春五年级英语下册 Unit 2 We are going to do some research单元综合测试卷2 湘少版-湘少版小学五年级下册英语试题.doc

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春五年级英语下册 Unit 2 We are going to do some research单元综合测试卷2 湘少版-湘少版小学五年级下册英语试题.doc_第1页
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春五年级英语下册 Unit 2 We are going to do some research单元综合测试卷2 湘少版-湘少版小学五年级下册英语试题.doc_第2页
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春五年级英语下册 Unit 2 We are going to do some research单元综合测试卷2 湘少版-湘少版小学五年级下册英语试题.doc_第3页
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春五年级英语下册 Unit 2 We are going to do some research单元综合测试卷2 湘少版-湘少版小学五年级下册英语试题.doc_第4页
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春五年级英语下册 Unit 2 We are going to do some research单元综合测试卷2 湘少版-湘少版小学五年级下册英语试题.doc_第5页
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《春五年级英语下册 Unit 2 We are going to do some research单元综合测试卷2 湘少版-湘少版小学五年级下册英语试题.doc》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《春五年级英语下册 Unit 2 We are going to do some research单元综合测试卷2 湘少版-湘少版小学五年级下册英语试题.doc(8页珍藏版)》请在三一文库上搜索。

1、Unit2 单元测试卷听力部分一、听音,选词填空。( ) 1. Colin likes collecting _.A. pictures B. maps( ) 2. Were going to research _ in China.A. animals B. plants( ) 3. Were going to find _ on the map.A. places B. rivers( ) 4. Can you find the _?A. panda B. tiger( ) 5. Put some _ in the glass.A. milk B. juice二、听音,找出下列小朋友打算研

2、究的动物,并用直线连接。 1. Daming A. 2. Fangfang B. 3. Tom C. 4. Anne D. 5. Peter E. 三、听录音,选出你所听到的句子。( ) 1. A. What are we going to do today?B. What are we going to do tomorrow?( ) 2. A. Were going to collect photos.B. Were going to collect pictures.( ) 3. A. We are going to think about the animals.B. We are g

3、oing to talk about the animals.( ) 4. A. I am going to read the textbook.B. I am going to find the textbook.( ) 5. A. Are you going to put soil into a glass?B. Are you going to put oil into a glass?四、听音,判断句子正误。( ) 1. Draw some pictures.( ) 2. Show your book.( ) 3. Put the glass in the sun.( ) 4. Thi

4、nk about the wild animals.( ) 5. Were going to write a report.五、听音,完成短文。Kevin and his friends are going to do some research. They are going to research the old _ in Beijing. First, theyre going to _ some books. Theyre going to took some _ of these old houses. They are going to write a report about t

5、he _ houses.笔试部分一、看图,连接相应的单词。(1) A. seeds(2) B. pictures(3) C. textbook(4) D. glass(5) E. soil二、看图读句子,选择与句子意思相符的图片。(1) A. Tom is going to write a report.(2) B. Grandmother is going to read a newspaper.(3) C. The children are going to find the city on the map.(4) D. Jimmy is going to collect some pic

6、tures. 三、单项选择。( ) 1. We _ have a computer lesson tomorrow afternoon.A. is going to B. are going to C. was going to( ) 2. He _ here next month.A. isnt working B. doesnt working C. wont work( ) 3. They _ have a party next week.A. will B. are C. is going to( ) 4. There _ a show in the zoo tomorrow even

7、ing.A. is B. are C. will be( ) 5. Mother _ me a present on my next birthday.A. gives B. gave C. will give四、连词成句。(注意句子的首字母要大写)1. going, read, stories, were, to (.)_2. play, to, Amy, going, Snow White, is (.)_3. picture, here, her, is (.)_4. to, are, what, going, we, do (?)_5. school, we, going, are,

8、to, talk about, our (.)_五、读短文,完成题目。 This is from Annes note book:My group is going to study flowers. We are going to research flowers in France. First, we are going to read the textbook. We are going to collect pictures of these flowers. We are going to take photos of them. We are going to study the

9、 flowers and write a report at last.(1) This is _ notebook.(2) Her group is going to study _ in France.(3) First, they are going to _.(4) They are going to collect _.(5) They are going to take photos of _.参考答案听力部分听力材料一、1. Colin likes collecting pictures. 2. Were going to research plants in China.3.

10、Were going to find rivers on the map. 4. Can you find the panda?5. Put some milk in the glass.二、1. Daming is going to research the pandas in Sichuan.2. Fangfang is going to research the horses in England.3. Tom is going to research the elephants in Yunnan.4. Anne is going to research the monkeys in

11、China.5. Peter is going to research the birds in America.三、1. What are we going to do tomorrow? 2. Were going to collect photos.3. We are going to talk about the animals. 4. I am going to read the textbook.5. Are you going to put soil into a glass.四、1. Draw some pictures. 2. Show your book. 3. Put t

12、he glass in the sun.4. Think about the old people in China. 5. Were going to write a story.五、Kevin and his friends are going to do some research. They are going to research the old houses in Beijing. First, theyre going to read some books. Theyre going to took some pictures of these old houses. They

13、 are going to write a report about the old houses.听力答案一、1-5 ABBAA二、1-5 ACBED三、1-5 BABAA四、1-5 五、houses; read; pictures; old笔试答案一、(1)-(5) BEACD二、(1)-(4) CABD三、1-5 BCACC四、1. We are going to read stories.2. Amy is going to play Snow White.3. Here is her picture.4. What are we going to do?5. We are going to talk about our school.五、(1) Annes(2) flowers(3) read the textbook(4) pictures of these flowers(5) these flowers


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