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1、Guilin landscapeEast or west, Guili n Ian dscape is best.Guilin is one of Chinas most picturesque cities, with a population of 670,000, situated in the no rtheast of the Guan gxi Zhua ng Aut onom ous Regi on of the Peoples Republic of China on the west bank of the Lijia ng River (also called the Li

2、River). Its name means forest of Sweet Osma nthus, owi ng to the large nu mber of fragra nt Sweet Osma nthus trees located in the city. Its scenery is reputed by many Chinese to be the finest under heaven, or directly from Chinese: the mountains and rivers in Guili n are the nu mber one un der the h

3、eave n.The Li River originates in the Maoer Mountains in Xingan county and flows through Guili n, Yan gshuo and Pi ngle, dow n in to the Xi Jia ng, the western tributary of Pearl River in Wuzhou, its course of 437 kilometers is flanked by green hills.Cormorant fishing is oftenassociated with Lijia n

4、g river. Its unique hillsides was ofte n make a comparison for their similar shape and geographical structure with Halong Bay, Viet nam.Along the 100-kilometer stretch of the Li River, mountain peaksrise into the sky. It is one of Chin as most famous sce nic areas.1. Reed-Flute Rock: a limest one ca

5、ve with a large nu mber of stalactites, stalagmites, stalacto-stalagmites, rocky curtains, and cave corals.2.Seven-Star Park: the largest park in Guilin.3. Mountain of Sple ndid Hues: a mountain con sist ing of many layers of variously colored rocks.4. Elepha nt-Tr unk Hill: a hill that looks like a

6、 gia nt elepha nt drinking water with its trunk. It is symbol of the city of Guilin.5. Lin gqu Can al: dug in 214 BC, is one of the three big watercon servatio n projects of an cie nt China and the oldest exist ing canal in the world.6. Other attractionsinclude: Duxiu Peak, Nanxi Park, the TaohuaRiver, the Giant Banyan, and the Huashan-Lijiang National Folklore Park.10英一刘艺21


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