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1、牛津译林九年级下册 9BUnit1知识梳理【短语归纳】世界2. the Palace Museum故宫4 .be used to do被用来做6 .be worth doing 值得做某事8 .every few hundred metres 每隔几百米1. the capital of China 中国首都3. used to do过去做某事5.be used to doing习惯于做某事7.early in the morning 清晨9.one of the wonders of the world的奇迹之一【重要句型】1.In the middle of the ancient cit

2、y of Beijing is the Palace Museum, also called the Forbidden City.在北京古城的中部是故宫博物院,也叫紫禁城。middle是名词,意为 中间,中央。in the middle of意为 在中间,既可用于空间,也可用于时间或活动等。【辨析】middle, centremiddle指长形物的中央、道路两侧的中间或某期间,表示的位置没有 centre精确,只与介词in连用。centre指圆、球或城巾的中心,只用于空|可,可与介词in或at连用。例 1. At the age of 18 he graduated from middle

3、school他 18 岁时中学毕业。例 2. A dog is lying in the middle of the road. 一条狗正躺在路中间。2 .The emperors of the Ming and Qing dynasties used to live there. 明朝和清朝的皇帝们过去居住 在那里。used to do sth意为 过去常常做某事”,通常指过去的习惯动作。例:My grandparents used to walk after suppe成的爷爷奶奶过去经常在晚饭后散步。【辨析】 used to do sth, be used to do sthr be u

4、sed to doing sth.used to do sth.意为过去常常做某事”,指过去经常做而现在不做了,是一 般过去时。be used to do sth.息为被用来做某事,相当于be used for doing sth.,是被动 结构。be used to doing sth.意为 习惯于做某事”,可用于任何时态,其中的to是介词, 后接名词或动词-ing形式。例 1. He used to be one of the professors.例 2. Computers can be used to play games. = Computers can be used for p

5、laying gam蜩而可以用来 玩游戏。3 .With wonderful buildings and art treasures inside, it is well worth a visit.它里面有令人惊叹的建筑和艺术珍品,很值得参观。worth是形容词,意为 有价值,值钱”,其后可接名词,但在接动词时,应用该动词的-ing形式或该动词不定式的被动形式,即 be worth doing sth或be worth to be donq意为值得做”。s worthiwopoinis题可以得 2 分。例 1. If you answer the question correctly, it

6、例 2. The mobile is worth buying/ to be bought.这部手机值得买。4 .Many tourists like to gather there early in the morning to watch the raising of the national flag.许多游客喜欢在清晨聚集在那里看升国旗。(1)句中动词不定式短语 to watch the raising of the national flag作目的状语。例:The teacher spoke loudly enough to make the students hear what h

7、e said.师说话声音足够大, 以 使 学生们听到他的话。(2) raising是名词,意为 升高”。例:He is watching the raising of the ba1100n.他正在观看气球的升高。【拓展】raise vt.筹集,招募,相当于collect。常用结构:raise for.意为 为筹集”。例:We are raising books and clothes for the students in poor are瞰们正在为贫困地区的学生筹集书籍 和衣物。I will raise enough money for my holiday.我将筹够钱去度彳贸。raise

8、 vt. & vi.举起,抬起,提高;养育,种植。例:If you have any question, raise your hand, pleas改口果你有问题,请举手。Do you know how people in the south raise rice?尔知道南方人如何种植水稻吗?【辨析】raise, riseraise是及物动词,意为 举起,升高,提高”,主要指借助外力在原有基础上的升高。riserise (rose, risen)用作不及物动词,意为 上升“升起“增长“提高“起身“。作 上升”讲时是 指继续上升,常用于日、月、云、雾、烟、水蒸气等;也可以指温度计、体温、物体、

9、 水位、职位等方面的上升。例 1. He raised his hand to wave.例 2. Anne raised her voice in order to be heard.5.Another famous attraction is the Great Wall.另一个著名景点是长城。attraction是名词,意为 吸引,吸引力,吸引人的事物”。【拓展】(1) attract v.吸引(某人的注意力、兴趣、情感等),引起(兴趣、关注等),使喜爱,后面 的宾语可以是人,也可以是物;如果与介词 to连用,则表示 把吸引到”。(2) attractive adj.有吸引力的,吸引人的

10、,有魅力的,引人注目的。例:She is a very attractive lady.她是一位非常有魅力的女士。例 1. My favourite attraction is Lijiang River.我最喜欢的名胜是漓江。例 2. The teacher attracts his students because of his excellent teaching位老师吸弓I他的学生是因为 他出色的教学。例3. She is a very attractive lady她是一位非常有魅力的女士。6.It runs for over 6,000 kilometres across nort

11、hern China, with watchtowers every few hundred metres.across表示横穿;穿过,着重指从物体表面的一边到另一边,也就是说从物体的表面穿过;through意为穿过,指从空间的一头纵穿到另一头,也就是说从物体的内部空间穿过、穿越;over 一股指在的上方(与该物体没有接触)例 1. He watched Karl run across the street to Tommy.例 2. There is a bridge over the river.7.1 t lies on the two sides of Lijiang River. 它

