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1、小升初英语300词模拟测试题(总分100分第一部分听力(共三大题,计15一、听录音,选择所听到的单词。(5分(1. A. show B. go C. photo(2. A. let B. plan C. lio n(3. A. lot B. most C. cross(4. A. city B. chicken C. fish(5. A. guess B. large C. garde n二、听对话和对话后的问题,选择正确答案。(5分(1. A. A black cap. B. A dog. C. A bed.(2. A. It doesn t say. B. Yes, she is. C.

2、No, she isn t.(3. A. A map. B. A photo. C. A picture.(4. A. In the shop. B. In the classroom. C. In the office.(5. A. One. B. Two. C. Three.三、听短文,选择正确答案。(5分(1.It is.A. Mon day morningB. Sun day morningC. Sun day eve ning(2.are playi ng in the park.A. Some boysB. Some girlsC. Many children(3. Some gi

3、rls are singing and dancing.A. n ear the riverB. un der a big treeC. at the table(4. What are Lily and Lucy doing? They reA. talki ngB. play ing gamesC. flyi ng a kite(5.are all hav ing a good time.A. Tom and IB. Lily and LucyC. The childre n第二部分:基础知识与综合能力运用(共九大题,计85分一、根据句意,选出下列各句划线部分的正确意思。(5分(1. -I

4、 ll go with you.-OK! See you the n.A. 看着你B. 到时见C. 好的(2. Every one has a good time.A. 玩得愉快B. 分享快乐C. 好的时间(3. Ken is maki ng a face to us.A谴脸B. 洗脸C. 做鬼脸(4. Their last n ame is Lee.A. 姓B. 名字C. 绰号(5. He moved to the city last mon th.A. 移走B. 挪到C. 搬进二、根据句意,选出与下列各句划线部分相近的解释。(5分(1. My mother takes care of me

5、 well.A. brin gs.toB. looks afterC. thi nks of(2. It s time for bed.A. It s time to bed.B. It s time for getting up.C. It s time to go to bed.(3. What can I do for you?A. Help me!B. Can I help you?C. Do you want some bread? ( 4. Be careful! Here comes the bus!A. Look out!B. Take care of yourself!C.

6、Look after!(5. Pizza is Ken s favourite.A. Ken likes pizza best.B. Ken doesn t like pizza.C. Ken eats the most pizza.三、选择最佳答案。(15分(1. -Whatyou usually do in the after noon?-I usually play football with my brother.A. doB. doesC. are(2. -do you have a party?-Twice a week.A. WhatB. How longC. How often

7、(3. Andy really likeson a park bench with a good book.A. sitB. sitti ngC. sits(4. Lucy n ever drinks teacoffee.A. orB. toC. with(5. -is the weathertoday?-It s cloudy.A. What; likeB. How; likeC. What; /(6. -Whereyou go yesterday?-Ito the park.A. did, goB. did, wentC. do, goes(7. Theretwo supermarkets

8、 and many shops.A. beB. areC. is(8. Let sa surprise for Mum.A. maki ngmakeB. makes(9. -How do you go to school? -A. By buses.B. By a bus.C. By bus.(10. Look! Theybooks in the classroom.A. are readi ngB. readC. reads(11. One of them can no tthe kite.A. flyi ngB. flyC. flies(12. We willhome in the aft

9、er noon.A. come outB. go outC. come back(13. -What would you like to drink?-I d like.A. two glasses of coffeeB. two glass of coffeesC. two glass of coffee(14. Whatyoudo tomorrow?A. are, going toB. did, toC. are, going ( 15. Big birds can eve n runthan a horse.A. more fasterB. fastC. faster四、句型转换。(10

10、分1.1 play football every day.(对划线部分提问do you playfootball?2. There are some pictures in the office.改为否定句 Therepicturesin the office.3. What are Tom and Mary doing?用 watch TV 回答Will you walk to Bird World?(作肯定回答 Yes,.4. Are you going to buy drinks in the zoo?改同义句 you buy drinks in thezoo?五、根据汉语提示完成句子。

11、(10分1.看 the map.2.Kate likes animals.非常3. Willie helped them.过马路4. I玩耍 my dog in the park yesterday.5. This flower is美丽的 than that one六、情景交际。(5 分A: Tomorrow is Saturday. 1 1B: I am going to Harbin.A: That s a good idea. 2 2B: Really? Great! How are we going there?A: 3 3B: 4 4A: We are going to meet

12、at the school gate.B: When are we going to meet?A: 5 5七、完形填空。(10分Willie is a very good dog. He loves 1 people and people love him! Now, look atWillie. How smart he is! He 2 on a farm. When he was very small, he 3 always veryresponsible, smart, and fast. 4 he was a little dog, he started helping 5 th

13、e sheep. Thesheep loved him and he loved the sheep, too. 6 this picture he was three mon ths old. He moved 7 the city. He was very happy and friendly. He 8 to play ball with the children in the park. He 9 took care of them. When he was six mon ths old, he started worki ng with blind people. He helpe

14、d them 10 the street.( 1. A. helping B. help C. helps ( 2. A. is bornB. born C. was born ( 3. A. was B. were C. is ( 4. A. WhereB. WhenC. WhatA. Where are we going to meet?B. What are you going to do?C. I am going to Harbi n, too.D. At 6:00 in the morni ng.E. Let s go there by bus.(5. A. on B. in C.

