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1、好运查理/查莉成长日记/Good Luck Charlie 第一季第三集S01E03 The Curious Case of Mr.DabneyHi, Charlie. its your big sister Teddy with my video diary.嘿 Charlie 这是你姐姐Teddy 在录视频日记So today, I want to talk to you about best friends.今天 我要和你聊聊关于好朋友的话题You bragging about me again?你又在夸耀我了吧Huh. yeah, this is Ivy. shes my BFF.噢

2、这是 Ivy 她是我的最好的朋友Im also her hero, 我还是她的英雄The wind beneath her wings, the hip in her hop,她是锅来我是盖她是风儿我是沙The peanut to her butter.她是绿叶我是花- I am- - the mouth that wouldnt shut.- 我就是 - 那张说个没完的嘴Lets see how were looking.瞧瞧我们看上去如何Perfect!很完美- Id date us. - Id marry us.- 我都想同咱俩约会- 我都想同咱俩结婚So whats the big n

3、ews?好吧 有什么重大新闻吗you are not gonna believe what I did for you 你绝对不敢相信我为你做了什么I saw the cutest guy working at the mall food court 我看到了一个超帅的男孩在商场的美食广场工作And pause for dramatic effect为了戏剧效果我们暂停一下Tomorrow Im going to talk to him.明天我要过去跟他搭讪How is this something youre doing for me?这算哪门子你为我做的事Maybe he has a fr

4、iend. the cute ones always have a friend.也许他还有朋友啊可爱的人总会有朋友的I mean, I have you, right?就像 我有你 对吧Hi, girls. What you doing?嘿 姑娘们 忙什么呢Nothin.没什么- Hows it going, Ivy? - Real good.- 最近好吗Ivy - 很好Ignore her. shell go away.别理她 她就会走开的You girls are always on those phones.你们这些孩子总是在玩手机- Who are you texting now?

5、- Nobody.- 你在和谁发短信呢- 没和谁发I wish I could do that.真希望我也会发短信Hey, then you and I could text each other.嘿 那样的话你和我就能互相发短信了Wouldnt that be fun?那样岂不是很好玩Oh my gosh, mom, Id love that!哦 天呐 妈妈 那样就太棒了Eww!才怪- I dont think I can text from this phone. - oh, well.- 但是我学不会怎么发短信- 哦 那就没办法啦Sure you can, Miss D. whats y

6、our number?你肯定能学会的Duncan 女士 你手机号多少Five five five, zero one three four.555-0134Not ignoring.别理她啊What is that noise?什么声音I just sent you a text.我刚给你发了条短信Just hit that button to read it.按一下这个键就可以看了Well, look at that.哦 快看啊Oh, thats funny, Ivy.哦果然很好玩IvyThen your response is lol.那你就该回复个lollaugh out loud.就是

7、“放声大笑”No- no, mom. you dont do it, you type it.不是 不是的 不是让你笑出声来而是把它打出来Or if you want to get a little saucy,如果你想更俏皮点的话You can wink.你可以眨下眼Not there. There.不是真眨是打出来Just a semicolon and parentheses.就是打一个分号和括号Oh, that does look like a wink.哦 看起来确实像在眨眼睛I cant believe Im finally a texter.真不敢相信我也会发短信了Lets se

8、e if it works from the kitchen!来看看我从厨房发短信你们能不能收到- WHYD? - What have you done?- WHYD - 看你干的好事Days all burnt toast生活搞得一团糟Running late, and dad says就要迟到爸爸在叫Has anybody seen my left shoe 我左脚的鞋子有没有人看到I close my eyes, take a bite我闭上双眼咬口早餐Grab a ride, laugh out loud跳上车子放声大笑There it is up on the roof就在这里我们的

9、家Ive been there, Ive survived我也曾这样生活我已经顺利走过So just take my advice所以请听取我的建议Hang in there, baby, things are crazy 宝贝 不要放弃世界有很多疯狂无奈But I know your future is bright 可是我知道你会有美好未来Hang in there, Baby宝贝 不要放弃There is no maybe不要怀疑Everything turns out all right一切终会如你所愿Sure life is up and down 生活有悲有喜But trust m

