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1、赤峰二中2015级高三下学期最后一次模拟考试英语试题第卷第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)(略)第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第一节 (共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。ASupply Primary Teachers NeededWe work with a group of Good and Excellent schools located across London. We are looking for excellent teachers who have a passion f

2、or teaching and are looking for new opportunities.About Supply TeachingSupply teaching gives you the freedom and flexibility to work at a variety of different schools. You have the option of day-to-day supply or long-term supply, which could lead to a full time employment.You would be required to ha

3、ve a great understanding of the primary curriculum(课程). If you have experience, then please dont hesitate to apply.You would be working with students who have varied needs.We are looking for able and devoted teachers who are able to teach and engage with the whole class while teaching.Supply roles a

4、re great for experienced teachers and newly qualified teachers looking to gain experience.Key ResponsibilitiesTo teach effective lessons that inspire and lead to rapid progress from all students.To plan and prepare effective schemes of work and lessons.To use regular assessments to set targets for s

5、tudents, and monitor their progress.To maintain regular and productive communication with students and parents.The Perfect Candidate Must hold a university diploma.Able to work well within a team. Strong understanding of the primary curriculum. Able to create interesting and engaging lessons for stu

6、dents.Deadline: Apply by Thursday, 4th January 2018 at 9 am. Contact USPlease dont hesitate to contact us at ASQ Education.If you feel like this is not quite the right role for you, please still contact us at ASQ Education, we have a variety of roles in Primary and Secondary School.21. What main dut

7、ies should a supply teacher take?A. Plan, prepare and teach effective lessons.B. Guide students to experience after-school activities.C. Set targets to become a full time employee.D. Make sure of the students freedom and flexibility.22. Which of the following is not suitable to be a supply teacher?A

8、. One who has a clear idea of primary curriculum.B. One who has great passion for teaching.C. One who has teaching experience.D. One who likes working alone.23. If you want to apply for the position, you should _.A. have humorous personalityB. apply before 4th January 2018 at 9 am C. contact the sch

9、ools located across London directly D. prepare a lesson and communicate with parents in advanceBToday, I felt terrible-my head was full of problems and confusion. I decided to take a walk even though I didnt know where I would go. The most extraordinary thing happened when I was out on this walk. I

10、saw an old man sitting on a chair. He was a seller of second-hand shoes. He seemed so tired and nobody was buying his shoes.I wanted to give him something but I had not brought anything with me. Then, a little girl came toward him. I heard the child say, Grandfather, may I polish your shoes? That ol

11、d man took pity on her, smiled and he gave her a shoe to polish. The girl said, I polish the shoe because I need money to buy my brother a new school uniform. The old man answered, Oh, little girl. Just stop doing this. Come with me and I will buy you a uniform.Then they walked to a market (I follow

12、ed behind) and he bought her a uniform. The girl was so happy. She said, Thank you so much for doing this. Then she left, leaving the old man smiling. He walked away from the market, but I stopped him.I whispered in his ear, You are a hero! Thank you for your kindness! As I walked away, I glanced ba

13、ck and I could see him still smiling. I was blown away by the kindness I had just seen. Someone who had so little himself was able to show such incredible generosity! Amazing!My own sadness had completely disappeared, chased away by the light of this kind act. I began realizing that I have a lot to

14、be thankful for. 24. Why did the girl want to polish shoes for the old man?A. To support the old mans business.B. To show her pity on the old man.C. To earn money to buy something to her brother.D. To attract the attention of passers-by to buy more shoes.25. What can we know about the old man from t

15、he passage?A. He has not enough to eat and wear.B. He is very cold to others.C. He is a kind and generous man.D. He is in a poor health condition.26. What words can be described the girls character?A. Friendly and caring. B. Greedy and kind.C. Enthusiastic and impatient. D. Mean and sad. 27. What ma

16、y the author learn from the old man?A. Compared with helping others, personal sadness is not important. B. One should live by ones own work not by others help.C. One shouldnt look down upon the one who needs help.D. Even though one has little, he should try to help others.CAdults perform better when

