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1、小学-英语-上册-打印版Module 7 Unit 1 He cant see.名校教案一、教材分析本课是外研版新标准英语三年级起点五年级上册第七模块第一单元。本单元以“ Dog”为主线,讲述狗在日常生活中是非常有用的,谈论动物对人类的帮助。在此之前,学生们已经学习“can的有关用法,这为过渡到本单元的学习奠定了基础。能用 can和can表达人们能做和不能做的事情。学习本单元内容是对接下来如何用英语表达意愿等方面做了良好的铺垫。二、学情分析本课的教学对象是五年级学生,学生基础较好。他们已掌握了一定的语音、词汇、语法、话题表达等英语基础知识,具备了一定的听、说、读、写能力,形成了一定的综合语言运

2、用能力。在此之前,学生已经学习了情态动词can与动词的构成。因此,学习过程中,要求教师要尽力创造恰当的语言环境,让学生大胆练习,并获得充足的语言 打得”,鼓励学生努力实践,积极运用,养成自主学习的能力,培养良好的学习情感。三、教学目标1、 语言知识目标:a.用“can和“can谈恰能力的不足。b.全体学生能够初步运用语句She/He/They can,和She/He/They can tc.全体学生能够理解词汇 :a lot, useful ,show ,blind, deaf, hear, her, fire, hot dog全体学生能够初步运用词汇:hear, her部分学生能够初步理解词

3、汇presenter ,firefighter, sausaged.进一步感知一般疑问句的语音语调。2、语言技能目标:a.全体学生能听懂:This man is blind. He can t see. Can we have a dog, Mum? No, we can t .I m sorry.b.全体学生能说: He can t see. She can t hear.c.全体学生能整体感知:can, can t, hear ,herd.全体学生能视觉感知:can, can t, hear, here.全体学生能运用She/He/They can,和She/He/They can t描述

4、自己或他人所能做的事和不能做的事。3、情感态度目标a.学生认识到保护动物,保护自然的重要性。b.乐于感知并积极尝试使用英语。4、学习策略积极与他人合作,运用所学英语进行表达和交流,进一步提高学习英语的兴趣。5、文化意识在学习和日常交际中,能初步注意到中外文化的异同。四、教学重点1.正确谈论 He / she can-t. The dog helps him/her。五、教学难点注意第三人称单数谓语动词变化和宾格的运用,can t-./help(s).六、教学准备单词卡片、CD-ROM、课件、多媒体展台七、教学过程(一)复习导入 Warm-up and lead in ( 4 分钟)1. Gre

5、etings.Good morning, boys and girls. How are you?2. Say a chant.【设计意图】 师生边做边演,通过朗朗上口的歌谣,让学生在歌谣中体会到学习英语的乐趣。也复习了旧知,同时也创设了英语学习的良好氛围。3. Free talkCan the spider play football? Can the spider play basketball?What can the spider do?Can dogs climb up any the wall?Do you want to know what can dogs do?【设计意图】

6、通过Free talk,师生互问互答,感知复习can的用法,引入活动一教学内容。4. Lead-inWatch the CD-ROM (Activity1 ) and answer a question: What can dogs do?【设计意图】 学生带着问题观看 CD-ROM ,答案They can do a lot. They can help a lot.小学-英语-上册-打印版小学 - 英语 - 上册 - 打印版介绍课文情境的同时,导入新词a lot。A. Teach the word “ a lot ”.We know dogs can do a lot. They can h

7、elp a lot. So we know: Dogs are useful. Then teach the word “ useful ”B. Listen and chant.Teacher letsSs listen and repeat , then say it together.(二)任务呈现Task presentation (1 分钟)Show the task of this lesson ( PPT 出示)In this lesson, we ll know more about dogs. we ll learn how to use can or can t to ta

8、labilities. And after that, you can introduce your favourite animals abilities.Let s learn M7U1He can (板书课题) t see.【设计意图】本环节将本课内容呈现给学生,并将学习本课后的任务布置给学生,让学生有目的的学习,让学生明确本课的任务及学完本课后能够用英语做的事情。(三)课文学习Text learning (18 分钟)1 .Watch the CD-Rom and answer :A Pay attention to the new words: show, presenter.介绍语

9、篇背景Look, Sam, Amy, Lingling are watching a TV show about dogs. The TVpresenter said dogs are very useful.B Can Sam have a dog?【设计意图】视觉感知,预测大意,带有问题启发思维,为下一步课文学习奠定基础。教师引导和帮助学生解决问题,以学定教。2 .Read the text by yourselves quickly and silently .Dogs are very useful. What can they do in this TV show? This tim