10、e, it comes back all around可是请相信我坚持就有好结果Youre gonna love who you turn out to be 你会喜欢将来的你Hang in there, Baby宝贝 不要放弃Yeah!耶Yeah, this is way more fun since youve learned how to clap.自从你学会鼓掌后这就比以前好玩多了Dont ignore me!别装作没听见When I tell you to do something, I expect you to do it!每次我跟你说去做什么事的时候我希望你真的去做Get of

11、f my back, woman!少啰嗦 老女人You want me off your back? I can arrange that.你想我少啰嗦吗我求之不得呢Charlie, those are our neighbors, the Dabneys.Charlie 他们是我们的邻居Dabney 一家Theyve been married a long time.他们已经结婚很久很久了Hey, PJ,嘿 PJI just kicked the football into the Dabneys backyard.我刚把橄榄球踢进Dabney 家的后院了Will you go get it

12、?你能去把它拿回来嘛No way! theyre going at it again.没门 他们又得发飙了- Well, what about the football? - Who cares?- 那橄榄球怎么办- 谁在乎啊Its gone. Kiss it goodbye.它已经没了和它告别吧Well, Im glad to hear you say that好吧 我很高兴你这么说Because it was your football.因为那是你的橄榄球Ha! I warned you!哈 我早警告过你的Thats what you get for being a bad husband

13、!这就是你当恶丈夫的下场And now youre dead!现在你终于死了Is somebody out here?外面有人吗Whos out here?谁在外面- Wheres the football? - Forget the football!- 橄榄球呢- 别提橄榄球了Mrs Dabney just murdered Mr Dabney!Dabney 太太刚把Dabney 先生谋杀了What?! 什么I heard her talking to his corpse.我听到了她和他的尸体说话It was chilling. 吓死我了Just so Im clear, you did

14、nt get the football? 你直说我就能明白橄榄球你没拿回来对吗- Im serious, Gabe. - Come on.- 我是认真的Gabe - 拜托Mrs Dabney may be a mean, vicious, cruel,Dabney 太太也许是个小气恶毒 残忍horrible, nasty old witch, 可怕 讨厌的老巫婆But shed never do something like that. 但是她不可能干出这种事的- You dont believe me? - No.- 你不相信我吗- 不信Fine. fine, Ill prove it.好吧

15、 好吧 我会证明给你看的Come here, Gabe.过来 GabeHello?喂Is Mr Dabney home?Dabney 先生在家吗He. cant come to the phone.他 现在接不了电话Interesting.奇怪了Who is this?你是谁Uh- Im some sort of salesman.呃 我算是个推销员吧Gabe, is that you?Gabe 是你吗Why would you assume my name is gabe?你为什么认为我叫GabeBecause I have caller ID.因为我有来电显示Oh. then yeah,

16、its Gabe.哦 是的 我是 GabeHey!嘿Whoo! Shes cool under pressure, Ill give her that.哇 她在重压之下还是很冷静啊起码我能确认这一点- PJ, shes not a murderer. - I heard what I heard, gabe.- PJ 她不是凶手- 我听得很清楚GabeWhy dont you believe me?你为什么不肯相信我Because youre you and you get things wrong.因为这是你说的啊而你总是把事情搞错What are you saying, that Im d

17、umb?你什么意思觉得我是白痴吗Well, no.呃 不是Youre just not very.你只是不怎么- thinky. - thinky?- 动脑筋 - 动脑筋Gabe, why would you say something like that?Gabe 你为什么这么说cause mom said I cant call you dumb.因为妈妈不许我叫你白痴It is so pathetic.太悲剧了My moms in the kitchen texting away.我妈妈居然在厨房发短信呢Gosh, Id hate to be on the other end of th

18、at conversation.天呐 和她聊短信的那个人可有得受了Who are you texting?你在和谁发短信呢- Your mom. - I am so sorry.- 你妈妈 - 我很抱歉Look, I promise Ill get her out of your hair.听着 我保证会让她不再烦你的No, its okay. Your moms cool.不 没事的 你妈妈挺酷的My mom is what?我妈妈挺什么And shes really funny.而且她真的很风趣My mom is what?我妈妈很什么Wait, thats her again.等下 她又