15、 with(6. A. In B. On C. At(7. A. to B. in C. from(8. A. liked B. liked to C. likes to(9. A. eno ugh B. too C. also(10. A. cross B. walk C. run八、阅读理解。(10分IMr Read has two little girls. They are twin (双胞胎的 sisters. The little girls areonly six years old. They look the same. They often wear the same cl

16、othes. Other people often say Mrs Read is lucky, because the little girls are very beautiful.The two girls have a white cat. The cat looks very ni ce. It likes to play with the twin sisters, and the girls like to play with it, too. They call it Mimi.Mrs Read loves her daughters very much. She ofte n

17、 buys some good food for them. The girls love their mother very much, too. They are very happy.(1. Mrs Read has .A. twinB. a sisterC. twi nsD. a twin sister(2. The twin sisters wear .A. the same shoesB. the same clothesC. the same trousersD. the same dressis very nice.(3. The two sisters A. duckB. d

18、ogC. catD. rat(4. The of the cat is Mimi.A. houseB. n ameC. roomD. doll(5. loves her twin daughters very much.A. Mrs TedB. Miss ReadC. Mr ReadD. Mrs ReadIIIn every Ian guage there are some words. These words have some in terest ing storiesbehind them. The word“ Sandwich ” for example, is very (普通的n(

19、i English. Ifwe want to know the story behi nd it, we must know somethi ng about an En glishno blema n贵族.His n ame is San dwich.San dwich lived in the 18th cen tury世纟己.He was rich, but he liked to play cards formon ey. He ofte n played for 24 hours, and did not eve n stop to have his meals. He let h

20、is serva nt 仆人 bring some meat and bread, and he played whe n eat ing. He put the meat betwee n two pieces of bread, and he held the food in his left hand whe n he played with his right hand. People liked Sandwich s idea and began to eat bread and meat in his way.From the name of the man Sandwich, w

21、e have the word“ Sandwich ” today.(6.“ Sandwich ” is from a man s name. The man was .A. a Chin eseB. an America nC. an En glishma nD. a Fren chma n(7. San dwich lived betwee n .A. 1700 1800B. 1701 1800C. 1700 1799D. 1701 1801(8. San dwich was .A. a poor manB. a serva ntC. a rich manD. a com mon man(

22、9. San dwich ofte n played cards .A. from morni ng till after noonB. from morning till the end of the eve ningC. from morning till the end of ni ghtD. from eve ning till morni ng(10. Now “ Sandwich ” means .A. two pieces of breadB. some bread and some vegetablesC. two pieces of meatD. two pieces of

23、bread with meat betwee n them九、书面表达。(15分根据下表内容写一篇英语短文,介绍你的朋友David Turner。题目是My GoodFrie nd.要求:1.不得逐字翻译,允许适当发挥;2. 可用不同方式表达图表内容;3. 50词左右。姓名David Turner性别男国籍英国出生地Lon don出生日期1986年6月18日爱好足球、电脑、音乐其它情况三年前随父母来中国北京。现在北京第101中学学习,学习成绩优良,是学校足球队队员。小升初英语300词口语模拟测试题(总计20分)一、正确朗读下列单词。5 分) ( make floor busy drink mi

24、 nute fron t large angry welcome frie ndly 二、正确朗读下列句子。5 分)(1. When do you usually practice? 2. Ken doesn t like icecream. 3. Its going to rain. 4. Let the supermgokot. 5. Japan has a largerpopulation than Australia.三、Free talk.根据实际情况回答问题。(10 分)1.What s your n ame? 2. Where are you from? 3. Do you li

25、ke ice cream? 4. What did you do yesterday? 5. What do you usually do on Sun days? 6小升初英语300词模拟测试题听力原文 一、听录音,选择所听到的单词。1. show 2. lion 3. cross 4. city 5. large二、听对话和对话后的问题,选择正确答案。1. W: What s this? M: It s a black cap. It s my father s. Q: What are they talking about? 2. W: Excuse me, are you Mr Sun

26、? M: Yes, I am. Q: Does the woma n kn ow Mrs a beautifiSun? 3 W: Oh, there is a picture on the wall in your bedroom. M: Yes, itpicture. Q: What is on the wall in the boy s bedroom? 4. W: Hello! Can I help you? M:I d like to talk with Mr Green. Where can I find him? W: He s not insthe office now. Hei

27、n the classroom with his students. Q: Where is Mr Green? 5. W: Give me two bottles of milk, please. M: OK! Here you are. Q: How many bottles of milk does the woma n want?三、听短文,选择正确答案。It is Sun day morni ng. A lot of childre n are playi ng inthe park. Some boys are play ing games n ear the river. Som

28、e girls are singing and dancing un der a big tree. What are Lily and Lucy doing? They are talk ing at the table. What is Tom doing? He is flying a kite. They are all having a good time. 7小升初英语300词模拟测试题参考答案 第一部分:一、15 ACCAB二、15 ACCBB 三、15 BCBAC 第二部分: 一、15 BACAC 二、BCBAA 15 三、ACBAA 15 610 BBBCA 1115 BCAAC 四、1. How often 2. aren t any 3. They are watching TV. 4. I will 五、1. Look at 4. played with 六、B C E A D 七、15 ACABC八、I. 15 CBCBD II. 610 CCCCD 610 AAACA 5. will 2. very much 5. more beautiful 3. cross the street 8


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