五年级上册英语课件-Unit4 What can you do第5课时|人教 .ppt

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1、Unit 4What can you do?第5课时,Warming up,1. Sing English songs.,What, what, what can you do? Sing, sing, I can sing English songs.What, what, what can you do?Play, play, I can play the pipa.What, what, what can you do?Dance, dance, I can dance.What, what, what can you do?Draw, draw, I can draw cartoons

2、.Wow, its wonderful.,2. Test your eyes(测试你的眼力).,jump,cook,swim,3. Lets play (“传话”游戏).,(1)老师偷偷告诉每组排头组员一个本单元的重点句型,然 后每组同时开始,将听到的句子小声传给下一名同学, 选出最快的一组。,(2)下面是本单元重点句型,集体朗读并说出中文。,What can you do.?I can. / I cant.,Presentation,1.老师介绍 Robin 的信息。,(1)开火车。 全班同学以“开火车”的形式重复老师说的这两句话。,Robin is a robot. He is frien

3、dly and funny.,(2)学习新单词。,He wants a new friend.大家一起学习此句型中的“want”, 分组操练 want,并且用它造句。,(3)知识拓展。,want 的其它常用用法:want to do sth(想要做某事)例如:I want to play basketball.(我想打篮球)同学们可以尝试举个例子吗?,(4)完成探究学习第一题。,用括号中所给单词的正确形式完成句子。(1) Tom is a _ (friend) boy.(2) I have a _ (fun)dog.(3) He wants _ (get) a nice hat.(4) Do

4、you want _ (go) to the cinema?,2.学习 Read and write 部分。,(1)Answer the question. -Do you want to be Robins friend? -Yes, I do. / No, I dont.,(2)听录音,完成探究学习第二题。,选择正确答案。(1)Does Robin want a new friend? Yes,he does. No, he doesnt.(2)Is Robin a robot? Yes, he is. No, he isnt.(3)Can Robin speak English? Yes

5、, he can. No, he cant.(4)Can Robin swim? Yes, he can. No, he cant.,(3)同学们听录音,完成课本 P43 页的习题。,(4)老师播放录音,同学们跟读课文,理解意思。(5)Lets play “配音比赛”. 规则:同学们扮演 Robin, 进行模仿性朗读。 例如: Im Robin the Robot. Im friendly and funny.(6)同学们自愿上台表演,师生共评“口语之星”。,Consolidation,1.完成探究学习第三题。,(1)学校公告栏上发布了志愿 者招募帖,请你给需要帮 助的人选择合适的志愿者。,(

6、2)分组朗读并翻译框中的英文信息。,2. Write a self-introduction.,(1)完成探究学习第四题。假设你想加入志愿者队伍, 帮助他人,写一篇自我介绍,向别人说明你的能力。(2)学生习作: Im Jane. Im 12 years old. I can do many things. I can swim. I can cook. I can sing English songs and dance. I like China. I can do kung fu. Although I cant draw cartoons, I can also help others within my ability.,Homework,1.听录音并背诵课文。2.完成课堂检测中的相关习题。3.预习下一课时。,


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