12、位于漓江的两岸。lie是动词,意为位于,相当于be或stand,其过去式是lay,过去分词是lain。例:Japan lies to the east of China 日本位于中国东面。【拓展】(1) lie vi.认躺,平卧,其现在分词形式是lying ,过去式是lay,过去分词是lain。常用结构: lie on.意为 躺在上面。例:He often lies on bed to read他经常躺在床上看书。(2) lie vt. & vi.说谎,撒说,其过去式和过去分词都是lied; lie作名词,意为谎言,谎话”,tell a lie 意为 说谎”。例:Lies can t cove

13、r the facts!掩盖不了事实。(3) lay vt.放;产(卵),下(蛋)。例: The hen lays an egg every day这只母鸡每天产一只蛋。例 1. The factoryjjes to the west of town.例 2. The hen laid three eggs.,有的向下悬垂,还有一些向上伸展。例 3. She lied to them, about her age in order to get the job.8.some hang down, and others point upwards.(1) hang是动词,意为 垂下,悬挂”。例:

14、My mother hung the washing on the line to dry.我的母亲把洗好的衣服挂在绳子上晾干。【拓展】hang vt. & vi.上吊,绞死。例:He hanged himself two hours after arriving at a mental hospital.他至U达精神病院两/、时后上吊自杀了。(2) point是不及物动词,意为 指,指向”。例:I asked him where the post office was and he pointed across the street.问他由B局在哪里,他指向大 街的对面。【固定搭配】poin

15、t at指着 (近处) point to指向(远处)point out指出,指明【拓展】point n.点,小数点,要点,尖端,(体育比赛中的)得分,是可数名词;pointed adj.尖的,尖锐的,明确的;pointedly adv.尖锐地,明确地。例:Our team scored six points in the game在比赛中我 4队获得了 6 分。He said, pointedly, your idea was not right.他尖锐地说出你的想法是不对的。例 1. It s rude to point at others with your fingers.2.1 hop

16、e you can visit my city one day!我希望有一天你能参观我的城市!句中one day意为宥一天,有朝一日”,指将来的某一天。one day也可以用来表示过去的 某一 天”,一般用于讲故事或叙述过去的事情,且放在句子开头。例:You will understand what I said one day.总有一天你会明白我所说的话的。One day, a boy got lost on his way home有一天,一个男孩在回家的路上迷路了。例 1. I hope I can pass the exam.10.Guilin is famous for its be

17、autiful landscape. 桂林以其美丽的景色而著称。be famous for意为 因/以而著名”,相当于be well-known for。例:Suzhou is famous for its silk.苏州以它的丝绸而闻名。【辨析】 be famous for, be famous as be famous tobe famousfor意为 以/因著名/出名/闻名”,for表示人或物之所以闻名的原 因,其后常接表示特点、特长的名词。be famous as意为 以(身份)而著名”,as后接表示职业的名词。be famousto意为 对来说是著名的,to后常接人。例1. Gong

18、 Li is famous for her fine acting.巩俐以她的精湛演技而著称。例 2. Qi Baishi was famous as an artist in the world齐白石作为画家而闻名于世。例3. The pop singer is famous to the young peopl就行歌手对于那些年轻人来说是著名的。【语法】1. it代词用法A)实义的it作代词时用来指代具体的内容:1 .指代上文提过的生物或非生物。复数形式为 they;2 .指代性别不明的婴儿或小孩;3 .指代不知道的人(尤指打电话和敲门的状态下);4 .指代前文出现的动作、状况和观点。汪忠

19、:指代宠物时,常可用he或she来代替it。如:他有一只宠物狗。她是他最好的朋友。 He has a pet dog. She is his best friend.8 ) it作非人称代词表示时间、日期、天气、距离、自然现象等,我们用 it作形式主语。此时,it无实际意义但不可 以省略。如:It is half past twelve.It is 25 November today.It is fine today.It is two kilometres to the post office.2. it作形式主语it作形式主语时,替代不定式短语、动名词短语及名词性从句,把这类较长的主语移至

20、句尾,使句子显得匀称。例如:It is a great pleasure to be working with you.It is necessary for you to obey the order.It is no use crying over spilt milk.It was fortunate that there was a doctor at the spot.注意:It is + 形容词 + (of / for )+ to do sth.表示 做某事对某人来说怎么样”相当于To do sth is +adj. + for sb这一句型中的形容词常为描述事 件或动作的形容词,

21、 如 important, interesting, necessary, difficult, easy, useful, impossible, pleasar#; It is + 形容词 + (of / for )+ to do sth.表示 某人做了某事怎么样”,相当于sb is +adj. + to do sth这一句型中的形容词常为描述行为者 的性格品质的形容词, 如 good, kind, clever, polite,careful, lazy,right,wrong 等。3. it作形式宾语it作形式宾语,替代不定式短语、动名词短语及名词性从句,后接宾语补足句,把这类较长的宾 语移至宾语补足句之后,使句子显得匀称。例如:We consider it foolish of him to meet her.Jane found it dull working at the kitchen sink all day. 例 1. George made it clear that he disagreed.例 2. It doesn t matter what he thinks.


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