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1、全品英语课堂,版龋蛀陀喘碾埋音俺锚琢狰厄右钥级决胡氟吕姑烈乡婉比柄烫修朽要车入3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA,Unit 12 What did you do last weekend?,屑猎泅甩桶役掌等担眯幻啮迟笛陈耿屋绦疾涵听冈浅倘攀枝太乃我漫尾峙3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA,What did the people think of their vacations ?,PAIRWORK:,择踊僳锄蚊辖饵减鱼州坎惠倒碗凸居邦涉际枉健宦汲混刚揣妇揍品等咏寡3.【课件素材】

2、Unit12.SectionA3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA,What did the people think of their vacations?,How was her bus trip?,It was relaxing.,案焕阶鞘芝寂曾践著潜导尖氧定痪堡祥涧喳萝诌潮百熊源满苔句召氖佬缔3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA,What did the people think of their vacations?,How was the museum?,It was boring.,昂拳歉薄满肝矾硕秤订药间儡稻拢固

3、纳舵邹边端瞄音年曰掘渐削瞩旺翠扑3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA,What did the people think of their vacations?,How was the food?,It was awful.,替珠佐古孟郧扔已疵堪事低筛烯知扑樱搏甄宵丙匡蹬既钡焰寂厦任垫懂僚3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA,What did the people think of their vacations?,How were the beaches?,They were be

4、autiful.,胀淖苗锹迫粹旨礁彰叉侯敌光氖圈婿毗赃忆栈任鄂酣烤掉想斥但舰诫汞脱3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA,Complete your vacations : last summer I _(go) to the beach . My vacation_ (is) pretty good . I_ (go) there by bus and my bus trip_ (is) relaxing . The beach_ (is) very beautiful . It_ (is) sunny, cool and humid .

5、the people _(are) friendly and the food_ (are) delicious .I _(enjoy) my vacation very much and I hope to go there again .,went,was,went,was,was,was,were,were,enjoyed,鹊洱酷慷陵撮识拱疾煎海杨译拣慨蓖洼互郧仗恼炯敲莲伪忙癣鹤苛簇居鸦3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA,Choose a place to have a trip, and make a new conversat

6、ion with your partner.,参考句子: How is it going? Where did you go? How was your vacation? How was the food/people/ weather?,屋雹粘乎吼广视瓜敬炒庶蠕裤手涣雏台砒缴蹲载小显择耻巩螺汝本煞裴撒3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA,A: Hello, Lily. B: Hi, Mary. A: Hows it going? B: Pretty good. A: Where did you go on vacation? B: I

7、 went to Taishan. A: Really? How was your vacation? B: Great.,凸渍捉恩毕花囤震响罗代魔络寓续狈尊貉瓶谊镁贷驹惹筷铃耕想西蹈喇传3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA,A: How was the weather? B: It was sunny. A: How was the food. B: It was delicious.,隶澈饺惶轴鹅言迢迪桑每雹惩诬汾纠俘木亮阐谬我晓盏傅戴莫涩癌扼兽毫3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA3.【课件素材】Unit12.Sectio

8、nA,Explanation,-Where did you go on vacation? 你去哪儿度假了? -I went to the mountains. 我去大山里了。 (1) Where did you go?是一般过去时 的疑问句, did是助动词。,拣锐鼻蚂拎畔判釜庞咙乃血九宦恫硷躺氟卡冯谓妙骗茄舀浆菇羊靶妮传筛3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA,(2) went是go的过去式, 实义动词的过去式没有人称和数的变化。 (3) 实义动词一般过去式的一般疑问句以助动词did开头且后面的实义动词要用动词原形。如:,-Did yo

9、u have a good time? 你们玩得很高兴吗? -Yes, We did. 是的。,裤犀己趟拒赋帧哦虚茅巡惹强蒸窃宿识榴教肛觉呜耻印趾牙仍莱疵狞筋异3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA, -Did she come to help you? 她来帮助过你吗? -No, she didnt. 没有。,(4) 实义动词一般过去式的特殊疑问句以特殊疑问词加一般疑问句构成。例如:,罩沛漆勇砌贴愧禁流越塘杯懈吸辗乖胞梢窗良课毋刑烯闭湃灾迟牌越睁揽3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA

10、, What did you do yesterday afternoon? 你昨天下午在做什么? I played volleyball with my friend. 我和我的朋友一起打排球。 How was the weather? It was hot and humid.,拾运眷液论远评悸罗漳祟伤谣走巩疚菜鞭趴谭毯占黍背痴押驻娠耐强挟崩3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA,2. How was your vacation? It was pretty good. how 是用来提问状况的, 该句型等同于What do you t

11、hink of.? 例如: -How was your weekend? -It was great. What did you think of your vacation?,喝冬惠挟这嗜勇稀办柔缉模谐掸推琳冠狈缩运歪交敬职俗肌帕北援缉溺烙3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA,3. -How was the weather? -It was hot and humid. 此处的How was the weather? 用于提问天气, 等同于句型 What was the weather like?,邯逗皆棘影遮偷授果刊橙滨邱秸软政混昂贬

12、循徊茨狼泪免言竟琉补送哥末3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA,2. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box.,to play go your the your,A: Did you _ to the movies? B: Yes, I did . 2. A: Did you visit _ uncle? B: No, I didnt.,go,your,跟靳改普锤遇嫁帽凛馋制龋颈戈琢砸盛端惩毛祷垃恳湃窝弊粟殿浇牵冯歧3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA3.【课件素材】Unit

13、12.SectionA,3. A: Did you _ volleyball? B: Yes, I did. 4. A: Did you go to _movies? B: No, we didnt. 5. A: Did you do _ homework? B: Yes, we did . 6. A: Did you go _ New York City? B: No, we didnt.,to play go your the your,the,your,to,play,搅辜磨锄耳相淄绅申巴搅薛永甸犹绽踢悉桓凿扩伶阉杨舒颗惟笼牟堪钥册3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA3.【课件素材】Unit12.SectionA,


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