17、 they have a lot to gain or lose. But scientists did not know whether teens did too. To find out, Insel asked 88 people between the ages of 13 and 20. She had them try a game. The participants looked at pictures of planets on a computer screen. They had to click as fast as they could when they saw a

18、 planet with designs. They were not supposed to click if a planet had no designs. The participants could earn 20 cents for right answers but lose 10 cents for wrong ones. In other sessions, theyd get a dollar for right answers, and lose a half dollar for wrong ones. Players of all ages wanted to win

19、 the money, and cared more about bigger rewards than smaller ones.As Insel expected, adults performed better when the stakes were high. But teens 13 to 18 played just as well whether they stood to win 20 cents or a dollar. Only 19- or 20-year olds stepped up their game for the higher stakes. Insels

20、team published this work November 28, 2017, in Nature Communications.Brains change and mature during adolescence. And not all parts grow at the same rate. Insel was interested in two areas in particular. One is deep inside the brain and just above the ears. Called the ventral striatum (腹侧纹状体), it he

21、lps the brain calculate rewards. The ventral striatum becomes mature during the teen years.The brains prefrontal cortex (前额叶) takes longer to mature. This area is important for planning and setting goals. It may not mature until early adulthood.Nerve pathways think of them as the brains wiring conne

22、ct the ventral striatum and prefrontal cortex. This lets the two regions communicate to make decisions. But because the prefrontal cortex matures later, the wiring between the two may not be complete until adulthood. 28. Which of the following can explain Insels research?A. Teens ignore key points i

23、n many aspects.B. Adults behave better with higher rewards.C. Teens give more attention to exams than usual work.D. Adults behave more maturely than children in every way. 29. What does the underlined word stakes refer to?A. The final results of games or experiments.B. The things that can be gained

24、or lost in races.C. The ambitions or energies that one experiences in games.D. The powers that make one feel less pressure or pain. 30. From the passage, we can know _.A. the experiment aims to find out adults behaviour facing high stakesB. teens have better performances in the first roundsC. adults

25、 care less about the experiment at firstD. adults and teens show differently with high stakes31. Which is the best title of the passage?A. Unlike adults, teens dont perform better with high stakes B. Who perform better, adults or children?C. Stakes are the key points in promoting ones passionD. Whet

26、her low stakes or high stakes, one behaves similarlyDAttempting to open very old books and records without damaging them can be difficult, but scientists in Switzerland say they have improved a method to read age-old documents without even touching them.Researchers at the Swiss Federal Institute of

27、Technology are using radiation, in the form of x-rays, to create images of the documents. This method is called X-ray computed tomography or X-Ray tomography.On a recent day, the researchers used X-ray tomography to read from a small 14th century document. Giorgio Margaritondo is working on the proj

28、ect. Reading from the document, he noted, in the year 1351, a young lady from Venice.wrote a testament, and then the testament was sealed, and remained sealed for all these many centuries.Italian officials are planning to use X-Ray tomography to build an open digital system in the State Archives of

29、Venice. Margaritondo says, What you find inside the Archives are not only small documents. But most of the items are huge volumes the size of a table, and so we must be able in the future to look inside them.Many of the documents show signs of weathering, and are easily broken. Fauzia Albertin is al

30、so working on the project. She says, We need a technique to read inside them. Thanks to the use for thousands of years of iron-based inks we can read them using X-rays.Albertin is also with the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology. The researchers have a lot of work to keep them busy. The State Arc

31、hives of Venice has a huge number of records. They were produced over a period of about 1,000 years. The documents cover about 80 kilometers of shelf space.32. What writing method does the third paragraph use?A. Description. B. Giving examples. C. Comparison. C. Listing figures.33. What plays import

32、ant role in reading old documents?A. The suitable weather. B. The sizes of the documents.C. The ancient writing tools. D. The years of the old books.34. Whats the passage mainly about?A. Attempting to open very old books with new technology.B. The value of the old documents hidden many years ago.C.