19、发短信来了What are you talking about with my mom?你在和我妈妈聊什么呢- Nothing. - Nothing?!- 没什么 - 没什么Thats what we say to her!从来都是我们这么敷衍她的Hold on, I have to lol her.等下 我得回个lol 给她Okay, well lol has officially lost all meaning.好吧 看来 lol 已经失去它的意义了Im sorry. is this a problem for you?我很抱歉你有什么不满的吗No, I just think its a

20、 little bit inappropriate.不 我只是觉得这样有点不太合适Inappropriate? Now you sound like my mother.不太合适你现在说话的口气跟我妈妈一样了Well, how would you know what your mother sounds like?是吗 你怎么知道你妈妈口气是什么样的Youve been spending so much time with mine!你都花了这么多时间和我妈妈泡在一起了What are you getting so whacked about?你有什么别扭的啊You didnt want to

21、 text her.你又不愿意跟她发短信Well yeah, thats because shes my mom, not my friend.没错 那是因为她是我妈妈不是我朋友Wouldnt you be weirded out if I was texting your mom? 如果我给你妈妈发短信你就不觉得很怪异吗Yes. Because she doesnt have a cell phone.会啊 因为她都没有手机Look, T, if youre not cool with this,听着 T 如果不喜欢这样Ill just stop.我就不再发了No no, I dont ca

22、re. I mean, its a free country.不用 我才不在乎呢我是说 这是个自由国家Go crazy- text my mom,继续疯吧给我妈妈发短信IM my dad, video-chat my aunt Helen.给我爸爸发即时消息和我姑姑Helen 视频聊天Ooh! your aunt Helen?哦 说起你的姑姑HelenYour mom says she is da bomb diggitty!你妈妈说她超炫My mom really said da bomb diggitty?我妈妈真的说了“超炫”吗Well, I may have added that pa

23、rt.那个 也可能是我自己加上的吧PJ, youve got to stop watching these mysteries.PJ 你不能再看那些悬疑推理电影了Not until i figure out how to catch Mrs Dabney.在没找到抓住Dabney 太太的方法之前我是不会罢休的These old movies are gonna help me do that.这些老电影会教我怎么破案的Thats like saying cartoons will teach you这就好比说动画片能教你穿墙术how to run through walls.这就好比说动画片能

24、教你穿墙术Learned that the hard way.我吃过苦头知道那行不通Mom! Can you get that?!妈妈 你能去开门吗Sure, Ill get the door. I am a lot closer to it.没问题 我来开了我比你离门近多了Hello, Mrs. dabney.你好 Dabney 夫人- Hello. - Come on in.- 你好 - 请进吧Heads up! killer in the house.小心 杀人犯来家里了What have they done this time?他们这次又闯什么祸了For once, nothing-

25、that I know of.就这一次据我所知还没闯祸Its nice to see you too.我也很高兴见到你Id like to speak with your husband, please.我想和你丈夫说点事谢谢Ill let him know youre here.我这就告诉他你来找他了Im a texter now.我现在开始用短信了Im texting.我正给他发短信呢Really speeds things up.真是事半功倍啊Somebody lose a ball today?今天谁丢球了吗Possibly. Did you lose anything today,

26、Mrs Dabney?也许吧 你今天失去什么了吗Dabney 夫人Honey, what does this mean somebodys at the doof.亲爱的 这什么意思 “有人在 doof ”OMG!我的老天I meant door!我是想说在门口的TTYL.等会再和你说What can I do for you, Mrs Dabney?有什么事吗Dabney 夫人- Youre an exterminator, right? - pest control specialist.- 你是专门杀虫的是吗- 我是害虫防治专家Maybe you can help me with a p

27、roblem Im having. 也许你可以帮我解决这个问题How do I get the smell of death out of my house?我该怎么除去家里那股死尸的味道Will you turn that TV down?你能把电视声音关小点吗So you think something died in your house?那么你觉得你家里有什么东西死了吗Oh, I know something is dead哦 我知道有东西死了Well, first thing youre gonna have to do 好吧 你首先要做的就是is locate and dispos