10、e use your pencils to underline the answers.And talk about the answers in groups.【设计意图】学生自主阅读、小组合作交流,讨论解决阅读中的问题,培养学生小组合作意识,达到“兵帮兵,兵强兵”的目的。3 . Show the answers in class one group by one group. Learn to say the words and sentences.A. This man is blind. He can dt osgeeh.eTlphsishim.小学- 英语- 上册 - 打印版小学-英

11、语-上册-打印版(Show the picture and introduce the picture and get them to learn: blind-kind find.)【设计意图】 注重语音教学的渗透,学生也容易掌握B. This girl is deaf. She can t hear. This dog helps her.(Show PPT, read and learn deaf, hear, her)(Practice hear :播放一段声音 Can you hear?引导学生:Yes, we can. So this girl can t.We can help

12、her.Practice her: Show PPT. This girl can t walk. Her father herpsThis girl can t swim. Her mother helpsC. Last week, there was a fire, this dog helped the firefighters(Read and learn)D. Talk about these three sentences in class.E. Talk about the dogs in this TV show by yourselves, then show in clas

13、s.【设计意图】 在教师的引领下,通过图片并能够正确问答,激发学生的学习兴趣,并巩固 He / she canThe dog helps him/her”这个句型,为接下来学习打下基础。同时紧接着的操练活动,让学生明确如何描述。4 . Sum-upLook at the sentences. What s the same?我们可以用这些句子干什么呢?How to usecan and can t ?我们还可以使用 Can we?来表达请求。学生总结出人称的宾格用在动词后。注意动词第三人称单数的变化。【设计意图】 培养学生自主学习的能力,简单的句型自己能归纳。然后学生汇报,以学定教。同时,学生

14、在语境中感知,理解和学习核心词汇及核心语句,体验语言功能。对于学 生难以理解和表达的词句进行强化训练,体现哪里不会教哪,谁不会教谁。5 . Listen and repeatPlease look at this picture. What are they eating? They are eating hot dogs. Are they reallydogs?弓I导学生 describe hot dogs. (They are very nice. They are bread and sausages). What about dogs?弓 I导学生 describe dogs. So

15、 we know hot dogs are not dogs.【设计意图】在听音跟读及模仿的过程中让学生感受英语的韵律,进一步理解语篇含义,体验核心词句的语言功能和句型结构,让学生有意识地模仿语音语调。6 .Read the text one by one in groups. (You can help each other.)小组跟读,然后分角色朗读,引导学生模仿录音的语音语调。【设计意图】通过自读与分角色朗读,进一步理解语篇含义,同时培养语感,纠正发音 (四)训练巩固Practice (10 分钟)1 .Let s do some practicRete11the story.There

16、 s a TV about dogs. The TV p says dogs are very u .Dogs can help the b man and the d girl. Last week, there was af , this dog helped the f. Lingling, Sam and Amy had h dogs for dinner.They are sand bread.【设计意图】练习设计的都是本课的重点,学生通过练习可以提高英语的实际运用能 力。2 .用can和cant谈论自己的能力,并用上以下短语。play football play basketbal

17、l jump high sing dance run fast【设计意图】 通过以上的游戏活动,帮助学生巩固词汇而且在真实的语境中,巩固了词汇句型的运用,通过自评的方式,让学生充分体验学习的愉悦感!3. Do a survey in class:swimjump high(五)任务完成 Task completion (5分钟)1 . Introduce your favourite animals【设计意图】本环节是呼应前面的任务呈现环节,学完本课后,学生能够运用本课所学知识完成任务。寓教于乐,在真实的情境中运用语言。同时可以以此反馈学生本课学习目标的达成情况,为二单元的巩固课提供备课指导。

18、2 .Write about them.(六)小结与布置作业Summary and homework ( 2 分钟)What have we learnt?学生答完后,教师给与补充。1. Sum up the knowledge and the skills of this lesson.学生说完后,教师补充。【设计意图】通过学生对本课句型结构及语言功能的总结,再一次明确本课任务并能够根据自己的目标和技能达成情况进行自我总结,课后及时进行归纳和巩固。2. Homework.A. The whole class:Listen , imitate and read the text five ti

19、mes.B. Some of the class:Use can or can t to talk abourt abilities.。【设计意图】 让学生明确本课所学,通过作业进行巩固和强化,达成本课的学习目标;分层布置作业,尊重学生个体差异,有利于学生个性发展。Dogs are very useful. They can help people a lot. Do you want to be useful boys and girls?For example, you can help mum do some housework. You can help your classmates sweep th e floor. Please try your best to help others. You can be a useful pupil.【设计意图】 人与动物,人与人之间互帮互助,对本课学习进行情感渗透,思想升华七、板书设计小学-英语-上册-打印版Module7 Unit1 He cant see.him.This man is blind. He can2 see. ThiThis girl is deaf. She can二 hear. Thisdog Helps her.


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