resista nee on the moun ti ng bracket.(4) 机械制动器控制(4) mecha ni cal brake con trol各电机的机械制动器由接触器控制。其中变幅制动器电源取自支路断路器后端,以保证只有在变频器支路已经得电时,机械制动器的得电释放才被允许。而提头和抓斗制动器由于需要保证故障时允许抓斗下放,故单独设计断路器加以保护。Mecha nical brake of the motor is con trolled by the con tactor. Which range of brake pow

43、er supply from the bypass circuit breaker back end, to en sure that only in the freque ncy con verter branch have electricity, mecha nical brake electric release would be allowed. And lift head and grab brake because of the n eed to en sure that whe n a failure allowed to grab bucket dow n, so the s

44、eparate desig n circuit breaker to protect it.(5) 旋转编码器(5) rotary en coder为防止在启动时机械制动器放开后重物突然下滑或变幅机构突然前倾,起升、抓斗及变幅电机的变频调速均采用闭环矢量模式,以获得较迅速的力矩响应。闭环回路的转速检测由装在电机轴端的旋转编码器实现。In order to preve nt mecha nical brake release at startup after heavy luffing mecha nism of sudde n drop or sudde n forward, lift ing, grab and luffing motor freque ncy con trol of motor speed adopts closed-loop vector model, to achieve a rapid torque resp on se. Closed loop speed detect ion by the rotary en coder on the motor shaft end.


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