28、e of the carcass. 找到尸体然后丢掉I suppose you could get Mr Dabney to do that.我想这事你可以让Dabney 先生去做Oh, Mr Dabney wont be doing anything哦 Dabney 先生得有段时间不能做家务了around the house for a while-哦 Dabney 先生得有段时间不能做家务了A long while. hes. gone.得有很长一段时间他 走了You know what, would you just turn it off?知道吗 你们不如把电视关掉算了Whats wr

29、ong with your boys today?你的儿子们今天中什么邪了I just got here.我才刚看到他们Um, all right, old trick of the trade呃 好吧 教你个干我们这行的老办法Get yourself some maple syrup, put it on the stove,你找些枫树糖浆放在灶上Let it simmer- that should get rid of the smell.慢慢炖 这样就能除掉那个味道Thank you. Thats very useful information.谢了 你的建议对我帮助不小Bye, boy

30、s.再见了 孩子们ITBOOTPITBOOTPWhat does that stand for? 这又是什么意思In the bathroom out of toilet paper!卫生间没有手纸了TMI!不用说这么具体I cant believe it, but you were right!真是不敢相信你真的说对了Mrs Dabney did it.Dabney 夫人真的杀人了Wow! this is what it feels like to be right, huh?哇 说对事的感觉原来是这样的啊I like it!我喜欢这感觉Too bad somebody had to die

31、, but-真可惜有人死了不过- What are we gonna do now? - I have to tell mom and dad!- 你现在打算怎么办- 我必须得告诉爸爸妈妈Theyre never gonna believe you.他们不会相信你的I didnt believe you and Im ten.我才十岁我都不肯信你Well, then we need proof.那我们要找证据了And I have to warn you, Gabe, until we get that proof,而且我必须要警告你Gabe 在我们找到证据之前Our lives may be

32、 in danger.我们生命只怕还处于危险之中I thought we turned that off.我以为我们已经把电视关了呢Whatd you get for number nine?第九个题你怎么答的Switzerland.瑞士Well, thats odd since were doing math.是吗 这个答案很奇怪因为我们是在做数学- Hi. - Hi.- 嗨 - 嗨Mom, what are you doing here? 妈 你来这儿干吗You werent supposed to pick me up at five.才五点 还不到你接我的时候啊Teddy left a

33、 message and said to come by earlyTeddy 给我留言让我早点来Something about chilling?有些关于“放松”的事Yeah, thats right.是的 没错Thought your mom and I could chill for a little while. 我想你妈妈和我可以一起放松一会儿Really? This is what youre doing?是吗这就是你的打算吗Yeah well, this is what were doing, 是的这就是我们的打算So if you will excuse us, 如果你不介意的

34、话- Wed like a little privacy please. - Sure. fine.- 我们两个想单独聊聊- 当然不介意你们聊吧Ill be in the kitchen with your mom.我会去厨房和你妈妈聊聊Come on over.坐这儿来Sit down next to me, girlfriend.坐我旁边闺蜜Whats this all about? Is ivy in trouble?这是怎么回事啊Ivy惹麻烦了吗Oh, no.哦 不是的Is she back on the chocolate?她是不是又吃巧克力上瘾了No no no, Ivys fin

35、e.不是 不是 不是的 Ivy 没事I just wanted to spend some time with one of the cool moms. 我只是想花点时间和一位很酷的妈妈一起玩会儿- You. - Oh.- 就是你 - 哦Okay.好吧I love your outfit. Whered you get it?你喜欢你的外套你在哪儿弄的My closet.我的衣橱You are so funny. I bet you get that a lot, right?你真风趣啊我敢赌很多人都这么说你吧对吧- No. - no?- 没有 - 没有吗Are we done chilli

36、ng?我们放松完了吗Yes. yes, we are. Because it is time to par-tay.是的 结束了 现在该是派对时间了Lets get jam started.让我们舞动起来吧Yeah! come on, Miss W! Let your freak flag fly!耶 来吧 W 女士 疯狂一下Yeah!耶Thats kind of loud. Could you lower that, please?这个有点吵你能关小点儿声吗Yeah.好的A little bit more.再关小点儿A little bit more.再关小点儿Perfect.好了Uh, h

37、ey, want to do something fun?呃 嘿 你想玩点好玩的吗I like making these video diaries for my baby sister. 我喜欢给我妹妹拍视频日记So how about we say hi?我们一起给她打个招呼吧Hi, Charlie. its teddy here你好 Charlie 这里是 TeddyWith my new friend Mrs wentz.以及我的新朋友Wentz 夫人Hello.你好Lets see how we look.让我们看看效果怎么样Ooh, Id date us. Wouldnt you?