33、Scientists have made important improvements.D. All old documents can be opened by high-tech.35.Where may the passage be taken from?A. A transport magazine. B. A travel journal. C. A science report. D. A physics textbook.第二节 (共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分) 根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。Here are some wa

34、ys of encouraging a friend to get through a difficult time. 1. Make contact. When you find out that someone is going through a crisis, get in contact with them as soon as possible. If the person is far away, make a phone call or send an email. -36- This is especially important if theyre dealing with

35、 an illness that makes it difficult to leave the house.2. Listen to them without judgment. People need to tell their stories in their own time. Of course youre going to have opinions about their situation. -37- Focus on your friend, so they work through the healing process.3. Offer practical help. I

36、nstead of offering advice, what you can offer is some actual help. This can make a huge difference for them. -38- Help them out with some chores like doing their grocery shopping for them, helping clean their house, and taking their dog for a walk. 4. -39- When someone is going through a difficult l

37、ife event, the basic functions of life tend to get forgotten. They possibly forget to eat or stop caring for their appearance. Remind them to do things like shower, and exercise. 5. Dont take over their life. Taking over their life may overwhelm them. -40- Dont just take your friend to dinner, ask t

38、hem where and when they want to dine. Letting them make decisions, even if theyre small decisions, can go long way towards reclaiming their power.A. Even doing some little things can make a difference.B. You should offer options to them.C. Sometimes visiting someone in person is also effective. D. Y

39、ou should use your past experiences to help them.E. But it isnt always necessary to share your advice.F. Its better to be there for them.G. Encourage your friend to keep up with the life basics.第三部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面的短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑

40、。Today my son didnt feel well and came home from school early. I decided to take him to lunch. On the way, he saw a woman pushing her cart along the street. He said to me, Ma, shes wearing baseball cleats(夹板) as -41-. I just wish I made enough money to be able to -42- a pair of comfortable shoes for

41、 -43- I see that doesnt have shoes.We drove to a shopping center and he went inside. He -44- thought out what hed get. He -45- the most comfortable and the longest lasting shoes that would keep her -46- too. He -47- two pairs: athletic shoes and also boots for the winter, along with a six pack of so

42、cks. We drove back to find her and give her this -48-. I had no intention of taking a -49-, but I was holding my phone as I saw her reach up to -50- him. It choked me up and I couldnt -51- that moment. I opened the camera as quickly as I could and -52- it. It brought tears to my eyes as he hugged he

43、r and then helped her -53- the tags and put them on. He quietly got back into the -54- and he sat there for a minute or so. When he looked over at me he said, Ma, today is her birthday. She was so -55-.He didnt ask questions or talk -56- about her situation. He simply -57-. He took basically one wee

44、k of his pay and made this ladys birthday -58-. I challenge everyone to love a -59- with the -60- of a child. Show compassion and give what you can. It doesnt have to be a lot. 41. A. sticksB. clothes C. bagsD. shoes42. A. buyB. sellC. grabD. make43. A. someoneB. everyoneC. nobodyD. her44. A. roughl

45、yB. quicklyC. carefullyD. lately45. A. wantedB. gained C. leftD. guessed46. A. coolB. warmC. prettyD. graceful47. A. passedB. presentedC. choseD. watched48. A. goodsB. giftC. decorationD. donation49. A. seatB. placeC. messageD. picture50. A. hugB. touchC. holdD. catch51. A. noticeB. recordC. describ

46、eD. miss52. A. aimedB. attractedC. capturedD. fixed53. A. take offB. take outC. take overD. take down54. A. shopB. carC. stationD. cinema55. A. surprisedB. interestedC. pleasedD. bored56. A. positivelyB. pitifullyC. honestlyD. negatively57. A. laughedB. wishedC. caredD. worried58. A. meaninglessB. s

47、pecial C. trueD. popular59. A. strangerB. friendC. relativeD. member60. A. performanceB. behaviorC. innocenceD. Taste第卷第三部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。One weekend, Roberta Ursreys family went to the seaside for a travel. At first, everything went well. But suddenly, Roberta Ursrey saw her two sons 61 _ (struggle) against the tide 100 yards o


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