38、哦 我都想同咱俩约会你说呢Im married.我都结婚了Okay, thats enough of that.好吧 视频到此为止吧Now, you know what? Weve been doing a lot of my fun stuff.知道吗 我们一直在玩我喜欢玩的东西Tell me- tell me about you. what do you like to do for fun?跟我聊聊你自己吧你平时都喜欢玩些什么- I like to knit. - Ooh!- 我喜欢织毛衣- 哦That is so cool because. because. anything else

39、?那个很酷啊因为 因为 你还喜欢别的什么吗- I like to read. - Oh, yeah? Me too.- 我喜欢看书- 哦 是吗 我也喜欢What kind of stuff do you like to read?你喜欢看什么书呢Knitting magazines针织杂志Thats awesome. I mean, we have so much in common.太炫了 我是说我们有这么多共同之处You know, once I start reading knitting magazines,你知道吗我一看针织杂志Which youre pulling out of y

40、our bag.就是你从你包里抽出来的这种Okay, shes gone.好了 她走了Heres how this is gonna go down.计划是这样的Im gonna jump over the fence, you hand Charlie to me.我先跳过这个篱笆你再把 Charlie 递给我- And then- - Or I could just walk through the gate- 然后 - 或者我直接从这个门进来Like this.就像这样You did know there was a gate, right?你知道这儿有个门吧Yes. would I b

41、e riding on top of it if I didnt?是的 我都骑在门上了怎么会不知道呢Now what?现在怎么办Now its time to be in operation catch a killer.现在我们该缉拿凶手归案了While babysitting.同时得照看宝宝So, what are we looking for?那么我们要找什么Evidence, clues, a weapon.证据线索还有凶器Mr Dabneys rotting corpse would be nice.要能找到Dabney 先生的尸体也不错Oh my gosh, thats horri

42、ble!哦 天呐 这也太可怕了- What? what do you see? - That paint color- 什么东西你看到什么了- 那面墙的涂装颜色Its so wrong for that room! 和这个房间太不融洽了- I watch a lot of design shows. - Focus!- 我看了很多设计类的节目- 集中注意力- Look. Somethings moving. - Where?- 快看 有东西在动- 哪里By the couch, right- right there.沙发旁边就在那儿- Its a baby! - Its Charlie!- 是

43、个婴儿- 是 CharlieNo, its not. charlies right over-不 怎么可能Charlie 就在inside the murder house!在发生杀人案的屋子里Okay, try to stay with me now好的 尽量跟上我Because were going to get a little wild.我们要来个有点难度的了Instead of knit one, purl two,不再是平织一针反织两针We kick it up to knit one, purl three!我们提高到平织一针然后反织三针Is that even legal? 那

44、样合法吗I dont know,我不知道But I just like living dangerously!但是我喜欢在危险中生活Okay, Im gonna go get something to drink.好吧 我去拿点饮料- Do you want anything? - Oh, not now.- 你要喝什么吗- 哦 暂时不用Im in the zone!我现在进入状态了What you doing in here?你来在这儿干吗Giving up.宣告放弃Did she suck the life out of you?她让你痛不欲生了吧Yeah, pretty much.是的 差不多吧Now you see why Im always at your house. 现在你知道我为什么老是泡在你家了吧Yeah, Im so sorry.嗯 我很抱歉I was being selfish with my mom. And在你和我妈妈的事上我太自私了And even though I think its a little bit weird, 尽管我还是认为这有些怪异You can text her as much as you want.不过现在你想怎么给她发短信就怎么发吧I think I got a better idea.


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